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What Ketchikan Collects


May 27, 2004

Ketchikan, Alaska - The Tongass Historical Museum's summer exhibit, What Ketchikan Collects, opened Friday, May 7, with a public reception attended by more than 240 people. The new exhibit features samplings of the personal collections of 66 Ketchikan residents. Each collection is accompanied by a story or statement from the collector about its personal significance and special associations.

photo Jack Shay Ketchikan, Alaska

Borough Assembly member and perennial campaigner Jack Shay studies political buttons from Richard Van Cleave's collection. "Where's my campaign button?" he quipped.
Photo courtesy Tongass Historical Museum

Visitors and local residents alike are delighted by the kaleidoscopic array of fun things, interesting things, beautiful things, (and some weird things) that fill the Museum gallery. Altogether, this unusual exhibit offers a unique perspective on our community.

What Ketchikan Collects is on display through October 3, 2004. Don't miss it! Admission is always free to locals.


Photo Gallery

photo What Ketchikan Collects

Ketchikan residents enjoy the opening reception of What Ketchikan Collects.
Photo courtesy Tongass Historical Museum

photo What Ketchikan Collects

Diane Palmer, Sara Lawson, and Lani Davis admire Judy Stenfjord's clown figurines and beads from Evon Zerbetz's collection.
Photo courtesy Tongass Historical Museum

photo What Ketchikan Collects

Kate Vikstrom checks out John Stenfjord's collection of old pharmaceuticals.
Photo courtesy Tongass Historical Museum

photo What Ketchikan Collects

Roland Stanton reads Mary Jo Turek's statement about her whistle collection. The young man in the background seems fascinated by Hilary Koch's lunchbox collection - or is it Marilyn Burnett's refrigerator magnets, displayed on a 1930s refrigerator door?
Photo courtesy Tongass Historical Museum

photo What Ketchikan Collects

Dennis Mc Carty talks with Sara Lawson about his model car collection.
Photo courtesy Tongass Historical Museum

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Ketchikan, Alaska