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February 11, 2017

Snow Moon
On Friday, Feb. 10th, just 10 minutes after the full moon peaked, so did a penumbral lunar eclipse. The moon spent more than 4 hours coasting through Earth's outer shadow, called the penumbra, and it appeared darker than normal. While penumbral eclipses can be difficult to see and don't look nearly as dramatic as a total lunar eclipse - in which the moon passes through the darkest, central part of Earth's shadow - Friday's penumbral eclipse was darker and more noticeable than most lunar eclipses of its kind. That's because the moon veered so deeply into Earth's penumbral shadow that it was be almost entirely submerged in shade. (Map Where the Friday's Eclipse Was Seen)
The moon photo was February 09, 2017.
Front Page Feature Photo By CINDY MOODY ©2017
Ketchikan: Joint ceremony to unveil permanent exhibit in honor of Elizabeth Peratrovich - The U.S. Forest Service will dedicate the 210-seat theater within the Southeast Alaska Discovery Center located in Ketchikan in honor of civil rights pioneer Elizabeth Peratrovich during a joint ceremony with the Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) and Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS), on Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017.

Civil Rights Pioneer Elizabeth Peratrovich
Tongass National Forest Deputy Forest Supervisor Jason Anderson will be joined by ANB Grand Camp President Sasha Soboleff, ANS Grand Camp President Cecelia Tavoliero, Ketchikan Gateway Borough Mayor David Landis, and Betsy Peratrovich, granddaughter of Elizabeth Peratrovich, to speak during the ceremony. Actress Diane Benson, For the Rights of All: Ending Jim Crow in Alaska, will also perform Ms. Peratrovich’s famous speech to the territorial Senate in 1945.
The dedication ceremony will be followed by an Elizabeth Peratrovich Day celebration, led by ANB and ANS, Camps 14 and 15.
Of the Tlingit nation, Elizabeth Peratrovich, née Wanamaker, was a prominent Alaska Native leader and civil rights activist who worked to gain equality for Alaska Natives in the early 1940’s and is credited with the passage of the Alaska Territory’s Anti-Discrimination Act of 1945, the first anti-discrimination law in the United States.
Thursday's dedication is the result of more than a decade of collaboration between the Forest Service and the ANB and ANS, Camps 14 and 15, to help the communities of Ketchikan and Saxman come together and celebrate Elizabeth Peratrovich Day. In addition to renaming the theater, a permanent exhibit will be unveiled which details the history of Elizabeth Peratrovich, and her work with the ANB and ANS to gain civil rights for all in Alaska.
The Anti-Discrimination Act was at first defeated by the territorial legislature in 1943. However, as leaders of the Alaska Native Brotherhood and the Alaska Native Sisterhood, Elizabeth Peratrovich along with her husband Roy, lobbied the territory's legislators and represented their organizations in their testimony. On Feburary 16, 1945, Elizabeth Peratrovich was the last to testify before Alaska's territorial Senate voted on the bill, and her impassioned testimony was considered decisive.
In 1988 the Alaska Legislature established February 16th as "Elizabeth Peratrovich Day" to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the Anti-Discrimination Act. Every year Alaskans celebrate the day and remember Peratrovich's efforts to achieve equality and justice for all Alaskans of every race, creed and ethnic background. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017

Sheila Kleinschmidt (left) and First Bank board member Agnes Moran (third from left) presented the Ketchikan Community Foundation advisory board with the first of four annual $15,000 checks to help fund a new operating endowment for the Foundation.
Photo courtesy Ketchikan Community Foundation
Ketchikan: Several Irons in the Fire for Ketchikan Community Foundation - The new year got off to a roaring start for the Ketchikan Community Foundation, with the announcement of the potential for $185,000 in matching funds over a four-year period from the Rasmuson Foundation, as well as a $60,000 pledge over four years from First Bank for an operating endowment that will also be matched.
“We couldn’t be more excited and encouraged by these gifts that will continue to help build our Ketchikan endowment into a secure, long-lasting entity that will benefit local non-profit organizations for generations into the future,” said Christa Bruce-Kotrc, KCF advisory board chair.
“Now all we need to do is meet the match challenge, but we have every confidence in the people and businesses of Ketchikan to rise to the occasion, as they so often do!”
Bruce-Kotrc also announced the 2017 application period – Feb. 15 to March 31, 2017 – during which time local non-profits can apply for this year’s round of grant funds.
KCF expects to distribute a minimum of $20,000 this year. The Foundation last year granted about $11,000 total to four organizations – Ketchikan Volunteer Hospice, Ketchikan Theatre Ballet, Special Olympics, and Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council. The Foundation expects the annual distribution amount to rise each year as the value of the endowment fund grows. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017
Ketchikan: Ketchikan Man Charged with Possession of Child Pornography; Investigation Ongoing - The Ketchikan Police arrested and charged a Ketchikan man Thursday with 12 counts of Possession of Child Pornography with further charges pending.

Ketchikan Police Department
Photo courtesy KPD
Quoting public information released Friday by Deputy Chief of Police Josh Dosset, Ketchikan Police received information that Andy W. Cameron, age 25, was in possession of child pornography on his cell phone. Dosset said officers applied for and were granted a search warrant for Cameron and his residence.
The Ketchikan Police located and seized a cell phone and two laptops. Officers located numerous images and videos depicting child pornography on Cameron’s cell phone according to Deputy Chief Dosset.
Cameron was transported to the Ketchikan Correctional Facility and is being held without bail.
Deputy Chief Dosset stated the investigation is ongoing and additional charges of Sexual Assault of a Minor and Unlawful Exploitation of a Minor are pending.
Possession of child pornography is a class C felony in Alaska. It is important to note that an defendant can be prosecuted under state child pornography laws in addition to, or instead of, federal law.
A Citizen's Guide to U.S. Federal Law on Child Pornography states that images of child pornography are not protected under First Amendment rights, and are illegal contraband under federal law. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017

Tamsen Peeples displays Saccharinablades grown over the winter on longlines near Coghlan Island.
Photo by Mike Stekoll, Courtesy Alaska Sea Grant
Fish Factor: Crafting a framework for statewide mariculture industry expansion By LAINE WELCH - Shellfish, sea cucumbers, geoduck clams, seaweeds and biofuels are crops envisioned by a group of Alaskans who are crafting a framework for a statewide mariculture industry expansion.
An 11-member task force created last February by Governor Walker has wasted no time advancing its mission to put a comprehensive report on Walker’s desk by next March. The group, which has been meeting regularly, also has attracted wide interest from Alaskans who want to serve on advisory committees as the plan takes shape.
The advisory committees include research and development, the environment, regulatory issues, investment and infrastructure, workforce development, and public education and marketing.
“I get several calls a week from interested parties who want to participate,” said Barbara Blake, the Governor’s point person on the task force. “People are charged up for this. It’s a new concept that allows our communities to engage in a way that allows them to maintain their residence in our rural coastal regions. Everyone participating is really committed to developing something that will be beneficial for the entire state.”
Senator Lisa Murkowski also has gotten onboard with the hiring of Charlotte Regula-White, a marine biologist who will be the Senator’s mariculture point person. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017 |
Southeast Alaska: Bronze Posts Project Artists Chosen - Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) has chosen three emerging, master Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian artists to carve three cedar house posts that will be cast into bronze.

TJ Young working on a totem pole now installed at Gajaa Hít in Juneau
Photo courtesy
Sealaska Heritage Institute
Haida artist TJ Young, Tlingit artist Stephen Jackson and Tsimshian artist Mike Dangeli will create the carvings, which will be prominently and publicly displayed in front of the Walter Soboleff Building on Seward Street in Juneau.
The artists’ pieces will be juxtaposed against the three monumental Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian pieces at the building made by master artists Robert Davidson, Preston Singletary and David A. Boxley.
“We have pieces by the masters at the Walter Soboleff Building, and now we are showing the world that our culture lives on through our younger generation of emerging, master Northwest Coast artists,” said SHI President Rosita Worl. “Our culture and our art are alive, thriving and evolving.”
The pieces are slated for installation in 2018.
Mike Dangeli is of the Nisga’a, Tlingit, Tsetsaut, and Tsimshian nations. He is of the Beaver Clan and carries the names Goothl Ts’imilx ("Heart of the Beaver House" in Nisga’a) and Teettlien ("Big Wave" in Tlingit). Mike trained under the leaders of his family to be a Sim’oogit (hereditary chief) among the Nisga’a. Mike recently moved from Vancouver, BC, to Juneau and works as a commissioned-based artist. His commissions are primarily by private clients and indigenous people who use his work in ceremony and for their dance groups. Mike co-leads The Git Hayetsk Dancers with his wife, Dr. Mique’l Dangeli. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017
Columns - Commentary
WILL DURST: Democrats Are Completely Lost - Shattered. Splattered. Scattered. Battered. Tattered. Skewered and plattered. Barely mattered. That was the Democrats after November's election. But surely in the months since, they'd come together to stand aligned in the face of the flaky imperiousness of our so-called President. You'd think. And ripe bananas make a fine masonry grout.
The Democrats have lost their direction so completely they need a compass to blow their nose. Incontestably, incontrovertibly and incredibly... useless. We are not speaking of a trifling of uselessness here. "Totally and utterly and unconditionally useless" barely scratches the surface. The exact extent of the uselessosity exhibited by Democrats right now is breathtaking in its magnitude. Mythic. Destined to be immortalized in song and dance.
During last year's campaign they skirted the periphery of worthless and ineffectual and futile and just plain lame, but the degree of uselessness they have recently achieved is best measured in AUs, astronomical units. As evidenced by their reaction to Donald J. Trump's first unstable weeks in office. Or lack of reaction. They make listless look downright rigid. Limp is their rock.
As useless as an ejection seat in a helicopter. Mudflaps on a turtle. Pistol range in a bouncy house. Costume designer on a porn flick. Solar powered night scopes. An ashtray on a Harley. Glass pieatas. Triangular wheels.
Oh sure, they strut and pose and squawk and stamp their little impotent feet but so far have accomplished nothing. Less than nothing. Negative nothing if that's even a thing. And no, you're right, it isn't. - More....
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017
JEFF LUND: That Fish - We stood on the edge and looked through the water, trying to focus on the bottom to see movements above, rather than fix on the surface and spot a fish below. It’s one of those weird descriptions that fishermen use when asked, “How do you see the fish?” You just do, but that’s not a good answer.
We caught small, hungry trout because most of the rainbows were picky about what they ate. The recommendations called for size 20 and we were fishing size 16. That totally matters. I bounced a stonefly off a rock and the second it hit the surface it was in the mouth of a quality brown trout 16-inches easy.
That’s the fish of that river.
There’s always that one fish. Other details of the trip don’t really matter, just that fish. Who cares what you had for breakfast who was with you, whether it was 2012 or 2011, there is that fish on that water that you’ll remember.
If you’re supposed to do something you love so that you’ll never work a day in your life, but that something that you’re doing provides only satisfaction and no monetary compensation, then you’re in a bind. Unless you want to hitchhike around the United States and end up in a bus somewhere, there has to be some sort of participation in The Game. You don’t have to be owned by The Man, but it’s really unavoidable. You can’t get new fly fishing gear and get to pretty new water without a job. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017
BOB GARVER: Picks and Predictions for the 89th Academy Awards - The nominations for the 89th Academy Awards were announced on January 24, 2017. I was reasonably happy with them, though I wish the Academy would have shown some love to Martin Scorsese’s underappreciated “Silence.” Here are my thoughts on ten major categories, who I want to win, who I think will win, and in some cases who’s so sure to win that a lot of analysis isn’t necessary. Sadly, that’s true of many of the major categories, and it’s the lesser ones that inspire the most debate.
(Note: I tried to see as many of these movies as I could, but a few slipped through my fingers. Those films are marked with a star, though I don’t think any of them have enough momentum to be taken seriously in their respective categories) - More....
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017

Editorial Cartoon: Trump travel ban ruling
By Dave Granlund ©2017, Politicalcartoons.com
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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Strong and effective schools By Rep. Dan Ortiz - This session, I am honored to be serving as Chair of the House Finance Department of Education and Early Learning Budget Subcommittee, which reviews Alaska’s education budget. In this capacity I will closely examine Alaska’s school funding, and the unique programs and services that support effective learning. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017
Meeting Alaska’s Education Challenge By Dr. Michael Johnson - The most pressing issue for Alaska’s public education system is the lack of a fiscal plan. Our state savings accounts are almost depleted due to the lack of agreement on a sustainable fiscal plan that will address the new economic normal for Alaska. Oil will not provide the income we have enjoyed in the past. We have to make some difficult choices. - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017
Don’t ‘tear up’ the Iran deal. Let it fail on its own. By U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan - As a candidate, Donald Trump said he would “tear up” the Iran nuclear deal once elected. Many of us in the Senate strongly opposed this deal on substance — it provides the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism a pathway toward to nuclear weapons inside of a decade — and also on process. The Obama administration sought the approval of the U.N. Security Council, but essentially ignored the constitutional role of the Senate in seeking to finalize the deal as an executive agreement, not a treaty. As a result, President Trump would be within his rights and authority to undo the deal through executive action, particularly as Iran continued to show that it has no intention of abiding by the deal by launching yet another ballistic missile on Sunday (January 29th). - More...
Saturday AM - February 11, 2017
Statue of Liberty By Terence Erbele - Ellis Island is one of our national treasures. It is a place to reflect on the history of our country and to capture a sense of what many of our ancestors experienced upon entering this country. It was not a warm welcome. On several walls are old posters, dating back to the 1800's, demanding that we keep immigrants out. Certain countries are named. Yet most of the detested immigrants and their descendants became integral to every part of our society. - More...
Tuesday AM - January 31, 2017
RE: Hold the line on spending By Clay Bezenek - Just a short comment to say thanks to Rodney for doing his job well as a new Ketchikan assemblyman!!! - More...
Tuesday AM - January 31, 2017
COMING SOON: THE FIRST INDIAN WAR SINCE 1890 By David G Hanger - As the flim-flam man tries to figure out how to build our version of the Berlin Wall without undocumented labor, his obsession with self-aggrandizement continues unabated even to the point of setting the stage for the first Indian War since 1890. Wounded Knee, of course, was far more a U.S. Army massacre than it was a war, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers after extended analysis in the past month or so decided they had no interest in pressing that button again. - More...
Tuesday AM - January 31, 2017
Don't be manipulated By Thomas Scott - As I was walking out of Walmart Thursday, in the area that you would kick the snow off your boots and grab a shopping cart, there was this young lady in a very animated conversation with an older lady. As I got closer, I could hear that she had been involved with the Woman's March down in Homer, and I thought, "good for her, she's obviously very passionate about this and she's expressing herself" A few more steps and I'm around her and heading out the door when I hear her say," I'm so mad about this, if I was 18, I would have denounced my citizenship at the end of that walk". - More...
Tuesday AM - January 31, 2017
Immigration By A. M. Johnson - In anticipation of local empathy for the current social issue of immigration and the issuance of the Presidential decree to cease the acceptance of foreign nationals into America being tabbed with so many negative titles, the thought of recalling recent history on the matter would be appropriate. - More...
Tuesday AM - January 31, 2017
Wild Ketchikan Times By Frances Vlahos-Rohm - I spent a very soggy year in Ketchikan in 1973. I worked at the Frontier Saloon for Roger Hoff and had quite an exciting time of it. Men outnumbered women about 12:1 and I maintain to this day, I never had to buy my own drink. We were highly entertained by the Friday performances of "Fish Pirates Daughter", and I can still quote a few lines after hearing it all summer long. I made life long friends from my short time in town and had so many adventures. Roger hired some great bands, including a rock band from LA and a great country/blue grass group from Canada. The fiddler had been a Canadian fiddling champion at 17, and was still too young to drink in the bar! - More...
Tuesday AM - January 31, 2017
Hold the line on spending By Rodney Dial - I’ve been on the Ketchikan Borough Assembly for four months now. The following is my opinion of the state of the borough for your consideration. My views do not necessarily reflect the views of the other assembly members. - More...
Thursday AM - January 26, 2017
The Governor’s Budget By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Governor Walker submitted a budget plan for the upcoming fiscal year, which includes three primary items: cuts in government spending, increased revenue, and the use of some Permanent Fund earnings, which is a separate fund from where we collect our dividend. - More...
Tuesday AM - January 24, 2017
RE: SEVENTY-EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS By Douglas Thompson - I agree with David Hanger's recent letter concerning cost overruns. We pay in total close to three hundred thousand dollars per year to Amylon as an administrator. the question is for what? Since he has been here I can not recall one project that has come in on budget and many that have had to be redone at cost to the city. The argument certainly can not be made that we are paying for expertise! The waste of tax dollars is appalling. The lack of concern by the council is disgusting. Their continued response as the funds drain away that should have upgraded sewer, water, streets and other vital services is to threaten to increase taxes. Why do we need such a costly incompetent manager with several assistants to shovel away the tax dollars? - More...
Tuesday AM - January 24, 2017
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