![]() By Michael Reagan September 09, 2005
From the safety of France, Pierce Brosnan took the time to tell the world: "This man called President Bush has a lot to answer for. I don't know if this man is really taking care of America. This government has been shameful." Instead of lifting a finger to help Katrina's victims, this was the make-believe 007's response to the tragedy. Hollywood celebrity Sean Penn raced to New Orleans with his leaky boat in what became a Keystone Kops effort to rescue flood-stranded victims. He failed, but the cameras were there to record for posterity his gallantry in coming to their aid. Having lost that photo op, he launched into his usual leftist rhetoric to castigate the president, accusing the administration of criminal negligence, while his boat's engine sputtered to a stop. At a Labor Day rally, with his AFL-CIO union collapsing all around him, John Sweeney assured his members that what he alleged was the government's slow response was a sign of hostility to workers. No kidding, he actually said that. Can you just picture George Bush waking up in the morning and saying to Laura: "The hell with those workers. We're not going to send help to New Orleans because we hate 'em." As these bozos were collectively venting their liberal spleen at the president, huge caravans of trucks carry thousands of tons of food and water and clothing and other vital supplies were pouring into New Orleans from as far away as California and New York. Army and National Guard troops were arriving by the thousands, all sent under orders from the president. Did it occur to any of his critics to take a moment out to say "thank you" to George Bush? Harry Connick Jr., a native resident of New Orleans, was there, but unlike his fellow celebrities he wasn't spending his time making political speeches. Instead, he was in his boat - which didn't leak - surrounded by toxic water and rescuing those mostly black folks trapped by the flood. Has anybody said "thank you" to Harry Connick Jr.? From almost the moment the 17th Street dike broke, members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have been laboring day and night to repair the breech and stop any more of the lake waters from gushing into the streets of New Orleans a job they have now completed. Has anybody said "thank you" to these dedicated and weary men? Not that I've heard. All across the nation the left-wing wackos are squinting to find something they can complain about and blame on the president for alleged failures in the massive federal effort to cope with the worst natural disaster in American history. They can't bring themselves to admit that a lot of good things are being done by the federal government and the horde of good people who are pitching in to help their fellow Americans. If they did they might have to say "thank you," a phrase they don't seem to have in their vocabularies. When my wife asks me to vacuum the house, I inevitably miss a spot. She doesn't jump all over me because I messed up, but, understanding what klutzes husbands are when it comes to domestic chores, she simply thanks me. These liberal scoundrels don't have it in them to thank those police, firemen, National Guardsmen, regular army soldiers, relief workers from FEMA and the Red Cross and all the others and the people in the Bush administration whose efforts are above and far beyond the call of duty. They are too busy looking for the motes in the administration's eyes to see the huge planks in their own. All together now, let's hear it: "Thank you President Bush, thank you Harry Connick Jr., thank you police and firemen and National Guardsmen and members of the Red Cross and Salvation Army and all you other heroes." Look for Mike's new book "Twice Adopted". Order autographed books at www.reagan.com All Rights Reserved. Distributed exclusively by Cagle, Inc. www.caglecartoons.com to subscribers for publication.