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We also carry a large selection of feeds and supplies for rabbits, ducks, geese, turkeys, chickens, parrots, dogs, cats, etc.
We carry Albers® Animal Feed for poultry and rabbits which is made from the finest quality ingredients and formulated to provide your animals with the proper balance of protein, energy, vitamins and minerals.
Albers® All Purpose Poultry and Water Fowl
Albers® Broiler Starter/Finisher Non Medicated
Albers® Chick Start/Grow 18%
Albers® Scratch Grains
Albers® Country Layer
Albers® Rabbit

Proper management and a good nutritional program is the key to successful animal raising.

Timothy Hay is 10% protein and is a good source of copper and zinc. It has a good balance of protein and energy. Grass hays like timothy hay should be the main component in rabbit and guinea pig diets. The seed heads contain protein and the stems are an important source of roughage.

Straw isn't just used for gardening or bedding. High quality straw like ours can be used as a feed supplement. It can be mixed in with alfalfa hay, molasses or grain to add roughage and extend your feed bill dollar.