![]() October 04, 2016
(SitNews) - Write-In Kevin Johnson
I am excited about getting an opportunity to represent the members of our community in the upcoming school board election. My wife introduced me to Ketchikan, Alaska 22 years ago as I came up with her to work during the summer. Melissa is a third generation graduate of the Ketchikan Public School System. Melissa and I have three beautiful children and two are actively attending school in the district. Our oldest son has recently graduated from Ketchikan High School and is attending college in California. I have been very fortunate to take advantage of many opportunities this Southeast Alaskan environment offers.
I have been actively involved in public school education for over 20 years as a teacher, parent, athletics coach and administrator. I have served on many different advisory boards that dealt with issues of equality and finance. I spent the first 7 years of my teaching career in the Ketchikan Public School System. Ketchikan Public Schools are unique and present a set of challenges that most do not understand when it comes to the relationship between the community and school district. During those years I worked with some wonderful educators who were aspiring to be the most excellent in the profession, thank you. I have a tremendous grasp on the idea of do more with less. I was active and on the front lines during some of the lowest funded years the education system endured nationally. I strongly value being proactive and seeking innovative ways to overcome barriers to success.
My platform is simple as I care about the students and people that make-up our diverse community. Great communities create great schools which create successful people. We need to constantly evaluate our school system to make sure it is a reflection of what our community represents.
I do look forward to implementing concurrent enrollment at the high school for students who are eligible to take college level courses. I would like to create new diverse partnerships in the community to help enrich the curriculum our school system offers. I strongly feel it is vital that the curriculum we offer is connected to the demographic make-up of Ketchikan.
I hope that you vote for me and please remember to write my name down and fill in the oval.
Kevin Johnson
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This is the 14th year, Sitnews has provided FREE web exposure to all local Ketchikan candidates to provide information for consideration by their constituents.
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Ketchikan, Alaska
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