Can The Experts Rescue Halloween?By DANNY TYREE October 27, 2015
So I have assembled a group of experts to offer their advice for keeping All Hallows' Eve relevant and vibrant. (Be forewarned that some personal prejudices and agendas may creep into the discussion.) Mark: I think before Americans answer life-changing questions such as "Trick or treat?", they should do some soul-searching and ask themselves, "How would the Founding Fathers answer that?" And not just the ones who took a slanted view because they had wooden teeth that got all gummed up with candy.
Trick or treat
Sabrina: Let's not forget to make generous donations to Planned Parenthood. I can't think of a single other place where parents can get candy x-rayed for razor blades, can you? George: Let's modernize and make everyone dressed like a hobo and accept bitcoin. Sam: I'm fine with the classic Friday the 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street stuff; but for Texas Chainsaw Massacre costumes, can't we have a windmill-powered chainsaw? Dylan: And can't we change the name from Halloween to Indigenous Ghosties and Ghoulies and Long-Legged Beasties Day? John: No! Let's not only keep the name but put the WEAN back into Halloween. Instead of toilet-papering trees and houses, we could cover them with termination-of-welfare notices. Hey, anybody wanna help me spend my Earned Income Credit after the meeting? Jason: Doesn't all this talk about the GREAT Pumpkin bother anyone? Let's make sure that ALL the pumpkins get a gold star. Frank: I think we need to build a wall to keep out the brown M&Ms. Theo: We all need to be honest. Yeah, maybe the Grim Reaper claimed your grandma and grandpa; but deep down, the real reason people hate him is because of the hoodie! Admit it, man! Tyrone: We can't let good ol' superstitions, omens and bad luck fall into disuse. Join the "Black 9 Lives Matter" movement! Gretchen: We've got to stamp out clichés. The Bride of Frankenstein needs an annulment from that inarticulate Creature. She should be the Bride of the Naughty Librarian. Carl: Vampire bats or vampire drones — honestly, which says 21st century to you? Luke: Remember how the Vandals SACKED Rome? Obvioulsy, today's ubiquitous candy bags are a chilling reminder of violence and oppression. And did you ever notice how "fun-size" sounds a lot like "gun-size"? Need I say more? Paul: Let's make sure the Invisible Man is really TRANSPARENT — and not just someone saying, "Nothing to see here, folks. Move along..." Zeke: Actually, it's all a moot point. The world is going to end before Halloween. It's because the moon is going to turn red — or Orion's belt is going to clash with his sandals, or the Big Dipper is going to run away with the spoon or something. You'll have to ask my preacher. *Sigh* Did you realize that Americans spent $6.9 billion on Millard Fillmore's birthday until I convened a panel on how to keep Millard Filmore's birthday relevant?
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