![]() by George Miller December 25, 2004
One primary meaning of 'Word', used in the previous scripture is 'The Divine Expression'. The divine expression took on human form to make a way for the human race, all lost to sin and disobedience. Regardless of our view of Jesus, either as some nice legend from antiquity, or as Creator, God, and Savior, The Bible reveals Him as Almighty God taking on human form, something He never had during His eternal existence as ruler of the universe. He came from eternal glory to the depths of humiliation. He abdicated heavens throne for a pile of straw in manger. He sacrificed infinite riches to embrace poverty. He bade farewell to heaven's love to receive men's hatred and shame. He surrendered heavens' adoration to suffer scorn, and He turned from celestial bliss and life as ruler of all creation, including heaven, to die between two thieves on a cross. He is the tree of life. He is consecrated forever and makes us sanctified forever, by His precious blood. He is the minister of the Sanctuary. He is the mediator the New Covenant. He is the high priest of ALL GOOD THINGS to come. He's the Lion of Judah, and the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. He is the New and Living Way. He was born contrary to the laws of birth. He lived contrary to the laws of life. He healed, contrary to he laws of medicine. He was tried and condemned contrary to the laws of justice and He arose, contrary to the laws of death and the grave. He ascended contrary to the laws of gravity and He is coming back again contrary to the expectation of those who embrace the natural world-view. He is the same yesterday,
today and forever. He is the Great Shepherd of ALL THE SHEEP.
The story of Christmas is the story of Jesus. His time as a human child was very short. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will judge the living and the dead at the last day. All authority is given to Him in heaven and on earth. He will cast Satan into the abyss, where there will no recourse for the prince of darkness. Jesus is not a baby anymore. He will ride a white horse and his fiery eyes will search out all wickedness and deal righteously with it. None will hide from Him. Many will love the sign of His appearing and rejoice when He parts the heavens and comes for His own. He will invite them into eternal joy with Him and so will they be with Him forever. How blessed it will be for those who trust their lives to Him. He will keep every promise He ever made without fail and everything that breathes will worship at His feet. Merry CHRISTmas to all and God Bless You!
Pastor George Miller is the
minister of the Good News Fellowship located at 2409 First Avenue
in Ketchikan, Alaska.