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SitNews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska
February 18, 2014

Sharp Shinned Hawk
Mile 15.5 North Tongass: As the photographer was having her first morning coffee she looked out her window to find this Sharp Shinned hawk sitting on her porch railing.  She said amazingly enough he stayed there long enough for her to grab her camera and get this one shot before he flew off.  "What a great way to start the morning," she said.
Front Page Photograph By KATHLEEN WENDT ©2014
(Please respect the rights of photographers, never republish or copy
without permission and/or payment of required fees.)



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Ketchikan: Ketchikan Man Appointed to Ucore Rare Metals' Advisory Board - Ucore Rare Metals Inc announced today the appointment of Ketchikan resident Randall (Randy) Johnson to the Company's Advisory Board.

Uncore Rare Metals Appoints Ketchikan Man to Advisory Board

Bokan Mountain in Southeast Alaska is the proposed site of a heavy rare earth element mine.
Photo Credit: Susan Karl, USGS

"We're extremely pleased to have Mr. Johnson joining us as Bokan enters the late stages of mine planning and pre-construction", said Jim McKenzie, President & CEO of Ucore. "His exceptional track record of building businesses from the ground up, and his knowledge of the Alaskan business landscape, in particular, make him an invaluable addition to the Ucore Advisory Board."

Bokan Mountain in Southeast Alaska is the proposed site of a heavy rare earth element mine and is the largest heavy rare earth element deposit in the United States.. The Bokan project is located about 37 miles southwest of Ketchikan and approximately 86 miles northwest of Prince Rupert, British Columbia.

Johnson is the President of Tyler Rental Inc., an Alaska-based enterprise with over $50 million in assets and 75 employees, which he founded as a start-up in 1989 and subsequently grew to a multi-state enterprise.

A resident of Alaska for 33 years, Johnson formed Alaska Ship and Drydock ("ASD") to operate the Ketchikan Shipyard under contract with the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities in 1993. Working in conjunction with the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA), he guided an $80 million shipyard expansion project at ASD, including a new 2,500 ton dry-dock, upland ship berthing and an 80,000 square foot ship assembly hall and production support complex. He sold the company to Vigor Industrial in 2012, having grown it into a thriving enterprise with annual revenues of $35 million and up to 200 employees. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

Alaska: Weekend Medevac in King Cove Highlights Critical Need for Road to Cold Bay Airport - A 63 year-old King Cove woman remains in critical condition in an Anchorage hospital following a dangerous Coast Guard medevac over the weekend during gale-force winds and blizzard conditions. King Cove Mayor Henry Mack says the patient, who is his sister-in-law, is being treated for a heart virus, pneumonia and the flu.

“Not only was my sister-in-law’s life in danger, but so were the four lives of the Coast Guard personnel who landed in King Cove Friday night (Feb. 14, 2014) to medevac her out to Cold Bay,” said Mayor Mack. “My wife and I are close to my sister-in-law. For family members and EMS personnel, it’s stressful wondering if the Coast Guard is even going to be able to make it in.”

After an assessment and discussing the situation with an emergency room doctor in Anchorage, health care workers at the King Cove clinic determined the patient was in heart failure and needed to be treated at an Anchorage hospital as soon as possible.


“I didn’t think there was any way that the patient could be safely medevaced out, given the weather conditions,” said clinic physician’s assistant Katie Eby.

The Coast Guard decided to launch one of its MH60 Jayhawk helicopter from Cold Bay at about 5:15 p.m.

King Cove Fire Chief Chris Babcock said at the time, winds were gusting to about 70 miles per hour with whiteout conditions at the airstrip.

“I’ve done so many dog-gone medevacs, I can’t even count them all. But this was probably one of the worst ones I’ve seen as far as the weather was concerned,” Babcock said. “When the helicopter made it in, we didn’t even know it was there until we heard the props and suddenly it was alongside of us. As we were sitting next to the helicopter in the ambulance, the winds were making it bounce on the ground.”

The patient was quickly transferred to the helicopter. The Coast Guard returned to the Cold Bay Airport at 7:22 p.m. Guardian Flight then transported the patient to an Anchorage Hospital.

“If we had a road, the clinic health providers could have immediately loaded my sister-in-law into an ambulance and headed to Cold Bay instead of agonizing over whether the Coast Guard was going to be able to make it in,” said Mayor Mack.

Just two months ago, U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell rejected a massive land swap (56,000 acres from the State and the King Cove Corporation) in exchange for access to a small single-lane gravel road corridor (206 acres). That road corridor would have connected the remote community to the all-weather Cold Bay Airport for emergency medical issues and quality of life reasons. The fishing community is accessible only by small plane or boat, weather-permitting.

“Every day that I go to work, I think to myself, is this the day that we’re going to lose one of our community members?” Eby said. “We were so lucky that the Coast Guard was able to get in and transport this patient.”

“I couldn’t help thinking about the insensitive decision Secretary Jewell made,” said King Cove Mayor Henry Mack. She [Secretary Jewell] doesn’t realize how many lives are affected by just one medevac and the danger that places them in. It puts so much stress on our entire community, the Coast Guard and the health providers in King Cove who are struggling to save lives.”

Today, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) once again called on Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to address the life-threatening situation in King Cove, Alaska created by Jewell’s refusal to allow a few miles of road through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge to link the isolated community with the state’s second-longest runway. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014


Alaska: Cat parasite found in western Arctic Beluga deemed infectious - University of British Columbia scientists have found for the first time an infectious form of the cat parasite Toxoplasma gondii in western Arctic Beluga, prompting a health advisory to the Inuit people who eat whale meat.

Cat parasite found in western Arctic Beluga deemed infectious

Researchers have discovered an infectious parasite in Arctic Beluga.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The same team also discovered a new strain of the parasite Sarcocystis, previously sequestered in the icy north, that is responsible for killing 406 grey seals in the north Atlantic in 2012.

Presenting their findings last Thursday at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Michael Grigg and Stephen Raverty from UBC's Marine Mammal Research Unit say that the "big thaw" occurring in the Arctic is allowing never-before-seen movement of pathogens between the Arctic and the lower latitudes. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

Alaska: Ancient herring catch nets fisheries weakness - Archaeological data indicate modern herring management needs to take a longer look into the past to manage fisheries for the future says a new study involving Simon Fraser University researchers.

That is one of the key findings in the study, just published online in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). SFU researchers Iain McKechnie, Dana Lepofsky and Ken Lertzman, and scientists in Ontario, Alberta and the United States are its co-authors.

The study is one of many initiatives of the SFU-based Herring School, a group of researchers that investigates the cultural and ecological importance of herring.

This study's authors combed through reams of archaeological reports that analyse almost half a million fish bones at 171 archaeological sites from Alaska, British Columbia and Washington State. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014


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letter Cannery work remembered By Arnold C Anderson - Many years ago in 1948 I went to Ketchikan Alaska to work in the Ketchikan Packing Company. I was a college kid out of work and had gone up there at my own expense. It was a time when fish traps were allowed for their last year. The traps were used everyday except Sunday. It was amazing how many fish were caught and were brought in by fish trap tenders. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

letter Blocked? By Mamie Alexander - I am trying to find out how a private company can place equipment in a State Correctional Institution and charge people subscription fees to receive phone calls from inmates. This happened to me in the recent past. I was told the company had set up their equipment in the facility and in order to receive calls we had to subscribe to their services. I would like to know what has happened to this company, is it still there selling subscriptions and is this why the phones are blocked? Is it legal? 0 More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

letter Legalizing Cannabis By Alan R.(Rudy) McGillvray - To all my fellow Alaskans, cannabis consumers or not, yes, horrors of horrors, Rudy smokes and otherwise consumes cannabis? Yes I do, and as such, I have no problem with it other than staying flush with enough cash to maintain my level of consumption, which amounts to 4 grams a month (maybe 8 grams) and it lasts about 3 days. But, that is NOT why I decided to write this. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

letter 18 Trillion Debt By A.M. Johnson - A lesson in politics: Senator "Murky" Murkowski is about fooling low information voters once again. The Ketchikan Daily News on 2/14/14 reports a Juneau source reporting Senator Murkowski voted against raising the nation debt limit yet again and again. In the reporting the Senator is quoted "Raising the debt limits is an abdication of Congress in addressing the national debt." Well, we have national debt now at 18 Trillion dollars ($18,000,000,000,000,000,000). - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

letter It snows in Alaska! By Mary E Hemli - This last week we have had snow in Ketchikan. It is good for our water shed. On Tuesday there was a message up by the front of the Hospital saying the city bus could not make it up the hill so people would have to walk down to Tongass to catch the bus. I am 66 years old and have to be at the Hospital for some antibiotic infusion. I could not walk down to Tongass to catch the bus, what are we doing hiring from Georgia and Virginia? I have never seen the bus not go to the hospital It is a Hospital and the people there are usually sick. I have live here 30 years and this has never happened. - More....
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

letter RE: Explanation please! By Gina Palmer - After reading the letter from Kaisa Polanska, I thought I would write and enlighten her as to why KTB has not responded to her "right to know' why the artistic director was let go. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 18, 2014

letter Explanation please! By Kasia Polanska - Recently, I was surprised to learn that the new Ketchikan Theater Ballet artistic director, who was hired just this past summer, would not be returning to the school after only a few months with KTB. When I called the KTB office to find out why, I was told that the reasons were unknown. According to the information that I have received since then, the now former KTB artistic director was fired by email, without warning, and without the possibility to discuss the reasons in person. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 12, 2014

letter Open Letter to the U.S. Postal Service By Damon Knight - The simple fact here, is that our mail delivery has gone from great, to good, to bad (and even horrific) since LOCAL mail sorting was stopped in Ketchikan. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 12, 2014

letter Postal Service Reform Bill By Donald Bodda - I have to agree with the bill for getting the US Mail delivered more promptly - it was a big win for Alaska. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 12, 2014

letter Rezoning By Marty West - I see merit on both sides of this argument. My question is – what does it mean to have a “heavy industrial” and “unrestricted development” zone? - More...
Wednesday PM - February 12, 2014

letter How Much Do You Care!!! By Bonnie J Abbott - I had some interesting things happen recently, after my letter in SitNews, I was approached by several, all said the same thing, but I knew none of them. Three different stores, in one week. What they said was surprising to me. What they said is how much they agreed and like my letters recently in SitNews and all said keep up the good work Bonnie! I haven't heard that much in my life so it felt good to have strangers approach me and let me know how much it meant to them. - More...
Wednesday PM - February 12, 2014

letter Property Taxes? By Dennis Gudgeon - Can anyone explain to me how my property value is able to go up $32,800. in one year's time when I haven't done any improvements to the property? - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2014

letter Astounded by the Gov.'s Remarks By Glen Thompson - The following are my personal opinions and do not represent the Ketchikan Gateway Borough in any way: I just listened to Governor Parnell interview with KRBD in Ketchikan regarding an unplanned visit to our fair city.  I was astounded by his remarks.  After over six years of appeals to the legislature and the administrations of both Governor Parnell and Governor Palin, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough filed a last resort lawsuit to challenge the constitutionality of state statutes that require a local contribution for schools. - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2014

letter Ketchikan Postal Services By Ron Haberman - I would like to take this opportunity to respond to a letter to the editor regarding the U.S. Postal Service written by David G. Hanger of Ketchikan and published on Feb. 3, 2014. First, the U.S. Postal Service’s goal each and every day is to better serve the changing mailing and shipping needs of American industry and the American public without burdening the American taxpayer. Contrary to Mr. Hanger’s statement, the Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies solely on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations. To that end, the Postal Service has been very aggressive in reducing costs, including decreasing its annual cost base by $16 billion and reducing the size of its career workforce by more than 200,000 employees since 2006. - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2014

letter Postal Service By Norm Noggle - I haven't ever written offering my appreciation for the work of a politician. However, I must give thanks to Sen. Begich for his recent work to get our mail delivery system back in order. According to what I read today, he has a firm commitment from the Postal Administrator that our local mail will no longer be routed thru Juneau and sorting will be done in Ketchikan. - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2014

letter Postal Fix By Suzan Thompson - I'd like to thank Senator Begich for his quick intervention in the postal problems plaguing Ketchikan and other Alaskan communities. When a United States Senator listens to his constituents and acts quickly and decisively to fix a problem, government works. - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2014

letter Thank You By Rob Holston - To all of those who attended the Celebrate Life Banquet, Thank You. - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2014

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