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March 10, 2016

Wolff Point Orcas
This small pod of Orcas was recently sighted at Wolff Point, a spot named after Almer Wolff, who lived just above the point.
Front Page Feature Photo By WENDY HAMILTON ©2016
Alaska: U.S. & Canada Release Joint Statement on Climate, Energy, and Arctic Leadership; Concerns Expressed That No Alaskans Were Consulted By MARY KAUFFMAN - The White House today released a joint statement from the United States and Canada on Climate, Energy, and Arctic Leadership. The statement was the culmination of meetings between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Barack Obama at the White House – the first visit from a Canadian head of state in 20 years.
While there are sections of the joint statement that could hinder economic and resource development in Alaska, there are also areas that Alaskans could support. Canada is the United States’ closest ally and a vital partner in Arctic cooperation.
The statement began with a commitment for Canada and the U.S. to cooperate on implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change, and commitment to reduce methane emissions by 40-45 percent below 2012 levels by 2025 from the oil and gas sector.
The statement also announced a new partnership embracing the opportunities and confronting the challenges in the changing Arctic, with Indigenous and Northern partnerships. Indigenous peoples have great political and cultural importance for the United States and Canada.
The partnership’s four objectives are: Conserving Arctic biodiversity through science-based decision making; Incorporating Indigenous science and traditional knowledge into decision-making; Building a sustainable Arctic economy; and, Supporting strong Arctic communities. Under the first objective, there is agreement to re-affirm national goals of protecting at least 17 percent of land areas and 10 percent of marine areas in the Arctic by 2020. Notably, the third objective does not close the door on Arctic oil and gas development, but does call for science-based standards for environmental protection and robust emergency response standards.
Prior to today's announcement, the Canadian Prime Minister had met with all Premiers of the Northern Territories and Provinces of his country to solicit their advice and input. However, Alaska officials were concerned that no Alaskans had been consulted on the objectives laid out by President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.
In the wake of the joint announcements made by President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Gov. Bill Walker said in a prepared statement, "While I appreciate the White House’s continued engagement in Arctic issues, it is concerning that no Alaskans were consulted on the objectives laid out by President Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau today."
Walker said, “As the United States’ only Arctic region, Alaska should play a significant role in setting our nation’s goals and priorities for Arctic development. The Arctic presents great opportunity for our state and our nation to prosper in a global economy. However, the way to achieve that is by greater federal investment in our state’s Arctic development efforts, and not the restrictive policies that were presented today. It is important to consider the interests of all stakeholders in the region – whether it be focused on marine and wildlife preservation, international travel and shipping, or natural resource development. In doing so, we will ensure Alaska and the United States remain at the forefront of a flourishing Arctic economy.”
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said in a prepared statement, “I join my fellow Americans in welcoming Canada’s new prime minister to our nation’s capital." Murkowski said the announcement made today falls far short of the holistic vision needed for the Arctic and its people.
Murkowski said, “My long-standing criticism of the Obama Administration is that it sees the Arctic through the singular lens of climate change. It has failed – for almost eight years, today included – to account for the full range of issues and needs in the region."
“Although the joint statement makes topical reference to consultation with indigenous people and the incorporation of traditional knowledge into decision-making, it also implies unjustifiable limits that will leave Alaskans standing at the door, rather than seated at the table, on Arctic policy," said Murkowski. - More...
Thursday PM - March 10, 2016 |
Alaska: Process to Streamline Alaska’s $3.2 Billion Economic Development Activities Begins -Governor Bill Walker today signed Administrative Order 281 to begin the process to explore options for a more streamlined and effective approach to economic development in the state. Three state corporations - Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC), Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) - will participate in finding potential opportunities for efficiency and consolidation.
“It’s important that members of these economic development agencies play an active role in finding opportunities to improve both effectiveness and efficiencies,” Governor Walker said. “As the state scales back on spending, we must also diversify our economy. I look forward to seeing the recommendations put forth by AEA, AIDEA and AHFC on the most efficient way to do so.”
About 440 people work at AEA, AIDEA and AHFC, which have a combined $3.2 billion in net assets.
“Today’s current environment of low oil prices and declining production necessitates a proactive response that signals to bond holders, business partners and Alaska families that our agencies are committed to doing our part to improve the economic health of the state,” said Bryan Butcher, AHFC CEO and Executive Director. “This administrative order sets in motion an initiative to strengthen and give laser-focus to AHFC’s assets, capabilities and talents.”
The steady decline in oil production and an outlook for a prolonged period of low oil prices is driving structural fiscal and economic change in Alaska. Quoting Administrative Order 281, waiting for the circumstance to self-correct is not an option. The State must deal with its new economic reality in a bold and thoughtful manner in order to ensure future prosperity.
The current structure and focus of AHFC, AEA, and AIDEA consistent with objectives of the Administrative Orderwill be evaluated. These three public corporations of the State were established decades ago and designed to support specific activities in furtherance of State objectives. Although these corporations have delivered a great deal of benefit to the state, it is time to consider whether they are currently optimally structured to dynamically facilitate future economic growth and diversification. - More...
Thursday PM - March 10, 2016
Alaska: Court Ruling Clarifies Rules for Tipped Employees - In a recent decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, employers may not mandate that tipped employees share tips with employees who do not customarily receive tips. The court decision does not prohibit “tip pooling” where only tipped employees share in the pool, however, tipped employees may not be required to share their tips with employees such as cooks who work in a kitchen removed from direct contact with the customer, dishwashers, managers and janitors.
“This court decision could have significant impacts on how Alaska servers, bartenders, and other workers get paid, and I encourage employers to review their compensation policies to ensure they comply with the law,” said Alaska Department of Labor Commissioner Heidi Drygas.
The court decision will likely increase the total amount of tips retained by Alaska servers, bartenders, and other tipped workers. The practice of assigning a portion of tip income toward meeting the current hourly minimum wage of $9.75, commonly referred to as taking a “tip credit,” is not allowed under Alaska law. - More...
Thursday PM - March 10, 2016
Alaska: Application System for Marijuana Establishment Licenses Recently Unveiled - The Alcohol and Marijuana Control Office (AMCO) recently opened the state’s online application for marijuana establishment licenses. February's launch of the online application system is a major milestone in the state’s schedule for implementing and regulating marijuana establishments as passed by citizen’s initiative in November 2014.
Individuals who are interested in applying for a marijuana establishment license should visit the AMCO website for guidance on the process; they should also read the application instructions before initiating an application. It is critical that all prospective licensees read and understand the regulations. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) are being added on the AMCO website regularly. A training video about the marijuana establishment license application process is also available on the AMCO website.
On February 24th, the first day the system was available, 68 applications were initiated. The Marijuana Control Board (MCB) is not limited in the number of marijuana licenses it can issue at the state level. There is no deadline to apply for a marijuana establishment license; the MCB will accept applications on a rolling basis and will review applications for licenses at its regularly scheduled meetings throughout the year.
The public can expect to begin seeing public notices regarding prospective marijuana establishments this week. As with alcoholic beverage license applications, prospective marijuana establishment licensees must post a copy of their application at the business location and advertise in the local newspaper for three weeks; after the notice period is complete, supplemental documents can be submitted to the AMCO. For those applications that were initiated in February, the AMCO anticipates beginning to review for completeness in mid-March. - More...
Thursday PM - March 10, 2016
Alaska: HAARP offers new frontiers in space science By DIANA CAMPBELL - The High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program doesn’t do anything ominous, despite what people say on the Internet, according to Bill Bristow.

HAARP antennas.
Photo by Todd Paris
“It’s really just a large radio transmitter,” said Bristow, HAARP’s chief scientist.
Bristow gave a public talk about the facility as part of the 2016 Science for Alaska Lecture Series. After acknowledging the conspiracy theories surrounding the facility in Gakona, Alaska, Bristow explained the history and science behind HAARP and why continued research there is important.
What is HAARP?
Scientists at HAARP use the antenna array to heat bits of the ionosphere to study natural electromagnetic processes caused by solar winds and the Earth’s magnetic field. They also want to understand how the ionosphere affects radio signals, important for communication and navigation systems used by both civilians and the military.
The scientific equipment is now owned by the University of Alaska and operated by the Geophysical Institute. The land and buildings are owned by the Air Force Research Laboratory, which UAF hopes to have conveyed via congressional action in the next two years. HAARP’s primary component is the Ionospheric Research Instrument, an array of 180 high-frequency tower antennas spread across 33 acres and capable of radiating 3.6 megawatts into the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Construction costs over the life of the project were nearly $300 million.
A researcher will use the antennas to send a radio wave into the ionosphere to interact with it in a particular way. The wave excites the ionospheric gases, and diagnostic machinery at HAARP examine the reactions.
The ionosphere is the band of atmosphere around the Earth that is ionized by solar and cosmic radiation. That means the atoms in this area, about 47 to 621 miles high, have been stripped of one or more of their electrons. The bright lights of the aurora are a demonstration of this process.
In some ways, the signals map what is happening in the ionosphere, such as what happens when the aurora heats the atmosphere. - More...
Thursday PM - March 10, 2016
Daylight Saving Time: Should we abolish daylight saving time? - On March 13, most North Americans will be setting their clocks forward an hour. But not all regions abide by daylight saving time, and many American states are currently considering scrapping it.
Werner Antweiler, an economist at the University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business, has investigated the pros and cons of daylight saving time and says there are plenty of good reasons not to do it.
Is it still worth it to change our clocks twice a year?
Ten years ago, the state of Indiana provided a natural experiment to gauge whether daylight saving time really does reduce energy use when it converted to DST statewide – and one study actually found a slight increase in energy demand after the switch. While there were savings on lighting, there was a larger increase in air conditioning use in long summer evenings and heating use in fall mornings. Empirical evidence really hasn’t found much in the way of benefits, but the costs are numerous. - More...
Thursday PM - March 10, 2016
Columns - Commentary
DAVE KIFFER: Them's Fightin Words, I predict - Someone called me a PUNDIT the other day!
Me, a PUNDIT? Really?? Seriously???
Natch, before I got all offended like, I decided I needed to look up what the word meant.
After all, PUNDIT is one of the those words, like bemused, that every one uses and nobody really knows what it means.
(Regular readers of this column are usually "bemused" - which I would love think means they are "amused." But it actually it means they are "confused." Go figure)
Well, here ya go.
A PUNDIT is: An expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public. The original PUNDITS were highly respected teachers and leaders in India. Their title was taken from the Hindi word pandit, a term of respect for a wise person that itself derives from the Sanskrit pandita, meaning "learned."
Cool, but of course one wonders if the word "pander" (and I don't mean bear) also comes from the word "pandit."
At any rate, I guess I should be grateful they didn't borrow the term from the Filipino word "pancit" which would then mean I was a PUNCIT: A person who is called upon to make bad word-play jokes about noodles.
But I digress.
Anyway, I guess that from that description I was being given an honorific. But by his tone of voice, I'm not so sure.
In the the modern world we don't necessarily think so highly of PUNDITS (must always be written in upper case letters, as if shouting). Most people apply the term to television "talking heads" that shout at each other during what used to be called television news programs. - More...
Thursday PM - March 10, 2016 |

Editorial Cartoon: Bernie Bugs Hillary
By Rick McKee ©2016, The Augusta Chronicle
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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RE: Ketchikan School District's Budget Slush Fund By Michelle O'Brien - In regards to Ms. Moran’s latest letter to the Editor as it pertains to education funding in our community, I cannot let her latest diatribe go without comment. It can only be seen as her latest red herring swimming in a sea of others she has produced over the last several years. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 08, 2016
SAY NO TO ALL TAX INCREASES AT THE STATE AND LOCAL LEVEL By David G Hanger - “We’re going to fight one battle at a time,” Dan Ortiz and Governor Walker told us in unison at this meeting held last Monday night, and this statement was the biggest news item that came out of that meeting despite the fact that every media outlet missed it. The battle our Governor and State Representative have chosen to fight is to turn your wallet, my wallet, and everybody else’s wallet inside out; that is everybody’s wallet except the oil companies. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 08, 2016
Alaska should not look to a sector that’s drowning in red ink to solve its fiscal gap By Marc Langland and Jim Jansen - It was just 18 months ago that Alaskans voted for more oil production when they soundly rejected Ballot Measure 1, which sought to repeal SB 21, the More Alaska Production Act. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 08, 2016
Ketchikan Assembly's vote on sin tax By Laura Plenert - Regardless of Monday night’s vote on the additional cigarette taxes, I have one question. Will this publically elected group hear the words of the people (NO more sin taxes) and will they abide by it when we the people vote against it?? Or will they plow ahead like the Ketchikan City Council and declare those of us who vote – ignorant of what we want and think????? I’m pretty sure that if this gets to a vote of the people that the populace will again give the powers that be a resounding – STOP IT, get out of our lives. - More...
Tuesday AM
- March 08, 2016
Reality recognized By A. M. Johnson - As it regards the current under consideration Ketchikan School District Budget, this presentation is offered with encouragement to the obvious diligence the school board has dedicated to the operating budget for 2016/17 year. The Board's diligence to complete their presentation for budget funding to the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly in a very early manner indicates that the pain of prioritizing has been made and the education plan that requires funding has been accomplished. This in the face of the reported discord between the two bodies. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 08, 2016
KGBSD Slush Fund? By Chris Elliott - I'm waiting breathlessly for a response from someone on the Ketchikan School Board to Agnes Moran's letter. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 8, 2016
Ketchikan School District's Budget Slush Fund By Agnes Moran - In 2009, in a show of good faith towards the Ketchikan School Board and District, the Borough Assembly increased the amount of unreserved, undedicated funds the School District could carryover each year to 5% of that year’s total school district budget. The change was made to give the District an additional budget management tool. - More...
Saturday PM - March 05, 2016
Volkswagen vs US emission charges By Jim Dornblaser - I find it strange, no make that ludicrous, that OUR EPA stands on % of emissions per volume while TOTALLY ignoring total emissions per mile. - More...
Saturday PM - March 05, 2016
Proposed Budget Cuts to Community-based Support Services By Janalee Minnich Gage - I was born and raised in Ketchikan Alaska, and I am part of the Ketchikan City Council. In this life of mine so far I have had the pleasure to living in several places including two other Alaska communities Kotzebue and Kenai. I will state that these are my feelings and I do not speak for the Ketchikan City Council or anyone else. - More...
Saturday AM - March 05, 2016
RE: City of Ketchikan Mismanagement By Mike Schmit - Doug Thompson is a friend of mine. I used to see Doug down in the harbor when he would be tinkering on his boat. I also would be tinkering on my boat. I feel so fortunate to be able to go down on the docks and have a boat to hang out on. - More...
Saturday AM - March 05, 2016
An Alaska State Income Tax is Not the Answer By Wiley Brooks - The unpopular “T” word has been placed on the legislative table by the governor. With a projected fiscal crisis ahead, the governor and legislature would be neglectful of their oaths if they did not act to head off a financial meltdown. But, should an income tax be included in the list of responses? - More...
Saturday AM - March 05, 2016
Ketchikan Ports & Harbors By Steve Corporon - The following information is provided in response to the letter Mr. Douglas Thompson sent to the Editor of Sitnews which was published on February 25, 2016. - More...
Friday PM -
February 25, 2016
City of Ketchikan Mismanagement By Douglas Thompson - I wonder if the reality of the Ketchikan municipal budget has sunk in to local taxpayers? Most of us have received this year's tax bill recently and it is not pleasant. Right now you could be paying zero in property tax. Zero. A sum that would not impact any perceivable services to the citizenry. All that is required is a little maturity and fiscal discipline. Qualities which are totally absent at present. This is due to the unrestrained rule of "King" (called that by the Ketchikan City Council) Karl Amylon. The council in their sycophantic frenzy to curry favor with Amylon costs local taxpayers millions of dollars. Not only is he paid an absurd salary for a town of 7,000 people but the council then 'gifts' him with additional tax dollars. - More...
Thursday AM - February 25, 2016
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