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February 29, 2020

Snow Moon
February's full moon on the 9th over Deer Mountain. Named the Snow Moon after the snow on the ground. Some Native American tribes named this the Hunger Moon; others called it the Storm Moon.
The next full moon or Super Moon will be March 9th.
Front Page Feature Photo by SUSAN HOYT ©2020
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email your photo(s) to editor@sitnews.us |
Fish Factor: Seafood Trade Troubles By LAINE WELCH - Seafood coming from and going to China is piling up in freezer vans and cold storages indefinitely as the coronavirus continues to cause commerce chaos around the world.
About 80% of trade of the world’s goods by volume is carried by sea and China is home to seven of the world's 10 busiest container ports, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
Virus precautions mean that many ships can't get into Chinese ports, others are stuck at docks waiting for workers to return, and still more are idling in "floating quarantined zones," as countries refuse to allow crews of ships that have docked at Chinese ports to leave the boat until they have been declared virus-free.
China is the number one trade partner for the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma where ships are typically stacked with containers arriving full of goods ranging from clothing and toys to electronics. Many would normally return to China laden with Alaska seafood and other U.S. products, but operations have slowed dramatically.
“Factories aren’t open and goods aren’t being made. We don’t know yet what that impact is going to be,” Peter McGraw of Northwest Seaport Alliance told KOMO news. “There have been a lot of blank sailings. That means a lot of canceled ships.”
Alaska seafood exports to China of nearly $1 billion include products for their own markets, but the bulk goes there for reprocessing and shipment back to the U.S. and other countries.
“If you have plants that have product coming in and no workers to fill it, you're going to get that overflowing cold storage situation. So it's definitely a problem on the reprocessing side. On the consumption side, if people aren't going out to eat and going out to the market to buy seafood, that's going to take consumption down as well. So there's a couple different ways that it's working against moving seafood through the supply chain,”said Andy Wink, director of the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association and an economist who has tracked world salmon markets for over a decade.
The situation also is diverting more seafood from elsewhere into the U.S.
“The big salmon farming companies are looking elsewhere to direct their products and the U.S. is the obvious choice,” he added. “So we've seen salmon prices on average down about 10% since the first of the year at the wholesale level.”
As the crisis builds potentially into the spring, many major fisheries with year-round selling seasons but shorter harvests, such as Alaska salmon, begin engaging in price negotiations and set dock prices, said market expert John Sackton of Seafoodnews.com.
“The price setting at the dock is based on packers’ and distributors’ expectations of price for the entire year, the supply and availability of what is landed, and the costs and business expectations of the harvesters,” Sackton wrote in his Winding Glass blog. “Regardless of what price is paid in May or June, packers are looking at what price they expect to get four, five or six months into the future. In normal years, this is fraught with risk…This year, the risk is off the charts, because we simply don’t know how severe, economically or socially, the disruption from this disease may get.”
Alaska has worked hard to diversify its seafood markets beyond China since trade tariffs imposed in 2018 by the Trump administration cut into sales with its top customer. But the virus scare is causing disruption throughout new and more established sales regions, said Hannah Lindoff, global marketing director for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.
“We have on the ground representatives conducting marketing activities to help raise the value of Alaska seafood products. However, due to travel bans and health concerns, several chef seminars in China designed to boost knowledge of different Alaska species planned for this month have been cancelled. Additionally, events in Singapore and Italy were also cancelled. ASMI continues to prioritize the health of our overseas representatives and partners in these regions and hope for positive news,” Lindoff said in an email message.
Air cargo operations have been differently affected, and “the cancellation of flights in and out of China has been so extensive that freight forwarders have had a very hard time finding any space at all on planes for their shipments,” according to the New York Times .
U.S. shoppers could see items missing from store shelves as early as mid-April, Edward Kelly of Wells Fargo Securities told the Los Angeles Times. Big-box retailers such as Walmart and Target “could be the first to experience out-of-stock issues,” Kelly said. Of note: 80% of the drugs that Americans depend upon come from overseas countries, and China is the largest manufacturer. - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Ketchikan: State unresponsive to Ketchikan's concerns on Tongass Highway conditions By LARRY JACKSON - While Alaska Department of Transportation workers patch and fill, a long term highway fix is years away. The Ketchikan City Mayor talks about his conversations with state DOT officials but gets no commitment on repairs.
- More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Ketchikan: Baleen Brewery moving downtown By LARRY JACKSON - Friday I talked with Alex Macgullivray about his plans to move Baleen Brewery into the downtown area of Ketchikan. - More...
PM - February 29, 2020
Ketchikan: Commercial geoduck and oyster industry threatened by Governor's budget cuts By LARRY JACKSON - Southeast Alaska Dive Fishery Association opposes the Governor's budget which would impose large fees for PSP testing at state lab. Phil Doherty and geoduck diver Jeremy Leighton continue to sound the alarm. The Alaska Shellfish Growers Association voices alarm as well. - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Ketchikan: Mayor Talks Ketchikan Port RFP Part 1 By LARRY JACKSON - Ketchikan City Mayor Bob Sivertsen explains some of the issues surrounding the Ketchikan public port expansion and RFP. This interview was long and you can catch part 2 where the mayor outlines some other issues at a later date.
In an effort to get a broad view of this issue, plans are to interview other proposers as well as council members and citizens. - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Ketchikan: Landslide Causes Extensive Damage By LARRY JACKSON - Tatsuda's IGA on Stedman was hit by a substantial rock fall this week. Reports suggest the buidling suffered extensive damage. Owner Bill Tatsuda implied that the damage may put the store out of business after over 100 years. - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Alaska: Vote Yes For Alaska’s Fair Share will be on the ballot - Vote Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share will be giving Alaskans a chance to fix the budget crisis. On February 26, the Alaska Division of Elections (ADOE) posted that more than enough signatures have been qualified to meet the requirements for the initiative petition to be on the ballot in 2020.
"As Gov. Dunleavy and the Alaska Legislature prepare to spend the last of the savings we built up under ACES, it is imperative that we end the SB-21 corporate welfare that has destroyed Alaska's finances and is harming the Alaska economy. Alaskans are doing the job that our elected officials are supposed to be doing," said Merrick Peirce, co-sponsor.
"We are just giving away our oil, $744 million per year through $8 per barrel credits for production from Prudhoe Bay alone, even though the producers have a legal duty to produce the oil under their leases, have been producing the oil for over three decades with no subsidy, and are making over $40 per barrel in net income (which is over twice as much as they make anywhere else in the world). We are getting nothing for giving away our oil--revenue, investment, production, and jobs are all down. We need to get our fair share and keep it in Alaska so we can save Alaskan jobs and more fully fund essential services, PFDs, and capital budgets," added Robin Brena co-sponsor.
- More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Alaska: Man Sentenced to 40 Years for Sexual Abuse of a Minor - On February 28, 2020, Superior Court Judge Michael Wolverton sentenced Jeremy Strunk to serve 40 years on multiple counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor in the First Degree.
According to Assistant District Attorney Betsy Bull, who prosecuted the case, the evidence established that Strunk sexually abused three minor victims over the course of a decade. Authorities arrested Strunk in 2018 as part of “Operation Broken Heart,” which was a nation-wide investigation that led to more than 2,300 arrests.
Following Strunk’s arrest, Anchorage Police Department detectives learned that there were at least two additional victims. ADA Bull asked the court to accept the parties’ agreed-upon sentence of 50 years with 10 years suspended in order to isolate Strunk from society so that he cannot continue to commit these crimes. - More..
Alaska: Winners of the Alaska Symphony of Seafood Unveiled -
During an evening celebration of the best of Alaska Seafood co-hosted with United Fishermen of Alaska, the Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF) announced the winners of the Alaska Symphony of Seafood during the Awards Ceremony on Monday, February 24th, where contestants, industry representatives, Alaska Legislators, media and public attendees gathered to celebrate and toast the winners.
The Symphony is an annual contest for new value-added products made from Alaska seafood. The goal of the Alaska Symphony of Seafood is to increase the value of Alaska’s seafood by encouraging product development which diversifies markets, utilizes more of the resources and reduces fish waste. - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020 |
Alaska: The recent fall of the upper Yukon River By NED ROZELL - While skiing with two friends on the frozen Yukon River a few weeks ago, I visited the eight people who live between the towns of Eagle and Circle, which are 160 river miles apart.
The adults in those three households all shared the same observation: The Yukon River’s average level has dropped recently. They all mentioned “river piracy” that happened in an unseen high valley, 500 miles away, as a probable cause.
These people are among the keenest observers of the river as it enters Alaska.
They fish for salmon with nets and fishwheels, they drive boats up and down the big river, they walk its muddy banks, and they hold their breath during spring flood season.
Though the river people’s views of a shrinking river are not based on hard data, professional hydrologists agree with them.
The Yukon River measured at Eagle had its lowest annual water flow on record in 2019, with low levels also in 2017 and 2018, according to Crane Johnson, who works for the Alaska-Pacific River Forecast Center in Anchorage.
Johnson also shared a paper on river piracy by a scientist who traveled north to study a Yukon tributary in 2016 and found it was barely flowing. Further investigation by Dan Shugar and two colleagues from Illinois and British Columbia made them believe they were catching river piracy in the act.
River piracy happens when one large drainage somehow steals the water of another. In this case, melting of massive Kaskawulsh Glacier, in the St. Elias Mountains of the southwest Yukon territory, rerouted most of the water flowing into Slims River. That water instead now runs into the Kaskawulsh River.
This redirection of water affects the Yukon River because Slims River, named by a prospector in 1903 after his horse drowned in it, flowed into Kluane Lake, in between Haines Junction and the Alaska border at Beaver Creek. Kluane Lake flows into the Yukon River through the Kluane River.
Until 2016, a good deal of meltwater from Kaskawulsh Glacier (at 15,000 square miles larger than Massachusetts and Connecticut combined) flowed into the Yukon River and on to the Bering Sea. That water now mostly flows into the Alsek River and the Gulf of Alaska, taking a drastic shortcut to salt water. - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Analysis: How one man fought South Carolina Democrats to end whites-only primaries – and why that matters now By BOBBY J. DONALDSON - A rusting chain-link fence represents a “color line” for the dead in Columbia, South Carolina. In Randolph Cemetery, separated by the barrier from the well-manicured lawn of the neighboring white graveyard, lies the remains of George A. Elmore.
A black business owner and civil rights activist, Elmore is little remembered despite his achievement. But a granite monument at his grave attests to the “unmatched courage, perseverance and personal sacrifice” that saw him take on the South Carolina Democratic Party of the 1940s over its whites-only primaries – and win.
Nearly 75 years after Elmore’s battle, the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates made fervent appeals to African American voters in South Carolina ahead of the primary being held on Feb. 29. For some of the all white front-runners in the race, it could be a make-or-break moment – a failure to win over sufficient black support would be a major setback, potentially campaign-ending.
It is a far cry from the South Carolina of August 1946, when Elmore, a fair-skinned, straight-haired manager of a neighborhood five-and-dime store, consulted with local civil rights leaders and agreed to try once again to register to vote.
It followed blatant attempts to deprive African American citizens of their constitutional rights by white Democratic Party officials who would move voter registration books from store to store and hide them the moment a black voter entered.
When a clerk mistakenly allowed Elmore to register – thinking he was white, contemporary sources suggest – NAACP activists had a plaintiff to challenge the last whites-only primary in the nation.
‘Let the chips fall’
Excluding black voters at the ballot had already been ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1944’s Smith v. Allwright decision. But in defiance, the South Carolina General Assembly simply redefined the state’s Democratic Party as a private club not subject to laws regulating primaries. Gov. Olin D. Johnston declared: “White supremacy will be maintained in our primaries. Let the chips fall where they may.”
Elmore’s name was promptly purged from the rolls and a cadre of prominent civil rights activists arranged for the NAACP to plead his case.
Columbia civil rights attorney Harold Boulware filed the federal lawsuit. In June 1947, Thurgood Marshall and Robert Carter – like Boulware, graduates of the Howard University School of Law – argued Elmore’s case as a class lawsuit covering all African Americans in the state of voting age. The trial inspired a packed gallery of African American observers, including a young Matthew J. Perry Jr., a future federal district judge, who commented: “Marshall and Carter were hitting it where it should be hit.”- More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
MONEY MATTERS: WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THE STOCK MARKET NOW? WHAT DO I DO? By MARY LYNNE DAHL, Certified Financial Planner® - This week, as of February 29, 2020, we have seen a sharp decline in stock market prices, over 4,000 points, making this drop officially a “correction” of 14%. Foreign markets are in a sharp decline also, and there is a reason for this.
The reasons for this market drop in share prices is that the market likes the certainty of knowing a lot of data, like the earnings of companies, their profits and losses, taxes, hiring and firing, growth and recession indicators and other kinds of data that companies use to plan ahead. No successful company operates by the seat of the pants, at least not for long, and the market knows this. So it likes the certainty of knowing these things. What it does NOT like is uncertainty. There are risks associated with uncertainty that are hard to deal with because they are unexpected.
The uncertainty that worries the market the most right now is COVID 19, the coronavirus that is being called a pandemic, worldwide. It is an unknown, a real risk to health, but also a real risk to businesses all over the world. China has been economically hurt already, with factories shut down for weeks. China is the world ‘s main factory today. Almost everything is made there. All of the widgets for almost any kind of product come from China. It is a vital link in the supply chain of virtually every type of product that someone manufacture, sells, buys and trades. When the economy of China is hit hard with bad economic conditions, the effect ripples across the rest of the world.
Meanwhile, the virus is moving around the globe rapidly. In the US, we are fortunate enough to have a great system of medical care, with a lot of resources to deal with a virus like COVID 19, but that does not mean it not a threat to us also, so our own economy is now asking some important questions about preparation for it, treatment of it and the effects of it on business and life in general in the US. It is concerning, to be sure, and that concern, coupled with the risks to business, is causing a lot of uncertainty.
And this is exactly what makes our markets unhappy. Uncertainty is the bane of stock markets.
So, should you do something? React to all of this? - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020

Political Cartoon: Wall Street COVID-19
By Dave Granlund ©2020, PoliticalCartoons.com
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
DEATH KNELL OF THE GOLDEN GOOSE AND WHAT’S LEFT OF KETCHIKAN, TOO By David G Hanger - Al Johnson is correct that there are a myriad of possibilities in terms of lost tourist sales revenue as consequence of the coronavirus. Since last week several passengers on the quarantined Diamond Princess have died and several dozen exposed to the virus were moved stateside. How many more will die on the quarantined ships? In a week’s time the path of the coronavirus has gone from a “possible” pandemic to a pandemic in all but name. That official branding is scheduled for the not too distant future. Carnival, Norwegian, and other cruise ship stocks have tanked, losing more than 25% of their value, which is depression territory, not recession.
The flu virus does indeed on average kill several thousand U.S. citizens every year for an average death rate of no more than .1% of those infected**, but the irresponsible nonsense of the right wing propaganda machine that the coronavirus is no worse than the common cold is defeated simply by the basic statistic that for every 100 million infected by the coronavirus between 2.3 million and 2.5 million will die, and currently there is no vaccine and none that can be developed in less than 12 to 18 months. The magnitude of difference is thousands fold. That is why everyone with at least half a brain is so freaked out.
So in the short term, at least, all this local craziness of Ward Cove and long-term dock leases may essentially be moot, and the chief merchant concern will be buying coronavirus lost revenue insurance if they can afford it. That is not a joke. - More...
Saturday PM - February 29, 2020
Let’s Finish What We Started By Eric Muench - One year ago, Alaskans discovered that our newly elected governor had no intention of keeping his promises, but instead was single handedly wrecking essential State programs to fit a personal radical conservative agenda that even most republicans could not agree with.
Having promised he would increase funding for education, maintain a functioning ferry system, not cut State Troopers or prisons or courts or the State University or Medicaid or many other State services, he proceeded to do just the opposite.
Governor Dunleavy vetoed funding for Troopers, prisons, courts, Head Start, education, pioneer homes, the University, Medicaid, public broadcasting and public defenders and began a program to ruin, dismantle and sell off the State ferries and terminals. He immediately plunged many citizens into joblessness and poverty and started a Statewide economic decline. To do these things he also violated the State law and Constitution and the separation of powers. - More...
Thursday PM - February 27, 2020
AMHS Reshaping Group By Art Johnson - It certainly seems odd that some of the communities most impacted by the lack of ferry service are not represented on the nine member reshaping work group. People from Anchorage and Fairbanks have very little exposure to the difficulties being experienced in SE Alaska. Ketchikan, Wrangell and Petersburg should be represented, if this is a serious effort to find solutions to providing proper ferry service. - Link to Letter....
Thursday PM - February 27, 2020
Grow Ketchikan’s Mentorpreneurs Network By Deborah Hayden - Grow Ketchikan enthusiastically announces formation of the Mentorpreneurs Network. This initiative creates a venue where entrepreneurs can meet, share triumphs, challenges, and expertise, and benefit from mutual support.
Each meeting will contain a short presentation by Grow Ketchikan’s Executive Director or other local business and finance experts on topics such as business planning, marketing, financing, and resources available to businesses.
The first meeting will be in the Library’s large meeting room, 1110 Copper Ridge Lane, at 12 noon on Tuesday, March 3. We will connect with entrepreneurs and listen to their needs. Together with the group, we will evolve initiatives that address those needs and foster successful growth. - More...
Thursday PM - February 27, 2020
Why I am supporting Prop 13 By Deborah Bonito - Anchorage, Alaska has been my home town since my Army family moved here when I was 12 years old. I’ve always been proud to call this amazing place my home. In Anchorage, we grow our businesses, our families, and our community together. That’s why I want to tell you about an opportunity we have to make Anchorage an even better place to live, and to invest a little right now in something that will have returns year after year. I know from my many years as a retail business owner and operator that a smart investment today can make a big difference in the future.
Problems caused by extended homelessness and untreated addiction are plaguing our city. We know what the solutions are, we just need a dedicated revenue stream to invest in change.
The Anchorage Assembly voted recently 9-2 in support of putting Proposition 13 on our spring Municipal ballot—a 5% tax on the purchase of alcoholic beverages. I support Prop 13, but I know that some well-heeled folks in the liquor industry will be funding a campaign against it. - More...
Thursday PM - February 27, 2020
Alaska Municipal League 2020 Legislative Conference By Austin Otos - I recently had the opportunity to attend the 2020 AML legislative conference on the behalf of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough with Mayor Rodney Dial, and KGB Manager Ruben Duran. The conference consisted of various sessions including updates from State of Alaska agency directors, current bills going through the State legislature, overview of the State budget, and a speech by the Governor of Alaska detailing his economic vision. Major themes were: what happens on the state level directly impacts local municipalities, collaboration between other communities can garner new ideas/solutions, and constant communication with your state representatives can produce good policy outcomes. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
An open letter to our Alaska legislators By Michael S. Queen - If we in the owner-state are determined to be giving away the just and fair profits of resource extraction, then the declining revenues we ourselves have crafted dictate that we identify alternative revenue streams. If one is going to live here and enjoy the benefits of established, necessarily maintained, and improved in the future infrastructure, the money has got to come from somewhere. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
The ferry system, lifeblood of S.E. Alaska By Clement Plamondon - What has been done to our ferry system in the past several years by blatant mismanagement and political manipulation is nothing short of criminal. Not to mention the stupidity of simply killing half the small communities of S.E. Alaska. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
No Good Presidential Candidates By Donald Moskowitz - President Trump continued the economic recovery and reinvigorated our military with increases in defense spending. Conversely, he weakened environmental regulations; moved funds from military construction projects to fund the border wall; and hurt our standing in the world, including our relationship with friendly countries. Trump continually lies about events and policies, and demeans the Presidency with his derogatory comments and gutterly uncivilized language. He garners attention with his negativity. - More...
Monday PM - February 24, 2020
Ketchikan's Port By Janalee Minnich Gage - So we are selling the port? News to me, and I sit on the Ketchikan City Council.
The argument you will hear lately is, why are we selling the docks, why are we giving it away, why are we going to pay someone else to run them, or why can’t we do this ourselves, and why not just keep doing what we are doing? First, let me be very clear here, we are not selling the docks, We are not paying someone else to run them, nor are we giving it away. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
House Finance Public Testimony This Week By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Each session, the Legislature’s biggest responsibility is to pass a budget for the State of Alaska. The House Budget Subcommittees - which examine the details of each department budget - have finished their budget recommendations. I serve as Chair of three budget subcommittees, and we submitted the following budget actions to the House Finance Committee for further review. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
Alaska Permanent Fund Re-Investment Plan (APFRIP) By Robert B. Holston Jr. - Open letter to: Dan Ortiz, Bert Steadman, Alaska State Senate President -Giessel, Majority Leader -Hoffman, Minority Leader -Begich, House Speaker -Edgmon, House Majority -Thompson, House Minority -Pruitt and Governor Mike Dunleavy. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
Waiting for the shoe to drop By A. M. Johnson - Far be from me to believe I am some soothsayer or star reader, yet one does wonder that there has been no inkling or whisper regarding the connection between Cruise ships, tax revenue, and the coronavirus. - More...
Wednesday AM - February 19, 2020
Stedman should follow local consensus and put ferries first By Joel Jackson and Malena Marvin - As residents of the towns near the proposed Kake Road, we firmly oppose it. The $40 million raised for this “road to nowhere” should instead support the return of the Alaska Marine Highway to our coastal Alaskan communities struggling without ferry service. - More...
Friday AM - February 14, 2020
Minimum Qualifications for Alaska Police Officers Makes Alaska Safer By Bob Griffiths - Most people are bewildered when they find out people with serious criminal convictions are serving as police officers in rural Alaska. It truly is shocking to learn that individuals convicted of felonies, sex crimes and violent domestic violence offenses are placed in the highest positions of trust and authority. Police officers in Alaska, from Anchorage or Alakanuk and beyond, are all given significant authority over the rest of us; including legal authority to search people, vehicles and dwellings with and without warrants; arrest and issue citations; and detain others until arraigned in court. Those of us working to assure only trustworthy individuals are placed in these critical positions of trust have been acutely aware of this long-standing problem for years. - More...
Friday AM - February 14, 2020
ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS? QUESTIONS ABOUT THE DOCK AND WARD COVE FIASCO By David G. Hanger - It certainly does not surprise me that Dick Coose’s fingerprints are all over this looming disaster. This particular buck-ass private of industry was fundamentally culpable for the train wreck that was Gateway Forest Products, the largest (and most corrupt) bankruptcy in the state’s history, and the wooden bowl scam, etc., and now he wants to sell your future away so he can toy with and burn rapidly through another $35 million of someone else’s money. Forfeiting local control of our docks for 30 years, and who knows how much more, means nothing to Dick Coose because long before then he will be dead and gone, but for many of you both you and your children will still be around. - More...
Friday AM - February 14, 2020
AMHS Update from the Legislature By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Let’s talk about the prospects of this year’s legislative session and budget deliberations as they relate to the AMHS. Our ferry system has been at the forefront of many legislative conversations: - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2020
Museums’ Strategic Long Range Plan By Michele Zerbetz Scott - It’s time to update the Museums’ Strategic Long Range Plan and the Ketchikan Museums are requesting help from the community. Here is some history: - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2020
Book Recommended By Rob Holston - ALASKA’S INSIDE PASSAGE by Dale Pihlman is a book I purchased as a “self gift” before Christmas and finished reading it in time to recommend it to several friends for their Christmas. I’ve known Dale for years and have admiration for his insights and I expected a good product yet his book delivers far beyond any expectations. - More...
Monday PM - February 10, 2020
Standing up for Alaska’s Pioneers By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Last year, I cosponsored and voted for House Bill 96, which reverses massive rate increases at the Pioneer Homes. This bipartisan legislation passed the House 35-4 and now is being considered by the Senate. If the Senate passes HB 96, we can reverse the devastating rate increases and provide critical financial stability both for residents and our Pioneer Home system. - More...
Tuesday PM - February 04, 2020
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