![]() Three-Year Term Published:
Greetings! I am 31 years old and returned to Alaska during the summer of last year due to my love for the terrain and the people. I returned with my two dogs Truman and Nixon, good hiking boots, and a will to continue to help people and places thrive. I have been performing service-oriented work ever since becoming an overeducated geek in physics and astronomy, my academic passions. My greatest work experiences occurred while teaching high school chemistry and creating business development opportunities in the Bristol Bay region. I have also worked in politics both local and national in scope, created and implemented solid waste managment programs, and developed a Citizens Utility Board down south. These days I am the executive director of the Tongass Conservation Society and headline our efforts to create economical and ecological sustainability for the Tongass region. Current volunteer work:
Over dinner a couple of summers ago, after the throngs of reporters had left us alone and we had loosened our ties, a very wise man, good friend, and public citizen extraordinaire proceeded to talk shop. I'd like to share parts of that conversation with you - for that conversation, more than any other, is why I am running for office and seek your vote for Borough Assembly. "There can be no daily
democracy without daily citizenship." Democracy is an ideal shaped by the thoughts and actions of citizens. The powers that be do not own or control democracy - we do. With that in mind I believe that any elected representative has a fundamental responsibility to listen to and serve the will of ALL people and allow special interests to go by the wayside. We the people, in turn, have the responsibility to keep elected officials in check daily. That dual responsibility represents the finest element of democracy and ensures our communities will be guided in a just, ethical manner. What is daily citizenship? It's personal; it's reaching out to your neighbors; it's activity in the pursuit of good for all; it's the highest of responsibilities - daily. "This borough has far more problems than it deserves and far more solutions than it applies." Schoenbar. Poor handling of
the Ward Cove properties and veneer plant. 20^th century thinking
in the 21^st century. Dysfunctional use of Borough staff time
and resources. Strained relationships with the City and other
government entities. Funding priority lists that do not reflect
the wishes of Borough residents. Strategic plans without innovative
thought or comprehensive public input. Assembly members that
serve special interests and friends first. Yes, our Borough has
more than it's fair share of problems. Yet with this election
we the people have the opportunity to start building towards
the revitalization of our community where the Assembly truly
represents the will of all people, with integrity. We the people
have the power to put in place an Assembly that utilizes the
creative resources of the public at large. We the people have
the strength to raise the quality of life for all of us by moving
beyond the stagnant nature of the sitting Assembly. And we the
"When strangers start acting like neighbors... communities are reinvigorated." By embracing one another no matter our differences we may pursue the common good effectively and efficiently. Good will and good people go hand in hand, and each of us can see and explore it in one another. By electing officials who stand by this principle, our collective ability to move forward progressively and positively will, indeed, reinvigorate our community. Thanks for considering my candidacy for Borough Assembly. I strive to embody the common sense principles outlined above in my work, my volunteer activities, and my friendships, and will do the same as your Assembly member. You can count on an open door, an open government, and an open mind with me as your representative at the table. Please visit www.gregoryvickrey.com and www.gregoryvickrey.com/issues.html to learn more about my campaign. Send me an email via gregory@gregoryvickrey.com to share your thoughts and raise questions and concerns. I have heard from so many good folks aleady and would love to hear from you, too.