![]() Edward (Ed) PluteCandidate for Ketchikan City Mayor
Theft on the high seas of Ketchikan?
I moved to Alaska in year 2000, and have worked as an engineer, mechanic as well as an electrician for the United States Navy. I've been honored with a place in community events in the aim of helping our community. Over time this has given me insight into what our community really needs, and deserves. As a worker and an honest man here, I've truly grown to love and feel like a part of this community. This is our home! The reason I'm running for office has nothing to do with me. This is about our home. We can't even drink our tap water! Our children are drinking water with ammonia in it! Ammonia has in no way been mandated, so why is it in our water? This water can't even support aquatic life, so what do you think it's doing to our bodies?
Granted, a lot of our money has been funneled into this current system, but it's simply time that we cut our losses. If we can't even trust our mayor or city council to provide us with clean water, then it's painfully obvious that we need a serious change.
Why has the K.P.U been allowed to borrow millions from our harbor fund? And the consequence of such is a 7% rate hike out of our pockets?! That's the highest rate hike in all of these United States, right here in Ketchikan! If K.P.U is supposedly reimbursing this loan, then why is there any reason at all for us to continue to pay for this increased rate? Yet another example of blotched and total mismanagement of our community money. Another example would be the $300,000.00 light control switch located near the unemployment office. Also, the $300,000.00 break room that was built for the water works division in an old warehouse. Is this a bad joke? It could have been built for a small fraction of that price! Where is our money really going?
We need to reduce our taxes. Our state is broke, and we are going to be right behind them at this rate! We cannot afford to borrow more money and we are all loaned out! And why are we giving this hospital $15,000,000.00 without permission of the people? And why are we buying their equipment for them when it's their own responsibility? Why are we paying exorbitant amounts for our healthcare when we've payed for the very building we're receiving the care in? A reduced rate at the very least would be appropriate! It's over $38,000.00 per man woman and child before this bond is paid for.
The executive of PeaceHealth himself has called me and promised they were not in the business of making a profit. What is this nonsense? When a business claims it's not after money and yet is raking it in hand over fist, a very big red flag is raised in my eyes.
So why do we pay our city manager, Karl Amylon, double paychecks as well as double benefits in perpetuity?! From what the city has told me it would cost us $300,000.00 to remove the culprit from office, and for the community to regain executive authority. This would, in comparison be a small price to pay when we look at all these useless and costly contracts that have been enacted on our dime.
Leadership keeps switching from office to office, borough to city. Seems to me that they are part of a very profitable private club, all expenses paid on our dime, as well as our families living conditions!
Our leadership is weak. If they weren't allowing this to happen, and decided to clean up their act, then I wouldn't be running for office. We can have a complete recall anytime. I haven't and won't ever give up on our community. Now is the time, this must stop!
I encourage everyone out there who is vigilant and cares for their community to run for office. This is an official letter to let the community know that I will be running for Mayor of the city of Ketchikan. Please feel free to contact me with any comments, thoughts, or information that you feel I should know about.
Contact information is as follows:
Ed Plute 1935 Tongass ave Suite A Ketchikan AK 99901
Thank you for your support, this is a community event.
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Ketchikan, Alaska
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