SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Regular Election - October 05, 2021

Grant EchoHawk

Candidate for Ketchikan Borough Assembly 2021
3 Year Term (2 Seats Open)


Received: September 20, 2021
Published: September 20, 2021

1. Why you are running for office.

jpg Grant EchoHawk 

Candidate for Ketchikan Borough Assembly 2021

Grant EchoHawk
Candidate for Ketchikan Borough Assembly 2021

I am running for office because I have the knowledge and experience to manage large projects, understand that collaboration is critical to accomplishing difficult goals, and am dedicated to uplifting my community. I want to see my community prosper today and help lay the groundwork to ensure that our children are given the opportunity to prosper tomorrow.

2. Experience and education.

I was born in Fairbanks, raised in Metlakatla, and spent some time in Ketchikan as a child before my family moved down south.  As I traveled throughout the country I worked for some of the largest corporations in the telecommunications industry and solidified a successful career as a business leader for over 15 years. Shortly after my return to Ketchikan, I took on the role of the Regional Manager for a local credit union with some of my key responsibilities being the expansion of services to underserved communities in Southeast Alaska and creating a new contact center to better serve the members.  I currently work for WISH as a Child Advocacy Center Coordinator to open a new facility that will offer support to child victims of abuse and neglect that will serve Southern Southeast Alaska.  In addition, I volunteer as the Board President of KRBD, the Board Treasurer of The Ketchikan Wellness Coalition, and serve on two committees for the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council.

3. Identify at least two significant issues and challenges facing our community and your ideas on addressing these issues. (Please do not just say you will be open to public input. Be specific about the issues and challenges and your specific ideas to bring to the table.)

Economic growth and housing are two of the most critical issues facing our community but we have some great opportunities and options available to us to help solve both of these issues.  First, we have a world class fiber optic network that was activated less than a year ago which opens up an entire universe of new types of jobs like remote workers and technology based jobs.  This network also allows our existing businesses to operate more efficiently and gives them the opportunity to offer new experiences and services to theirs and to cruise line customers all throughout the island.  My experience in wireless communications and business combined with my ability to effectively collaborate with different organizations and entities to offer island wide solutions is where I believe I can truly help in this area.  We also have a growing mariculture industry that we can take advantage of as well as a growing network of farmers markets and community gardens which creates a culture of sustainability and will help stabilize our economy.  Clearing a path for these endeavors to create a robust, self-sustaining network of local business will be another priority of mine.  Currently the borough is vetting some creative options to reduce the cost of development which is a considerable obstacle to offering workforce housing throughout the island.  I am following this conversation very closely and am encouraged by its direction.  I will continue to foster an environment which allows new ideas to grow into solutions while encouraging all of our community leaders to look closely at any obstacles and find solutions to overcome them.


Email letters of support for your candidate to

Ketchikan Regular Election October 05, 2021 - Tuesday
Early & In-Person Absentee Voting Begins September 20, 2021

For over two decades, SitNews has provided a section at no cost for all candidates for the local Ketchikan Assembly, School Board, City Council, and Ketchikan Mayor

All candidates are encouraged to participate and provide your future constituents with your candidate's statement to included this required information:

1. Why you are running for office.
2. Experience and education.
3. Identify at least two significant issues and challenges facing our community and your ideas on how these issues could be addressed. (Please do not just say you will be open to public input. Be specific about the issues and challenges and your specific ideas to address.)
4. Photograph.
5. Email your information in text format and photos (jpg) to
Additional comments are allowed.

Please email your candidate's information for publication by September 18, 2021. Candidate's information will be published as received and will not be edited by the SitNews' editor. (Posted: Sept. 11, 2021 - Invitations to Participate emailed to all candidates on September 11, 2021)


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska

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