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9th Annual Alaska Hummingbird Festival
April 16-18, 2004
photo by Kip Tyler


April 16, 2004

Ketchikan, AK - Celebrate the return of migratory birds from Central and South America to the southern panhandle of Alaska. The male Rufous hummingbirds begin arriving in Ketchikan in mid-March and are seen at feeders and flowers throughout Ketchikan by mid-April.

Photo - Hummingbird

Photo by Kip Tyler

Hummingbird Movie


Festival events include guided bird hikes, art shows, a bird-banding station, and activities for children.


(Web movie by MC Kauffman)




Schedule: 9th Annual Alaska Hummingbird Festival - April 16-18, 2004

For more information, call festival headquarters at the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center at 907-228-6220.


Kip Tyler ©2004


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Ketchikan, Alaska