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April 02, 2019

Connell Lake Shallows
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Fish Factor: Plan to Pull Fish Taxes From Coastal Towns Subject of Hearing By LAINE WELCH ) - None of the members of the Senate Community and Regional Affairs committee (CRA) lives near the sea, but at a hearing last week they were not impressed by Governor Dunleavy’s plan to pull millions of dollars in fish taxes from remote coastal towns.
Bills submitted to the legislature by the governor would remove the ability of towns to keep their share of local fisheries business and landing taxes. For decades, the taxes have been split 50/50 with the state. Dunleavy wants to take all of the funds for state coffers, meaning a combined loss of $29 million to fishing towns come October.
Over 20 mayors, financial officers, harbormasters and fishermen testified against the tax grab at the CRA and outlined how it would devastate coastal Alaska.
“The share of fish taxes is used to ensure sustainable communities,” said Nils Andreassen, executive director of the Alaska Municipal League. “They contribute to general funds, operate and maintain ports and harbors, many of which the state transferred in neglect to municipalities 10 years ago, they support education, hospitals, public works, solid waste, grants to local nonprofits and to replace gaps in state capital investment.”
Jon Erickson, Yakutat City/Borough manager, said the loss would likely close down the community’s lone fish plant.
“What part of shutting down rural Alaska equates to Alaska is open for business?” he asked.
Pat Branson, Kodiak City Mayor, called the tax loss “cost shifting and revenue grabbing” and a “quick fix to a long-term problem of the state budget deficit.”
“Every municipality and every Alaskan should have in-depth research and analysis,” Branson said. “This budget approach lacks the understanding and awareness of the realities of living in a resource economy and in a geographically remote location.”
“Moorage rates in Wrangell would increase from 43-57 percent to cover the loss of money dedicated to our harbors,” said Lee Burgess, financial manager of the City and Borough of Wrangell. “It’s an example of arbitrarily picking winners and losers and causing disproportionate harm to certain communities relevant to how much of their economic platform is made up by commercial fishing.”
“Fisheries is our only industry and fish tax revenues make up 26 percent of our $31 million general fund revenues, over $8 million annually. We use fish and sales taxes to pay our own way,” said Frank Kelty, mayor of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor, the nation’s top fishing port for over two decades. “If the state takes away the share of fish taxes, who will step up to assist communities across Alaska with projects needed to support the seafood industry, which is the economic engine of all fishery dependent communities?”
“If you’re looking for money to run the state why not revise the oil subsidies to Big Oil that collect more profits per barrel than any other oil field in the world. We fish hard and pay our taxes. We deserve our taxes to benefit our communities,” said Shawn Dochtermann, a longtime Kodiak fisherman.
“You took oaths to defend Alaskans,” said Jeff Guard, a Cordova city council member. “We are under attack and you have the power of the purse to defend us from these draconian budget cuts.”
Fisherman Stosh Anderson of Kodiak closed his testimony with a haiku. “Fishermen pay tax, Absconded by the government. Infrastructure fails.”
And so it went as Alaskans from Petersburg, Akutan, Bristol Bay, Adak, Homer, St. Paul, Kenai and more shared their concerns.
Senators Bishop (R-Fairbanks), Birch (R-Anchorage) and Gray-Jackson (D-Anchorage) asked Dept. of Revenue Commissioner Bruce Tangeman if there had been any communication with communities about the fish tax loss, or any economic impact analyses done.
The answer was no.
Tangeman said the governor intends to share 50 percent of state alcohol tax revenues through a community assistance program to soften the loss, about $20 million.
Senator Birch asked about the motivation behind allocating alcohol taxes to the fishing towns.
“I don’t know what the policy call was,” Tangeman responded.
(Rep. Louise Stutes (R-Kodiak) nor Dunleavy policy advisor, John Moller both said they were unaware of the alcohol tax proposal at subsequent public meetings in Kodiak.)
“The thinking behind this is we need to bring all our revenue streams together to benefit all Alaskans,” Tangeman said. “Obviously, these folks are seeing this from their backyards. I hope they can all appreciate the state is really struggling and we have a budget that is unsustainable.”
“Is this bill a priority of the Dunleavy administration?” asked Senator Bishop.
“Yes, it is,” Tangeman said.
“I want to tell you how much I appreciate and respect your comments that the state is struggling,” said Senator Gray-Jackson. “But you can’t punish communities because the state is struggling. That is just not the way to handle this.” - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019

A team of marine mammal experts perform a necropsy on a male sperm whale.
Photo By
Johanna Vollenweider/NOAA |
Southeast Alaska: First time NOAA Fisheries has had a report of a dead sperm whale in Alaska's Inside Passage - It was a rare find: a dead sperm whale washed up on a beach in Alaska's famed Inside Passage in Southeast Alaska. Sperm whales, which are endangered, usually hang out in deeper, offshore waters. This one-a 48-foot long male-was found beached on the east side of Lynn Canal, north of Berners Bay near Juneau.
This is the first time NOAA Fisheries has had a report of a dead sperm whale in the Inside Passage. Its discovery provided a unique opportunity for marine mammal experts from NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Sitka Stranding Network, and University of Alaska to perform a necropsy (or animal autopsy).
"This is an exceptional opportunity for a marine mammal biologist," said Kate Savage, NOAA Fisheries lead veterinarian on the necropsy. "There are a lot of unknowns around sperm whale biology and life history in Alaskan waters, so we could learn a lot from this stranding."
On March 20, 2019 a team led by Savage collected the whale's teeth to determine age, blubber to check for contaminants, and a variety of tissue samples to examine DNA and other health indicators.
Only two other sperm whales have been necropsied in Alaska since 1990. The first was a partial necropsy of a whale that stranded in Resurrection Bay in 2006, the second was a calf that stranded near Homer in 2009.
Known Individual
Researchers with the Southeast Alaska Sperm Whale Avoidance Project (SEASWAP) are working to determine if the dead sperm whale is one of three known individuals to frequent Chatham Strait and Lynn Canal, based on tagging data collected in the past five years.
"We have photos of only three individual sperm whales which have been sighted in Chatham and Lynn Canal, and we would love to know if it is one of those individuals," said necropsy team member Lauren Wild, a doctoral student with the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Science who works with SEASWAP.
SEASWAP is a unique collaboration between commercial fishermen, scientists, and fisheriesmanagers. They use acoustics, tagging, tissue sampling, and photo-identification to learn more about sperm whales in Southeast Alaska. Their ultimate goal is to test deterrents and strategies to minimize interactions between the whales and fishermen.
Wild says nearshore waters are not typical sperm whale habitat, but the canyon-like depths of Chatham Strait make it highly productive. Lynn Canal gets narrower and shallower, but if there are abundant food sources, whales could be expected to explore farther north. The first official sighting of a sperm whale in Chatham Strait was in 2008 during an Alaska Department of Fish and Game sablefish survey, but there are anecdotal reports from before that time.
Scientists suspect the sperm whales first found the waters of the Inside Passage by following longline vessels into southern Chatham Strait. Most satellite tagging data indicate they have stayed in inside waters after the sablefish season closed, perhaps pursuing an abundant food source. In fact, the stomach of this animal contained almost exclusively beaks of squid, which Wild believes were magister armhook squid and have been seen in large quantities by fishermen in Lynn Canal. - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019
Ketchikan: Nam Jam honors, raises money for veterans through music - Ragnar Myking Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4352 hosted the First Annual Nam Jam event on National Vietnam Veterans Day, March 29th to honor the service of veterans past and to raise money for veteran relief in Ketchikan.
With nearly 100 people in attendance, and $1,155 raised for the post’s local veterans’ relief fund through ticket sales and donations, the first annual Nam Jam was declared a rocking success.
“It was a fun way to celebrate a day dedicated to our Vietnam Veterans and support all veterans at the same time,” said Post Commander Paul Robbins Jr. “We are thankful for the continued support of this community.”
Local solo artist Tony Johnson opened the event with an hour-long set of hits from multiple genres, and headliner and local favorite Woody’s Finest Hour played a two-hour set of 80’s hits the crowd danced to all night. - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019
Ketchikan: Isom Resigns From City Council - The Ketchikan City Clerk’s office received a letter of resignation on March 18, 2019 from Council Member Julie Isom in which she cited she will be relocating to another area of Alaska as her reason for resigning.
Julie Isom was first elected to the City Council on October 6, 2015 for a one-year seat and was subsequently re-elected in 2016 for a three-year seat. Her term expires in October of 2019.
In her resignation letter, she stated she appreciated the work this Council has accomplished and expressed her appreciation to the voting public who gave her the opportunity to serve. - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019 |
Southeast Alaska: New exhibit on celebrated Tlingit artist Nathan Jackson to be Unveiled; Exhibit shows breadth of work from early days to present - Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI) will unveil a new exhibit this week featuring the work of Tlingit master artist Nathan Jackson, one of the most renowned and internationally recognized Tlingit artists of his generation.
The exhibit, Yéil Yádi-Raven Child: A Nathan Jackson Retrospective, will show Jackson's work from his earliest productions to his most recent, beginning from the early 1960s and spanning to the present day.
"The exhibit allows the viewer to see the evolution of an artist who over decades mastered our ancient art practices and eventually developed his own unique interpretation," said SHI President Rosita Worl.
"We are thrilled to feature the work of Nathan, who is celebrated among the Native community and by the nation."
The exhibit will open at the Walter Soboleff Building in Juneau at 4:30 pm, Friday, April 5, 2019, during First Friday and will close Oct. 15, 2019. Visitors are welcome to explore it free of charge on April 5th. Everyone is welcome.
Jackson, the leader of the Lukaax.ádi clan, is highly esteemed in the Native community for his mastery of Northwest Coast art and for his willingness to teach the art form to succeeding generations. He learned to carve at a time when Native people were in danger of losing traditional knowledge, and he has aimed to ensure that the traditional art forms are not lost. Many emerging Northwest Coast artists have been the benefactors of his mentorship and wisdom.
He is also known worldwide and has won acclaim from the United States and collectors across the globe. He was recognized as a master traditional artist in 1995 by the National Endowment for the Arts, the nation's highest honor in traditional arts.
Curated by master carver Steve Brown, the exhibit is segmented into three areas. Early Explorations features pieces from 1962 to about 1966 and includes works produced during his tenure as a student at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Setting the Bar shows works from about 1967-1972 that illustrate Jackson's increasing familiarity with the range of Tlingit artistic traditions and the unfolding evolution of his unique personal style. Mature Visions features pieces from the early 1970s onward that illustrate Jackson's mature and evolved two-dimensional and sculptural styles. - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019
TOM PURCELL: Tax Time: Better to Laugh than Cry - Tax season is upon us, which gives us a choice: Laugh or cry. I choose to laugh.
Dave Barry offers useful advice for getting through this trying time:
"It's income tax time again, Americans: time to gather up those receipts, get out those tax forms, sharpen up that pencil, and stab yourself in the aorta."
You got that right, Dave! For the sin of being self-employed, I spend hours navigating a sea of receipts, which I share with my CPA, who tells me I owe $5,000 more than I feared I would.
That's why this quote from an anonymous pro athlete resonates with me:
"I want to find out who this FICA guy is and how come he's taking so much of my money."
Officially, FICA stands for the Federal Insurance Contribution Act tax, which funds Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid for some 60 million beneficiaries.
Unofficially, I believe FICA is a Latin term for "hammer," and the government uses that hammer to bludgeon the self-employed who have even modest success.
Herbert Hoover presided over the stock market crash that signaled the Great Depression, but he got this one right:
"Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt."
In February, the U.S. posted the largest budget deficit in its history, adding to our already unimaginable debt. Somebody has to pick up that tab. And that "somebody" will be the young.
Though polls show most millennials favor socialism, Dan Bennet offers hope that they'll come to their senses as those massive bills come due:
"There's nothing wrong with the younger generation that becoming taxpayers won't cure."
Two quotes posted on the IRS website particularly agitated me: - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019

Political Cartoon: Public school funding
By Dave Granlund ©2019, PoliticalCartoons.com
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
RE: Southeast Community Meetings – Public Comment Overview By
Byron Whitesides - Dear Representative Ortiz: Just got done reading your letter on Sitnews about your townhall meeting and how you perceived what the public response is by this testimony. First, the public testimony is biased, as the special interests ALWAYS organize their groups and flood the meetings, second, many Alaskans are not able to be there to speak. Many have to work or other obligations. I have also been reading online about other townhalls around the state, and those attending posted comments and said the applause at these events went to speakers who opposed using the permanent fund!
I have been in the Seattle area for almost six months getting medical attention, and could not speak, though I did email you and every other member of the legislature my opinion, to not use the permanent fund WITHOUT A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE. This is the only fair way, to let the people VOTE, not by having special interests astroturf these townhall meetings and then using that turnout to justify WHAT YOU INTENDED TO DO ALL ALONG, RAID THE PFD AND KEEP SPENDING LIKE A DRUNKEN SAILOR!
Don't try to tell me we don't have a spending problem! It's OBVIOUS the spending started increasing in 2006, and then went right through the roof! The LEGISLATURE went on a insane spending spree and didn't consider that the oil money would run out, and now they want to continue it and use the permanent fund! We need to set down with the 2005 budget and compare where this spending increased and CUT BACK to the 2005 levels! Don't try to tell me the budget for the AMH more than doubled since 2005! Get the budgets out and get the facts! The graph at this link shows that government spending has more than doubled since 2006, THIS IS A SPENDING PROBLEM! - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019
Middle School Music Day Concert By
Judith Green - Ketchikan and surrounding communities have a wealth of talented beautiful young people. The Middle School Music Day Concert Friday night March 29 @Kayhi was awesome.
Schoenbar Middle School and Ketchikan Charter School, along with Metlakatla and Klawock Middle School students participated in this wonderful event. Such great looking young people. All were attentive and enjoying the experience in coming together to share their musical talent.
The guest conductors each expressed the due diligence of each school and student.
Thanks to each Director, Clinic Leaders and Guest Conductors for encouraging this exchange between communities. - More...
Tuesday PM - April 02, 2019
The Corrupt Bastard's Club is Alive and Well. By
Ray Metcalf - Today BP is in a joint venture with a Chinese company. Together, they are producing 3 million barrels per day from Iraq's Rumaila field. The two companies share a payment of $4.2 million per day for their services. Today BP, ConocoPhillips, and Exxon are providing the same service for Alaska with one big difference. In Alaska they are being paid over $12 million per day to produce a little under one sixth that amount. Alaska pays its producers 17 times as much per barrel as the competitive bid process has clearly gotten our big three producers in other parts of the world. - More...
Saturday AM - March 30, 2019
Southeast Community Meetings – Public Comment Overview By
Rep. Dan Ortiz - This past weekend, I had the opportunity to host three Community Meetings in Juneau, Sitka, and Ketchikan to hear input on the governor’s proposed budget for the next fiscal year. First and foremost, I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to attend, especially those who had the courage to speak. - More...
Saturday AM - March 30, 2019
Beware of those proposing a state income tax. By
Wiley Brooks - Near one-half of federal income tax filers pay zero federal income taxes. So, if there’s a state income tax tied to the federal system, as there once was, near ½ the filers will pay zero state income taxes. - More...
Saturday AM - March
30, 2019
Feel-Good Politics Doesn't Pay the Bills By
Rep. Josh Revak - Planning and readiness.
They are the most critical elements needed for success in any endeavor. Through six years in the U.S. military and two deployments to the Middle East, I had no choice but to accept that planning and readiness are, in fact, the greatest defenses one has when staring any adversity, or even death, in the face.- More...
Wednesday AM - March 27, 2019
"Ortiz Traveling Pre-determine Outcome Tour" By
A.M. Johnson - Let me be bold, I am willing to bet those who begged during the recent "Ortiz Traveling Pre-determine Outcome Tour" to be taxed (I suspect most of them being educators, union members or receive state benefits) are not now voluntarily donating money to the state in lieu of an income tax. - More...
Wednesday AM - March 27, 2019
Draft Dodger Trump (DDT) By
Donald Moskowitz - President Trump continuously bashes John McCain about various McCain positions that Trump disagrees with, which is somewhat amazing since McCain has been dead for seven months. I believe DDT wants to be in the spotlight all the time and doesn't care if he receives negative criticism about his comments. - More...
Wednesday AM - March 27, 2019
Thirty years later, Council continues mission to combat complacency By
Donna Schantz
- On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef and spilled an estimated 11 million gallons of crude oil. Congress determined that complacency on the part of industry and government was a contributing factor in the accident and they mandated citizen involvement in the oversight of crude oil terminals and tankers. For the past 30 years, the Council has filled this role for Prince William Sound and its downstream communities, advocating for environmental safeguards to prevent oil spills and a strong response system should prevention measures fail.- More...
Thursday PM - March 21, 2019
Sustainable fiscal plan, reliable funding crucial for K-12 education By
Norm Wooten, Dr. Lisa Skiles Parady, Sarah Sledge - Last month, Governor Dunleavy unveiled his proposed FY 2020 operating budget, which among other drastic cuts, slashed $330 million from education funding. This budget would devastate public education and leave a bleak future for our children and communities. These severe proposed budget cuts have damaged Alaska’s reputation as a desirable place to live. Thankfully, they’ve also galvanized many citizens across the state, who realize that now is the time, more than ever, for Alaska’s budget to prioritize the things we value. - More...
Thursday PM - March 21, 2019
Our Children Must Read by 9 By
Jodi Taylor - Right now, Alaska’s public-school children are ranked dead last in the nation in fourth-grade reading proficiency, a key indicator used to measure academic success. In terms of school years, they are up to a full year behind their counterparts in other states. This means many of our fourth graders cannot read Charlotte’s Web or The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. While it may seem like such a simple, basic issue, the ability to read is actually the foundation of a child’s educational success; the value of reading cannot be stressed enough. - More...
Thursday PM - March 21, 2019
Traveling Big Top legislative circus By
A. M. Johnson - In response to an article in the Alaska Daily Planet regarding the upcoming traveling "Big Tent Majority House Circus" to confirm "What?" The following was submitted in defense of District 36 Representative's perceived efforts with this movement. - More...
Thursday PM - March 21, 2019
With no end in sight! - More...
Wednesday PM - March 13, 2019
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