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Photo Essay

Advanced Classes Taught By Renowned Seattle Artist Bill Holm
Photos courtesy Ketchikan Museums

February 10, 2004
Tuesday - 1:10 am

Ketchikan, AK - Bill Holm, a Seattle-based expert in Northwest Coast Native art, recently came to Ketchikan to teach two classes at the Totem Heritage Center. He taught Advanced Northwest Coast Design, as well as an advanced carving class in which the students carved canoe-form feast bowls. 27 students, including some of Ketchikan's most accomplished carvers, signed up for the classes. Carvers came from as far away as Vermont and Arizona to participate.


Bill Holm stands next to a Salmon Trout Head design that
he drew during the Northwest Coast Design class.


Bill Holm gives tips to Jack Navitsky of Sitka during
the Advanced Northwest Coast Design class.

Nathan Jackson begins shaping a block of alder to create a carved feast bowl.


Ernie Smeltzer displays the bowl he worked on in Holm's carving class.


Bill Pfeifer carved two feast bowls in the carving class.
He and Bill Holm pose with Pfeifer's work.

Pete Richards puts on the finishing touches as he paints his bowl.



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Ketchikan, Alaska