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April 08, 2004


Front Page Photo by Gigi Pilcher

'Quiet on the Waterfront'
Front Page Photo by Gigi Pilcher

Ketchikan Charter Commission - Ketchikan, Alaska

Ketchikan: Ketchikan Charter Commission Conducts Survey - Click here... First published Tuesday -03/23/04


letter RE: Open Letter To Assembly Members & Reply by Susan E. Walsh - Ketchikan - 04/08/04
letter Child Abuse Prevention & Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month by Patti Fay Hickox and Gwendolyn Elliott - Ketchikan - 04/08/04
letter Canoe celebration by Gigi Pilcher - Ketchikan - 04/08/04
letter RE: "Extinction" of a herring stock not the inevitable outcome by Andy Rauwolf - Ketchikan - 04/08/04
letter Defending the indefensible by John Harrington - Ketchikan - 04/08/04
letter Is it true about Revilla High School? by Brandi Conway - Ketchikan - 04/08/04
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April 2004
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Alaska: Governor Disappointed in Senate Minority Vote Turning Down Constitutional Spending Limit - Alaska Governor Frank H. Murkowski said Wednesday he was deeply disappointed in the refusal of every member of the Senate Democrat minority to vote in favor of a constitutional spending limit. Without any votes from the Democrat minority, the resolution proposing the constitutional amendment (SJR 3) failed to get the required 2/3 majority of 14, and failed by a vote of 12-7, with one Democrat member absent.

"This was the first piece of a fiscal plan, and the crucial piece that would assure the public that there would be a realistic constraint on state spending," Murkowski said. "The arguments of the Democrat minority are simply unrealistic." - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Ketchikan: No New Ketchikan Herring Spawn Mapped Wednesday - An aerial survey was conducted Wednesday morning at 6:00 am. According to information released by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game, no new herring spawn was mapped Wednesday morning. There was no fishing announced for Wednesday. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Alaska: Seventeen Million Dollar Judgment Entered Against Pipeline Shooter - Attorney General Gregg Renkes announced that on Monday, a Fairbanks Superior Court ordered convicted pipeline shooter Daniel Lewis to pay over $17 million for response and cleanup costs incurred by Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Alaska: Ninth Circuit Simply Too Large Says Sen. Murkowski; Needs to be revamped to ensure timely justice for all - Saying the current Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals is simply too large to ensure timely decisions and uniform opinions, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski urged the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to create at least one and possibly two new appeals court circuits. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Alaska: Chinook Salmon Quota for Southeast Alaska Slightly Higher for 2004 - The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Tuesday that this year's Southeast Alaska chinook harvest quota will be slightly higher than last year. The result provides somewhat improved catch opportunities for Southeast chinook harvesters. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

click here...

Orca Mother and Calf Swimming
Photo taken by Janice Waite, National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML)...

Alaska Science: Whalers may have triggered killer whale diet shift by Ned Rozell - Killer whales have teeth that are three inches long, pointy, and unlike any other animal alive, but similar in size and sharpness to the teeth of Tyrannosaurus rex.

These perfect predator teeth help support the idea that killer whales are eating more sea lions, seals and sea otters, and that humans are behind a drastic change in the northern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea ecosystems. During a recent lecture in Fairbanks, oceanographer Alan Springer presented an argument that industrial whaling in the mid-20th century caused a chain of events that has led to declines of marine mammal populations in Alaska waters. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

audioSoutheast: Listen to this story... The Haines Based Klukwan Native Corporation is seeking a permit to spray pesticides on about 2000 acres of logged over land on Long Island.
Thursday - April 08, 2004
KRBD - Ketchikan Public Radio - linked Thursday - April 08, 2004

click here...

People of Ketchikan
Deck Boss - Wayne Homan
photo by Carl Thompson

PhotosWayne Homan always has time for a smile as he does his job of making sure passengers and vehicles load and unload safely to and from the airport. The ferry is the Oral Freeman. - More photos...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Alaska: Visa problem looming for summer fishery & other seasonal workers - U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski was joined Wednesday by 14 other Senators and Congressmen in seeking Presidential assistance to resolve a looming visa problem for summer fishery and other seasonal workers that could harm Alaska's seafood processing industry, potentially affecting prices for state salmon fishermen. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Alaska: Resolution to amend No Child Left Behind clears Senate State Affairs committee - Calls for changes to the federal No Child Left Behind Act gained strength Wednesday as Senate Joint Resolution 30, sponsored by Senate Democratic Leader Johnny Ellis (D-Anchorage), passed the Senate State Affairs Committee. The resolution asks Congress to make the Act more workable for states and school districts and to provide full funding. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Photos & audioHydaburg: Sound portrait & photo gallery... On Sunday, Hydaburg celebrated the arrival of a 40-foot canoe. It was carved by students at Alternative School Number One, a Seattle public school for kids in Kindergarten through eighth grade. The project was guided by Robert Peele, or Saaduuts as he prefers to be called. Saaduuts grew up in Hydaburg, but now lives in the Seattle area. Along with school staff and students, Saaduuts took the canoe on a quick voyage from one end of Hydaburg to the other. Well over a hundred people came out to watch and participate in the event. Jay Marble was also there. He put together this sound portrait. - Photo Gallery by Ann Marie Marble
KRBD - Ketchikan Public Radio - linked Thursday - April 08, 2004

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click here...Ketchikan Columnist: Dear Crabby - I have a problem I hope you can help me with. I think I am going through menopause. I have hot flashes, cry easily, and my husband of 36 years can provide no comfort. In fact, I wish he weren't around as much right now. Lately I feel like crushing his Viagra. My doctor doesn't seem concerned; he said it is common, and this is the natural process. My sister said Oprah had a show about it some months back, but I missed it so that doesn't help either. Please tell me how to cope to give me some peace about it. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

Michael Reagan: The Brave Don't Wobble - If you've seen the photos of U.S. Marines moving against the Iraqi thugs in Fallujah, you can see their courage and determination as they advance in the face of withering enemy fire - there isn't a wobbler among them.

We owe much to these Marines and their Army comrades - and what we owe most of all is the stamina and determination to remain firm in our support of their mission until it is successfully concluded, no matter how much the current unrest distresses us. - Read more...
Thursday - April 08, 2004

The June Allen Column
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June Allen Column

PhotosKetchikan's First City Players; Did you hear that applause? - The 40th anniversary of the founding of Ketchikan's renowned First City Players is fast approaching. That community theater of volunteer actors, directors and stage hands laid the foundation of a tradition that has become the city's longest-lived, continuously active thespian society. It began when a small group of amateur actors with a little theater experience got together and said, "Let's put on a show!" And did so, and then put together another show, and another to become in time Ketchikan's first long-term little theater group as well as one of Alaska's most respected amateur theater organizations. In the larger picture and looking back to the town's beginnings, the First City Players added their talents to a long tradition of drama and comedy in the story of the small town on the shores of Tongass Narrows. - Read the rest of this story by June Allen...
Tuesday - March 30, 2004

More stories by June Allen...

arrow A biography of Alaska's herring: A little fish of huge importance...

arrow Nulato AK: a small village but big in history...

arrow Ketchikan's Creek Street Dance Hall; echoes of music from the past...

arrow Ketchikan's Volunteer Legacy; Buckets to hydrants to hi-tech...

arrow Read more stories by June Allen...

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fireworks gifThe Greater Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce would like your help in nominating this year's Theme and Grand Marshall. - Download the 2004 Fourth of July Parade Nomination Formpdf