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April 16, 2005

Front Page Photo by M.C. Kauffman

'Young Peacocks'
Front Page Photo by M.C. Kauffman

Ketchikan: First City Players' Star-Kissed Tuna A Delight By Sharon Lint-Allen - Last Friday, First City Players opened a delightful Star-Kissed Tuna at Cape Fox Lodge. But please don't get out your 'Save the Dolphins' signs - it had nothing to do with Charlie the Tuna or Chicken of the Sea. The Tuna being referred to was a theatre production of the hilarious comedy, "Greater Tuna."- More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

Ketchikan: Movie Gallery, Inc. To Open Store In Ketchikan - Movie Gallery, Inc. (NASDAQ: MOVI), the nation's third largest video store, announces its newest release at 2491 Tongass Ave. The store will make its debut on Friday April 22nd, with Michael Branco premiering as the new Store Manager backed by an all-star cast of associates, and directed by the all-time favorite District Manager, Danny Osborne. - More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

Southeast Alaska: Shellfish Farming Legislation Going to Governor - House Bill 198 "An act relating to Aquatic farming" unanimously passed the Senate Wednesday. "HB 198 will get the ball rolling on Aquatic farming for Geoducks in Southeast Alaska," said Senator Burt Stedman (R-Sitka) on the Senate floor. - More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

Alaska: Alaska Supreme Court Rules That Public Safety Protection Services to Rural Alaskan Communities are not Racially Discriminatory - Friday, in a unanimous decision, the Alaska Supreme Court issued a decision affirming a Superior Court ruling that the system employed by the State Department of Public Safety to provide police and other emergency services to rural communities is not racially discriminatory and does not violate state equal protection guarantees.- More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005



letter Minuteman Project by Mike Harpold - Saturday
letter Support interests of victims of medical malpractice by Jane Marshall - Saturday
letter Aerial Spraying on Long Island by Donna Hamilton Baptista - Saturday
letter Immigration by LaVaughn Marie Locke - Saturday
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April 2005
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Alaska: Alaska's Unemployment Rate Drops In March - Alaska's unemployment rate fell to 7.4 percent in March, a decline of nine-tenths of a percentage point from February's revised rate of 8.3 percent. The seasonally adjusted rate also fell sharply, dropping from 7.2 percent to 6.7 percent, its lowest level since February 2002.

Ketchikan's unemployment rate fell from 10.3 percent in February to 8.7 percent in March. With a labor force of 6,924 reported in March 2005, 6,320 were reported employed. - More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

Alaska: Governor Breaks Ground on $30 Million Dayville Road Project - Citing the Dayville Road as one of the most important 5-mile stretches of highway in Alaska, Governor Frank H. Murkowski on Friday broke ground on a $30 million project to reconstruct the road and replace five bridges along its route. The state Department of Transportation and Public Facilities accelerated construction of the project by one year, and it should be completed by August 2006.- More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

Alaska: State Operating Budget Sails Through Alaska Senate - Bipartisan cooperation paid off Friday for all Alaskans when the Alaska Senate passed the FY 06 operating budget on day 96 of the legislative session. Senate Democrats and Republicans worked together to craft a spending plan both sides could agree on and completed it earlier in any legislative session in recent memory. - More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

National: Q&A look at the Senate filibuster By BILL STRAUB - Senate Republican leader Bill Frist of Tennessee is thinking about invoking the "nuclear option" - a change in Senate rules that would prohibit Democrats from staging filibusters in opposition to President Bush's judicial appointments.

Here is a quick look at the issue: - More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

Web Tools: Microsoft's Web browser has a rapid rival in Firefox By RACHEL LEIBROCK - You probably didn't even realize you had a choice.

If you're anything like the typical Web user, your online experience is probably something like this: Turn on the PC, fire up the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser that came pre-installed on your computer and start surfing.

But what if you're fed up with annoying pop-up ads, the threat of spyware taking over your computer and feeling as if you're chained to the Man who is Microsoft?

Guess what? There are alternative tools to surf the Web, and one of them - Firefox - is quickly threatening to put an end to Internet Explorer's enduring dominance. - More...
Saturday - April 16, 2005

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June Allen Column

photosAlaskan Chris Leding: 1886-1975; A Norwegian adventurer - By June Allen - Today's Ketchikan phone book includes a fair share of Scandinavian surnames. There are, however, relatively few Norse names among the records of the town's earliest settlers. Most of Ketchikan's Norwegian population originated later, during the early 1920s when the halibut fleet, its skippers, crewmen and families moved north from the Seattle area. An exception was the late Chris Leding, who wasn't yet a fisherman  when he settled down in Ketchikan the mid-1920s and who discovered commercial fishing much later in life. - More...
Thursday - April 07, 2005

arrow A Personal Tribute to Tom Coyne on St. Patrick's Day

arrow It's Iditarod Race Year 33! a ghost story of the southern route

arrow Ketchikan's 'Rotary Wheel' Still Turning; Hardworking club celebrates a century

arrow Sitka's Pioneer Home Statue; Whose face is cast in bronze?

arrow L. Ron Hubbard's Alaska Adventure; His long winter in Ketchikan

arrow ACS Bids for KPU Telecom: ACS a longtime presence

arrow Betty King the Dog Lady; Ketchikan's one-woman humane society

arrow Ketchikan, Alaska - Let There Be Light! -- Citizens Light & Power and then KPU

arrow The State Capitol and Its Marble and keeping the capital in Juneau

arrow Read more feature stories by June Allen...

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