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February 24, 2020

The catkins of the pussy willow plant are early signs of spring.
Front Page Feature Photo by SUSAN HOYT ©2020
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Southeast Alaska: The Inter-Island Ferry Generated Nearly $50 Million in Economic Activity in 2019 and 508 Jobs - The Inter-Island Ferry Authority (IFA) - a public ferry system providing daily service between Prince of Wales Island and Ketchikan - released a study today showing that the ferry system was responsible for $46.4 million in economic activity in southern Southeast Alaska last year.

Photo Courtesy Inter-Island Ferry Authority |
The 12-page publication, compiled by Rain Coast Data, shows that the IFA provides a high rate of return on investment. In 2019, the system generated $70 in economic activity for each dollar of State investment. Economic activity was measured in five areas: tourism, seafood, medical access, retail trade, and spending by the IFA – and includes direct and secondary impacts.
“We are both honored and humbled by the huge impacts that our reliable, daily ferry service has on our economy. We wanted to be able to share and communicate the value of the role that we play.” explains Ron Curtis General Manager of the Inter-Island Ferry Authority. “This publication concisely describes and calculates the economic and social impacts of IFA ferry service between Prince of Wales Island and Ketchikan.”
Some other highlights of the study include the following:
- Cost Effective Operations: Compared to other public passenger-vehicle ferries, the IFA is run very cost effectively. On average for other systems, farebox revenue covers 59% of operational costs. The IFA has a farebox recovery rate of 79%.
- Tourism: Visitors coming to Prince of Wales Island on the ferry spend $11 million on the island annually.
- Seafood: In a typical year, IFA transports two million pounds of high value seafood, with an associated value of $10 million. The business model to move this product depends on the daily, reliable, affordable service the IFA provides.
- Medical Care: Prince of Wales residents rely on the IFA for affordable access to medical care. Medical trips accounted for at least 12% of all ferry trips last year. These “medical tourists” spend $9 million in Ketchikan hospitals and medical offices each year.
- Ketchikan Spending: Prince of Wales residents who ride the ferry spend millions of dollars in Ketchikan each year. IFA riders spent $8 million on goods and services in Ketchikan (not counting the millions spent in the health care sector). The IFA itself spent an additional $1 million.
- Jobs and Earnings: 508 jobs - in tourism, seafood, health care, and transportation - and $19 million in associated workforce earnings on Prince of Wales Island and Ketchikan are dependent on the IFA, when the multiple effect is included.
- Students: In 2019 students from 12 Alaska school districts made 3,100 trips on the IFA. Being able to participate in school activities and sports travel is especially important for rural Alaska students. The system saves school districts approximately $337,000 per year in travel costs.
- Children and Senior Citizens: By using the ferry, students, senior citizens, and younger children have saved a combined $19.3 million over the price of flying since ferry operations began in 2002.
Document summary:
The Inter-Island Ferry Authority (IFA) is a public transit system that has been providing daily service between Prince of Wales Island and Ketchikan in Southeast Alaska since 2002. In 2019, the IFA ferried 44,200 passengers and 10,000 vehicles between Hollis and Ketchikan. The system is more than a form of transportation, it is an economic engine, generating jobs and commerce, while also increasing community well-being. A full economic impact analysis of ferry system activities in the tourism, seafood, health care, and retail sectors shows that the ferry generated $46.4 million in economic activity and supported 508 jobs in Ketchikan and Prince of Wales in 2019, including multiplier effects.
In 2019, the IFA brought 2,900 tourists to Prince of Wales Island, where they spent more than $11 million on lodging, fishing, hunting, and dining - generating jobs across the island. Ferry service allowed the seafood industry to move two million pounds of high-quality, fresh and live seafood, valued at $10 million, to market. The ferry system provided $9 million worth of access to health care for island residents who rely on medical services available in Ketchikan. The IFA reinforced Ketchikan’s status as a regional economic hub, with Prince of Wales residents and the IFA system spending $9 million there last year on groceries, goods, services, and ship repairs. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Ketchikan: City of Ketchikan auctions historic firehouse for $343,000 By LARRY JACKSON - The City of Ketchikan auctioned off its 72 year old surplus firehouse last week. The winning bid by a local group is planning to convert the building into a distillery.
The bidding started at $140,000 and lasted for 15 minutes with the winning bid of $343,000.
- More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Ketchikan: City of Ketchikan considers private management of port By LARRY JACKSON - On February 21, representatives of Ketchikan Port Solutions, one of the private port management companies proposing to take on the management of the Ketchikan Cruise Port, were interviewed. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Ketchikan: Mine exploration planned for Helm Bay By LARRY JACKSON - Agnico Eagle, a mine company based in Canada, has applied to do core drilling at 23 sites in the Helm Bay area of the Cleveland Peninsula.
The USFS is currently taking comments at the project web page. A map of the drill sites is shown at the end of the video.
Forest Service representatives were not avialable for interview. There are no Agnico Eagle representatives located in Ketchikan.- More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Ketchikan: Chris Lee claims Ketchikan High School's basketball all time score lead
By LARRY JACKSON - Kayhi's senior varsity basketball player Chris Lee claimed the lead for accumulated points scored held for 46 years by Steve Ortiz.
Lee and Ortiz were interviewed last week.
- More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020 |
Alaska: Governor and DOT Commissioner Address Ferry Status & Working Group Members Announced By MARY KAUFFMAN - Governor Mike Dunleavy announced last week the names of the nine Alaskans who will serve on the Alaska Marine Highway Reshaping Work Group and along with the Commissioner of DOT spoke publicly about what's going on with the ferry system and circumstances leading up to the current lack of services.
Currently the lack of ferry service is impacting the South Central Coastal Alaska and Southeast Alaska and impacting the lives of people. Governor Dunleavy said they are doing everything they can to work on fixing this issue and to come up with a sustainable solution that's going to take the AMHS forward for many years. For planning purposes, a working group has been formed made up of nine members tasked with providing recommendations on the future finances and service levels of the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) to the Governor, using data from the AMHS Reshaping Study.
Current service issues did not happen overnight. Governor Dunleavy said the AMHS got to this point over decades because of lack of regular maintenance on some of the ships and very old ships that are failing mechanically and structurally creating a perfect storm hitting services year. He mentioned the strike in August that was unanticipated that took a good amount of revenue off the table impacting the system as well. He also mentioned last year's $1.5 - $1.6 billion budget deficit as a contributing factor as well as the legislatures agreed upon reductions to the ferry system.
With the establishment of the AMHS Working Group, “We begin today the process of restructuring the Alaska Marine Highway System for the 21st century,” said Governor Dunleavy. “The challenges facing the ferry system date back several decades and solutions will require patience and compromise from all stakeholders. I want to thank the nine Alaskans who have stepped up to volunteer their time, knowledge, and wisdom to assist my administration and our fellow Alaskans that count on the system for transportation in our coastal communities.”
“The AMHS Work Group is comprised of nine incredible Alaskans with unique experience and vast knowledge. Each member brings their own perspective, and I am confident this strong group will produce balanced recommendations,” said John MacKinnon, Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities.
MacKinnon said, “Their focus will be to deliver guidance regarding finance and service levels so the system is sustainable in the future. I thank them for volunteering for this important task.”
MacKinnon said the AMHS has 12 ships in the fleet. The status of four of those ships is layup - meaning that the ships are unmanned with watch crews on them. Four of those ships are in Ward Cove about 6 miles north of Ketchikan. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020 |
Fish Factor: Alaska's Dutch Harbor Top Fishing Port in US for 22nd Year in a Row By LAINE WELCH - Dutch Harbor remained the top fishing port in the USA for the 22nd year in a row with 763 million pounds crossing the docks in 2018 valued at $182 million. And Naknek ranked as the nation’s second most valuable port for fishermen with landings worth $195 million. (Naknek also ranked #8 for landings at 191 million pounds.)
Empire-Venice, Louisiana held the second spot for fish volume (569 million). The “Aleutians” was close behind (539 million), thanks to Trident’s plant at Akutan, the largest processing facility in North America. Kodiak fell to fourth place with landings dropping from 530 million pounds to 391 million in 2018.
Those are just a few of the gems in the annual Fisheries of the U.S. Report, described as “a yearbook of fishery statistics on commercial landings and values, recreational fishing, aquaculture production, imports and exports and per capita consumption” by Cisco Werner, chief scientist at NOAA Fisheries who gave highlights at a Friday press conference.
“U.S. fishermen landed 9.4 billion pounds valued at about $5.6 billion, an increase of $150 million, or 2.8% from 2017. That’s on par with recent years with economic benefits both up and down depending on the seafood supply chain,” Werner added.
New Bedford, Massachusetts claimed its 19th consecutive title of bringing in the most valuable catch at $431 million, due mostly to the sea scallop fishery.
Other Alaska related highlights:
Alaska provided 58% of U.S. wild seafood (5.4 billion pounds), more than all the other states combined. Alaska also led all states in the value of landings at $1.8 billion, 32% of the total U.S. value.
Alaska accounted for 97% of U.S. salmon landings; the average Alaska price per pound for all species was 99 cents, an increase of 34 cents from 2017.
The 2018 average price paid to U.S. fishermen across the board was 59 cents per pound compared to 55 cents per pound in 2017.
The six highest valued U.S. seafoods were lobsters ($684 million), crab ($645 million), salmon ($598 million), scallops ($541 million), shrimp ($496 million) and Alaska pollock ($451 million).
The value of U.S. farmed seafood totaled $1.5 billion in 2017, about 21% of the value of total seafood production. The top marine aquaculture species were oysters, clams and salmon.
As much as 85%-95% of seafood consumed in the U.S. comes from elsewhere. For 2018, the U.S. imported $22.4 billion worth of edible seafood and exported $5.6 billion, a $16.8 million trade deficit.
Production of U.S. seaweed increased 186% from 2016-2017 to (just) 69,053 pounds valued at $68,698. Data indicate the rapid rise in farmed seaweed production will continue. (Kelp production from Kodiak reached nearly 90,000 pounds in 2018.)
Americans ate slightly more seafood – 16.1 pounds, the highest per capita consumption since 2007 and a 0.1 pound increase from 2017, but still well below the government’s recommendation to eat two seafood meals every week. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020 |
Alaska: Dunleavy Administration Supports Allocative Decisions in Facebook Post on Upper Cook Inlet Board of Fisheries Meeting - Governor Dunleavy’s state-run Facebook Page recently published a message from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner speaking to a clear allocative preference for sport and personal use fishery users over others – particularly commercial fishermen.
While the Board of Fisheries is tasked with making allocative decisions, the State of Alaska manages and conserves a vibrant diversity of fisheries for the benefit and well-being of all Alaskans – whether they are subsistence harvesters, recreational users, commercial harvesters, seafood consumers or personal use fishermen. United Fishermen of Alaska (UFA), Alaska’s statewide commercial fishing trade association, is disappointed at this recent departure from the Department’s longstanding policy of remaining neutral on allocative decisions.
The lead-in text of the post reads, “Alaskans in southcentral had some big wins from the recent Board of Fisheries meeting” but failed to note that such “wins” are allocative, as was described by Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner, Doug Vincent-Lang. The posted video lauded Board of Fisheries decisions that would decrease harvest opportunities for Alaskan commercial fishermen in the Cook Inlet Region in order to create a new personal use fishery in the Susitna River and increase sockeye and king salmon escapements to the Kenai River.
UFA stated in a news release, the UFA supports Alaskans’ ability to put food on their plates in a variety of ways. For those Alaskans who don’t have the time, money, desire, or ability to sport or personal-use fish, the commercial fishing industry is their access to Cook Inlet’s shared sustainable salmon resource. In Cook Inlet, 82% of drift and setnet salmon permit holders are Alaska residents who provide local salmon to thousands of Alaskans. All told, in 2019 Cook Inlet commercial fishermen and three local processors provided over 2.6 million pounds of seafood to markets and restaurants on the Kenai Peninsula, Anchorage and communities in the Valley for Alaskan’s consumption. Additionally, 258 Alaskan commercial fishermen, many of whom fish in Cook Inlet, provide seafood access for individual residents — their families, friends and neighbors in Alaskan communities across the state. With only 160,000 resident sport fishing licenses sold across the state each year, Alaskans best access to seafood resources is through the commercial fishing industry.
Alaska’s seafood industry employs nearly 60,000 workers annually in Alaska making it the state’s largest private sector employer. It further contributes $2.1 billion in labor income, second only to oil and gas among private sector industries. There are 6,600 resident-owned fishing vessels in the state with each fishing operation representing a business that is generating income from a 100% renewable resource.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner stated in his recorded remarks, “All in all this was a win for recreational fishermen and personal fishermen in the state - and a win for conservation because we ended up not only providing some additional harvest opportunities, but we took some real solid steps in conserving these fish stocks for future generations.” - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Ketchikan: Volunteers multi-task at Cancer Resource Center - “You’re never not a librarian,” Bridget Stearns laughed as she stacked books in the Pinky Brindle Cancer Resource Center (CRC) at PeaceHealth Ketchikan.
Bridget, who is both a retired librarian and a retired nurse, is now a volunteer at the CRC. Each Wednesday she comes to help whether it’s rearranging the book collection, making baskets for cancer patients, or doing any of the many things involved in providing cancer support.
Jackie Jones-Bailey staffs the Cancer Resource Center which is in the hallway that connects the new medical office building with the medical center. “We’re always looking for volunteers to do so many things – check out books, help with the support groups, or spend time with patients and their families who use the CRC. People with special talents have made quilts, hats and scarves for patients too. This is a great access point.”
The Center not only has books, but they have wigs, scarves, prosthetics, and other items. Jackie also helps put people in touch with other services. “We work with the local First City Council on Cancer and the American Cancer Society for financial help and other support resources.” - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Alaska: Governor Introduces PFD Land Voucher Bill – Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy introduced legislation Friday to establish the PFD Land Voucher program to promote putting more land into Alaskans’ hands.
The bills, HB 270 & SB 217, would allow dividend-eligible Alaskans the option to receive a voucher worth twice the monetary value of the statutory dividend calculation to be applied toward purchase of state land. The PFD land vouchers would be transferrable, would not expire, could be combined for purchase of a single parcel, and could be used along with the state veterans’ land sales programs.
“This is an exciting new opportunity for all Alaskans to own a piece of the Last Frontier. While the State Lands Bill I introduced on Wednesday will increase the supply of available land, this bill is a response to the demand by helping individual Alaskans to realize land ownership,” said Governor Mike Dunleavy.
Dunleavy said, “This will be a win-win for both the individual Alaskan and the state treasury. By the individual voluntarily choosing a land certificate instead of a PFD check, the treasury gets the benefit of that money, and the individual gets the benefit of a land certificate twice the value of the PFD to purchase State land of their choice.”
If enacted, this legislation would help fulfil the Alaska Constitution’s mandate to develop state resources to benefit the public. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020 |
JEFF LUND: The end is near...or is it? - I get worried. Not overly or chronically, but occasionally.
But I’ve found you have to prioritize your worry and stress so you don’t end up in a tinfoil hat or Tweeting the Woke truth about the latest irredeemable target exposed in a 10 second soundbite with no context that came from a different era.
It’s not that you don’t care, it’s that you can’t worry about the Presidential election, the coronavirus, the pollution in the Pacific Ocean, Yellowstone erupting, bees going extinct and the Astros cheating and have enough energy left over to have a life of your own and to live it well.
Still, worrying happens. I wondered if my buddy was worried about taking me to check his traps over the weekend. I was about to get some information and what I did with that information could impact our friendship but also the future of where he was taking me.
That reminded me of the trust that it takes for someone to take you to a spot they think is productive, or even killer. If you are taken, then that’s one of the highest compliments available if you are just a hunting or fishing acquaintance. You’re trustworthy. At least for now. At least in this context.
It’s not that hunting and fishing spots are really a secret, but when you don’t know how many other people know, it’s at least quiet enough to make you not want to ruin it. - More....
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
TOM PURCELL: Kids Have To Make Names For Themselves - Get this: New parents are giving newborns outlandish names – so they’ll stand out on social media.
That’s according to a new survey of British parents by ChannelMum, which found 72% of respondents “believe a unique name will help their child stand out from the crowd,” StudyFinds reports.
So, what are some of these “unique” names”?
Maevery, Faelina, Idalia, Evabeth and Tessadora are the top five new names for British girls.
Jaspin, Charleston, Brigham, Ranger and Wrenlow are the top five new names for British boys. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
MICHAEL REAGAN: Poor Mike - I never thought I’d feel sorry for a billionaire – a $60 billion billionaire.
But watching Mike Bloomberg getting beat up in the Democrat debate in Vegas Wednesday night was almost tragic.
It was like watching a old boxer who gets clocked early in Round 1 and then wobbles around the ring in a daze for the rest of the fight while he’s pounded unmercifully.
Mike never recovered from the opening series of left hooks and below-the belt punches delivered by Bernie, Liz, Pete, Amy and old Joe.
For two hours he was slapped around and bullied by his much taller, much poorer and much better-prepared opponents. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020

Political Cartoon: Demolition derby 2020
By Dave Granlund ©2020, PoliticalCartoons.com
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
Alaska Municipal League 2020 Legislative Conference By Austin Otos - I recently had the opportunity to attend the 2020 AML legislative conference on the behalf of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough with Mayor Rodney Dial, and KGB Manager Ruben Duran. The conference consisted of various sessions including updates from State of Alaska agency directors, current bills going through the State legislature, overview of the State budget, and a speech by the Governor of Alaska detailing his economic vision. Major themes were: what happens on the state level directly impacts local municipalities, collaboration between other communities can garner new ideas/solutions, and constant communication with your state representatives can produce good policy outcomes.
Some of the important community issues that the Ketchikan Gateway Borough advocated for in the FY2021 legislative season include: 1. Opposing actions by the State of Alaska to shift costs of education to our local municipality and 2. Urging continuance of funding for the Alaska Marine Highway ferry system.
The first measure mostly dealt with school bond debt reimbursement that the State helps contribute towards Ketchikan’s education bond debt in an effort to help offset costs. In FY2020 our municipality was impacted by cost-saving measures that shifted $1 million in bond reimbursement to the local level. The State has an obligation to help pay for education costs set forth in our constitution and has routinely reimbursed local communities for their bond debt. Without these important stable fiscal measures coming from the state, municipalities risk imposing new tax measures onto local residents to offset education costs. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
An open letter to our Alaska legislators By Michael S. Queen - If we in the owner-state are determined to be giving away the just and fair profits of resource extraction, then the declining revenues we ourselves have crafted dictate that we identify alternative revenue streams. If one is going to live here and enjoy the benefits of established, necessarily maintained, and improved in the future infrastructure, the money has got to come from somewhere.
It is evilly disingenuous to point the finger at ‘big government’ in the Great Land when whole generations of Alaskans haven’t invested a nickel into the common weal of the State. Ignored are the realities of life and economy in Alaska, the immensity of our size relative to the rest of the United States, the extremes of topography, climate, distance, logistics, that demand enormous capitalization to be able to compete on national and world markets, if compete we choose. The costs, nevertheless, intransigently remain. Ignored are the facts that profit-driven markets demand increased costs to consumers as producers’ supply chains increase in expense. Why do Alaskans think they can escape the ever-rising costs of maintaining the infrastructure we have, when the cost of all we consume or otherwise use increases? Frankly, in terms of infrastructure, Alaskans have been ‘getting it for free’ for quite some time now… living in a banana oil republic.
Like all sectors of the economy, the costs increase across the board. Private sector, public sector, it is all the same. Nonetheless, the Constitution of Alaska emphasizes that all of us are to be equally treated under the law; regardless of our physical location in the State. Rural citizens, coastal citizens are to have the infrastructure, the transportation corridors, access to health care, education, and opportunity the same as citizens on the Railbelt enjoy. The Constitution forbids pandering only to the largest blocks of voter clusters at the expense of the scattered rest of the State. Flat funding unjustly penalizes the few to the benefit of the many. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
The ferry system, lifeblood of S.E. Alaska By Clement Plamondon - What has been done to our ferry system in the past several years by blatant mismanagement and political manipulation is nothing short of criminal. Not to mention the stupidity of simply killing half the small communities of S.E. Alaska.
We need transportation if the S.E. is going to continue to grow and we are a young state that should be growing. There are ferry systems all over the world that have been operating in many ways for many years there is absolutely no reason that we should not have one here.
We should be an example of cooperative economical development with all of the resources and opportunities our great state has to offer. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
No Good Presidential Candidates By Donald Moskowitz - President Trump continued the economic recovery and reinvigorated our military with increases in defense spending. Conversely, he weakened environmental regulations; moved funds from military construction projects to fund the border wall; and hurt our standing in the world, including our relationship with friendly countries. Trump continually lies about events and policies, and demeans the Presidency with his derogatory comments and gutterly uncivilized language. He garners attention with his negativity.
Trump has weakened our national security by attacking the FBI and intelligence agencies. These attacks are launched when he personally disagrees with the findings of the agencies. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Ketchikan's Port By Janalee Minnich Gage - So we are selling the port? News to me, and I sit on the Ketchikan City Council.
The argument you will hear lately is, why are we selling the docks, why are we giving it away, why are we going to pay someone else to run them, or why can’t we do this ourselves, and why not just keep doing what we are doing? First, let me be very clear here, we are not selling the docks, We are not paying someone else to run them, nor are we giving it away. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
House Finance Public Testimony This Week By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Each session, the Legislature’s biggest responsibility is to pass a budget for the State of Alaska. The House Budget Subcommittees - which examine the details of each department budget - have finished their budget recommendations. I serve as Chair of three budget subcommittees, and we submitted the following budget actions to the House Finance Committee for further review. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
Alaska Permanent Fund Re-Investment Plan (APFRIP) By Robert B. Holston Jr. - Open letter to: Dan Ortiz, Bert Steadman, Alaska State Senate President -Giessel, Majority Leader -Hoffman, Minority Leader -Begich, House Speaker -Edgmon, House Majority -Thompson, House Minority -Pruitt and Governor Mike Dunleavy. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
Waiting for the shoe to drop By A. M. Johnson - Far be from me to believe I am some soothsayer or star reader, yet one does wonder that there has been no inkling or whisper regarding the connection between Cruise ships, tax revenue, and the coronavirus. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
Stedman should follow local consensus and put ferries first By Joel Jackson and Malena Marvin - As residents of the towns near the proposed Kake Road, we firmly oppose it. The $40 million raised for this “road to nowhere” should instead support the return of the Alaska Marine Highway to our coastal Alaskan communities struggling without ferry service. - More...
Friday AM - February 14, 2020
Minimum Qualifications for Alaska Police Officers Makes Alaska Safer By Bob Griffiths - Most people are bewildered when they find out people with serious criminal convictions are serving as police officers in rural Alaska. It truly is shocking to learn that individuals convicted of felonies, sex crimes and violent domestic violence offenses are placed in the highest positions of trust and authority. Police officers in Alaska, from Anchorage or Alakanuk and beyond, are all given significant authority over the rest of us; including legal authority to search people, vehicles and dwellings with and without warrants; arrest and issue citations; and detain others until arraigned in court. Those of us working to assure only trustworthy individuals are placed in these critical positions of trust have been acutely aware of this long-standing problem for years. - More...
Friday AM - February 14, 2020
ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS? QUESTIONS ABOUT THE DOCK AND WARD COVE FIASCO By David G. Hanger - It certainly does not surprise me that Dick Coose’s fingerprints are all over this looming disaster. This particular buck-ass private of industry was fundamentally culpable for the train wreck that was Gateway Forest Products, the largest (and most corrupt) bankruptcy in the state’s history, and the wooden bowl scam, etc., and now he wants to sell your future away so he can toy with and burn rapidly through another $35 million of someone else’s money. Forfeiting local control of our docks for 30 years, and who knows how much more, means nothing to Dick Coose because long before then he will be dead and gone, but for many of you both you and your children will still be around. - More...
Friday AM - February 14, 2020
AMHS Update from the Legislature By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Let’s talk about the prospects of this year’s legislative session and budget deliberations as they relate to the AMHS. Our ferry system has been at the forefront of many legislative conversations: - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2020
Museums’ Strategic Long Range Plan By Michele Zerbetz Scott - It’s time to update the Museums’ Strategic Long Range Plan and the Ketchikan Museums are requesting help from the community. Here is some history: - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2020
Book Recommended By Rob Holston - ALASKA’S INSIDE PASSAGE by Dale Pihlman is a book I purchased as a “self gift” before Christmas and finished reading it in time to recommend it to several friends for their Christmas. I’ve known Dale for years and have admiration for his insights and I expected a good product yet his book delivers far beyond any expectations. - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2020
Standing up for Alaska’s Pioneers By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Last year, I cosponsored and voted for House Bill 96, which reverses massive rate increases at the Pioneer Homes. This bipartisan legislation passed the House 35-4 and now is being considered by the Senate. If the Senate passes HB 96, we can reverse the devastating rate increases and provide critical financial stability both for residents and our Pioneer Home system. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 04, 2020
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