Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - News, Features, Opinions


Front Page Photo

'Mother Nature's Paint-By-Numbers'
photo by Paul Perry


May 11, 2005

Ketchikan, Alaska - We have all seen and heard about the rarely observed event of the large amounts of green tree pollen in the air; how about on the water?

This photo was taken, Tuesday, in a small  bay on Bull Island in George Inlet. There was a light breeze, direct sun and a flood tide causing these incredible shades and shapes, all of green pollen - it was gone within 15 minutes.

jpg pollen in water...

Paul Perry ©2005



Photos of the Day: Miracle of Nature - Can you... breathe now?

Sunday's photographs of the day were of a rarely observed event in Ketchikan - "green fog" or "yellow smoke" as described by some. - More...
April 25, 2005 - Monday

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Ketchikan, Alaska