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January 22, 2018

River Otter With Its Catch
Front Page Feature Photo By TAYLOR PEARSON ©2018
Fish Factor: Sea Otters Causing Havoc on Southeast Alaska shellfish By LAINE WELCH - Sea otters and their devastating impacts on Southeast Alaska shellfish were among the many emotionally-charged topics at the state Board of Fisheries marathon meeting running from January 11-23 in Sitka. The Board was set to address 153 proposals for state subsistence, commercial, sport, guided sport, and personal use fisheries for the Southeast and Yakutat regions.
Crabbers and fishermen who dive for lucrative sea cucumbers, geoduck clams and urchins again pleaded for changes to regulations to help protect their livelihoods from the voracious appetites of growing numbers of otters throughout the region.
Olivia Olsen, who operates Alaskan Quota and Permits in Petersburg, summed up the problem in a previous conversation saying, “Sea otters are really causing havoc. They are moving in and moving north and just wiping out the grounds behind them. It is a definite problem, a major problem.”
About 400 sea otters were reintroduced to Southeast in the early 1960s after being nearly wiped out by fur traders. A 2012 estimate put their numbers at 25,000 and at a reproductive rate of 12 percent a year, the population likely tops 40,000 animals today.
A 2011 report by the McDowell Group (the most recent analysis) said otter predation has cost the Southeast economy over $28 million in losses to the Dungeness crab and dive fisheries since 1995.
The report concluded that those fisheries and large populations of sea otters cannot coexist in the same waters, adding: “Once commercially viable numbers of geoducks, urchins, sea cucumbers and crab are gone, they are not likely to return while sea otters remain.”
In testimony to the board, Kyle Hebert, dive fisheries research supervisor for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, called sea otters “the greatest threat to the future of the dive fisheries,” and said that fewer areas are now open with declines continuing in southern regions.
“Although geoduck clam and sea cucumber areas are still open in this area, the populations are steadily declining and with each survey that we conduct, we expect commercial harvest opportunities to drop,” Hebert added.
Sea otters are listed as a protected species under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Nearly 20 Southeast organizations, municipalities and Native groups are on record asking for management changes to the federal sea otter plan so that it interprets the Act for an ecological balance of all species, including humans.
Many urge that the State take over otter management from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which they criticize “for doing nothing to rectify or implement a sustainable management policy since the mid 1990’s.”
The Ketchikan Borough has suggested that more Alaska Natives be allowed to hunt otters, the only ones allowed by law to do so. Only about 1,200 are taken annually, which does not keep up with the otter birth rates. In a 2017 issue paper borough manager Ruben Duran suggested that the blood quantum (percentage) for Alaska Natives be reduced from one-quarter percent to one-sixteenth or 6.25 percent to allow for more hunting.
The continued loss of revenue through lack of sustainable otter population management, Duran said, is likely to remove over 650 fishermen and other full-time related jobs in the region.
“I know the department has to have a sustainable management plan in place, and we don’t argue with that, but our question is that you don’t have a sustainable management plan in place when you have sea otters,” said Phil Doherty, executive director of the Southeast Alaska Regional Dive Fisheries Association.
Most decisions on sea otter management are beyond the purview of the state Board of Fisheries. Member Orville Huntington suggested that the otter population would eventually limit itself.
“I think nature will take care of itself at some point,” he said.
The 2016/17 Southeast Alaska sea cucumber fishery was valued at $5.3 million to fishermen, geoduck clams at nearly $3 million, over $7 million for Dungeness crab and $677,000 for red urchins. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
Ketchikan: M/V Taku is Sold to Dubai Company - The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities signed papers Friday transferring ownership of the M/V Taku to the United Arab Emirates' company Jabal Al Lawz Trading Est, located in Dubai. The final sale price was $171,000 and the vessel is expected to leave Alaska within a month.

M/V Taku on a cold day
credit Rebecca Rauf, Alaska DOT&PF |
“The sale is bittersweet for Alaska. The Taku is a beloved ship and it’s hard to see her go. At the same time, we’re glad to have the sale process completed and have earned a good value for the state,” said Captain John Falvey, Alaska Marine Highway System General Manager.
The Taku was determined to be in excess of state needs for ferry vessels and outside the realm of what the state can afford to maintain and operate in passenger service with available funding. The vessel was constructed in 1963 and faithfully operated as a part of the Alaska Marine Highway System for over 50 years. The Taku was taken out of service on June 23, 2015.
The Taku is currently at a mooring facility in Ward Cove in Ketchikan, Alaska. Ownership has been transferred, and per agreement the new owner will be responsible for the docking fees beginning February 19, 2018.
According to requirements of the Federal Highway Administration which has funded some of the Taku's repairs and upgrades over the years, a percentage of the net receipts from the sale must be used for federally eligible purposes or projects in Alaska.
The purchasing company, Jabal Al Lawz Trading Est, buys ships to refurbish for use in other countries or to sell for scrap. Back in December of 2017, the state has approved the high bid of KeyMar LLC for $300,000 to purchase the surplus ferry and turn it into a floating hotel in Portland, Oregon. That deal fell through when the bidder backed out. The state then offered the ferry to the second and third highest bidders - one was the Dubai-based company. - More...
Monday PM -
January 22, 2018
Southeast Alaska: Constitutional Committee Releases Proposed Amendments to Tribe's Governing Documents - The Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska's (Tlingit & Haida) 83rd Annual Tribal Assembly will convene April 18-20, 2018 in Juneau, Alaska. The upcoming assembly was declared a Constitutional Convention by Delegates last year and will take up remaining proposed amendments to the Tribe’s governing documents that were not acted on last year due to time limitations.
As charged by the Tribal Assembly, a special Constitutional Committee was formed to review the 2017 proposed amendments to the Tribe’s Constitution, Standing Rules of Order, Rules of Election, and Statute Title One. The proposed amendments are intended to improve tribal governance and efficiency in assembly procedures. During the review of all proposed amendments, the committee also provided additional amendments that respond to necessary technical and grammatical corrections.
“I am thankful for the work of the Constitutional Committee,” said President Richard Peterson. “Our governance is vital to and the foundation upon which we protect and exercise our inherent sovereignty. Like any other foundational document, our governing documents should hold true to the Tribe’s founding principles while still having the fluidity to evolve and adapt to the needs and times of our citizens.”
Second Vice President (VP) Will Micklin is chair of the Constitutional Committee which delivered their proposed amendments to Delegates in written form on January 17th, 90 days prior to Tribal Assembly. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
Ketchikan - Statewide: Alaska's Unemployment Rate at 7.3 Percent, Nation's 4.1 Percent - Alaska’s total employment was down by an estimated 1.0 percent in December 2017 compared to December 2016, a loss of about 3,300 jobs, with 400 of those jobs lost in Southeast Alaska. The national unemployment rate through December 2017 was reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as 4.1 percent.
Oil and gas employment was down 8.6 percent and construction employment by 6.7 percent. Health care was the only industry to add jobs. Transportation, warehousing, and utilities remained at the same level as last year, as did the other services industry, which includes repair, maintenance, and personal services. Both state and federal government employment were down 1.3 percent.
Alaska’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate inched up one-tenth of a percentage point to 7.3 percent after holding steady at 7.2 percent since August. The comparable national rate for December was 4.1 percent. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
MICHAEL SHANNON: The Truth About a Government Shutdown - This weekend the United States Treasury bumped up against the "debt ceiling." This debt ceiling is to the government like the credit card limit is to your dreams of really furnishing your man cave.
When your credit card is maxed out, there's no reason to go to The Big Screen Store to buy that new 90" TV for the Super Bowl. Your card will be declined shortly after its swiped. For the feds, reaching the debt limit means the Chinese will get some temporary relief from Uncle Sam putting the bite on them for another series of loans.
There the similarity ends. You can't borrow additional money until you either pay down your credit card debt or the postman delivers another credit card application that's "reserved just for you!" Congress can start borrowing again just as soon as both houses pass a bill that increases the debt limit without any provision for debt payment. For politicians, operators are always standing by.
If the debt limit increase isn't passed by this weekend the government enters "shutdown" mode and Trump will have to buy a burner phone to get back on Twitter. Or so the Opposition Media would have us believe.
The facts are these shutdowns were non-events until recently. Over the years there have been a number of shutdowns and the republic was none the worse for wear. Normal people went about their normal business, while the political class had a nervous breakdown.
The last time the government ground to a halt in 2013, Obama was in the White House and racial peace reigned throughout the land. Then the sinister Ted Cruz filibustered the debt increase and the feds were without funding for a harrowing 16 days. During that fortnight plus two Mexico annexed a defenseless Texas, the Bundy Gang seized much of the public land in Southern Nevada and rioting middle income taxpayers burned down Obamacare enrollment offices to protest skyrocketing insurance premiums.
You don't recall that? That's because it's Fake News. Nothing much happened. It was so quiet the Obama administration decided to punish taxpayers by closing the Mall, national parks and other facilities that didn't require closing. The goal was twofold: Generate hysterical shutdown news coverage and mobilize the dependent class to call a politician. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018 |

Political Cartoon: Trump Worries As Government Shutdown Ends
By RJ Matson ©2017, Roll Call
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
Today, Congress agrees to fund government for 3 weeks; immigration debate continues...
Gravina Access By Dave Kiffer - Chris Herby's recent letter about Gravina Access touches on some very important points. Most notably that, after all the years and all the millions of dollars of federal money that was appropriated and spent, access to the airport, on the most basic level, will not appreciably improve.
As an elected official who was involved in many of these debates and discussions, I find the final State decision of how to proceed as disappointing as Chris does. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
Airport Access By Vera Plumb - Just a comment regarding Chris Herby's letter about airport access: It was Governor Sarah Pallin who coined the phrase "bridge to nowhere." Governor Pallin was responsible for killing the bridge. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
Exploitation of ancient tradition By Rosita Worl - It has come to our attention that the group, Dance of the Deer Foundation, is planning a shamanism retreat in Juneau, the ancient homeland of the Auk people of Aak’w K?wáan, and that you are charging a substantial fee for this experience.
This is another form of appropriation from Native cultures and societies that began with the taking of our lands and our ceremonial and sacred objects, and now our spiritual practices. Shamans played an important role in our societies in caring for the welfare of the tribe. Shamanism was not a commercial enterprise. This is a violation of a most sacred tradition of Native peoples. We support the people who have called your practices an exploitation of their people’s ancient traditions and we request that you not come into Aak’w K?wáan. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
Women's March By A. M. Johnson - Observing the 2nd annual women's march across the nation, one has to have a quandary of thoughts. One that seems to provide conflict.
The congressional Liberal's legislative goal claims that DACA Illegal Aliens should be granted Amnesty because they had no choice in being brought to the USA was apparent in the numerous signs .... but that Innocent babies should be murdered by way of abortion, even though they had no choice in being conceived in the USA. - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
Tax Supported Racism By Robert B. Holston, Jr. - Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, believed in eugenics and promoted "good" breeding and aimed to prevent "poor" breeding. The idea was that the human race could be improved through encouraging people with traits like intelligence, hard work, cleanliness (thought to be genetic) to reproduce and those populations lacking such traits should have reproduction controlled. Eugenics was taken to its horrifying extreme during the Holocaust, through forced sterilizations and breeding experiments.
Margaret Sanger wrote in a 1921 article , “As an advocate of Birth Control, I wish to take advantage of the present opportunity to point out that the unbalance between the birth rate of the "unfit" and the "fit", admittedly is the greatest present menace to civilization, can never be rectified by the inauguration of a cradle competition between these two classes.” - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
The hypocrisy of political correctness By John Grimaldi - A professor at NYU was shunned by his colleagues because of "the content and structure of his thinking." That's right, the "thought police" were after him. They didn't like the fact that he was using social media to expose the hypocrisy of political correctness on campus.
Because he exercised his right to free speech, Professor Michael Rectenwald claims he was the target of defamation and harassment by his colleagues. And so, Rectenwald recently filed suit in Manhattan Supreme Court. The New York Post reported that "the politically incorrect NYU professor accused of 'incivility' by liberal colleagues and put on leave is now suing the college and four fellow profs for calling him everything from a drug addict to Satan." - More...
Monday PM - January 22, 2018
Ketchikan Airport & Access By Chris J. Herby - As a community we all had no choice but to watch our long anticipated bridge to Gravina Island die a slow and miserable death. After our congressional delegation worked hard to get funding for our bridge, it was taken away from us due to negative coverage in the national fake news media. However, we were still left with roughly 90 million dollars to improve access to Gravina. Of course that isn’t enough to build a bridge but nevertheless it’s a large amount of money that should surly be able to improve access to our airport. Or maybe not. From what I have read, it appears that we are going to burn through that money and actually not improve our airport access at all. It is my understanding that after we spend all of that money, we are still only going to have access by a ferry every 30 minutes. - More...
Wednesday PM - January 17, 2018
Open Letter to Alaska Delegation By Laura Plenert - Senators Murkowski and Sullivan and Representative Young, please encourage your Democrat counterparts to show up the State of the Union address. This is a time honored tradition. It is about respect for the Office of President, not the current occupant.
I cannot imagine how harsh the cries would have been if a group of Republicans did not attend President Obama’s State of the Union address. - More...
Wednesday PM - January 17, 2018
Jones Act By Timothy J Droke - In response to Mr. Art Johnson I would like to put forward some thoughts regarding the Jones Act, which is simply a form of protectionism. With protectionism you see the protected group benefit and those outside the protected group see a negative impact. In this day and age when ships fly a flag of convenience (think Panama or Liberia) the Jones act is ripe for repeal or some modifications. Residents outside the contiguous states such as Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam all pay out of their pocket higher costs than they should due to this act due to the higher costs associated with operating these US built ships, why should Alaskans pay more for the food on their table to protect a small class of jobs? - More...
Wednesday PM - January 17, 2018
SENATOR “BOUGHT & PAID FOR” JUST ANOTHER DAMNED LIAR By David G Hanger - The first problem with being owned, Senator Dan “Bought & Paid For” Sullivan is that ‘ere long you cannot see the forest, let alone the trees, because of the self-deception born of your own filthy lies. Be aware that assuming the position of lapdog licking fundamentally distorts reality.
Explain to your audience, Owned One, how opening up ANWR is going to make us all so wealthy? Under the provisions of SB21 the state treasury is currently being raided by the oil industry to the extent of $900 million to $1.2 billion a year in payouts to the oil companies to cover their exploration costs. The state of Alaska collects no tax revenue of any consequence from the oil industry until the price of a barrel of oil exceeds $110 a barrel, so what is very obvious is no matter what is or is not discovered in the way of new oil reserves in ANWR and elsewhere will cost the state treasury and ordinary Alaskans billions of dollars more in these goddamned tax credits. - More...
Wednesday PM - January 17, 2018
Why Protect the Jones Act? By Art Johnson - I believe the Jones Act is necessary for several reasons and if it is repealed, it will be detrimental, not only to the maritime industry and those who work in it, but it will harm the country's ability to build ships, both Merchant Marine and Navy and to carry cargo to our forces overseas in time of national emergency. Ship building requires many skills and it is foolish to think we can have foreign yards building our ships and then if necessary find enough skilled workers to build them in the USA. It would be beyond foolish to build out military vessels in foreign yards. The same goes for having foreign ships and foreign crews carrying our country's cargoes. Where will we find trained seamen in time of need? Senator John McCain is frequently mentioned, because he is in favor of repealing the Jones Act, but it should be noted that he flew airplanes in the Navy and that is a whole lot different than being part of operating ships and all that goes with it. It should also be noted that our politicians have little to say about maintaining a healthy U.S. Merchant Marine, because only a small number of our citizens even know what the Merchant Marine is and very likely, even some of our politicians have only a slight knowledge of this vital industry. They can't get many votes promoting something that people know little about, let alone understanding the importance of the maritime industry. - More...
Saturday AM - January 13, 2018
The Governor’s Tax Proposal: A Free Ride for the Rich By Ghert Abbott - If one has any doubts as to the power that the rich currently exercise over our state government, then one has only to consider Governor Walker’s recent tax proposal, designed with the aim of appeasing the Republican state senate. The governor’s proposal combines a 1.5% payroll tax, capped at the first $150,000 of income, with a $1,100 cap on every Alaskan PFD (which amounts to a roughly 50% tax of the PFD’s current value). It only takes a few numbers to reveal the extreme inequity of this plan. According to the Census Bureau, in 2016 the average household income in the city of Ketchikan was $53,937 a year. According to the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy, only roughly 7% to 10% of Alaskans have a yearly household income of over $150,000. The richest 1% of Alaskan households, those who earn $532,590 a year or higher, have an average income of $1,282,900 a year. - More...
Saturday AM - January 13, 2018
Never Trump By Robert B. Holston, Jr. - I have a brother in Montana who is a “never Trumper”. I wrote him months ago saying I would not defend Trump on a daily basis for things this president says because I didn’t need a full time job, but his recent “DACA/Defecation” remark prompts me to defend Trump, just a bit, and warn the “never Tumpers” just a bit. - More...
Saturday AM - January 13, 2018
Optimism for Alaska in 2018 By Senator Dan Sullivan - As Alaskans, there’s no doubt we face significant challenges, including high crime rates, domestic violence and sexual assault, thousands of Alaskans struggling with addiction, and a continuing recession that has left too many without jobs. These are issues that I’ll continue to focus on in the coming year. But when I look out at 2018, I am struck by one overriding feeling for our state: optimism. There are numerous reasons for this.
First, the cornerstone of Alaska’s economy - responsible resource development - is making a dramatic comeback. Congress’s recent action to open the 1002 area of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge is a key part of this. For decades, thousands of Alaskans - Democrats, Republicans and Alaska Natives - have advocated for opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And despite millions of dollars spent by opponents of this Alaska dream, reinforced by the stale and truth-challenged talking points of their allies like Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., and a national media that was consistently hostile to opening ANWR, we did it. - More...
Tuesday PM - January 09, 2018
On rescinding Obama-era marijuana enforcement guidelines By Wiley Brooks - Marijuana by U.S law is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance. I extracted the below from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEC) official site.
“The abuse rate is a determinate factor in the scheduling of the drug; for example, Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse and the potential to create severe psychological and/or physical dependence.” - More...
Tuesday PM - January 09, 2018
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