SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Match of the Month
By Nancy Coggins


September 27, 2006

Ketchikan, Alaska - "Big Sister" Christine and "Little Sister" Sarah live "in the moment." Matched in the Community Program of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Alaska - Ketchikan (BBBS of SEAK - KTN), they meet two to four times a month. They have fun on the same page, which happens to be the menu page since one of their favorite activities is eating breakfast together.

jpg Match of the Month

"Big Sister" Christine and "Little Sister" Sarah
In front of Ketchikan's "Raven Stealing
The Sun" totem pole
Photo by Nancy Coggins

Magic happens when these two share special, relaxing times. Christine appreciates time just hanging out with Sarah, chatting about their lives. There's no drama, just laid-back, unstructured get-togethers. When they meet, they spontaneously decide what they're going to do. Meeting for breakfast gives them plenty of time for movies or other activities such as a visit to the library.

Playing with Christine's two Chihuahua puppies on the baseball field is a joy for Sarah. She says, "The Chihuahuas keep barking at other dogs for 15 minutes, even after the others have long disappeared!"

Sarah's mother regards their special friendship as "almost like family." She says, "They spend quality time together, and, in Christine, Sarah has a friend who likes to be with her and in whom she can confide."

Christine relates, "One big event was when Sarah came to my 10th high school reunion, which was followed by a visit to my house to meet my family. Other fun get-togethers occurred over the 4th of July weekend when Sarah and I hung out a couple of times at my brother's to see his new baby girl. In our discussions, as soon as 'my' niece became 'our' niece, Sarah's mild interest about-faced into 'I've got to see 'my' niece!' "

After their first-year anniversary, a highlight was Sarah spending the night at Christine's. For their one-year celebration, Sarah had made an anniversary card, complete with heart picture, ribbons and a photo taken at their first meeting on the outside, and a party scene on the inside. That sleepover, they created lots of arts and crafts items, including a braided wreath. And Sarah made pencil and crayon drawings of turtles for Christine because they are her "favorites."

Sound like fun? Join Big Brothers Big Sisters program and add a little magic to your life. Capture fun moments with your "Little"; there are many waiting for a "Big" like you! To get involved! Call 907-247-3350.

On the Web:

Match of the Month

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southeast Alaska


Nancy Coggins is a freelance writer living in Ketchikan, Alaska.

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Ketchikan, Alaska