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April 05, 2020

Nesting Eagle
Photographed in the Ketchikan area.
Front Page Feature Photo By SUSAN HOYT©2020
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Fish Factor: State Wants Input on Distributing Cod Crash Relief Funds; Better Make It Quick, Deadline is April 10 By LAINE WELCH - The State of Alaska wants input on plans to distribute nearly $24.5 million in federal disaster relief funds for stakeholders and communities hurt by the 2018 Gulf of Alaska cod crash.
Better make it quick – the deadline to comment is April 10.
Cod is Alaska’s second largest groundfish harvest (after pollock), but the Gulf stock dropped by 80% in 2018 following a three year heatwave that disrupted food webs, fish metabolism and egg survival on the ocean floor. It combined to push down cod catches to just 28.8 million pounds, compared to nearly 142 million pounds the previous year.
The catch in 2019 was cut again to just over 27 million pounds; for 2020, the Gulf of Alaska was closed to cod fishing from three to 200 miles offshore.
Federal data show the number of boats targeting Gulf cod has dwindled to just 64, down from 275 six years ago.
The disaster relief money for 2018 was cut loose by the Dept. of Commerce in late February. On March 20 a letter sent out by Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang launched a timeline for developing a funding distribution plan and calling for input from 10 affected communities and 14 fishing groups.
The letter said the State hopes to draft an initial plan and distribute it for stakeholder comments this month. The plan will be revised in May based on the public input; a second round of comments will be solicited in June and July. The final distribution plan will be sent to the Secretary of Commerce in August.
Disaster funds can be used to assist fishing communities by helping fishermen, subsistence users, and shore-side businesses and infrastructure. Funds also can be used for research activities to improve the fishing ecosystem and environment.
The letter said “the State recognizes that a healthy and productive Pacific cod fishery is vital to fishery participants and our coastal communities. Therefore, we intend to consider prioritizing 30% to 50% of the disaster funds for research projects to help scientists, managers and stakeholders understand the root cause of the 2018 Gulf of Alaska Pacific cod fishery failure and continued low stock levels to help identify management actions that can prevent, minimize or mitigate future fishery failures. We would appreciate your suggestions for potential research priorities for the draft distribution plan.” - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020
Ketchikan - Statewide: COVID-19 Update; Statewide Total of 185 Cases and 6 Deaths Posted & Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN - The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) today announced one new death and 14 new cases of COVID-19 in four Alaska communities – Anchorage (4), Fairbanks (7), Juneau (2) and Seward (1). This brings the total case count in Alaska to 185.
As of today, the hospitalized total is 20 and the statewide death total is 6.
There are no new cases in Ketchikan with the last reported positive case on April 1, 2020. Total cases in Ketchikan remain at 14.
Sunday's new case report and the new death were reported from 12:00 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. on April 4 and reflect data posted at noon today on coronavirus.alaska.gov. This new reporting schedule for Alaska’s COVID-19 cases began on Thursday with the rollout of a new data dashboard.
The person who died is a 71-year-old Anchorage resident who acquired the infection outside of Alaska, tested positive on March 28 and had been hospitalized in state. The patient had preexisting health conditions.
Also of note today is that one of the Anchorage cases is a staff member at the McLaughlin Youth Center (MYC) within the DHSS Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). Since learning of the positive test result, DJJ Director Tracy Dompeling has been in close contact with the Alaska Section of Epidemiology and the Anchorage Health Department to facilitate contact investigations. DJJ is implementing all recommended and necessary protective measures for both staff and residents.
“We express our condolences to the family and loved ones of the Anchorage resident who died and is included in our case count today. Our thoughts are with them,” said DHSS Commissioner Adam Crum. “Regarding the situation at McLaughlin, please know DJJ is working closely with state and local public health officials to ensure that MYC residents, staff and anyone who may have been in contact with this positive case is aware of this situation and knows what we plan to do.”
Because all of the DHSS Division of Juvenile Justice facilities around Alaska are 24-hour facilities, operations cannot cease and all employees cannot be sent home to telecommute. Additional measures being taken to safely staff the facility at this time include: - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020 |
Ketchikan: Regardless of What You Heard; Ketchikan Essential Services In Tact - Citizens Urged to Rely on Factual Sources For Information - Today the Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center (EOC) said they had heard rumors in the community and want to assure the public that grocery stores will remain open, that barge services are still operating, and that essential businesses and services are still functioning.
According to the EOC, unfortunately, there have been rumors that our local grocery stores and essential businesses will be shut down. There is inaccurate and false information being spread through social media, texts, and even printed flyers about a nationwide quarantine that would be enforced by the National Guard. The Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center stated this is not true. - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020
Ketchikan: Temporary Emergency Shelter for Ketchikan's Homeless Expected to Open April 6th at Recreation Center - To respond to the need for homeless services during the State of Emergency in the Ketchikan Borough, the Ketchikan Emergency Operations Center (EOC), along with the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and City of Ketchikan came to the decision to use the Gateway Recreation Center for temporary emergency housing for Ketchikan's homeless population. The facility will take over 24-hour housing for the homeless community during the state of emergency in the Borough. This will replace the services currently being provided by the First City Homeless Services Day Shelter and Overnight Warming Center which are currently being housed at the Methodist Church.
A Facility Use Agreement between the Ketchikan Gateway Borough and City of Ketchikan, was executed on April 1, 2020. The agreement includes an Emergency Shelter Facility Use Plan and Facility Floor Plan. The term of the agreement will be through May 15, 2020, or until the end of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough’s disaster emergency declaration, whichever occurs later.
Preparations have been ongoing for setting up the Recreation Center for the homeless services. Supplies, including floor coverings and cots, have been brought in for the operation. Staff from the City and Borough, as well as First City Homeless Services staff, are working together to set up the facility. It is anticipated that the facility would be ready for service to start Monday, April 6, 2020. - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020
Alaska: Alaska Health Alert 010 – Recommendations Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings - Commissioner Adam Crum, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services and Dr. Anne Zink, Chief Medical Officer, State of Alaska, jointly issued a new Health Alert on Friday.
Scientific evidence available to date indicates that asymptomatic and presymptomatic shedding of the virus that causes COVID-19 is occurring. This means that people who have no symptoms whatsoever may be infected with the virus and capable of transmitting the virus to others when interacting in close proximity—for example, speaking, coughing, or sneezing. This heightens the need for community-wide implementation of control measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among people who are not experiencing symptoms of illness.
The primary ways to do this are through social distancing, frequent hand-washing, and disinfecting high-touch surfaces. Another tool that may help to minimize transmission while people are around others outside of their household is the use of face coverings. Because we are experiencing a nationwide shortage of medical supplies, including facemasks, we recommend that Alaskans make their own face coverings and wear them in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies) -- especially in areas of significant community-based transmission. - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020

Lessons from bones, dusty and stinky
Casey Clark and Nicole Misarti, right, remove the bones from a walrus that was trampled by other walruses near Point Lay, Alaska, in 2015.
Photo by Kelsey Gobroski, courtesy UA Museum of the North |
Alaska Science: Lessons from bones, dusty and stinky By NED ROZELL - Nicole Misarti has gagged in the name of science.
The University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist uses new and old bones of animals to determine what their lives were like. Those bones are not always clean and odor-free.
Five years ago, to recover bones from walruses killed during a group-trampling event near Point Lay, Misarti and several colleagues traveled north with sharp knives and other tools, including a chainsaw. The walrus bodies were intact, but a bit ripe from lying on the beach over the winter.
They butchered two large females, a juvenile and an infant walrus, placing their skeletal remains in body bags for transport to the UA Museum of the North in Fairbanks. Travel delays caused the bags to fester on the runway at Point Lay for a few June days before making it to Fairbanks.
“By the time we got them back to Aren (Gunderson, who works cleaning bones for the museum), they were disgusting,” Misarti said.
Over time, microorganisms ate the flesh from those bones, and the museum gained four full walrus skeletons. Misarti’s group was happy to help enrich the museum’s collection, one of the largest assortments of walrus bones in the world.
Bones thousands of years older than those have helped Misarti and her colleagues learn, among other things, that Alaska walruses of the past had a more diverse diet than walruses do today.
How does she figure that out? When Misarti gets a fingernail-size chip of 3,500-year-old walrus bone from an archeological site or via the museum’s curators, she first leaches out fat with solvents. Then she soaks the fragment in acid.
That leaves behind a spongy bone piece called collagen, a protein that holds the information Misarti seeks. Workers at UAF’s Alaska Stable Isotope Facility apply their techniques to the bone fragment, revealing the carbon and nitrogen isotopes within.
These, along with other techniques used on bones and teeth, tell Misarti what a walrus ate, as well as its sex and age. She uses other methods to determine the animal’s average stress level over its lifetime. - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020
Analysis: Why wear face masks in public? Here's what the research shows By HECTOR CHAPA - With the coronavirus pandemic quickly spreading, U.S. health officials have changed their advice on face masks and now recommend people wear cloth masks in public areas where social distancing can be difficult, such as grocery stores.
But can these masks be effective?
President Donald Trump, in announcing the change in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidance on April 3, stressed that the recommendation was voluntary and said he probably wouldn’t follow it. Governors and mayors, however, have started encouraging the precautions to reduce the spread of the virus by people who might not know they are infected.
Some cities have gone as far as setting fines for failing to wear a mask. In Laredo, Texas, anyone over the age of five who walks into a store or takes public transit without their mouth and nose covered by a mask or bandana could now be fined up to $1,000.
These new measures are designed to “flatten the curve,” or slow the spread of the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19.
They’re also a shift from the advice Americans have been hearing since the coronavirus pandemic began.
The World Health Organization and the CDC have repeatedly said that most people do not need to wear masks unless they are sick and coughing. In February, the U.S. surgeon general even urged the public to stop buying medical masks, warning that it would not help against the spread of the coronavirus. Part of the reason was to reserve N95 respirators and masks for healthcare workers like myself who are on the front lines and exposed to people with COVID-19.
Today, there is much more data and evidence on how COVID-19 is spread, and the prevalence of the disease itself is far more widespread than previously thought.
Sick, but no symptoms
As recently as early February, the World Health Organization stated that viral transmission from asymptomatic people was likely “rare,” based on information available at the time. But a growing body of data now suggests that a significant number of infected people who don’t have symptoms can still transmit the virus to others.
A CDC report issued March 23 on COVID-19 outbreaks on cruise ships offers a glimpse of the danger. It describes how the testing of passengers and crew on board the Diamond Princess found that nearly half – 46.5% – of the more than 700 people found to be infected with the new coronavirus had no symptoms at the time of testing.
The CDC explained that “a high proportion of asymptomatic infections could partially explain the high attack rate among cruise ship passengers and crew.”
Dr. Harvey Fineberg, former president of the National Academy of Medicine and head of a new federal committee on infectious diseases, told CNN on April 2 that he will start wearing a mask in public, especially at grocery stores, for this very reason. “While the current specific research is limited, the results of available studies are consistent with aerosolization of virus from normal breathing,” he said.
It is these “silent carriers” – people infected with the virus but without fever, cough, or muscle aches – that proponents of universal mask wearing point to as proof that more could be done beyond social distancing to slow the virus’s spread. - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020
Analysis: A small trial finds that hydroxychloroquine is not effective for treating coronavirus By KATHERINE SELEY-RADTKE - Recently the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of two antimalarial drugs, hydroxychloroquine and a related medication, chloroquine, for emergency use to treat COVID-19. The drugs were touted by President Trump as a “game changer” for COVID-19.
However, a study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. The study comes on the heels of two others - one in France and one in China - that reported some benefits in the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19 patients who didn’t have severe symptoms of the virus.
I am a medicinal chemist who has specialized in discovery and development of antiviral drugs for the past 30 years, and I have been actively working on coronaviruses for the past seven. I am among a number of researchers who are concerned that this drug has been given too much of a high priority before there is enough evidence to show it is indeed effective.
There are already other clinical studies that showed it is not effective against COVID-19 as well as several other viruses. And, more importantly, it can have dangerous side effects, as well as giving people false hope. The latter has led to widespread shortages of hydroxychloroquine for patients who need it to treat malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, the indications for which it was originally approved.
The idea that the combination of hydroxychloroquine with an antibiotic drug, azithromycin, was effective against COVID-19 gained more attention after a study published on March 17. This study described a trial of 80 patients carried out by Philippe Gautret in Marseille, France. Although some of their results appeared to be encouraging, it should also be noted that most of their patients only had mild symptoms. Furthermore, 85% of the patients didn’t even have a fever – one of the major telltale symptoms of the virus, thus suggesting that these patients likely would have naturally cleared the virus without any intervention. - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020
In the News: Doctors Are Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Medicine by Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families By Topher Sanders, David Armstrong and Ava Kofman ProPublica - A nationwide shortage of two drugs touted as possible treatments for the coronavirus is being driven in part by doctors inappropriately prescribing the medicines for family, friends and themselves, according to pharmacists and state regulators.
“It’s disgraceful, is what it is,” said Garth Reynolds, executive director of the Illinois Pharmacists Association, which started getting calls and emails Saturday from members saying they were receiving questionable prescriptions. “And completely selfish.”
Demand for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine surged over the past several days as President Donald Trump promoted them as possible treatments for the coronavirus and online forums buzzed with excitement over a small study suggesting the combination of hydroxychloroquine and a commonly used antibiotic could be effective in treating COVID-19.
Reynolds said the Illinois Pharmacists Association has started reaching out to pharmacists and medical groups throughout the state to urge doctors, nurses and physician assistants not to write prescriptions for themselves and those close to them.
“We even had a couple of examples of prescribers trying to say that the individual they were calling in for had rheumatoid arthritis,” he said, explaining that pharmacists suspected that wasn’t true. “I mean, that’s fraud.” - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020 |
DAVE KIFFER: Words of Comfort For These Troubled Times - The Oxford English Dictionary just released its list of new words for the first quarter of 2020.
Speaking of which, why does Autofill think I want to write "Oxnard" instead of "Oxford?" Not the same. Not the same at all.
But I digress.
There are lots of new words, or perhaps new ways to use old words, to deal with, according to the venerable OED.
One of the new words I really like is called "anecdata" which means "Information or evidence based on reports of individual cases rather than systematic research or analysis; anecdotal evidence.”
In other words, a word that means "don't confuse me with the facts."
Also known as "RePosting from the Book of Face."
Natch, the most obvious hole in the lengthy OED list is words dealing with the biggest thing to hit our little blue dot floating in space since the "cat in clothes" meme, words about the Corona Virus.
Also referred to - by people who will soon die from it - as the "Beer Virus," the Corona Virus has been moving up the Popular Hit Charts - with a bullet, literally - and has completely taken over every facet of our thoughts and lives. Naturally, it has also generated its own language.
Since I live to be helpful, here is a quick and hand-sanitized list of words or phrases that you may want to use in any appropriately socially-distanced conversation: - More...
Sunday PM - April 05, 2020

Political Cartoon: Almost Time To Eat Again
By Ed Wexler ©2020, PoliticalCartoons.com
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
Thank you for your patience while update is in progress.
Alaska Revenue Update By Rep. Dan Ortiz - The State of Alaska has been operating at a deficit. This is nothing new and has been the primary challenge for the Legislature over the past five years. However, this year, some new wrenches were thrown into the equation: decreasing oil prices and the stock market. Unfortunately, the State of Alaska revenue comes almost solely from those two sources.
For decades, oil covered over 80% of our budget until oil prices and production decreased and we began relying on savings and the Percent of Market Value (POMV) draw. Now, oil accounts for approximately 20% of our revenue. Despite that decrease, oil price and production are still vitally important to our revenue. Our original Fiscal Year 2020 Revenue Forecast assumed $63 per barrel for oil, but that is no longer the case. We have been hovering under $30 per barrel for multiple days, which impacts our current budget (FY2020). We are now assuming a reduction of about $300 million for FY20. If prices stay low, which we expect, it will also impact the budget we are currently working on for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2021. The original forecast for FY21 was $59 per barrel, but we now assume $40 per barrel, which is a decrease in revenue of about $550 million. Those are optimistic numbers, and I expect our loss of revenue to actually be much more. - More...
Monday PM - March 23, 2020
Ketchikan Borough Mayor's Message By Rodney Dial - As many of you know, yesterday a confirmed COVID-19 case was discovered in Ketchikan. As a result, several individuals who had contact with this individual, including myself, are now in a 14-day quarantine. Many more are choosing to self- isolate at home out of an abundance of caution.
As such, many people in our community will be in quarantine until early April. Based upon available information regarding this virus, it is very possible that others in our community had/have the virus before the confirmed case was known. We knew this was coming and there will be few, if any, locations in the world that will not be impacted before this is over. We are also likely to see additional cases in Ketchikan in the future.
Ketchikan citizens should take comfort in the following: - More...
Thursday PM - March 19, 2020
Through it all Alaskans prevail together By Governor Michael Dunleavy - As our nation and the world experiences the life-altering impacts of the novel coronavirus pandemic, I wanted to take a moment to speak to you directly. If you’ve followed our many press conferences this week, you know that Alaska is rapidly preparing for an outbreak, and that an emergency was declared prior to our first confirmed case.
Now that the inevitable first case has occurred, our schools are safely closed, testing requirements have been liberalized, and steps have been taken to protect our seniors. Visitation has been suspended or limited at the Alaska Psychiatric Institute, Alaska Military Youth Academy, Department of Corrections’ facilities, and the Alaska Pioneer Homes.
But ultimately, we know that this virus will spread. For America, experts believe the worst is yet to come. While we will undoubtedly slow the rate of infection with our diligent mitigation efforts, many Alaskans will be infected.
Most will recover, but others, despite our best preventive efforts, will suffer life-threatening complications. It’s vital to acknowledge that each of our decisions in the coming days and weeks will directly affect these numbers. Follow Dr. Zink’s guidelines, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and do not put vulnerable populations at risk. These small, albeit inconvenient changes, will save lives.
As I’ve said many times this week, it’s equally important that we do not live in fear of the virus. Our response should be steady and practical. I’m confident Alaskans will approach this challenge as we’ve always done – with determination, ingenuity, and compassion for our neighbors. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
Coronavirus Update By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Last week, Alaska had its first case of the Coronavirus: a cargo pilot traveling through Anchorage. With the amount of travel that Alaskans have done over the last month, it is likely that there are more untested and unverified cases already here.
There is certainly no need to panic, but let’s err on the side of caution. One thing you can do is stay informed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a website updated multiple times per day. The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services has a webpage dedicated to the virus in Alaska that is updated daily.
You know the drill - wash your hands! If you are able, please stay home, especially if you are showing any symptoms. Do not unnecessarily overstock toiletries, and be willing to share or donate if you bought in bulk. Practicing ‘social distancing’ will slow down the spread of the virus, putting less immediate pressures on our health care system.
Our local government officials are doing great things to help contain the virus and protect the people. School Districts across the state have extended spring break an additional week until March 27th. The City and Borough of Wrangell closed the Nolan Center (including the Theater), the Public Library, and the Swimming Pool and Recreation Center for at least two weeks. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
The Healing Power of Soldier’s Heart By Major Andrew Greenstreet, Alaska State Troopers - When a toddler went missing one evening nearly 30 years ago, the Sitka Police Department was called to canvas the neighborhood with the family and volunteers. On scene, a police officer entered the family’s home to comb every closet, every corner; and, soon he found her. She’d walked across a Jacuzzi soft cover, fallen in, and drowned.
An ambulance whisked the little girl away; but of course, it was too late. Then, abruptly, everyone left.
The 24-year-old officer found himself in his patrol car, alone with the horror he’d just experienced. He thought about his daughter asleep in her bed at home – she was the same age as the child in the Jacuzzi. Later that night, when his shift was over, he would go home and hug his daughter. Everything would be good then, right? In the meantime, his therapy would be finding a dark, winding road and spending 10 or 15 minutes driving, just driving, until he could put on a good face and go back to work. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
Thank You By Michele Zerbetz Scott - On behalf of the Museum Advisory Board and the museum staff, thank you to the community of Ketchikan for your tremendous response to the exhibit, “Into the Wind”, at the opening reception March 6. Your enthusiasm for and recognition of the importance of aviation to our town is greatly appreciated.
Our thanks to the Kayhi Culinary class, led by Cameo McRoberts, who provided the delicious food. Their careful research helped us eat our way through the years of airplane food service. It was a delicious reminder of days gone by of feasting on shrimp salad and filet of beef.
Thank you to the museum staff who brought together this piece of our history and all the volunteers who contributed their expertise and valued historic items. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
The Hoarding Public By Donald Moskowitz - The coronavirus outbreak has panicked people into hoarding food, paper products and sanitizing compounds. Consumers across the country are conducting binge purchases of these products and most supermarkets are reporting bare shelves and difficulty in restocking these products. The binging activity is very un-American.
There is no need for people to be stocking up on food and other supplies that will last for a year or more. It is reported consumers are purchasing large quantities of toilet paper. Maybe they should be eating less so they can cut back on their defecation and use less toilet paper.
My wife and I shopped twice last week and we went through the express line of 12 items or less both times, which is typical food shopping for us. - More...
Tuesday AM - March 17, 2020
Reform? Reshape? Really....? By Percy Frisby - In regard to the recent press conference with Governor Dunleavy and Commissioner of DOT John Mackinnon... - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
The House Passes a Budget By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Earlier last week, the Alaska House of Representative passed the operating budget. It took the House 43 days of session to pass the budget, which is the fastest we have passed one since 1993. I am proud with how quickly, efficiently, and cooperatively we worked to get it done. - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
Seniors Park Your Money Now By David G Hanger - Rick Santelli was his usual obnoxious self when on CNBC he suggested exposing everyone to the coronavirus, so that the effect on the markets and the economy would be short-lived; and he did in hindsight apologize for his bluntness; but the very clear point he has made is that the impact on the markets and on the economy is unpredictable and apparently long-lasting. The trend on the markets is down, and there is no identifiable bottom currently discernible. - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
House Bill 62 By John Suter - The state should put in HB 62. HB 62 is the bill that says when a person calls in another person to the authorities and says that person has guns and you think that person could be a danger to society, then the authorities come in and takes those guns away. - More...
Monday PM - March 09, 2020
Reject recall, Keep Gov. Dunleavy By Cynthia Henry- We need your help. Alaska is facing an important political issue that could change the course of our great state. I have followed state and local government in Alaska for more than four decades and have never been more dismayed by the actions of some political activists who didn’t get their way. We need the help of good men and women. - More...
Tuesday PM - March 03, 2020
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