![]() 3-year terms - Two Seats Open
Published: September 24, 2008
I'm Dave Lieben, and I'm running for School Board. I previously served on the School Board from 2004 to 2007, including a year as School Board President. I'm 49 years old, I'm a web site designer, part-time tour bus driver, and stay-at-home dad. My lovely wife Katrina has been a nurse in the New Beginnings unit of Ketchikan General Hostpial, she is currently working as a House Supervisor, and will soon receive her master's degree and become a midwife. We have two wonderful kids, Danny is in second grade and Sara is in kindergarten. I think my experience serving on the Board will help as the board continues to work on some of the challenges facing the district. Obviously our dropout rate is much too high. During my time on the board we focused our resources on helping children read in the early grades, for example, adding reading specialists in the grade schools. I'm confident this investment of resources will pay divideds down the line as children arrive in high school ready to succeed. I also think there needs to be a high priority given to career prep courses at the high school, which help to keep students interested in school, and also to athletics. I think one of the biggest challenges for the board is to keep within its role of setting direction for the district, without taking over the superintendent's role of running the district. I think it's important for the board to work well together, and to work well with the superintendent. I hope everyone in the community
feels like they can talk to me, and tell me how they think we
could serve our students better. You can call me at 225-2603,
or e-mail me at dlieben@yahoo.com.