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SitNews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska
March 28, 2022

Why Russia gave up Alaska, America’s gateway to the Arctic

Why Russia gave up Alaska, America’s gateway to the Arctic
1860 map, Russian America (Alaska)
This map is in the public domain in the United States.
Courtesy Wikimedia Commons
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Alaska: Why Russia gave up Alaska, America’s gateway to the Arctic BY WILLIAM L. IGGIAGRUK HENSLEY - One hundred and fifty-five years ago, on March 30, 1867, U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward and Russian envoy Baron Edouard de Stoeckl signed the Treaty of Cession. With a stroke of a pen, Tsar Alexander II had ceded Alaska, his country’s last remaining foothold in North America, to the United States for US$7.2 million.

That sum, amounting to 138,024,000 today's dollars, is an increase of $130,824,000.00 over 155 years, brought to an end Russia’s 125-year odyssey in Alaska and its expansion across the treacherous Bering Sea, which at one point extended the Russian Empire as far south as Fort Ross, California, 90 miles from San Francisco Bay.

Today Alaska is one of the richest U.S. states thanks to its abundance of natural resources, such as petroleum, gold and fish, as well as its vast expanse of pristine wilderness and strategic location as a window on Russia and gateway to the Arctic.

So what prompted Russia to withdraw from its American beachhead? And how did it come to possess it in the first place?

As a descendant of Inupiaq Eskimos, I have been living and studying this history all my life. In a way, there are two histories of how Alaska came to be American – and two perspectives. One concerns how the Russians took “possession” of Alaska and eventually ceded it to the U.S. The other is from the perspective of my people, who have lived in Alaska for thousands of years, and for whom the anniversary of the cession brings mixed emotions, including immense loss but also optimism.

Russia looks east

The lust for new lands that brought Russia to Alaska and eventually California began in the 16th century, when the country was a fraction of its current size.

That began to change in 1581, when Russia overran a Siberian territory known as the Khanate of Sibir, which was controlled by a grandson of Genghis Khan. This key victory opened up Siberia, and within 60 years the Russians were at the Pacific.

The Russian advance across Siberia was fueled in part by the lucrative fur trade, a desire to expand the Russian Orthodox Christian faith to the “heathen” populations in the east and the addition of new taxpayers and resources to the empire.

In the early 18th century, Peter the Great – who created Russia’s first Navy – wanted to know how far the Asian landmass extended to the east. The Siberian city of Okhotsk became the staging point for two explorations he ordered. And in 1741, Vitus Bering successfully crossed the strait that bears his name and sighted Mt. Saint Elias, near what is now the village of Yakutat, Alaska.

Although Bering’s second Kamchatka Expedition brought disaster for him personally when adverse weather on the return journey led to a shipwreck on one of the westernmost Aleutian Islands and his eventual death from scurvy in December 1741, it was an incredible success for Russia. The surviving crew fixed the ship, stocked it full of hundreds of the sea otters, foxes and fur seals that were abundant there and returned to Siberia, impressing Russian fur hunters with their valuable cargo. This prompted something akin to the Klondike gold rush 150 years later.

Challenges emerge

But maintaining these settlements wasn’t easy. Russians in Alaska – who numbered no more than 800 at their peak – faced the reality of being half a globe away from St. Petersburg, then the capital of the empire, making communications a key problem.

Also, Alaska was too far north to allow for significant agriculture and therefore unfavorable as a place to send large numbers of settlers. So they began exploring lands farther south, at first looking only for people to trade with so they could import the foods that wouldn’t grow in Alaska’s harsh climate. They sent ships to what is now California, established trade relations with the Spaniards there and eventually set up their own settlement at Fort Ross in 1812.

Thirty years later, however, the entity set up to handle Russia’s American explorations failed and sold what remained. Not long after, the Russians began to seriously question whether they could continue their Alaskan colony as well.

For starters, the colony was no longer profitable after the sea otter population was decimated. Then there was the fact that Alaska was difficult to defend and Russia was short on cash due to the costs of the war in Crimea. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022

Fish Factor: Arrival of herring signals the start of Alaska’s spring fisheries By LAINE WELCH - The arrival of herring signals the start of Alaska’s spring fisheries and this year’s catch levels from each of the three main areas are record breakers. 

Combined harvests from three prime producing areas total 118,346 tons, or nearly 237 million pounds.

The numbers come from fisheries at Sitka Sound in late March where the catch this year is set at over 45,164 tons (90 million pounds). That’s followed on April 1 at Kodiak where a harvest of 8,075 tons (16 million pounds) can be hauled in. Alaska’s largest roe herring fishery at Togiak in Bristol Bay kicks off in May with a whopping harvest this year set at 65,107 tons (130 million pounds).    

But once again, the bulk of the available fish will go unharvested due to no buyers.  

Since the 1970s the value of Alaska’s herring fishery has been driven by the roe-laden skeins in the female fish. When the huge schools arrive, managers monitor the condition of the ripening females over several days to obtain the highest-value product. Only then do they open the fishery to seiners and gillnetters.

In the 1990s, the roe herring could sell for well over $1,000 per ton to buyers in Japan where the skeins are considered a delicacy. At that time the fishery tallied over $60 million to fishermen. Since then, changing tastes and attitudes in Japan have driven the value below $5 million in 2020 with catches averaging just $.08 per pound. 

And Japan is Alaska’s only roe herring customer.

“It’s maybe the most extreme example of how a major Alaska industry could be dependent on an extremely specialized foreign market. And it is a stark contrast to the diverse buyers of other Alaska species,” said Gunnar Knapp, a retired University of Alaska fisheries economist.

Most of the herring is frozen whole and shipped out in 15 pound bags to secondary processors in Seattle or Asia, and then sent to Japan. The herring are sorted by sex and the egg skeins are “popped” from the females. The males that are taken as bycatch and the female carcasses are ground up for meal for foreign fish farms, or simply discarded. A small portion is sold as bait. 

The herring not destined for human consumption runs as high as 88% each year.  

“It’s like hunting a herd of deer only to harvest the liver. Maybe it’s time to start calling the industry what it is — the fishmeal industry,” said K’asheetchlaa Louise Brady of the Southeast Herring Protectors in a March 2 opinion piece in the Juneau Empire.

“Herring is an unutilized resource. We are going to have a Togiak herring quota that will largely go unharvested because there is not a market. We’re working with the processing sector to try and find a market,” said Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Commissioner, Doug Vincent-Lang at ComFish in Kodiak.  

Herring is a mainstay in countries around the world where it’s filleted, smoked, pickled, salted and pated. The fish are provided primarily by Norwegian fleets and can pay out at $1.40 a pound to fishermen.

In Alaska, only Togiak herring are large enough to develop into fillets. Togiak fish can weigh between 14 ounces to nearly one pound compared to 4 to 5 ounces for other herring.  

A report by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute says that herring fillet production at Togiak could boost the first wholesale value to $14.5 million.  That compares to an average value of $2.7 million between 2000 and 2019.

To reintroduce herring to American diners, ASMI in 2016 launched a wildly successful, weeklong Northwest Herring Week in Seattle with about 10 high-end chefs. The event was led by ASMI Food Aid Director, Bruce Schactler of Kodiak, who obtained donations of Togiak herring fillets from North Pacific Seafoods. The next year nearly 60 chefs and restaurants participated.

The Alaska legislature has expanded a product development tax to include herring. Marketers must have a ready customer before they can take advantage of the tax break. 

Do I hear Seattle calling?  - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022


Alaska: Dunleavy Administration Issues a Proclamation for Special Election Dates -  Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy has issued a proclamation declaring a vacancy in the Office of the United States Representative and calling for a special election.

The special primary shall be held on Saturday, June 11, 2022. The special election shall be held on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, to fill the vacancy in the office of the United States Representative.

According to the Alaska Division of Elections the 2022 Special Primary Election Declaration of Candidacy must be ACTUALLY RECEIVED by 5:00pm on April 1, 2022. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022

Alaska: Congressman Don Young’s Lying in State Ceremony to be Covered and Streamed Live by C-SPAN - Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 29, 2022, C-SPAN will be covering Congressman Don Young’s Lying in State ceremony in Statuary Hall in the United States Capitol. C-SPAN's live coverage will allow Alaskans and those around the nation to watch as Congressman Young is memorialized by family, friends, staff, and other dignitaries.

Coverage starts at 7:00am AK time/11:00am ET on Tuesday, March 29th. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022

Alaska: Statewide, February jobs up 2.4 percent from February 2021- The Alaska Department of Labor reported February’s job count was 2.4 percent higher than February 2021, an increase of 7,100 jobs but still 13,500 below the same month in 2020, just before the pandemic began.

Statewide, the leisure and hospitality sector had 2,600 more jobs than last February but 3,300 fewer than February 2020. The trade, transportation and utilities sector was up by 1,800 jobs over the year and up 200 from 2020. Oil and gas had 7,200 total jobs — 700 above year-ago levels but 3,000 below the previous year.

Statewide, local government was up by 900 jobs over the year but down 1,400 from February 2020, mainly in public education. State government employment fell 500 below last year’s level and was 500 short of 2020. Most public schools and university campuses have operated in person so far this school year after a remote 2020-2021. However, total state government employment fell over the year with the phase-out of temporary pandemic-related positions. Federal employment was down 100 from February 2021 and 200 below 2020. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022


Alaska: Legislation Introduced to Strengthen Blue Economy and Support Coastal Communities - The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released the first official Marine Economy Satellite Account statistics on June 8, 2021, which demonstrated that the ocean economy accounted for 1.9 percent, or $397 billion, of the U.S. gross domestic product in 2019. The Bureau of Economic Analysisalso found that the growth of the ocean economy outpaced that of the economy as a whole in 2019. Under the current growth rate, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development projected that the global ocean economy would double its 2010 contribution to world gross value added by 2030, from $1.5 to $3 trillion.

Friday, U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) introduced the Ocean Regional Opportunity and Innovation Act of 2022, which would direct the Secretary of Commerce to establish “Ocean Innovation Clusters” to strengthen the coastal communities and blue economy of the nation. Senator Murkowski is a strong supporter of Ocean Clusters, including the Alaska Ocean Cluster which serves as a hub for private, public, and academic stakeholders to collaborate on opportunities to promote and enhance the maritime industry.  

Specifically, the Ocean ROI Act of 2021 would require the Secretary of Commerce, acting through the administrator of the U.S. Economic Development Agency, and in consultation with the administrator of NOAA, to designate at least one ocean cluster in each of the five domestic NOAA Fisheries regions and the Great Lakes region. This would ensure that at least one cluster is designated in Alaska. The bill would also create grants for cluster operation and administration and one-time capital investments for physical infrastructure.

Senator Murkowski said, “The U.S. is home to a number of burgeoning ocean clusters, including the Alaska Ocean Cluster, which have emerged as critical facilitators of blue economy development. It’s time for the U.S. to catch up with our Arctic friends in Iceland and Norway who have long brought together public, private, and academic stakeholders to create sustainable value in the maritime industry through existing and novel opportunities. Clusters offer members physical workspaces - often including some sort of project incubation space—as well as networking, funding and investment opportunities. By boosting our existing clusters and creating new ones where they don’t exist, we are paving the way for some of Alaska’s most innovative minds to further advance Alaska’s blue economy - a significant and direct investment in our state." - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022

Across Alaska in one summer

Across Alaska in one summer
Portrait of Lieutenant Henry Tureman Allen, leader of 1885 expedition to explore Copper and Tanana Rivers in Alaska. He is wearing boots made from animal hides and fur. The photograph was probably taken in Saint Michael, Alaska, 1885.
Fred Wildon Fickett papers, University of Alaska Anchorage, Archives and Special Collections


Alaska: Across Alaska in one summer By NED ROZELL - “It is a very remarkable fact that a region under a civilized government for more than a century should remain so completely unknown as the vast territory drained by the Copper, Tanana and Koyukuk Rivers.”

So wrote Henry Allen in a government report on his muscle-powered journey from the mouth of the Copper River to the mouth of the Yukon, from where he returned by steamship to California. 

Pushing on when Native guides wouldn't join him for fear of starvation, Allen and a few tattered comrades traveled from near present-day Cordova up to what is now Bettles. They then turned around and then beat winter to St. Michael, where they jumped the last boat for San Francisco.

The U.S. Army lieutenant executed the journey from spring equinox to early September in 1885, completing an epic his commanding officer, Gen. Nelson Miles, compared to the Lewis and Clark expedition of 80 years before.

After he visited Alaska one year before to check the progress of another explorer, Allen proposed the expedition, which he detailed in the compelling “Report of An Expedition to the Copper, Tanana, and Koyukuk Rivers, in the Year 1885, for the Purpose of Obtaining all Information Which will be Valuable and Important, Especially to the Military Branch of the Government.”

Allen's mission was to map and describe the uncharted core of the immense land recently purchased from the Russians. He was also to report on the Native people and the threat they might pose to white settlers who would someday arrive.

Allen, who graduated from West Point in 1882, ended his career as a general and commander of occupation forces in Germany after World War I. He traveled the world as a military attaché to Russia and Germany and was a military governor in the Philippines. But one wonders if his most memorable adventure was splashing his way through Alaska during the summer he turned 26.

Despite the $2,000 they were endowed, Allen and the few men who joined him were required to “live off the country.” 

Working their way up the rotting ice of the Copper River in late March with soon-to-be-useless sleds, Allen “made the first attempt at eating the entrails of an animal — a porcupine. They were not relished then as they were at a later stage.”

At times guided by Natives who were themselves famished while waiting for the return of salmon, Allen never stopped for long. His small group sniffed out and raided caches and bartered for food with whomever they encountered. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022

Columns - Commentary



DAVE KIFFER: Better Living Through Chemicals  - Now that I have survived another "circle round the sun" as some people refer to birthdays, it's time to take stock once again.  

I've often thought "circle round the sun" was one of those odd little cliches. While it is true that I - and some 7 billion other people - are indeed "circling round the sun" it seems an odd way to describe such a passive journey.  

 To say I am "circling round the sun" makes it sound like I am the hero in some grand adventure, say riding the "solar winds" in a three-masted Caravel shouting "argh" and "aye matey" into space.

 In reality, I am just a passenger on what amounts to a giant cruise ship sailing through the heavens, trying not to contract a virus while at the same time supping endlessly at the midnight buffet table. But I did not choose this trip, nor do I have any real influence over it. So, my actions are not particularly heroic. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022



I’ve been back home for just a weekend but I’m ready to get back on that cruise ship and get away from America the Angry.

The ship that my wife and I cruised on last week in the Caribbean was like heaven.

No political arguments at lunch. No one ranting about $6 gas prices. No TV screens filled with FOX or CNN talking heads.

Only one person on the ship tested positive for COVID – you remember COVID?

Enjoying time on the blue ocean, getting off the ship in Jamaica and playing golf — it was a truly great vacation.

But then you come back to America, where it seems everyone needs to be enrolled in an anger management program. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022

MONEY MATTERS: ARE YOU READY FOR A RECESSION? By MARY LYNNE DAHL , Certified Financial Planner ™ Retired - Don’t be alarmed when you hear we may be heading into a recession. Instead, be ready. From my perspective, I see a good chance that the US and possibly Europe will go into recession before or by winter of 2022. If I am wrong, being prepared is still going to help you, so pay attention to the possibility and take some preventative measures now. Just in case.

What is a recession, specifically? Experts define recession as “a significant decline in economic activity that is spread across the economy and that lasts more than a few months.” (The National Bureau of Economic Research/Liz Ann Sonders, Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab). It includes a lot of details that I will not bore you with here, but which are closely observed by panels of pretty smart people who keep track of trends and details.

Currently, given the odd series of problems out there, from the pandemic to supply chain issues to rising prices (inflation) but low unemployment and rising wages, it is hard to pin down the exact reason why the US may be heading into recession. We as a nation have never had the kind of pandemic experience that we are now coming out of (I hope) so it is hard to pin the blame on the virus alone. It is not just because prices have risen dramatically, either. We have also not previously experienced a high employment rate and rising wages along with a general feeling of pessimism across the entire population. We are in strange territory no matter how you measure. Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that recession may be on the horizon shortly. I tend to think this will turn out to be correct. If so, there is work to do. - More....
Monday PM - March 28, 2022


FINANCIAL FOCUS: Don’t be surprised by Social Security taxes Provided By BEN EDWARDS, AAMS® - When you reach the appropriate age, it’s easy to apply for Social Security retirement benefits – just go to Social Security’s website, fill out the online form and you’re essentially done. But many people overlook the next step – completing Form W-4V, which asks you how much federal income tax you want withheld from your benefits. And if you skip this step, you could face an unpleasant surprise when it’s tax-filing time, because Social Security benefits can indeed add to your taxable income.

Here are the details:

• If you’re a single filer…If your “combined” income is between $25,000 and $34,000, you may have to pay income tax on up to 50 percent of your Social Security benefits. (“Combined” income includes your adjusted gross income, non-taxable interest, and one-half of your annual Social Security benefits.) If your combined income is more than $34,000, up to 85 percent of your benefits may be taxable.

• If you’re married and file jointly…If you and your spouse have a combined income between $32,000 and $44,000, you may be taxed on up to 50 percent of your benefits. If your combined income is more than $44,000, up to 85 percent of your benefits may be taxable. - More....
Monday PM - March 28, 2022


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Political Cartoon:  Loose Cannon
by Rivers ©2022,
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jpg Political Cartoon: That Slap

Political Cartoon: That Slap
by Kevin Siers ©2022, The Charlotte Observer, NC
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Political Cartoon: Women’s washroom
by Rivers ©2022,
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Political Cartoon: Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmation
by R.J. Matson©2022, Portland, ME
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Political Cartoon: NETFLIX password sharing
by Dave Granlund©2022,
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Political Cartoon: Between a Rock and a hard slap
by John Darkow©2022, Columbia Missourian
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Local governments are attractive targets for hackers and are ill-prepared By RICHARD FORNO - President Joe Biden on March 21, 2022, warned that Russian cyberattacks on U.S. targets are likely, though the government has not identified a specific threat. Biden urged the private sector: “Harden your cyber defenses immediately.”

It is a costly fact of modern life that organizations from pipelines and shipping companies to hospitals and any number of private companies are vulnerable to cyberattacks, and the threat of cyberattacks from Russia and other nations makes a bad situation worse. Individuals, too, are at risk from the current threat.

Local governments, like schools and hospitals, are particularly enticing “soft targets” – organizations that lack the resources to defend themselves against routine cyberattacks, let alone a lengthy cyber conflict. For those attacking such targets, the goal is not necessarily financial reward but disrupting society at the local level.

From issuing business licenses and building permits and collecting taxes to providing emergency services, clean water and waste disposal, the services provided by local governments entail an intimate and ongoing daily relationship with citizens and businesses alike. Disrupting their operations disrupts the heart of U.S. society by shaking confidence in local government and potentially endangering citizens. - More...
Monday PM - March 28, 2022
jpg Opinion

Supporting Ukraine By Rep. Dan Ortiz - On Friday, the Alaska House of Representatives passed Senate Joint Resolution 25, “Supporting Ukraine.” The resolution, which passed the Senate unanimously the prior week, is now headed to the Governor’s desk for a signature. . - More...
Monday PM - March 21, 2022
jpg Opinion

Gas prices, propaganda, war, and politics By Dr. Wim Laven - I come from oil country, so does House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy. My hometown - Bakersfield, in Kern County CA - Kern County was once the top producer and has been a top three oil-producing county in the US as recently as 2014.  - More...
Monday PM - March 21, 2022

jpg Opinion

The Russian Pariah By Donald Moskowitz - Putin is Hitler reincarnated. Hitler tried to create a German empire throughout Europe during WWII. Putin wants to recreate a Russian empire in Europe starting with the invasion of Ukraine. Unfortunately, the democracies are currently showing similar military wariness tendencies as the Allies showed against Hitler's initial invasions.- More...
Monday PM - March 21, 2022

jpg Opinion

Politics By A. M. Johnson - To this point related to politics I have been somewhat successful in keeping the stress level below mind blowing. No need to re-counter the obvious amateur hour that Washington D.C. has presented to the world in this past and current year.  Perhaps the accumulation of the out of control is best demonstrated by the following video... More...
Tuesday PM - March 15, 2022

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Another parent complaining or a problem of Nepotism in school sports programs? By Steven Booth - Just another parent complaining about their child’s playing time or is it a problem of Nepotism in school sports programs? - More...
Monday PM - March 07, 2022
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ABOUT THOSE –ISMs AGAIN By David G Hanger - Tucker Snarlson is either a very stupid person or he thinks his audience is a collection of knuckleheads. Maybe he just likes calling the kettle black. - More...
Monday PM - March 07, 2022
jpg Opinion

When will the Russians decide to take back Alaska? By John Suter Everyone in the world by now sees what the Russians are doing to the Ukrainians.  The Ukrainians can either submit to Russian rule or have their cities pounded into sand. - March 07, 2022
jpg Opinion

AMHS TO PRINCE RUPERT - SENATE BILL 170 By Mary Lynne Dahl - Heads up, Southeast Alaska! The House and Senate of the State of Alaska are considering a bill to reform and fund our Alaska Marine Highway System. The details are currently being considered, argued and lobbied for and against, as usual. The legislation is labeled Senate Bill (SB) 170. - More...
Wednesday AM - March 02, 2022
jpg Opinion

2022 Southeast Conference Mid-Session By Austin Otos - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough recently traveled to Juneau for the Southeast Conference Mid-Session. This is an economic summit designed to highlight the growth of Southeast Alaska. Several local organizations strongly represented Ketchikan at the event, including: Alaska Marine Lines, Tessa Axelson (Alaska Forest Association), Tongass Federal Credit Union, Deborah Hayden (economic developer), Ketchikan Indian Community, Ward Cove Group, Julie Sande (Commissioner, Alaska Department of Commerce), and Jack Finnegan (Spruce Root Grant recipient). Many entities from our community attend the conference in order to advocate for economic development.  - More...
Wednesday AM - March 02, 2022

jpg Opinion

Forces Into Western Ukraine By Donald Moskowitz - Since the Russians are essentially occupying eastern Ukraine, and are attacking Kyiv from the north, east and south, maybe NATO military forces with U.S. support should move into western Ukraine to prevent Russia from completely overrunning Ukraine. Air cover would have to be provided for the ground forces.

This would allow Ukrainian civilians to remain in Ukraine, and it could provide an alternate Ukrainian government seat of power if Kyiv is taken by the Russians. The presence of NATO and U.S. military forces in western Ukraine would also provide leverage to get the Russians out of eastern Ukraine since NATO and the U.S. could agree to pull its forces out of western Ukraine as part of a negotiated settlement. - More...
Wednesday AM - March 02, 2022

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Alpine Real Estate - Ketchikan, Alaska

Rendezvous Senior Day Center - Ketchikan, Alaska - Serving seniors and adults with disabilities.

Coastal Keller Williams Realty - Ketchikan, Alaska

Legacy Real Estate - Ketchikan, Alaska EST 1970

Gateway City Realty - Ketchikan, Alaska

First Bank - Ketchikan, Alaska

Lighthouse Service - Ketchikan, Alaska - PetroOne

Madison Lumber & Hardware - Ketchikan, Alaska (TrueValue)

Alaskan and Proud Markets - Grocery & Liquor Stores - Ketchikan, Alaska

Alaska Redistricting - Get Involved - Stay Informed