by Mrs. Crabcakes - Ketchikan, Alaska is not intended to be taken to heart as serious advice.
October 22, 2004
I have an embarrassing problem. Ever since I can remember, I've talked out loud to myself. My mother always did it too, but I'm worse than her, and more so since I was widowed last year. I'm not what you'd consider a loner even though I only have a cat and no housemates. I'm friendly with my neighbors and go visit them on occasion. I dine and go to the movies with other friends, and I enjoy socializing and company. What worries me, is I'm in my mid-seventies. I've heard that this may be a sign of dementia, or Alzheimers. I don't want to be thought of as senile, and I don't feel I'm losing any mental capacity. I've seen people in the grocery store turn and look at me, and once, a young woman said, "What?" That made me realize I do it in public sometimes, and I want to know if you think it is a serious issue or not. TALKATIVE OLD WOMAN
DEAR TOW, How to deal with it depends
on your personality. You could always carry around a digital
voice recorder and make it appear you are dictating thoughts
for a book or something. I myself just look at the person closest
to me, and demand (in a not-so-friendly voice), "Turn
around evesdropper! This is a private conversation!"
Sometimes, One isn't the loneliest number...
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