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March 25, 2020

Ketchikan - Historical: Ketchikan pilot found millionaire's plane crash in Boca de Quadra in early 1950s; Herman Ludwigsen had a long career of finding downed planes, flyers By DAVE KIFFER - Most area residents are familiar with the plane crash of legendary pilot Harold Gillam in Boca de Quadra back in 1943. But almost exactly a decade later there was another crash in Boca de Quadra, barely a mile away from where Gillam's plane when down.
This one involved Ellis Hall, the multimillionaire owner of Texas-based Condor Petroleum. Hall was on a vacation with his wife, two daughters and a family friend to Southeast Alaska. After visiting Juneau, Ellis was piloting his de Havilland DH 104 Dove, a large twin engine plane. The plane would disappear after leaving Annette Island on August 17, 1953 leading to a month long search, before the wreckage was found by Ketchikan pilot Herman Ludwigsen.
Hall had landed his plane at Annette because the weather was beginning to deteriorate but was determined to press on to his next stop, in Smithers, B.C., on the way home to New Mexico.
"He knew that Ellis Air was not flying as the winds were 80-90 mph," Ludwigsen, 92, said recently. "He decided to leave anyway. He did not make it."
When Hall was reported missing it created one of the biggest searches in Southeast Alaska history.
"What happened was it was pretty (bad) weather and they picked up ice and then the turbulence became bad and they tried to go back (to Annette) but the ice and the heavy turbulence impacted the airplane and it fell apart in the air," Ludwigsen said.
Ludwigsen said the debris - when the plane was finally found, not far from where Gillam's plan had gone down a decade before - was spread over a large area so it was clear the plane came apart in the air rather than when it hit the ground.
"Everyone in town was searching for 30 days," Ludwigsen said. "All the gas was free from Condor Petroleum. They had wanted nine planes searching. The Canadian and US Coast Guard were involved and after they stopped searching, Condor still wanted the little guys to continue. (Hall) was the owner of a big company so lawyers wanted finality."
Condor Petroleum also offered a $25,000 reward for whomever found the plane. After a couple of weeks, it was increased to $30,000.
The search covered pretty much everywhere from 50 miles north of Ketchikan to Prince Rupert. For the first two weeks, the disappearance and search were national news and stories from Ketchikan appears in newspapers from coast to coast.
An example was an Associated Press story that appeared in dozens of papers three days after the crash.
The AP story noted that searchers were now looking 30 miles north of Ketchikan because two loggers at a camp on the northern end of Revillagigedo Island had seen a ball of fire on a nearby mountainside.
"A fish trap tender, operating about five miles from the logging camp, told of hearing a plane's engines Monday evening that suddenly died out," the Associated Press added. "A searching plane saw two clipped trees which might have been sheared off by a plane which, crippled, could have gone on before crashing."
Ludwigsen said that eventually the other pilots had to break off the search, but that because he was only working part time he continued looking during his off hours. He continued to poke into the valleys and the channels near Boca de Quadra with his Piper Super Cruiser. He said that he and other local pilots made a pact that if any of them found the Hall plane, they would split the $30,000 reward with the other pilots.
One day, after telling his wife Anita he was going duck hunting, he flew back down to Boca de Quadra and got lucky.
"I flew down and looked at the left side of Quadra at Porpoise Point," Ludwigsen said. "I was flying so close that I could see between the trees and then I saw something white laying on the ground. There had been lots of rain so the creeks were foaming white but this was not foam. It was not moving it just lay there between the big spruce trees. I circled back and look up the five mile valley for parts of the plane to the north. As I made a turn, I saw a green wing on the mountainside. I could see the circular part of the wing structure, I knew then it was plane parts." - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020
Alaska: Alaska Supreme Court hears Recall Dunleavy case - The Alaska Supreme Court heard oral arguments this afternoon in the lawsuit over the legality of the recall election effort against Gov. Mike Dunleavy. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020
Alaska: COVID-19 Update: Total Cases In Alaska 59; Total Cases in Ketchikan 11; Residents Urged to Shelter in Place: At the current rate of spread, Ketchikan could have over 400 positive cases of COVID-19 by the end of next week By MARY KAUFFMAN - The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) today announced 17 new positive cases of COVID-19 in four Alaska communities – Anchorage (11), Fairbanks/North Pole (2), Homer (1) and Ketchikan (3). This brings Alaska’s total case count to 59.
Most of these new cases are still under investigation. According to the DHSS, three of today's new cases are known to be travel-related and three are close contacts of previously diagnosed individuals. Most individuals are adults, but three are younger adults aged 19-29.
Of these total cases, three are hospitalized; two were added in this most recent 24-hour period.
“This clearly represents a considerable increase in our cases,” said Dr. Joe McLaughlin, Alaska’s State Epidemiologist. “In order to slow down the transmission rate, it is imperative that all Alaskans strictly adhere to state and local social distancing directives and also promptly isolate themselves from others if they develop any symptoms of a respiratory infection.”
Tuesday, The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) announced six new cases of COVID-19 in four Alaska communities – Fairbanks (2), Juneau (1), Ketchikan (2) and Sterling (1). All of these new cases were in adults. The Juneau case was travel-related, and two other cases (Fairbanks and Sterling) were acquired from close contacts. The remaining three of these cases are still being investigated.
Also on Tuesday, the Alaska Department of Health & Social Services announced the first COVID-19 case to be hospitalized and the first Alaska resident to have died from COVID-19. The decedent was a resident of Southeast Alaska who died on March 16, 2020, in a health care facility in King County, Washington after a prolonged stay there. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this case is counted as an Alaska fatality, even though this individual was not infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 in Alaska and also died out of state.
Tuesday evening, the Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center received information from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) that there was one more positive in Ketchikan along with two reported in the afternoon, bringing the total of positive cases in Ketchikan on Tuesday to nine (9).
On Tuesday, the Ketchikan individual confirmed positive, upon experiencing symptoms of illness, self-quarantined and sought testing through a local provider. The testing was processed by the State of Alaska laboratory.
The other two Ketchikan positive individuals on Tuesday, upon experiencing symptoms of illness, self-quarantined and sought testing through the Creekside Family Medical Clinic. The testing was processed by a private lab. These two individuals do not have a history of recent travel.
And today, Wednesday, the Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center received information from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) that there have been two (2) new positive test results for COVID-19 in Ketchikan. This brings the total number of positive cases in Ketchikan to eleven (11). (Note: Tuesday's evening's Ketchikan positive case was counted on the DHSS figures for today - thus 3 reported in the DHSS figures today.)
The two new Ketchikan cases today were identified as individuals who do not have a history of recent travel. Both individuals had been in close contact to persons who were previously reported as testing positive to COVID-19. These two individuals were identified through the contact investigation by Public Health, were placed into self-quarantine, and were tested for COVID-19 at the direction of Public Health.
Again, as of Wednesday afternoon, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Ketchikan is eleven (11). Of these cases, three (3) individuals had a recent history of travel, and eight (8) individuals did not have a recent history of travel, but were identified as having been in close contact with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19.
The Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center has seen exponential spread of COVID-19 in Ketchikan this week because it is so highly contagious. All Ketchikan residents must take this virus seriously and take actions to help stop the spread now. At the current rate of spread, Ketchikan could have over 400 positive cases of COVID-19 by the end of next week. The Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center urges all do their part, and in this way Ketchikan can reduce that number dramatically and contain the spread. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020 |
Alaska - National: Senate Votes 96-0 to pass COVID-18 Stimulus Package - The U.S. Senate tonight passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a bill to provide major relief to families, small businesses and their employees, as well as to stabilize our economy and protect jobs. The bill also provides a surge of support for bolstering the healthcare response during this COVID-19 pandemic. As the third legislative package included in the broader Congressional emergency response effort, this bill will provide Americans with direct financial assistance, help ensure the survival of small businesses, help stabilize our economy by supporting critical U.S. industries, and for additional COVID-19 testing, development of vaccines, and recourse for our medical professionals on the front lines.
The Senate passed this legislation today with a vote of 06-0 and the U.S. House is expected to pass it shortly thereafter. The White House has already announced its support for the legislation and is expected to sign it as soon as the House acts.
"This is not even a stimulus package, it is emergency relief," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) said.
"To all Americans, I say, 'Help is on the way. Big help and quick help," Minority Leader of the Senate Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said.
Eight hundred and ninety pages and $2 trillion of your taxes are all going to fight the effects of coronavirus.
“As the number of confirmed cases continue to grow across the U.S., and here at home, so does the concern over the long-term ramifications of this pandemic. We’ve been working hard to address this evolving crisis, to meet the health and economic needs of our nation—both immediate and long-term. This legislation sends a strong signal that Congress sees and hears the needs of the American people and that we are working aggressively to provide the resources and support they need to stay safe and recover,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).
“As the number of confirmed cases continue to grow across the U.S., and here at home, so does the concern over the long-term ramifications of this pandemic. We’ve been working hard to address this evolving crisis, to meet the health and economic needs of our nation—both immediate and long-term. This legislation sends a strong signal that Congress sees and hears the needs of the American people and that we are working aggressively to provide the resources and support they need to stay safe and recover,” said Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).
Murkowski said, “I’ve heard from Alaskans all across the state on how this disaster is impacting them and their families—the restaurant owner who had who had to close up shop, the hotel owner who had to let most of their employees go, and the guides who fear they are losing out on an entire tourist season, and many more just wondering what the future holds for them, their families and their businesses. This disaster is impacting Alaskans on every level. Through this bill we are providing significant relief at a time when Americans need it most.”
“As our state and nation face the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has an essential role to play in helping hard-working families, keeping Alaskans employed, delivering rapid relief to small businesses, helping critical sectors of the economy avoid massive layoffs, and sending a surge of resources to medical professionals on the front lines—all of which the CARES Act does,” said Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK).
Sullivan said, “Our next crucial task will be ensuring this legislation is implemented correctly and that the massive federal resources provided in the CARES Act, actually reach Alaskans who are struggling to make ends meet. My team and I stand ready to continue to work with state and community leaders to ensure that happens. I want to commend all Alaskans for the way they have handled this disruption of our everyday lives. Every Alaskan has a role to play in helping to stop the spread of this pandemic and lessening the impacts on our communities. And every Alaskan is playing a role. We’ve seen neighbors helping neighbors, workers ensuring everybody has access to supplies and groceries, health care professionals working all hours, and volunteers serving the most vulnerable in our communities. Together we will get through this crisis stronger and more resilient.”
And then there's the pet projects slipped into the stimulus bill, such as: - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020 |
Alaska: The Alaska Legislature expands mental health services - The Alaska Legislature passed a bill Tuesday expanding mental health services in Alaska.
Senate Bill 120 grants Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and Physician’s Assistants (PAs) the authority to prescribe psychotropic medication, without consent, to patients in court-ordered inpatient care during a crisis situation.
Alaska statutes currently limit prescriptive authority in crisis situations to physicians. Most inpatient psychiatric care in Alaska, however, is performed by Licensed Independent Practitioners, as well as APRNs and PAs. Limiting this type of sensitive care and supervision places unnecessary stress on physicians by requiring them to be on-call at all times.
“SB 120 increases accessibility to care for vulnerable patients and greatly improves psychiatrist retention in this field,” said Senate President Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage), the bill’s sponsor. “Advanced Practice Registered Nurses and Physician’s Assistants are licensed and fully capable of providing this level of care – as they do in many other states and is completely within their scope of practice – and should be allowed to prescribe crises medications to patients in treatment facilities.”
The Senate bill was merged with House Bill 290, by Representative Matt Claman (D-Anchorage) which establishes crisis stabilization centers. These centers will address the unmet need for intermediate services for those experiencing a behavioral health or substance abuse crisis. As an alternative to arrest, the bill also authorizes police officers to take individuals to crisis stabilization centers. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020
Alaska: Rep. LeDoux and two others charged with voter misconduct - Alaska Attorney General Kevin G. Clarkson recently announced criminal charges filed against Representative Gabrielle LeDoux, Lisa (Vaught) Simpson, and Caden Vaught for voter misconduct. These charges stem from the investigation that was started in 2018 after the Alaska Division of Elections identified some irregularities in some of the absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots returned for the primary election for House District 15.
Gabrielle LeDoux is a member of the Republican Party of the Alaska House of Representatives. She was the former mayor of Kodiak and currently lives in Anchorage. LeDoux is a former maritime attorney, having practiced law in Kodiak and Anchorage. LeDoux's former chief of staff, Lisa Simpson, and her adult son, Caden Vaught, are also charged with several counts of voter misconduct.
The charges involve alleged conduct that took place in both the 2018 primary and general elections. According to charging documents, Representative LeDoux, Simpson, and Vaught allegedly as principles and accomplices knowingly provided false information on voter registration forms to show a residence address in House District 15, when there is evidence that Simpson andVaught were not living, and had no intent to live, at the addresses provided at the time of the election. The charging documents also allege that Representative LeDoux solicited a similar action by other individuals in 2014 in order to ensure they could vote in the House District 15 election.
“I commend the Division of Elections on its speedy identification of issues in 2018 and the work of all the law enforcement agencies - federal and state - that reviewed countless documents to bring us the evidence needed to file these charges,” said Attorney General Clarkson. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020
Analysis: Could chloroquine treat coronavirus? 5 questions answered about a promising, problematic and unproven use for an antimalarial drug By KATHERINE SELEY-RADTKE - An Arizona man died, and his wife was hospitalized, after taking a form of chloroquine, which President Trump has touted as an effective treatment for COVID-19. The couple decided to self-medicate with chloroquine phosphate, which they had on hand to kill parasites in their fish, after hearing the president describe the drug as a “game changer.” Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of NIH’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, quickly corrected the statement, explaining that Trump’s comments were based on anecdotes and not a controlled clinical trial.
I am a medicinal chemist who specializes in discovery and development of antiviral drugs, and I have been actively working on coronaviruses for seven years.
However, because I am a scientist and I deal in facts and evidence-based medicine, I am concerned about the sweeping statements the president has been making regarding the use of chloroquine or the closely related hydroxychloroquine, both antimalarial drugs, as cures for COVID-19. So let’s examine the facts.
What are chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine?
These are both FDA-approved antimalarial drugs that have been in use for many years. Chloroquine was originally developed in 1934 at the pharmaceutical company Bayer and used in World War II to prevent malaria.
Although the FDA has not approved its use for these conditions, both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
What triggered talk that this drug might work?
After the initial outbreak of MERS in 2012, scientists conducted random screens of thousands of approved drugs to identify one that might block MERS infection. Several drugs, including chloroquine, showed the ability to block coronaviruses from infecting cells in vitro. But these drugs were not extensively pursued because ultimately they did not show enough activity to be considered further.
When the new coronavirus appeared, many drugs that had shown some initial promise against the related coronaviruses MERS and SARS were at the top of the list as worthy of further evaluation as possible treatments.
So the science is real, and a number of labs around the world are now investigating these drugs and testing them in clinical trials in the U.S., France and China. But so far, there is no consensus about whether the drugs are safe and effective for treating COVID-19, as it is still very early in the testing process.
Why would antimalarial drugs work on a virus?
It is still unclear how the chloroquines (or any antimalarial drug) would work against COVID-19, which is a virus. Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites that are spread by mosquitoes, whereas COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020
DAVE KIFFER: Life in The Time of Corona - Being my parents' child was a challenge at times.
My mom was an introvert. She would have seen no challenge from having to implement "social distancing." Oh, she liked being around family and a few close friends now and then (mostly then), but beyond that she preferred the company of a good book, a good puzzle or episode #138 of Murder She Wrote.
Heck, my father died in 1974, and she was perfectly happy to not remarry for another 40+ years. People would ask her if she wanted to get hitched again and she would look at them like they had two heads. She didn't. And not because my father was the world's greatest husband. He wasn't. She just had no desire to go through that again. Nuf said.
My father on the other hand was an "outrovert." Yeah, I know the correct word is "extrovert" but that doesn't go far enough. He always wanted to be "out" not "in" as "in home". Pretty much any excuse (hunting, fishing trapping, working, drinking) was more than enough excuse for him to be elsewhere.
So you had an "introvert" and an "outrovert" and naturally, I am a little of both. And some days the interaction between the two can be as much fun as refereeing between bored cats. More on that later.
During a recent travel "quarantine" I had to spend more time than normal around the old homestead. Generally, that was not a problem. I am a great fan of Newton's First Law of Motion, at least the part that says "a body at rest will remain at rest, unless an outside force acts upon it."
if there is no "outside force" such as a need to make money or find something to eat or go to the bathroom, my preferred position is usually "prone." Even when I was kid I liked to nap. My body, at rest, prefers to remain that way.
So, the quarantine was, at the very least, a good excuse to sleep in. Only after, of course, getting up to feed the cats because they have been trained to dance across my chest, scratch the bed sheets, even lick my face or even pick fights with each other, if they feel like it is somehow past morning chow call.
No, I am not sure whom trained them to behave that way. Probably someone else in the house who likes to get up early in the mornings. Of course, these days, my bladder in the best alarm clock around. When it reminds me it is time for the 3 am voiding, that also wakes the cats and reminds them it has been nearly nine hours since the last feeding. So they spend the next three hours parading about trying to get someone to feed them. Well, it would be nice if it was three hours. Sometimes, it only a fraction of that before someone (often me) gives in and feeds them anyway. Natch, the cats do no credit me for such great owner behavior. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 25, 2020

Political Cartoon: Coronavirus Hoarder
By Rick McKee ©2020, CagleCartoons.com
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
Alaska Revenue Update By Rep. Dan Ortiz - The State of Alaska has been operating at a deficit. This is nothing new and has been the primary challenge for the Legislature over the past five years. However, this year, some new wrenches were thrown into the equation: decreasing oil prices and the stock market. Unfortunately, the State of Alaska revenue comes almost solely from those two sources.
For decades, oil covered over 80% of our budget until oil prices and production decreased and we began relying on savings and the Percent of Market Value (POMV) draw. Now, oil accounts for approximately 20% of our revenue. Despite that decrease, oil price and production are still vitally important to our revenue. Our original Fiscal Year 2020 Revenue Forecast assumed $63 per barrel for oil, but that is no longer the case. We have been hovering under $30 per barrel for multiple days, which impacts our current budget (FY2020). We are now assuming a reduction of about $300 million for FY20. If prices stay low, which we expect, it will also impact the budget we are currently working on for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2021. The original forecast for FY21 was $59 per barrel, but we now assume $40 per barrel, which is a decrease in revenue of about $550 million. Those are optimistic numbers, and I expect our loss of revenue to actually be much more. - More...
Monday PM - March 23, 2020
Ketchikan Borough Mayor's Message By Rodney Dial - As many of you know, yesterday a confirmed COVID-19 case was discovered in Ketchikan. As a result, several individuals who had contact with this individual, including myself, are now in a 14-day quarantine. Many more are choosing to self- isolate at home out of an abundance of caution.
As such, many people in our community will be in quarantine until early April. Based upon available information regarding this virus, it is very possible that others in our community had/have the virus before the confirmed case was known. We knew this was coming and there will be few, if any, locations in the world that will not be impacted before this is over. We are also likely to see additional cases in Ketchikan in the future.
Ketchikan citizens should take comfort in the following: - More...
Thursday PM - March 19, 2020
Through it all Alaskans prevail together By Governor Michael Dunleavy - As our nation and the world experiences the life-altering impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic, I wanted to take a moment to speak to you directly. If you’ve followed our many press conferences this week, you know that Alaska is rapidly preparing for an outbreak, and that an emergency was declared prior to our first confirmed case.
Now that the inevitable first case has occurred, our schools are safely closed, testing requirements have been liberalized, and steps have been taken to protect our seniors. Visitation has been suspended or limited at the Alaska Psychiatric Institute, Alaska Military Youth Academy, Department of Corrections’ facilities, and the Alaska Pioneer Homes.
But ultimately, we know that this virus will spread. For America, experts believe the worst is yet to come. While we will undoubtedly slow the rate of infection with our diligent mitigation efforts, many Alaskans will be infected.
Most will recover, but others, despite our best preventive efforts, will suffer life-threatening complications. It’s vital to acknowledge that each of our decisions in the coming days and weeks will directly affect these numbers. Follow Dr. Zink’s guidelines, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and do not put vulnerable populations at risk. These small, albeit inconvenient changes, will save lives.
As I’ve said many times this week, it’s equally important that we do not live in fear of the virus. Our response should be steady and practical. I’m confident Alaskans will approach this challenge as we’ve always done – with determination, ingenuity, and compassion for our neighbors. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
Coronavirus Update By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Last week, Alaska had its first case of the Coronavirus: a cargo pilot traveling through Anchorage. With the amount of travel that Alaskans have done over the last month, it is likely that there are more untested and unverified cases already here.
There is certainly no need to panic, but let’s err on the side of caution. One thing you can do is stay informed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a website updated multiple times per day. The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services has a webpage dedicated to the virus in Alaska that is updated daily.
You know the drill - wash your hands! If you are able, please stay home, especially if you are showing any symptoms. Do not unnecessarily overstock toiletries, and be willing to share or donate if you bought in bulk. Practicing ‘social distancing’ will slow down the spread of the virus, putting less immediate pressures on our health care system.
Our local government officials are doing great things to help contain the virus and protect the people. School Districts across the state have extended spring break an additional week until March 27th. The City and Borough of Wrangell closed the Nolan Center (including the Theater), the Public Library, and the Swimming Pool and Recreation Center for at least two weeks. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
The Healing Power of Soldier’s Heart By Major Andrew Greenstreet, Alaska State Troopers - When a toddler went missing one evening nearly 30 years ago, the Sitka Police Department was called to canvas the neighborhood with the family and volunteers. On scene, a police officer entered the family’s home to comb every closet, every corner; and, soon he found her. She’d walked across a Jacuzzi soft cover, fallen in, and drowned.
An ambulance whisked the little girl away; but of course, it was too late. Then, abruptly, everyone left.
The 24-year-old officer found himself in his patrol car, alone with the horror he’d just experienced. He thought about his daughter asleep in her bed at home – she was the same age as the child in the Jacuzzi. Later that night, when his shift was over, he would go home and hug his daughter. Everything would be good then, right? In the meantime, his therapy would be finding a dark, winding road and spending 10 or 15 minutes driving, just driving, until he could put on a good face and go back to work. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
Thank You By Michele Zerbetz Scott - On behalf of the Museum Advisory Board and the museum staff, thank you to the community of Ketchikan for your tremendous response to the exhibit, “Into the Wind”, at the opening reception March 6. Your enthusiasm for and recognition of the importance of aviation to our town is greatly appreciated.
Our thanks to the Kayhi Culinary class, led by Cameo McRoberts, who provided the delicious food. Their careful research helped us eat our way through the years of airplane food service. It was a delicious reminder of days gone by of feasting on shrimp salad and filet of beef.
Thank you to the museum staff who brought together this piece of our history and all the volunteers who contributed their expertise and valued historic items. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
The Hoarding Public By Donald Moskowitz - The coronavirus outbreak has panicked people into hoarding food, paper products and sanitizing compounds. Consumers across the country are conducting binge purchases of these products and most supermarkets are reporting bare shelves and difficulty in restocking these products. The binging activity is very un-American.
There is no need for people to be stocking up on food and other supplies that will last for a year or more. It is reported consumers are purchasing large quantities of toilet paper. Maybe they should be eating less so they can cut back on their defecation and use less toilet paper.
My wife and I shopped twice last week and we went through the express line of 12 items or less both times, which is typical food shopping for us. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
Reform? Reshape? Really....? By Percy Frisby - In regard to the recent press conference with Governor Dunleavy and Commissioner of DOT John Mackinnon... - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
The House Passes a Budget By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Earlier last week, the Alaska House of Representative passed the operating budget. It took the House 43 days of session to pass the budget, which is the fastest we have passed one since 1993. I am proud with how quickly, efficiently, and cooperatively we worked to get it done. - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
Seniors Park Your Money Now By David G Hanger - Rick Santelli was his usual obnoxious self when on CNBC he suggested exposing everyone to the coronavirus, so that the effect on the markets and the economy would be short-lived; and he did in hindsight apologize for his bluntness; but the very clear point he has made is that the impact on the markets and on the economy is unpredictable and apparently long-lasting. The trend on the markets is down, and there is no identifiable bottom currently discernible. - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
House Bill 62 By John Suter - The state should put in HB 62. HB 62 is the bill that says when a person calls in another person to the authorities and says that person has guns and you think that person could be a danger to society, then the authorities come in and takes those guns away. - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
Reject recall, Keep Gov. Dunleavy By Cynthia Henry- We need your help. Alaska is facing an important political issue that could change the course of our great state. I have followed state and local government in Alaska for more than four decades and have never been more dismayed by the actions of some political activists who didn’t get their way. We need the help of good men and women. - More...
Tuesday PM - March 03, 2020
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