Columns - Commentary
Will Durst's Frog Soup: Raging
Moderate - Ever since I was but a tadpole I've been hammered
under the weight of this urban myth about putting a frog into
a pot of water at room temperature then slowly raising the flame.
Supposedly, the frog continues
to acclimate itself to the heat until it finally boils to death.
I have questions. First off, who goes to the trouble of boiling
one frog at a time? - More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005
Preston MacDougall: Chemical
Eye on the Pill - A Penn State chemist, named Russell Marker,
discovered a very inexpensive synthetic route to several steroid-based
pharmaceuticals, including the birth control pill, starting from
(blank). Is the answer to this fill-in-the-blank question, A,
eyes of newts, B, Mexican yams, C, petroleum, or D, willow bark?
- More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005
Michael Reagan: Killing
Terri - Democratic national chairman Howard Dean is on the
stump trying to convince red state voters that his party has
values. This leads me to ask if one of those values the Democrats
supposedly champion is the death by starvation of Terri Schiavo.
Is this the way they seek to prove they are the party that cares
about people? - More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005
Betsy Hart:
Tragic aspects of Terri Schiavo's case - Just when is a "husband"
not a husband?
There are so many tragic aspects
to the Terri Schiavo case, and her husband's being allowed to
act as her "husband" when he is not being a husband
to her at all - and our society's apparent willingness to tolerate
such things without value judgment - is one of them. - More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005
Michael Fumento: Obesity
statistics, here and abroad - "French Women Don't Get
Fat." That's the title of a fad diet book that's currently
on the bestseller lists. It preys on Americans who haven't been
to France lately, which is most of us. And like all fad diet
books, it's false. I knew that already from my travels, but a
just-released International Obesity Task Force report on the
25 European Union nations backs up what I've seen. - More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005
Martin Schram: Punish
government liars - Our focus today is on governments that
lie. Which is to say: Governments.
Also, how journalists who cover
governments communicate to citizens the fact that the government
has just told another lie. Which is to say: Accurately, but usually
euphemistically. - More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005
Clifford May: History
of Iraq war being twisted - Two years ago this week, the
American invasion of Iraq was under way. Why had we gone to war?
In the months leading up to Operation Iraqi Freedom, President
Bush repeatedly gave his reasons.
Saddam Hussein, he said on
Oct. 7, 2002, "has tried to dominate the Middle East, has
invaded and brutally occupied a small neighbor, has struck other
nations without warning, and holds an unrelenting hostility toward
the United States." - More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005
Dale McFeatters: The
patriotic opposition - It has taken awhile, but serious and
principled opposition to renewing parts of the USA Patriot Act
is growing in the form of an improbable coalition that includes
some of Washington's leading conservatives, the ACLU, gun rights
groups, libertarians and medical privacy activists. - More...
Thursday - March 24, 2005