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Marry Me
photo by Misty Pattison


July 08, 2004


photo Marry Me Ketchikan, AlaskaKetchikan, Alaska - After taking the initiative, Rachel McKinney made sure the question was asked.

Darell Welk, a charter skipper at Knudson Cove Marina, had bought McKinney an engagement ring; however, McKinney said he had never proposed to her so she decided to do it.

To propose, McKinney used a bright green sign covered with fishing tackle that said "Darell will you marry me? Love Rachel"

McKinney, an emergency room nurse, recently hung the sign at the top of the Knudson Cove Marina's ramp so Welk couldn't possibly miss it when he came in from fishing.

And since there already was an engagement ring, one can guess what Welk's answer was!



Misty Pattison ©2004

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Ketchikan, Alaska