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April 05, 2016

One of several abandoned, half century and older, upper alpine hunters' campsites near Ketchikan
Front Page Feature Photo By KEN ARRIOLA ©2016
Ketchikan: Pat Stack named Alaska's top Child Care Administrator - Pat Stack has been named Alaska’s top Child Care Administrator by the Association for the Education of Young Children (AEYC). The announcement was made at the annual conference recently held in Juneau.

Juniper Justice is pictured with PeaceHealth Ketchikan Child Development Center's Manager Pat Stack
Photo courtesy PKMC
The award acknowledges the PeaceHealth Ketchikan Child Development Center Manager as one of the “founding fathers of early care and education in Ketchikan” and notes that “through his work over the last twenty years, he has positively influenced the lives of children, strengthened families, and has changed the course of early childhood in our community and in our state.”
Jessica Mills Clark, M.Ed., AEYC Outreach Liaison, said in an email, "The thing that stands out about your award is that you were nominated by the Community of Ketchikan, not just one individual, but many members of our community."
Stack was, as is his custom, modest about the award, “It has been a blessing to be part of so many family’s lives. This award is a testament to the caregivers I have been so blessed to work with over the years; past, present, and future.”
Ken Tonjes, the CAO of PeaceHealth Ketchikan, spoke for the Medical Center, “Pat is a remarkable man. His love of life, deep faith and commitment to the children he cares for is evident every day. We all should feel fortunate that Pat leads our Child Care program, as I can’t imagine a better person in that role. Thank you Pat for who you are and all you do. And congratulations on a well-deserved honor, and it’s nice that your talents and expertise are recognized by others outside of our community.” - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
Fish Factor: Fishermen missing out on a digital SOS signal direct to the USCG By LAINE WELCH - Alaska fishermen can send an SOS call directly to the Coast Guard, but many are not hooking up to the new lifeline.
Digital Selective Calling (DSC) instantly signals a distress call over VHF radios to other vessels, and the feature has been a required part of the hand-held units since 1996. In Alaska, the ability for mariners to hook up with the Coast Guard was acquired just last year when transceiver and antenna ‘high sites’ in Southeast and South Central regions came on line (more are scheduled soon).
“There was a lot of rumor going around that DSC didn’t work in Alaska. In reality, DSC does and has worked since the technology was introduced, but the Coast Guard couldn’t hear it. And that’s what we are in the process of improving now, said Mike Folkerts, a USCG Guard Boating Safety Specialist based in Juneau. “Most mariners didn’t realize that they could actually use a DSC-equipped VHF radio and send a digital signal instead of a voice signal.”
During safety training classes, it was discovered that many fishermen are not hooking up the DSC systems properly and completely, said Julie Matweyou, a Sea Grant Marine Advisor and trainer with the Alaska Marine Safety Education Association.
“So the distress button can’t broadcast their location in the event that they can’t get off a full mayday,” she said.
In fact, the Coast Guard learned that 90 percent of VHF radio distress calls they received do not contain vessel position information and 60 percent have no identity. With that discovery, they launched Operation Distress Connect. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
Alaska: Senate holds on PERS bill; will hear TRS bill this week; Groups Concerned With Statewide Impacts of the Proposed PERS/TRS Bills on Education - The Association of Alaska School Boards & Alaska Council of School Administrators expressed their concerns Friday with the impacts the proposed bills SB207 and SB209 will have on education statewide. The groups say the proposed bills will increase the rates paid by employers in the TRS and PERS system significantly. Since their news conference, based on recent analysis by Buck Consultants projecting lower than expected state assistance rates, the Alaska State Senate decided on Monday not to move forward with SB 209, pertaining to employer contribution rate increases for the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).
As a result of the state’s $3 billion cash infusion to these retirement systems, Buck Consultants’ draft valuations for PERS and TRS show improvement in their funded ratios. The analysis also determined that recent actual health claims were lower than expected for health care cost growth trends.
“The state carried local government and school district costs during a period of high revenue to improve the health of the system, and Buck’s analysis proves that investment paid off,” said Sen. Anna MacKinnon (R-Eagle River), co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee.
The Senate Finance Committee will discuss the SB 207 fiscal note in hearings this week with the first hearing scheduled for today, April 5th, at 1:30 PM. In addition to a $228 million appropriation in the Senate’s version of the operating budget, SB 208 would make funds previously designated for the Alaska Performance Scholarship program available to school districts to mitigate the increase in rates.
“The state has paid multiple billions on behalf of local governments to keep the Teachers Retirement System from bankruptcy,” said Sen. Pete Kelly (R-Fairbanks), co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee. “Now we are asking them to help shoulder some of the costs, and we are even willing to pay a portion of those costs for the next five years. As the state faces a $4.1 billion dollar deficit, we are still going the extra mile to protect local governments.”
According to the analysis, the state’s projected costs for PERS dropped from $100 million in FY17 to $34 million in FY18, while TRS costs dropped from $116 million to $90 million within the same timeframe.
SB 207, pertaining to employer contribution rates for the Teachers Retirement System (TRS) will be heard in the Senate Finance Committee later this week.
According to the Association of Alaska School Boards & Alaska Council of School Administrators , four years from now (by FY20) as scheduled these bills would result in a 7% reduction in K-12 education funding, at the same time overall costs continue to increase, including: health insurance, energy and transportation, as well as labor costs as a result of negotiated agreements - rights granted by the Alaska Legislature. - More...
Tuesday AM
- April 05, 2016

Virgin America and Alaska Airlines
Photograph courtesy Alaska Airlines
Alaska: Alaska Air Group to Acquire Virgin America becoming 5th largest U.S. airline - Alaska Air Group, Inc. (NYSE: ALK), parent company of Alaska Airlines, and Virgin America, Inc. (NASDAQ: VA) on Monday announced that their boards of directors have unanimously approved a definitive merger agreement, under which Alaska Air Group will acquire Virgin America for $57.00 per share in cash. Including existing Virgin America indebtedness and capitalized aircraft operating leases, the aggregate transaction value is approximately $4.0 billion. With an expanded West Coast presence, a larger customer base, and an enhanced platform for growth, Alaska Airlines will be positioned to provide more choices for customers, increase competition and deliver attractive returns to investors.
The merger, which has been approved unanimously by the boards of directors of both companies, is conditioned on receipt of regulatory clearance, approval by Virgin America shareholders and satisfaction of other customary closing conditions. The companies expect to complete the transaction with regulators' approval no later than Jan. 1, 2017. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
Ketchikan: Ketchikan Man sentenced to five years in prison for distribution of child pornography - A resident of Ketchikan was sentenced in federal court in Ketchikan for distribution of child pornography. Don Arthur Henderson, 37, of Ketchikan, was sentenced by U.S. District Chief Judge Timothy M. Burgess on March 24th to serve five years in prison, to be followed by a 20 year term of supervised release, for a single count of distribution of sexually explicit images and videos of children. Many of the images were prepubescent children engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Henderson was also ordered to pay restitution of $5,000 to the victims of the offense.
According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Jack S. Schmidt, who prosecuted the case, Henderson, who had no criminal record, was identified in February 2015 by the FBI in Juneau as an individual who was distributing known images of child pornography to the internet using a peer to peer (P2P) program. Henderson had made available and distributed five known images of child pornography on the Internet using his P2P program. Further investigation revealed that Henderson had the five images of child pornography he made available on the Internet located on his personal computer for a total of 716 images and nine videos containing images of children engaged in sexually explicit conduct, including images depicting prepubescent children and sadistic and masochistic conduct. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016 |
Alaska Science: Thule people had northern life figured out By NED ROSELL - About 1,000 years ago, Norse explorer Leif Ericson bumped into the New World at Newfoundland. The old world was filling up, with 300,000 people living in the Roman capital of Constantinople. Up here in Alaska, the ancestors of today's coastal Natives were quietly having one of the more successful runs in human history.

Archeologist Dennis Griffin examines the remains of a housepit from Thule-era people who lived briefly on St. Matthew Island in about 1650.
Photo by Ned Rozell
The Thule people of Alaska's west and north coasts lived a good life for centuries, perfecting technologies that traveled with them across the northern Arctic all the way to Greenland. This April is Alaska Archeology Month, a time to think about people who mastered life in the far north before anyone in the more populated world knew about them.
How do you thrive so far from the equator and all its edible plants and animals? The Thule hunted the largest animal to be found up here, the bowhead whale.
Thule people invented the umiaq, a boat of sewn walrus hide. Umiaqs allowed Thule people to intercept the slow-moving whales and harpoon them. When a whale was struck and recovered, the hunters had more than 30 tons of food. They also had building materials; they framed their sod houses with whale bones along with driftwood.
Jeff Rasic has seen the sunken ovals of coastal tundra that were Thule house pits, as well as the mounds enriched by bones and other organic refuse left by those people near the present town of Barrow.
"There's about 13 mounds littered with whalebones," said Rasic, an archeologist with the National Park Service. "As we were there mapping this site, people were there duck hunting. People shot ducks and started plucking them right on the mounds." - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016

Alaska's Pavlof volcano in 2013, with ash eruption plume and steam from melting snow and ice.
Photo credit: Theo Chesley/ Alaska Volcano Observatory/ USGS |
Alaska: Alaska researchers improve their 'hearing' to detect volcanic eruptions - If a volcano explodes in the remote reaches of Alaska, will anyone hear it? Seismologists working in the state say yes--after using a refined set of methods that allows them to detect and locate the airwaves generated by a volcanic explosion on distant seismic networks.
In a study published online in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, David Fee of the Alaska Volcanic Observatory and Wilson Alaska Technical Center and his colleagues used these techniques to examine the ground-coupled airwaves produced by recent eruptions at Cleveland, Veniaminof and Pavlof volcanoes in Alaska.
"This study shows how we can expand the use of seismic data by looking at the acoustic waves from volcanic explosions that are recorded on seismometers," explained Fee. "The techniques we used provide an automated way to detect, locate, characterize, and monitor volcanic eruptions, particularly in remote, difficult-to-monitor regions like Alaska."
"We now use these techniques operationally at the Alaska Volcano Observatory and plan to integrate them more in the future," Fee added. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016

Aerial view of a gray whale near the ice edge with mud plume from bottom feeding. Photo credit: Vicki Beaver, NOAA Fisheries. NMFS Permit No. 14245. Funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (IA Contract No. M11PG00033). |
Alaska: Sentinels of Change: Gray Whales in the Arctic - Gray whales do things differently.
Gray whales look different, swim farther, and fight more fiercely than other whales.
They owe their distinctive mottled look to a coat of crustaceans that can weigh up to 400 pounds. Their swim from Alaska to Baja and back may be the longest annual migration of any mammal. And they were named "devilfish" by whalers who watched them charge and smash boats to defend themselves and their calves.
But perhaps what sets gray whales apart most is their eating habits. Gray whales are the only baleen whales that feed primarily on the bottom of the ocean.
Other baleen whales strain plankton from the water column. A gray whale dives to the bottom, turns on its side, scoops the top inches of sediment into its mouth, and strains small animals from it, especially amphipods, small shrimp-like creatures that are the favorite food of gray whales in the Arctic. A telltale plume of mud shows where a gray whale fed on the bottom. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016 |
Columns - Commentary
DAVE KIFFER: Alaska in six words or less! - Recently, the Alaska Dispatch News held a contest to see if readers could describe their "Alaskan Lives" in six words.
As to be expected a lot of them contained endless drivel about life in the wilderness and how wonderful it is.
Lots of Northern Lights, lots of big wildlife poop, lots of big mountains, lots of big wildlife poop on big mountains under the Northern Lights, lots of appreciation for Starbucks always being within walking distance.
Okay, I made that last one but up.
No one in Alaska actually walks anywhere.
Seriously, we are worse than Los Angelenos that way. We. Do. Not. Walk.
Partly because we have large distances to cover (Ketchikan is in Georgia and the Aleutians are in California!) and partly because walking anywhere frequently seems to lead to early onset death. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
JEFF LUND: Cast into the past -I was reading about the casting pools at the Golden Gate Casting Club and I got an eerie feeling of loss. I’ve never been there, but it’s mentioned in many of the fly fishing books I’ve read.
The San Francisco Fly Casting Club was founded in 1894 and the pools opened in 1938, back when dudes were flexing bamboo rods that took weeks to craft and didn’t arrive by FedEx in a shipping tube.
I don’t know why, but there is something haunting about the casting pools there, as though if I made a pilgrimage, I would get the overwhelming feeling that I was too late. That I missed out. That the glory days of anglers and writers spending time there have been replaced with people with hip new fly fishing gear practicing for casting tournaments.
The pools are like this bazaar relic of urbanized angling, the infusion of solitude in the middle of a robust city.
I’ll never understand it within its proper context. I’ll never get it since I’ll never live it. That’s not such a bad thing because I get to benefit from the advances in fly fishing since then; high modulus carbon fiber, Gore-Tex waders and fly line that leaps off the reel and loop to loop connections that save me tying knots, so does tapered leader. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016

Editorial Cartoon: Hillary's Email Reminder
Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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Senior Citizen Property Tax By Ed Zastrow - Ketchikan's senior citizens are disappointed that some in the State Legislature are seeking to balance the State budget on the backs of the Alaska's most vulnerable citizens. A total of 985 senior citizen and disabled veteran households in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough stand to lose nearly $1.3 million annually if a last-minute bill to eliminate the mandatory State senior citizen and disabled veteran property tax exemption is adopted by the State Legislature. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
Alaska’s Senior Citizens By Dan Ortiz - Is oil, or any commodity, really Alaska’s most valuable resource? I, for one, would say no. Our most valuable resource, the resource that most contributes to Alaska, is our people. If we were to make a ranking list of the most valuable populations, senior citizens would be at the top. As we in the Legislature attempt to deal with our significant fiscal challenges, it’s important for us to protect our seniors. Our seniors are a treasured asset to our communities and our economy. The Alaska Legislature shouldn’t adopt policies or cuts that put undue burdens on our senior population. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
Climate Change By Norbert Chaudhary - It is beyond my understanding how anyone, especially those in leadership roles, can question the fact that humans burning fossil fuel have pushed the planets CO2 levels beyond anything the earth has seen in at least 650,000 years and that this is already having a profound impact on our planets climate. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
To better understand federal tax problems and solutions By Paul Livingston - There is much confusion, misrepresentation and lack of understanding about the federal tax problems and solutions. The root cause of taxation problems is the 16th Amendment (enables direct taxation) passed in 1913. This Amendment gives government huge new taxing power for the first legal income tax, the IRS, payroll taxes and tax withholding. We lost Freedom, Liberty and Civil Rights. The 16th Amendment enables a graduated income tax, the second requirement for a communist state per the Communist Manifesto by Karl Mark. - More...
Tuesday AM - April 05, 2016
Children of the Territory By David Otness - A number of life-long Alaskan friends and myself have been taken aback by what has happened to our beloved Alaska over the past 40 + years and how little it resembles and feels like the place in which we grew up in the then Territory of Alaska. Of course the demon and denominator - and ultimately the bane - is and was the Resource Curse that befalls any nominally-sophisticated group of people when Big Oil comes to town. And yes, it brought much which is bright and shiny, but it also brought social ills in overabundance to what was once a widely-stretched-out, self-sufficient and resilient community that lived in relative harmony in an era that rightfully should be revered and is still remembered in high esteem and longing by those of us who knew it when. I reckon we’ll be defined as primitive for that notion these days. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 30, 2016
Part 3: “OIL COMPANY” WALKER, “OIL CAN” ORTIZ, AND OIL COMPANY SOCIALISM By David G Hanger - The complacency of “Oil Can” Dan Ortiz is appalling, and verges on dishonesty. Dan Ortiz does not have an obligation to the people of the state of Alaska; he has an obligation to us as our representative, and in that regard he is a disaster. It is not our obligation to bail Anchorage and Fairbanks out of their economic problems. They have never helped us with ours, but we have to empty our wallets to help theirs. That’s nuts. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 30, 2016
DON TRUMP RHETORIC By Mary Lynne Dahl - Although I am encouraged by the wide range of people showing an interest in the upcoming Presidential election, some of the comments made in response to my criticism of Donald Trump were not accurate. Of course we do not all agree with one another. Of course we dispute the facts or view them from our own, unique perspective. That is all good, part of the flawed but marvelous system of democracy we enjoy. It is not a flawless system, but it is better than the alternatives. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 30, 2016
People of Alaska or Oil First? By Robert Johnson - I was born and raised in Ketchikan 82 years ago and it has really gone downhill since the Republicans have been in power. It's about time for a change. I voted against statehood in 1957 and it has gone down since then, we need another Bill Eagan to put us back on track. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 30, 2016
Old growth and young growth logging needed to sustain the current industry By Shelly Wright - Southeast Conference (SEC) a non-profit organization dedicated to the economic health of Southeast Alaska, gathered in Juneau March 15 & 16, 2016 for the Mid-Session Summit membership meeting. One of the subjects discussed at this meeting was the collapse of the Southeast Alaska timber industry. Bryce Dahlstrom, Vice President of Transportation for Viking Lumber stated, “Viking Lumber has about a year and a half of economical timber left to process. After that we are closing our doors unless more timber is sold by the Forest Service.” SEC has long been an advocate for resource development especially the timber industry and hearing this disturbing statement from our last remaining mid-size sawmill owner is devastating. Bryce went on to say that he is in despair over this decision to leave southeast, not because of the financial situation of his family, they have other opportunities elsewhere, but because of what the effects will be to the community he has grown up in. He worries about the people and communities they will be leaving behind. Approximately 150 jobs will be lost including road builders, cutters, loggers and truckers. Viking Lumber accounts for about 60% of AP&T, the local electric provider, revenue along with contributing to local towing companies, franchises such as Napa, Petro Marine, Shuab Ellison, Tyler Rental and Alaska Commercial. For communities on Prince of Wales Island, 150 jobs is a major industry. - More...
Wednesday PM - March 30, 2016
Our Obligation: The People of Alaska By Rep. Dan Ortiz - I have the honor of serving as your representative in the Alaska State Legislature. The major issue facing our legislature this session is Alaska’s fiscal situation. I’m committed to the practice of a government of the people, by the people and for the people. I spend a lot of time communicating with constituents across our district, from Hyder in the south, to Wrangell in the north. I seek to hear from our friends and neighbors about the issues on their minds. Our district does not always come to a consensus, but most of us agree that we need to continue making smart cuts in government spending while we look for new revenue sources. - More...
Saturday AM - March 26, 2016
RE: International coalition calls on BC to include Mount Polley investigation recommendations in mining code By Brent Murphy - I write you with respect to your article ”International coalition calls on BC to include Mount Polley investigation recommendations in mining code”, posted on March 22 on your web site and wish to express my disappointment that this article was posted without a fact check. The NGO’ s in their discussion on the KSM Project, which is owned by Seabridge, presented several inaccurate statements regarding the project. Specifically.... More...
Saturday AM - March 26, 2016
The Importance of Giving Through Pick.Click.Give By Nina Kemppel - The next several days are critical for hundreds of nonprofits across Alaska. Why? As we approach to the March 31st deadline to file for your Permanent Fund Dividend, we move closer to the time most Alaskans will Pick.Click.Give to organizations that serve critical needs here in Alaska. - More...
Saturday AM - March 26, 2016
Part 2: “OIL COMPANY” WALKER, “OIL CAN” ORTIZ AND OIL COMPANY SOCIALISM By David G Hanger - As Alaska citizens we are all the victims of one of the most incredible crimes that has ever been committed, and indeed it is ongoing. We have been ripped off to the tune of tens of billions of dollars in the last two years alone. This crime, this scandal, already exceeds in value by a considerable margin Teapot Dome and all the financial scandals of the Grant and Harding administrations. This is conceivably the largest financial crime in the history of the United States. Our elected officials don’t even want you to believe it is a crime, they are so complicit; but if this is not a financial crime, nothing is. - More...
Saturday AM - March 26, 2016
The Trump Wrecking Ball By Donald Moskowitz - Trump could win the Republican nomination, but lose to Clinton in the general election. He might severely damage the Republican Party, and adversely impact Republicans in Congressional and state races. His un-American campaign of political violence and hooliganism is reminiscent of 20th century Nazi and Communist dictators. - More...
Saturday AM - March 26, 2016
RE: Donald Trump By Marvin Seibert - After reading some of the facts that Mary Lynne Dahl stated in her anti-Trump letter of March 19th I must point out some overlooked facts. - More..
Tuesday PM - March 22, 2016
“OIL COMPANY” WALKER, “OIL CAN” ORTIZ, AND OIL COMPANY SOCIALISM PART 1 By David G Hanger - By 1981 when the revenue agent stopped by he was pushing 80 strong, but still every year summer came around and off he and the wife were once again to the Yukon or the Klondike, where the nights are short and the legends long. And every year he would spend $50,000 to $80,000 on his mining operation, and every year he reported to the IRS -0- income, generating a massive loss that offset his wife’s and his other income sources, and got him a $10,000 to $15,000 a year refund. - More...
Tuesday PM - March 22, 2016
The Ortiz Citizen budget poll By A. M. Johnson - An open letter to Representative Dan Ortiz regarding his survey inquiry in today's mail on how to address the budget shortfall. - More...
Tuesday PM - March 22, 2016
The Ketchikan School District Needs to Stop Spending By Megan Heaton - There have been some comments made at the Ketchikan Borough Assembly meetings recently about how great the schools in Ketchikan use to be. Mainly there was the hot lunch program and a school nurse. - More...
Tuesday PM - March 22, 2016
ROADSIDE DAFFODILS By Jerry Cegelske - North end residents were treated to some roadside daffodils on Sunday and Monday morning as the Dixon Entrance Chapter of the Society of American Foresters did their regular cleanup of mile 6 of the North Tongass Highway Sunday morning. The Chapter regularly cleans their section of road every three months or so, collecting the accumulated trash and keeping their mile clean. Thank them for their dedication when you have the chance. They do a fantastic job keeping this area clean. - More...
Tuesday PM - March 22, 2016
Donald Trump By Mary Lynne Dahl - I have recently become concerned about some statements being made by Donald Trump in his bid for the US Presidential ticket. He has built a campaign on repeatedly claiming that “the US doesn’t win anymore”, “China and Japan are killing us on trade” and “Illegal immigrants are pouring over the border”. He has also said that he “cannot release his federal income tax return because it is being audited by the IRS”. Although I do not generally offer political comments during an election, I challenge the accuracy of these statements and feel compelled to comment on them as untrue. - More...
Saturday AM - March 19, 2016
Happy 6th Anniversary to the Affordable Care Act! By Susan Johnson - In terms of significance, the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 is often compared to the establishment of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. The ACA grew out of advances in coverage provided by Medicare and Medicaid—in fact, President Teddy Roosevelt first proposed a national health insurance program in 1912! We celebrate over 100 years of healthcare progress in 2016. - More...
Saturday AM - March 19, 2016
Alaska PFD By Norma Lankerd - First of all, I do not like the idea of Governor Walker wanting to dig into the Permanent Fund to help bail out Alaska. He is acting like Mr. Obama, thinking money grows on trees, so spend, spend, spend. I myself say NO DO NOT TOUCH THE PERMANENT FUND, already pay out of it to run different parts of Alaska and the administration. - More...
Saturday AM - March 19, 2016
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