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BBBS Match of the Month - September 2009

A "Sparkling" Match
By Susan M. Jaqua


October 27, 2009

Ketchikan, Alaska - Meet Holly and her Big Sister, Anita Reid, who is a Food and Beverage Manager at The Landing. Holly and Reid were matched on the 30th of December in 2008 and all the magic and sparkle of the season has continued throughout their match.

jpg Big Sister Anita Reid and Little Sister Holly

BBBS Match of the Month - September 2009
Big Sister Anita Reid and Little Sister Holly
Photo courtesy BBBS

As Reid explained, "The minute Holly sees me, she lights up like a Christmas tree. It is the most rewarding experience."

Holly has grown inches in the past year, but she's also grown more self-confident and more expressive, with her Big Sister Anita by her side. Holly says of Anita, "She is someone I have a lot of fun with."

The pair do a lot of different things together: they've baked cookies and made spaghetti, picked berries at Ward Lake this summer, played tourists downtown, gone on a BBBS activity to Blank Island.

Reid is such a good sport, she played air hockey with Holly even though she'd broken two toes! Their favorite activity though is playing basketball. Thirteen year old Little Sister Holly will soon tower over her Big Sister, Anita, but they see eye to eye when it comes to having fun!

If you'd like to be a sparkling addition to a child's life, consider becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister.

On the Web:

Match of the Month


Susan M. Jaqua is a Match Support Specialist with the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska
Ph: 907.247.3350


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Ketchikan, Alaska