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Ward Lake: Swan Dance
The beautiful Trumpter Swan is the heaviest living bird native to North America, it is also the largest extant species of waterfowl with a wingspan that may exceed 10 feet.
Front Page Feature Photo By SUSAN HOYT ©2017
Alaska: Senate Votes 'No' on State Income Tax; Governor Disappointed with Vote - Today, the Alaska State Senate rejected a proposal to impose a state income tax on working Alaskans.
House Bill 115, a priority of the Alaska House Majority and Gov. Bill Walker, would have taken approximately $7 billion from the pockets of Alaskans over the next decade to inflate state reserves.
After the Senate voted down the Education Funding Act also known as the state income tax, Governor Bill Walker released a prepared statement.
Walker stated, “Consultants advising our administration and the legislature have consistently shown that a broad-based tax is necessary for us to close our fiscal gap. They have also advised that every other state in the nation has some form of a broad-based tax to provide a stable revenue source for funding government services."
"We simply cannot continue to fund public safety, education and road maintenance by drawing down on our limited savings. I’m disappointed with the Senate’s vote this afternoon, but we’ll continue working with both bodies to fix Alaska’s fiscal crisis,” stated Governor Walker
“Whatever agreement the Senate and the House come to this session, it will not include an income tax. Period,” said Senate President Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks. “The Senate will not penalize Alaskans for having a job.”
The Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, chaired by Sen. Mia Costello, R-Anchorage, vetted the House income tax proposal. The negative consequences of taking income out of the economy during a recession were apparent.
“We heard from the bill’s sponsor, the Walker administration and experts on income taxes, and took extensive public testimony from Alaskans,” Sen. Costello said. “People are seriously concerned about the prospect of an income tax during a recession, and today’s vote brought clarity to working Alaskan families and the businesses that employ them that an income tax is off the table.
The Senate Majority says their plan solves Alaska’s fiscal problem – without taxing working Alaskans – through responsible reductions, a spending cap and strategic use of the state’s reserves.
“The Senate passed a bill [SB26] in mid-March that provides a solution to Alaska’s fiscal challenge by capping state spending and using earnings to help pay for government and the dividend, which protects the Permanent Fund for future generations,” said Senate Majority Leader Peter Micciche, R-Soldotna.
SB26 limits government spending and allows a responsible annual draw from the Permanent Fund’s earnings to help pay for a smaller government and maintain a dividend.
Micciche said, “We do not support an income tax because Alaska does not need an income tax. Our Senate plan has been proven to fund Alaska’s government by closing the fiscal gap for many, many years without a burdensome income tax on Alaska’s families. It will protect the wages of working Alaskans” - More...
Friday PM - May 12,2017
Southeast Alaska: Group Notes Progress on Tongass Advisory Committee's Recommendations - Exactly two years ago, the Tongass Advisory Committee (TAC) reached consensus on its recommendations to advise the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture on developing an ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable forest management strategy for the Tongass National Forest. In addition to recommendations regarding the proposed Tongass Land & Resource Management Plan Amendment, the Committee also provided advice regarding implementation and monitoring of the Tongass transition.
Following conclusion of the Tongass Advisory Committee’s effort, many members of the group, along with other individuals from the region, have continued to work together as the Tongass Transition Collaborative (TTC) to build on common ground achieved through the Tongass Advisory Committee's process. The purpose of the Tongass Transition Collaborative is to give communities, stakeholders, other landowners, and partners a way to work constructively with the Forest Service. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Alaska: Alaska Senate will take Action on House Income Tax Proposal Friday - The Alaska Senate plans to vote Friday on a proposal to implement a state income tax.
The income tax is a priority of the House of Representatives and is supported by Gov. Bill Walker. The Senate Majority, in contrast, has stood firmly in opposition to taxing working Alaskans to build up the state’s reserves.
“Legislators are charged with making decisions that require political courage – it’s part of the job,” said Senate President Pete Kelly, R-Fairbanks. “The Senate has delivered a solution that does not require taxing working Alaskans, and we stand by that proposal. We’ll stand up Friday and be counted.” - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017 |
Alaska: M/V Taku Sale Extended, Minimum Bid Lowered - The Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) is extending the sale of the M/V Takuand reducing the minimum bid price.
The deadline to submit bids is May 31, 2017 and the minimum bid price is $700,000. Interested bidders must have a bid bond of $5,000. The original deadline to submit sealed bids was May 9, 2017 and the minimum bid price was $1.5 million.
ADOT&PF is selling the vessel “As Is/Where Is” to the highest bidder. The sale process involved getting Federal Highway Administration approval since federal funding was used to maintain the vessel over its lifespan.
Built in 1963, the M/V TAKU is a state passenger/car ferry operated and maintained by the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS), a division of the Department. The vessel served many inside passage communities with routes primarily between Prince Rupert, BC and Skagway, Alaska until it was taken out of service on June 23, 2015.
Designed to carry 370 passengers, the M/V Taku has a vehicle deck consisting of 6 lanes totaling 1,340 linear feet. She has 6 four-berth and 32 two-berth cabins as well as two wheelchair accessible (ADA) passenger cabins. Crew accommodations include eight officer cabins and two person staterooms for the 35 other crew members. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Alaska: Defense Attorney and Client Charged with Conspiracy to Smuggle Drugs into Anchorage Jail – A criminal defense attorney and her client have been charged for allegedly smuggling drugs into the State of Alaska Department of Corrections (DOC) Anchorage Correctional Complex (ACC) for distribution to inmates. The announcement was made today by Acting U.S. Attorney Bryan Schroder.
Kit Lee Karjala, 54, a criminal defense attorney in Anchorage, and her client, Christopher Brandon Miller, aka “Mellow,” 33, who is currently an inmate at ACC, have both been named in a criminal complaint that charges each of them with three federal crimes: (1) drug conspiracy; (2) distribution of, and possession with intent to distribute, controlled substances; and (3) providing and possessing contraband in a prison.
According to the affidavit filed in support of the criminal complaint, beginning as early as June 2016 and no later than December 2016, and continuing until the present, Karjala allegedly passed drugs to co-conspirator inmates, including Miller, during in-person attorney-client visits. Karjala represented Miller, but was not counsel of record for the other inmates with whom she allegedly conspired. Because Karjala represented to DOC that these meetings were allegedly professional visits, DOC permitted her to meet with Miller and the other co-conspirator inmates in a room with no physical barriers separating them. More specifically, after Karjala handed a package of drugs to the co-conspirator inmate during the visit, the inmate would hide the drugs inside his body, while Karjala attempted to shield the inmate from the view of DOC security cameras and/or personnel. When the inmate and Karjala concluded their meeting, the inmate transported the drugs inside his body back to his jail cell. The inmate later distributed the drugs to other ACC inmates for profit. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017

Members of the North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department and Alaska State Troopers display automated external defibrillators.
Photo courtesy NTVFD |
Ketchikan: Grant makes possible purchase of 34 automated external defibrillators - North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department has been awarded a grant to purchase 34 automated external defibrillators (AEDs), wall mountable cabinets, signage, and supplies. North Tongass Volunteer Fire Department members will mount the units free of charge in high traffic areas throughout the North Tongass Service area, and provide the Alaska State Troopers with units to be carried in their patrol vehicles.
An AED is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias, and treats them through defibrillation. AEDs are very user friendly, once turned on voice prompts will walk anyone through the process of defibrillation. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Alaska: Senate Approves Lean Capital Budget - The Alaska State Senate approved a lean capital budget (SB23) today, appropriating $35 million less than the governor’s proposal and $44 million less than last year’s budget.
“We prioritized funding for maintenance of state assets, while leveraging as many federal dollars as possible,” said Sen. Anna MacKinnon, R-Eagle River, co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee. “With limited resources at our disposal, we directed funding toward highways, airports, housing programs, harbors and the safe water program.”
To provide reliable annual funding for preventative and deferred maintenance for state assets, including the University of Alaska, the Senate also passed Senate Bill 107. The bill is still working its way through the Alaska House of Representatives.
Additionally, $288 million was appropriated to pay down the state’s outstanding oil and gas tax credit liability. Legislators across party lines – as well as Gov. Bill Walker – agree that the state should end the cashable credit program and pay off the backlog over time. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017 |
Science: Baleen whales' ancestors were toothy suction feeders - Modern whales' ancestors probably hunted and chased down prey, but somehow, those fish-eating hunters evolved into filter-feeding leviathans. An analysis of a 36.4-million-year-old whale fossil suggests that before baleen whales lost their teeth, they were suction feeders that most likely dove down and sucked prey into their large mouths. The study published on May 11 in Current Biology also shows that whales most likely lost the hind limbs that stuck out from their bodies more recently than previously estimated.

This illustration shows two Mystacodon selenensis individuals diving down to catch eagle rays along the seafloor of a shallow cove off the coast of present-day Peru.
Image by Alberto Gennari
The specimen, which researchers unearthed in the Pisco Basin in southern Peru, is the oldest known member of the mysticete group, which includes the blue whale, the humpback whale, and the right whale. At 3.75-4 meters long, this late Eocene animal was smaller than any of its living relatives, but the most important difference was in the skull. Modern mysticetes have keratin fibers--called baleen--in place of teeth that allow them to trap and feed on tiny marine animals such as shrimp. However, the newly described whale has teeth, so the paleontologists dubbed it Mystacodon, meaning "toothed mysticete".
"This find by our Peruvian colleague Mario Urbina fills a major gap in the history of the group, and it provides clues about the ecology of early mysticetes," says paleontologist and study co-author Olivier Lambert of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. "For example, this early mysticete retains teeth, and from what we observed of its skull, we think that it displays an early specialization for suction feeding and maybe for bottom feeding."
Mystacodon's teeth exhibit a pattern of wear that differs from more archaic whales, the basilosaurids. Many basilosaurids were probably active hunters, similar to modern orcas, with mouths that were suited for biting and attacking, but Mystacodon has a mouth more suited for sucking in smaller animals, leading the researchers to conclude that Mystacodon most likely represents an intermediate step between raptorial and filter feeding and between the ancient basilosaurids and modern mysticetes. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
MICHAEL REAGAN: Changing the Channel on Congress - I give up.
Ten minutes after I started watching the Senate intelligence committee hearings Thursday morning, I got so frustrated I started looking for a good cartoon show.
What's so aggravating about these staged Congressional hearings is that you know what the Republicans and the Democrats are going to say before you even turn on the TV.
If it's healthcare reform, the right side says it's going to replace Obamacare with something that works - but then they can't sell their conservative ideas to the public and they don't have the courage to really try.
Meanwhile, the left side says the right is going to let poor people die or throw grandma off a cliff and that only more socialism will save us - and of course the Big Liberal Media always agrees.
If the hearing is about what ex-FBI Director James Comey did or did not say to President Trump before he was fired, as Thursday's was in part, we get the usual predictable partisan BS.
Was anyone really surprised that Democrats were against Director Comey and wanted his scalp for, they claim, causing their heroine Hillary to lose the election - right up until the minute President Trump actually fired him?
- More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
DICK POLMAN: Trump's Totally Predictable Tuesday Night Massacre - Now that Der Leader has deposed the lead investigator of Der Leader - sabotaging the rule of law, the kind of thing that typically happens in banana republics - I am surprised that anyone could possibly be surprised. Because it was obvious all last year that if this malevolent demagogue got anywhere close to power, he would do precisely what he has now done.
Those of us who lived through Watergate know what's going on. Just as Richard Nixon fired Archibald Cox because he felt the special prosecutor breathing down his neck, Donald Trump has sacked James Comey because he feared that the FBI's Trump-Russia probe was encroaching on his tinpot throne.
Nixon's Saturday Night Massacre triggered the impeachment proceedings that ultimately compelled Nixon to quit. Can the Tuesday Night Massacre do the same? We should be so lucky.
The problem, of course, is that today's Trump-corrupted Republicans are conditioned to put party over country. Have they even noticed that Trump has now fired the FBI director who was investigating him, the acting Attorney General who had the goods on Michael Flynn, and the U.S. attorney in New York City who had jurisdiction over Trump's Manhattan-based business dealings? - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017 |

Editorial Cartoon: Comey gets axed
By Adam Zyglis ©2017, The Buffalo News
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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High time to do the right thing By Vince Beltrami - As the Executive President of the Alaska AFL-CIO, the state’s largest labor organization, I have watched our number of members drop by 3,000 in the last year and a half. In that same time frame, Alaska has lost around 9,000 jobs, so about a third of those jobs came from our ranks. They are evenly split between public sector and private sector workers, in nearly every field imaginable, all around the state. - More...
Friday PM - May 12, 2017
Land exchange By Rep. Dan Ortiz - I am pleased with the passage of SB 88 Wednesday morning on the House Floor. The bill, which authorizes a land exchange between the Alaska Mental Health Land Trust Authority and the United States Forest Service, passed the Senate 20-0 and the House 38-1. It parallels federal legislation that our congressional delegation was able to pass earlier this week, and I am proud that the state legislature stepped up to the plate and passed such an important piece of legislation. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Deer Mountain Land Exchange By A. M. Johnson - The moment has arrived that finds the need to announce a Mea Culpa.
Some time back when the issue of logging on Deer Mountain was raised, a local group headed by Bob Weinstein gathered a effort to have the issue ultimately addressed through a proposed land swap with the U.S.Forest Service. Believing that an effort such as that at the local level was doomed even with state input. The federal position and the then political party in control having a track record of saying 'No' I concocted a letter to this publication taking the effort to task with a sarcastic tone. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Cuts to People Experiencing Developmental Disabilities – Supported Time in the Community By Rita Menzies, Roxanne Abajian, Julie Dowling, Alonso Escalante, Ralph Mackie, Adam Thompson, & Bett Union-Jakubet - We write to you today on behalf of not only individuals with intellectual disabilities we serve, but also their families, our staff, and community. One of the budget cuts that is critical for this population is the Day Habilitation Services. With the current budgets proposed for Senior & Disabilities Services (SDS), Day Habilitation Services will be capped at 8-12 hours per week per individual. The number of hours of Day Habilitation currently is individualized according to the plan of care and the needs of the individual, averaging 40 hours/ week/ individual. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Firing of FBI Director James Comey By Rev. Larry Emery - Sen. Murkowski has expressed that the timing of the firing of FBI Director James Comey is a “serious cause for concern.” This “concern” should be expressed in nothing less than the appointment of a special independent prosecutor to investigate the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Russia Invades White House By Donald Moskowitz - LT GEN Flynn was fired from his position as National Security Advisor because he lied to Vice President Pence about his contact with Russian officials concerning the sanctions on Russia. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
American government cannot be trusted By John Suter - The American government needs to subcontract out to the KGB or the GRU Russian Intelligence Agency to do the investigation on the connection of the White House with the Russians and the 2016 election interference. They can do it much cheaper and faster. They are the ones who have the most information on this in the first place. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Searching for family and friends of the deceased Joel Mehall By Arve Robert Pisani - In October 1980 I got a letter signed Joseph Mehallic alias Joel Mehall. For some time we corresponded about the Normandy Campaign in 1944 in which he had taken part as a paratrooper in the famous 101st Airborne Division. Also called the Screaming Eagles. As years went by I lost contact with Joel. About 2008-2009 I started to try to find him and made a search on internet. Unfortunately, I found there an obituary for Joel. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Russians Didn’t Orchestrate Trump’s Election – So Let’s Move On By Gary S. Miliefsky - Ever since Americans woke up on the morning of Nov. 9, 2016, to find out that Donald Trump had won the presidential election and would be the 45th President of the United States, many have been wondering how Trump pulled it off. - More...
Thursday PM - May 11, 2017
Alaskans Get the Short End of the Stick By Norma Lankerd - I'm writing to COMPLAIN on why Alaskans who live and reside in the State of Alaska year around ALWAYS get the short end of the stick? As soon as the Tourist season comes around the price of everything in Alaska always increase. I live in Metlakatla, i do my shopping in Ketchikan because i can get more for my $$, but now that its the beginning of the summer season the cost of the Alaska ferry system from Metlakatla to Ketchikan has discontinued the 1/2 price off for the driver and the price increased $5.00 more just for a 45 minute ride, IT WOULD BE DIFFERENT if our State would allow the Lituya to run 7 days a week instead of Thursday through Monday. I believe the Lituya is practically the only Ferry that keeps the Ferries afloat. Even the hotel prices have gone up in the Ketchikan area, more so that the Tourist season is here. - More...
Monday PM - May 08, 2017
Pleased With USCG Work Crew By A.M. Johnson - Recently in the past couple of days, working outside I noticed that the Pond Reef marker beacon was one-blinking during daylight hours and two very erratic in the blinking sequence. - More...
Monday PM - May 08, 2017
RE: House Majority Coalition's Bogus School Tax is Disappointing By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Mr. Bockhorst is correct. If the legislature implements the Education Funding Act, we can’t dedicate monies collected to any government spending, as the Legislature can’t adopt dedicated taxes. Our intent is to put the monies into the Public Education Fund to forward-fund education. The bill language says we “may” do this, because we cannot make a law saying we “will” do this. I have spoken with Dan Bockhorst about the inherent inequity in how property taxpayers in organized boroughs bear a greater burden to pay for education compared to those in unorganized areas. I have explored, and will continue to explore, legislative actions to mitigate this inequity. - More...
Wednesday PM - May 03, 2017
House Majority Coalition's Bogus School Tax is Disappointing By Dan Bockhorst - The Alaska State House passed the Education Funding Act (House Bill 115) on April 16 by a unanimous vote of all 22 House Coalition members. However, none of the other 18 members of the House voted for the bill. The measure is now under consideration in the Senate. - More...
Monday PM - May 01, 2017
Stop Corruption By Andrée McLeod - There’s a very important bill stuck in the Democrat-led House Majority Coalition that needs to be on the books in order to stop corruption in the Capitol. SB 5 is sponsored by Senator Kevin Meyer (R, Anchorage) and has already passed the Senate unanimously. - More...
Monday PM - May 01, 2017
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