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SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska
February 01, 2006

Front Page Photo by Carl Thompson

'The Enforcer'
Front Page Photo By Carl Thompson

Ketchikan: 'The Enforcer' - At a cost of $1.2 million, the Alaska State Troopers/Wildlife Enforcement's new 69.9 foot Patrol/Vessel Enforcer was commissioned into service in July 2005. She replaced the retired 65-foot P/V Enforcer which was built in 1953 for the United States Navy. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 01, 2006


Ketchikan: Local group offers ferries, roads as Gravina bridge option By Rob Stapleton, Alaska Journal of Commerce - A proposal by Ketchikan-area residents to provide an alternative to a bridge between Ketchikan and Gravina Island has surfaced.

"People are afraid to speak out about this, but these alternatives have been discussed for some time," said John Stewart, who grew up on Gravina Island and now lives in Ketchikan. - Read this story...
Alaska Journal of Commerce -

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Ketchikan: State, Forest Service Cooperate to Aid Timber Jobs; Agreements Will Support Southeast Alaskan Timber Jobs - The state has signed two agreements with the U.S. Forest Service to cooperate in revising the Tongass Land Management Plan to satisfy a Ninth Circuit Court decision and to find a long-term supply of economic timber for the state's timber industry.

After a series of meetings, the state signed two memoranda of understanding with the Forest Service pledging to cooperate in revitalizing the timber industry.

Under the terms of one MOU, the state and Forest Service pledge to work cooperatively in reviewing the forest plan. Specifically, the state would assist in reviewing the forest plan's old growth conservation strategy, goshawk monitoring data, timber demand analysis and other topics related to the forest plan revisions. These areas were cited in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision in Natural Resources Defense Council v. U.S. Forest Service. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 01, 2006

PhotoNational: Highlights from State of the Union address. By DAVID WESTPHAL - Highlights from President Bush's State of the Union address.

Domestic agenda - Energy independence: Reduce Middle East oil imports by 75 percent by 2025; currently the U.S. imports about 20 percent of its oil from the Middle East. Promises 22 percent increases in funding for ethanol fuel, hydrogen research, lithium batteries and other gasoline alternatives. Also proposes more investment in nuclear, solar and wind energy and clean-coal technology.

Health care: Provide incentives to extend insurance to some of the 47 million Americans who now lack coverage. Put more decision-making in the hands of consumers, hoping they'll push back against soaring health-care costs. Sweeten benefits of health savings accounts.

Economic competitiveness: Train 70,000 teachers for Advanced Placement high school science and math instruction. Recruit 30,000 math and science professionals to work in classrooms. Double federal funding for basic research in science and technology over the next decade. Offer tax incentives for university and corporate research.

Federal spending: Asks Congress to help create bipartisan commission to address looming funding shortages in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 01, 2006

Terry Smith, Ketchikan Wal-Mart Store Manager, presents
STVFD Chief Davis a check for $7,500.

Ketchikan: South Tongass Volunteer Fire Dept. receives $7,500 from Wal-Mart - South Tongass Volunteer Fire Department was awarded $7,500 from Ketchikan's Wal-Mart for Advanced Life Support equipment on Tuesday. According to Chief Scott R. Davis, these funds will make it possible to purchase 12-lead monitoring equipment for the department. This type of EKG monitoring enables early recognition of a myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Davis said, "With this monitoring capability, this department can recognize a potential
life-threatening rhythm and alert emergency personnel at KGH for treatment. In addition, any life-threatening rhythm can be transmitted via facsimile to KGH through any phone line." - More...
Wednesday PM - February 01, 2006



letter To my fellow Ketchikan area residents By Renee Schofield - Wednesday PM
letter Officers and dispatchers deserve our support By Kristina M. Townsend - Wednesday PM
letter Dear residents of Ketchikan and readers of Sitnews By Mike Daudet - Wednesday PM
letter Butch By Rob Holston - Wednesday PM
letter Major Freeman By Tori Jackson - Wednesday PM
letter Democrats at State of the Union Speech Acted Outrageously! By Theresa Cullen - Wednesday PM
letter A Reasonable Pactice? By Mark Neckameyer - Wednesday PM
letter Summer business has helped our downtown By Rich Elliott - Tuesday PM
letter To the citizens of Ketchikan By T. Ernest Freeman - Tuesday PM
letter ON EDUCATION By Jerry Cegelske - Tuesday PM
letter Vote Yes By Thomas Ferry - Tuesday PM
letter Dear People of Ketchikan By Paula Pemberton - Tuesday PM
letter Major Freeman By Ted B. Grant - Tuesday PM
letter Crash Story By John Mooney - Tuesday PM
letter Elizabeth Peratrovich Day By Janice Jackson - Tuesday PM
letter Border incursions By Frank Verderber - Tuesday PM
letter KIC Election Rules/ By-laws By Elroy Edenshaw - Tuesday PM
letter Big Winners By David J. Nelson III - Tuesday PM
letter Thank you to all who have expressed concern... By Cathy Pruett - Tuesday PM
letter Major Freeman By Al Johnson - Tuesday PM
letter This is our home. By Dennis Pope - Monday
letter TAKES BOTH TO MAKE IT HAPPEN By Bobbie McCreary - Monday
letter Thank you Ketchikan By Teresa P. Richardson - Monday
letter Port Renovation Project By Chris Parks - Sunday PM
letter Thank you Ketchikan By Carolyn Pedison - Sunday PM
letter Dear People of Ketchikan By Doyle Cowart - Sunday PM
letter Major Stephen Freeman By Jerry Sandel - Sunday PM
letter Steve Freeman By Leslie Whitmire - Sunday PM
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Wednesday, February 01, 2006 - Noon - Chamber Luncheon at the VFW, 3113 Tongass Ave. Pat Cassin will be speaking about his efforts in locating property for Pacific Sun Products, a Sea Urchin Company out of Ventura California. There will also be a brief Presentation from visiting Representatives' from St. Jude's Children's Hospital.

Thursday February 02, 2006, 7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
pdfAgenda & Information Packets

Thursday February 02, 2006, 5:30 - 7:30 pm - North Tongass Volunteer Fire Dept. Open House and Board of Directors meeting - Ribbon cutting ceremony for new building and more...

Teleconference meetings - Legislative Information Office - Check the Calendar

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Alaska: Governor Signs Primary Seat belt Bill; Introduces Legislation Allowing Creation of Highway Safety Corridors - Tuesday Alaska Governor Frank H. Murkowski signed into law SB 87, a bill that makes driving without buckling up a primary offense. Sen. Con Bunde sponsored the bill. While current law requires Alaska drivers to wear a seat belt, police and troopers are able to write a ticket for the offense only if they have stopped the driver for some other traffic or vehicle equipment violation. The new law, which goes into effect in 90 days, will allow law enforcement personnel to stop a driver if they can see he or she is not wearing a seat belt.

The governor emphasized that, based on the experience of other states with a primary seat belt law, SB 87 will save lives ­ an average of six lives per year. It is also estimated the new law will prevent about 70 serious injuries per year, and reduce the cost of publicly funded medical care by about $12 million annually. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 01, 2006

Alaska: State approves sale of bear hides By ALEX DEMARBAN - For the first time in the state's history, Alaskans can legally sell bear hides.

The Board of Game agreed to the change this week to increase moose populations in five areas of the state where aerial wolf hunting is allowed.

The decision allows the sale of brown bear hides, which may be worth several thousand dollars, only if they're harvested from a 2,700-square-mile section of northeastern Alaska. - More...
Wednesday - February 01, 2006

Match of the Month  

Mike Harpold: Match of the Month - When I first met my "Little Brother" Tyler, he had a new step-dad. Tyler was always feeling a bit uneasy about his step-dad coming back from his long and frequent trips. Early in our friendship, I learned that Tyler's stepfather built plastic models for a hobby, but Tyler was afraid to ask to build one; he felt he was too clumsy.

Together, we worked on building a scale model of a tugboat, which Tyler decided to name the Barbara T, after his mother. Just in Time for Christmas, we wrapped it as a present for his stepfather. We worked on many other models throughout the year, all of which he took home to show his step-dad. Throughout, he became more confident and over time, less anxious about his step-dad. After summer vacation, Tyler told me that he and his step-dad had started building models together. - More...
Wednesday - February 01, 2006

Columns - Commentary

Rob Holston: Fiber - "How're you doing?" If most of us are honest and a good friend is willing to listen, then we might divulge a long list of health concerns. If we are among those few who are 100% healthy, we undoubtedly know others who are suffering. Nationwide, health is a major concern. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, all acerbated by the American life style that creates obesity, alcohol and drug addictions, lack of exercise, poor diets, environmental concerns and stress. I've had concerns over America's health for years and now, at my age I'm beginning to focus on what I can do to live a longer and healthier life. - More...
Wednesday - February 01, 2006

Bob Ciminel: Exxon Made a Profit; Shame on Them! - Exxon, the company we love to hate, raked in $36 billion in profits last year with over 30% of that coming in the fourth quarter. As one economist said, "It's not difficult to make a profit when oil is $68 a barrel." Liberals and Democrats are screaming for Congress to impose a windfall profits tax. The last time Congress did that was in 1980 when oil prices skyrocketed to $30 a barrel. By 1986 oil was back down to $10 a barrel and the windfall profit tax looked like another failed attempt by the government to take money from profitable businesses and give it to people who won't work for it.

Before you jump on the windfall profits bandwagon, you need to think a little about the way corporations are taxed. Unlike individuals, corporations are taxed on what is left after they deduct all of their operating expenses, one of which is taxes. Well-managed corporations typically plow most of their after-tax profits back into the business either by funding research and development, or buying back their own stock, which raises the value of the remaining stock held by individuals and institutions.

The concept of the windfall profit tax reared its ugly head in the Seventies when price controls were about to be lifted on domestic crude oil. Congress, in its infinite wisdom, figured out that removing price controls would allow the price of domestic crude oil, which was fixed at $6 a barrel, to immediately jump to the market price of $30 a barrel. Sharpening their pencils, our leaders quickly calculated that oil producers could earn as much as $400 billion in profits during the decade between 1980 and 1990. Shame on them! The New York Times thought those kinds of profits were sinful, terming the impending deregulation of oil as "an immense transfer of cash" from consumers to oil companies. And so, on April 2, 1980, Congress passed, and President Carter signed, Public Law 96-223, the "Windfall Profit Tax on Domestic Crude Oil," which was not actually a tax on profits, but rather an excise tax similar to that levied on jewelry and other nonessential items purchased by consumers, such as tires, for example. - More...
Wednesday - February 01, 2006

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