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January 06, 2017

Deer Mountain: New Year's Day
Front Page Feature Photo by JERRY REYES ©2017
Alaska: Alaska Expects 7,500 Job Losses in 2017; Southeast Alaska forecasted to lose about 600 jobs - In 2016, job losses spread through nearly all sectors of Alaska’s economy, and a more broad-based decline is forecasted statewide for 2017. According to Heidi Drygas, Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Labor, "It has been a long time since Alaskans were confronted with such a challeng- ing economic landscape. In fact, our economy is shrinking faster than at any time since the 1980s. We lost 6,800 jobs last year."

Southeast Alaska forecasted to lose about 600 jobs in 2017
Map Courtesy Alaska Dept. of Labor
The Alaska Department of Labor's 2017 economic forecast projects that job losses will continue in all sectors except health care, and layoffs will accelerate in sectors such as retail as the ripple effect of job losses impact aggregate demand and consumer spending.
According to Caroline Schultz, an economist statewide with the Department of Labor, employment losses began statewide in the last months of 2015 in the industries directly related to oil production, after prices fell. Initial loss was limited to the oil and gas industry and closely related sectors, including construction, professional and business services, and state government. In 2016, statewide losses spread into sectors not directly related to the oil industry.
More downstream job losses are expected this year statewide. After a 2.0 percent employment decline in 2016, the state is forecasted to lose 2.3 percent, or about 7,500 jobs, in 2017. This reflects decline in nearly every major industry, but while the net loss will likely be bigger than in 2016, direct oil-related losses are expected to slow.
Conor Bell, an economist at the Alaska Department of Labor in Juneau, reports in the January 2017 edition of Alaska Economic Trends, that Southeast Alaska is forecasted to fare slightly better than the state as a whole in 2017, a first in recent years. Southeast Alaska has underperformed the state overall for some time, plus it lost a greater share of jobs in 2009 — the only year Alaska lost jobs during the national recession — and regained fewer in the years that followed. With that tepid history the region has less ground to lose.
Southeast began to shed state government and construction jobs in 2015, and like the rest of the state, the effects are seeping into the secondary industries that depend on how well the region’s economic drivers fare.
Southeast is disproportionately affected by weakness in state government, but the region has almost none of the oil and gas employment that has been the state’s biggest source of loss reports Bell. Southeast also has more of a buffer from tourism than other regions, which will further temper its losses.
Most Southeast Alaska job loss will be in government
Southeast Alaska lost more than 500 state government jobs between 2014 and 2016, and state government is expected to remain the fastest-losing industry this year, at 300 jobs.
Cuts will likely slow in the coming fiscal year according to Bell, though, with less low-hanging fruit remaining. After two years of cutting costs in government, opportunities for savings will be harder to find. While layoffs seem certain, most state government losses will continue to come from attrition in 2017. Baby boomers are still reaching retirement age, and many of their positions will be eliminated or left unfilled.
Federal government employment in Southeast Alaska has been flat for the past few years and is forecasted to decline slightly in 2017 states Bell. Prior to its recent stability, federal employment fell continually for a decade except in 2010 when the U.S. Census was conducted.
Bell writes that local government in Southeast has also remained fairly steady amid steep declines in state funding, with a small loss of 50 jobs in 2016. This year will likely be slightly harder for school districts and local governments due to diminishing state funding. Even if schools sustain sharp funding cuts, though, they won’t feel them until the next school year begins in the fall.
Tribal government, which is counted as part of local government, will likely fare better, as it’s largely federally funded writes Bell. - More...
Friday AM - January 06, 2017 |
Alaska: Governor Walker Praises Efforts by Sens. Murkowski and Sullivan to Open ANWR - U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, both R-Alaska, on Thursday introduced legislation that would allow limited oil and natural gas development within the non-wilderness portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) which was met with praise by Alaska Governor Bill Walker.

This USGS map highlights the 1002 Area of ANWR, which S. 49 would open
for oil and natural gas production.
Governor Walker said he applauds Senator Murkowski and Senator Sullivan for their bold move Thursday. "The state will do everything it can to provide the infrastructure needed to responsibly access the 1002 section of ANWR,” said Governor Walker. “Alaska has developed the seismic technology needed to focus on the most resource-rich portion of the area, allowing us to limit the footprint of activity in the region. With an oil pipeline that is three-quarters empty and an over $3 billion budget deficit, drilling in the 1002 would fill TAPS and bring much needed revenue to our state coffers.”
Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Andy Mack echoed the Governor’s enthusiasm for the legislation. “Alaska has an outstanding history of safe development and working with stakeholders. We are committed to working closely with the North Slope Borough, Kaktovik, and Arctic Slope Regional Corporation to maintain the highest global standards while benefiting Alaska’s economy,” said Commissioner Mack. “A vast majority of Alaskans support development in the 1002 section of ANWR.”
The Alaska Oil and Gas Production Act, S. 49, would allow development of no more than 2,000 surface acres within the 1.5-million acre 1002 Area – which itself is just a fraction of the 19-million acre refuge. The area that would be opened to development is equivalent to just 0.01 percent of a refuge that is larger than the state of Ohio.
“For nearly 40 years, Alaskans have proven that we can responsibly develop our natural resources while protecting the environment,” Murkowski said. “Alaskans overwhelmingly support responsible development in the non-wilderness portion of ANWR and there is no valid reason why we should not be allowed to proceed. Allowing development would create new jobs, reduce our deficits, and protect our national security and competitiveness for a generation.”
“For decades, Alaskans of all political stripes have been pleading with the federal government to let us responsibly develop our resources—including the small 1002 area of ANWR,” Sullivan said. “Time and again, our pleas have been denied. This is shameful. Development of this area would be a boost to our state and national economies, providing thousands of good-paying jobs and billions of dollars in federal and state revenue. Because energy can be used as a tool for power and diplomacy, developing Alaska’s abundant reserves would also strengthen our national security. I’ll do everything I can in this next Congress to work with my colleagues and the new administration to at long last allow our state to finally realize its full potential.” - More....
Friday AM - January 06, 2017 |
Alaska: NOAA Fisheries issues recovery plan for Cook Inlet beluga whales - NOAA Fisheries has released its recovery plan for the Cook Inlet beluga whale, which will guide efforts to recover the species to a point where they can be removed from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.

Cook inlet beluga whale.
Credit: NOAA Fisheries
"This plan is a roadmap for how NOAA Fisheries and our partners can address threats to Cook Inlet belugas and work together towards recovery," said Jon Kurland, the agency's Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources.
The recovery plan identifies and assesses ten potential threats, and indicates the risk each threat poses to Cook Inlet beluga whales. Threats of high concern include catastrophic events (such as natural disasters, spills, and mass strandings), in-water noise, and the cumulative and synergistic effects of multiple stressors. The plan also identifies criteria that could lead to reclassifying Cook Inlet beluga whales from endangered to threatened status, and ultimately to delisting due to recovery.
NOAA Fisheries listed Cook Inlet beluga whales as endangered in 2008 and designated critical habitat for the population in 2011. NOAA Fisheries estimates the population of Cook Inlet beluga whales to be just 340 animals, and the 10-year population trend continues to show declines. - More...
Friday AM - January 06, 2017
Ketchikan: Ketchikan Job Service Not Closing - In a release on Thursday by the Governor, he said that the Ketchikan Job Center in Ketchikan would be closing permanently. However, in a followup release Governor Bill Walker said this was incorrect, his release should have read, Kotzebue would be closing permanently.
The corrected list released later Thursday of some of the ways the State of Alaska has cut costs include:
• Job centers in Kotzebue, Barrow, and Seward have closed permanently.
• Alaska Vocational & Technical Education (AVTEC) closed its Muldoon campus in Anchorage, and cut its Allied Health Program.
• The Department of Education cut funding for the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP), saving $960,000.
• The Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) cut 40% from its operating budget.
• State parks in Sitka and Valdez are no longer being maintained - including picnic areas, bathroom facilities, and campsites. - More..
Friday AM - January 06, 2017
Alaska: Arctic sea ice loss impacts beluga whale migration - The annual migration of some beluga whales in Alaska is altered by sea ice changes in the Arctic, while other belugas do not appear to be affected.

A beluga whale pod in the Chukchi Sea.
Photo By Vicki Beaver, North Slope Borough
A new study led by the University of Washington finds that as Arctic sea ice takes longer to freeze up each fall due to climate change, one population of belugas mirrors that timing and delays its migration south by up to one month. In contrast, a different beluga population, also in Alaska, that migrates and feeds in the same areas doesn't appear to have changed its migration timing with changes in sea ice.
The paper was published Dec. 21 in the journal Global Change Biology.
"The biggest take-home message is that belugas can respond relatively quickly to their changing environment, yet we can't expect a uniform response across all beluga populations," said lead author Donna Hauser, a postdoctoral researcher at the UW's Polar Science Center.
"If we're trying to understand how these species are going to respond to climate change, we should expect to see variability in the response across populations and across time," Hauser said. "That may complicate our predictions for the future."
Two genetically distinct beluga populations spend winters in the Bering Sea, then swim north in the early summer as sea ice melts and open water allows them passage into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas. There they feast all summer on fish and invertebrates before traveling back south in the fall. Other research suggests the whales are taught by their mothers when to migrate and which route to take, so it was unclear if belugas would be responsive to sea ice changes.
The Chukchi beluga population's response to follow sea ice timing and delay migration likely means the whales are opportunistically feeding later into the fall, but researchers don't yet know if that delay is overall beneficial. On one hand, the whales might be gaining valuable food resources, but they also risk getting blocked from their migration path south if the ice quickly freezes up and catches them off guard. - More..
Friday AM - January 06, 2017

Editorial Cartoon: Repeal, Replace and Recycle
By Nate Beeler ©2017, The Columbus Dispatch
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
Columns - Commentary
TOM PURCELL: Why Minding Manners Matters - "Can you believe some jerk told me it was rude to talk on my cellphone inside the movie theater?"
"Well, sir, he did have a point. In the era of cellphones and social media, too many people are so consumed with their own needs, they're trampling civil society."
"Ah, put a cork in it."
"Look, there have been times in human history when barbarians ruled and manners didn't. But what really ruled during these periods were selfishness and impulsiveness."
"You're going to have to explain."
"Did you know the word 'etiquette' originated under Henry XIV in the 1600s? Proper etiquette and manners define what social behavior is and isn't proper."
"I ain't following rules of behavior drafted up by snooty old French people." - More...
Friday AM - January 06, 2017
SUSAN STAMPER BROWN: Suggestions For Liberals in 2017 - Because the Democrat Party continues to implode, I thought it would be helpful to write my third annual "Suggestions for Liberals" column. So here goes:
Understand that political correctness and despotism go hand-in-hand. The First Amendment makes America a politically-incorrect zone, so deal with it. That means everyone gets to voice their opinion, not just those with whom you happen to agree. Political correctness is just another word for control. As Voltaire said, "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Hale-and-hardy debate helps make America great, so try joining the conversation. After all, a conversation only works if it's more than just you-sided.
Use a dictionary. Dictionaries are cheap. Look up the difference between racism and prejudice. You'll quickly come to understand that everyone is prejudiced... biased... predisposed in one way or another. Some people prefer city life and designer clothes while others enjoy small towns and Carhartt jeans.In the same way, a person's life experiences might motivate him to cross the street if he sees a light-skinned person on a dark night or maybe a dark-skinned person in the daylight if either is wearing sagging pants and angled baseball caps. That's prejudice. - More...
Friday AM - January 06, 2017
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the editor at editor@sitnews.us or call 617-9696
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'Sore Loser Syndrome' threatens to disrupt America's political process By Dan Weber - The political left suffers from 'sore loser syndrome' in the wake of the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.
It's not uncommon for depression to set in when the candidate of your choice loses an election, but the pathetic parade of despair on display among many of those who were sure that Hillary Clinton was destined to become president has reached new heights. The fact is, the anti-Trumpers are having temper tantrums. - More...
Friday AM - January 06, 2017
The Storm By A.M. Johnson - Congressional Democrats whisper to the Donald J.Trump President elect, "You cannot withstand the storm" and the 'Donald' whispers back, "I am the storm." - More...
Thursday PM - December 29, 2016
Help Offered: For a Healthier You By Susan Johnson - Many of us see the New Year as an opportunity for a new beginning—a chance to make positive changes in our lives. We might want to break bad habits or make changes to become more healthy, like exercising, healthy eating, or meditating. - More...
Thursday PM - December 29, 2016
Pepe the Frog By Norbert Chaudhary - It's just another day, another Trump outrage, more Trump lies and more Trump conspiracy theories providing even more overwhelming evidence of Trumps instability and ignorance. - More...
Tuesday PM - December 27, 2016
Authoritarian Regime Could Imperil U.S. By Donald Moskowitz - President-Elect Trump is setting the stage for a rocky Presidency filled with conflict, bickering, turmoil, miscalculations, and potential diplomatic and military confrontations. He is constantly involved with responding to criticism by recklessly tweeting antagonistic comments to the American public and the world. It seems he might not have adequate time to fulfill his Presidential responsibilities if he has to spend all that time tweeting out nonsense. His tweeting is demeaning the stature of the Presidency, and it encourages people to resort to cyber bullying. - More...
Tuesday PM - December 27, 2016
Smear campaign By Joe O'Hara - Hillary Clinton ran a billion-dollar smear campaign, greatly assisted at little cost by: - More...
Tuesday PM - December 27, 2016
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