![]() FISH OR CUT BAIT Another Trump KerfuffleBy BOB CIMINEL
August 10, 2016
Why, in a country founded on a Constitution emulated by other countries, are supporters of constitutional rights being pilloried by the press? When you abhor a document that granted so many rights to our citizens I must question what it is you are trying to attain: Anarchy, totalitarianism or tyranny? Obviously, you don’t like our current form of representative democracy founded on two simple and reasonable documents, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Trump Secret Service
As I see it, our country is currently being ruled by minorities, contrary to how a representative democracy is meant to be ruled. It took a Supreme Court ruling to override state rights on the issue of same-sex marriage. The Court interpreted the Constitution rather than determining if current Federal legislation discriminated against same-sex marriage. But the yardstick the Supremes used was not the Constitution; the Constitution does not address marriage. They instead ruled on state laws, declaring that states were violating a constitutional right not addressed by the Constitution. And once again, we have the Supreme Court interpreting the Constitution based on what is not in it rather than what is in it and they did it without involving the Legislature. The Supreme Court is supposed to compare laws to the Constitution, not create laws simply because the Constitution does not address issues that either did not exist or were not issues when it was ratified. It is but a simple step for a Supreme Court comprised of an activist liberal majority to employ the same methods when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. In 1876 the Court ruled that the right to bear arms is not granted by the Constitution, and that right also is not dependent on that document for its existence. The right pre-existed in common law and early state constitutions. The Second Amendment was written to prevent disarming the local militias. The amendment is there to ensure our rights cannot be forcibly excised by the Federal government. Naturally, progressives and liberals have a problem with this because their goal is to have the Federal government control everything. It never has been about gun violence; that is the red herring in the debate. In essence, what Donald Trump was saying is this election will determine who sits on the Supreme Court as a lifetime appointee. With the Court’s record of ruling in favor of minority positions and interpreting the Constitution rather than our written laws there is a likely threat to the 2nd Amendment with Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office. The difference is that firearm owners make up over 40% of the population, and they vote. There is something they can do that is as far removed from violence as one can achieve.
Bob Ciminel ©2016 Bob Ciminel's articles may include satire and parody, and mix fact with fiction. He assumes informed readers will be able to tell the difference. Bob is retired and lives in South Carolina, he worked for the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations. He has also been a conductor on the Blue Ridge Scenic Railway, and currently volunteers for numerous projects in his community. This column has been edited by the author. Representations of fact and opinions are solely those of the author.
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