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May 13, 2019

Rhododendrons In Bloom
Front Page Feature Photo By MARY KAUFFMAN ©2019
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Ketchikan: Two planes down south of Ketchikan; Four Deceased, Two Still Missing; Reports to USCG Confirms Mid-Air Collision By MARY KAUFFMAN -- The U.S. Coast Guard, partner agencies and good Samaritans responded to the report of two downed aircrafts in the vicinity of George Inlet south of Ketchikan, Alaska, early Monday afternoon..
Coast Guard Sector Juneau Command Center watchstanders launched a Coast Guard Air Station Sitka MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew and two 45-foot Response Boat-Medium crews from Coast Guard Station Ketchikan. According the the USCG, they are unaware of the circumstances of why the two aircrafts went down.
At 12:47 PM today, the South Tongass Volunteer Fire Department was dispatched to a reported boat crash in George Inlet. Rescuers did not discover there were two planes down until approximately 20 minutes into the incident.
According to information provided by Ketchikan Borough Information Officer Deanna Thomas, two float planes crashed at approximately the same time in George Inlet today within a mile and a half of one another. A total of 16 were on board the two planes.
An Otter float-plane with 11 individuals crashed in the Coon Cove area of George Inlet and a Beaver float-plane with five individuals crashed in the Mahoney Creek area.
Ten patients were transported earlier this afternoon to PeaceHealth Medical Center with severe to life-threatening injuries according to an official news release by the Ketchikan Borough.
As of approximately 9:00 PM, the Ketchikan Borough reported another victim had been recovered bringing the total to four deceased victims recovered by search and rescue throughout the afternoon and evening.
The search and recovery mission still continues for two more missing individuals.
The names of the passengers and companies involved are not being released at this time. Next of kin will require notification prior to the release of names.
The Ketchikan Borough has announced as of this evening, they will not be releasing details regarding the circumstances of the crashes at this time.
However, the U.S. Coast Guard stated in a late evening news release that preliminary reports to the Coast Guard indicate that this was a mid-air collision between the two planes.
"In a remote area such as this, given our limited resources, we rely on our partner agencies and appreciate the support that good Samaritans have rendered to this point," said Capt. Stephen White, Coast Guard Sector Juneau commander. "With the loss of life in this case, we know that the impact to Alaska is immense and our thoughts are with the community here." - More...
Monday PM - May 13, 2019
Alaska: Governor Dunleavy: “Failing to Fund Education in Budget Ignores Constitution” Posted, Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN - During a Facebook Live Townhall last week, Alaska Governor Michael J. Dunleavy addressed questions pertaining to the absence of education funding in Fiscal Year 2020 budget proposals currently making their way through the Alaska State House and Senate.
Heeding the advice and guidance of House Republicans and Kevin G. Clarkson Alaska Attorney General, Governor Dunleavy believes “failing to fund education in the budget ignores the constitution” and “creates a situation where education will not be funded after June 30, 2019.” As a result, Governor Dunleavy has called on the Legislature to avoid a precedent-setting constitutional standoff by funding education in the FY2020 budget, which he “will not veto… in any form or fashion.”
“We have said to legislators ‘Make sure you fund education, make sure it’s in the budget,’ because there’s questions right now as to whether there is funding in the budget, we’re having those discussions…,” said Governor Dunleavy. “Although we initially proposed reductions in education, we have said to legislative leadership ‘put the funding in, make sure there’s funding in the budget and we will not veto that funding in any form or fashion.’ We will let that funding go through, so we can have that conversation going into next year on what reforms we want to look at in education.”
Both the House and Senate FY2020 budget’s fail to include funding for education, a position based on the belief that future funding of education was made during the Second Session of the Thirtieth Legislature. However, the 2018 future funding provision failed to include actual dollars and clearly attempted to bind the hands of a future legislature and governor. According to an April 9, 2019 review by the Alaska Attorney General, that action violates the Alaska Constitution’s prohibition against dedicating future revenues and providing for an annual budget where the legislature and the governor can considering annual funding priorities.
“This year we won’t look at reducing the size of the education budget if they put the funding in, so that we can have the conversation over the summer into the fall, make this coming year an education reform year, where we all work together to see how we can change things to get the outcomes we know we should have for all kids, regardless of what school, school district or part of the state that they’re in,” said Governor Dunleavy. - More...
Saturday PM - May 11, 2019 |
Alaska: Senate Capital Budget Procures Funds for Ferry Service, Repairs, and Vessel Replacement; Senate unanimously passes capital budget for fiscal year 2020 Posted, Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN - During Governor Michael Dunleavy's recent internet town-hall meeting, the Governor said there has been talk of the administration shutting down the Alaska Marine Highway System, he said that is not going to happen. He said there was some information that went out saying the Alaska Marine Highway would shut down in October, and that is not going to happen.
Gov. Dunleavy said they have sent out an RFP for a consultant to quickly help understand, for example, what schedules and what routes would continue in the current situation based upon the number of riders using those ferries between Alaska cities and on to Canada and Washington. The consultants will help the administration understand how to make the ferry system more efficient and continue to provide services for as many Alaskans as possible. This work will be done through the summer and fall. The Governor said during the town-hall he believes the administration will come up with a stronger ferry system and one that will be sustainable into the future.
With the current financial situation, the ferry system like some of Alaska's other systems, will not be sustainable unless the state becomes more efficient with the ferries said the Governor.
On March 1st, the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT&PF) issued a request for proposals (RFP) seeking qualified vendors for an Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) Economic Reshaping Consultant.
Proposals were due April 2, 2019, with the final AMHS report due to the Alaska Department of Transportation on October 15, 2019. The budget maximum is $250,000. The target date for implementation of changes to Alaska Marine Highway System remains the end of June 2020.
And on Wednesday, Senator Bert Stedman (R-Sitka) Co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee announced the committee approved numerous items in the capital budget related to the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS). Quoting a news release, changes made by the Senate Finance Committee would preserves the ability to keep Alaska's ferries operating and repaired as well as the ability to replace vessels.
Specifically, the Senate Finance Committee’s capital budget made these changes from the Governor’s proposed budget:
- Reverses use of $47.3 million in AMHS vessel replacement funds for matching federal funds for non-AMHS purposes (ie: road construction, maintenance, and other uses).
- Reverses use of $15.1 million in AMHS system funds for payments to the federal government if ferries and terminals were sold off.
- Reverses use of $14.5 million in AMHS operating system funds for other state services and non-AMHS purposes.
- Adds $17.9 million in new state funds to the AMHS budget for annual overhauls and repairs to the ferries.
Between both the capital and supplemental operating budgets, the Senate Finance Committee provides for $77 million in AMHS funds for future use by the ferry system and added $17.9 million in state funds for a total benefit to the Alaska Marine Highway System of $94.9 million.
Senate Bill 19 passed the Senate by a 20-0 vote last Wednesday and sent back to the Alaska House of Representatives for consideration.
According to a news release from the office of Senator Natasha Von Imhof, the capital budget passed by the Senate includes $174 million in unrestricted general funds (UGF) to leverage over $1 billion in federal funds for roads, highways, airports, and clean water for villages. - More...
Saturday PM - May 11, 2019
Fish Factor: Bering Sea crabbers report a good fishing season; prices near record highs By LAINE WELCH - Bering Sea crabbers saw upticks in crab recruits during a good fishery for the 2018/2019 season, along with strong prices.
The crab season opens in mid-October for red king crab, Tanners and snow crab (opilio), and while fishing goes fast for red kings in order to fill orders for year-end markets in Japan, the fleet typically drops pots for the other species in January.
Crabbers said they saw strong showings of younger crab poised to enter the three fisheries. Only male crabs of a certain size are able to be retained for sale.
“For Bristol Bay red king crab the reports were very positive,” said veteran crabber Jake Jacobsen, director of the Inter-Cooperative Exchange which represents the majority of Bering Sea crabbers. “I got a lot of reports from people saying they saw a lot of recruitment around, a lot of females and small crab, but some boats didn’t see any. So, it depended on where you were. Overall, the catch seemed to go pretty fast and the fishing was good, it wasn’t scratchy at all for most of the boats.”
The price also was good. The red king crab fetched $10.33 per pound, up from $9.20 last season, for a catch of 4.3 million pounds.
Crabbers also saw good numbers of bairdi Tanners which had a harvest limit of 2.4 million pounds. Jacobsen said price negotiations are still ongoing for both Tanners and their smaller cousin, snow crab.
“We should be close to record prices for opilio (snow crab),” Jacobsen said.
The record snow crab price was $4.98 a pound set in 2012; last season’s price was $4.04 per pound.
Competing imports from Russia are up substantially, Jacobsen said, and the are trying to get rid of product held over from last season.
“That’s brought the price down and I expect prices will start to climb again as people get a feel for availability of the resource and what the crab looks like,” he added.
Snow crab is a bright spot for the Bering Sea fleet. A catch of 27.5 million pounds this season was a 47 percent increase after the 2018 summer survey showed a 60 percent boost in market sized males and nearly the same for females. Bob Foy, NOAA director of science and research based at the Auke Bay lab in Juneau, called it “one of the largest snow crab recruitment events ever seen.”
Jacobsen said that was consistent with what the crabbers saw on the fishing grounds. That has speculation running wild that the snow crab catch could double again for next season, but he added it’s best to wait and see.
“I’ve been in the business too long to get excited about that kind of news because I’ve heard it before. It all depends on the summer survey and we’ve been trying to make some improvements in the stock assessment model. But it looks pretty positive,” he said. “What we’re looking for isn’t dramatic swings. We’d rather have a steady, fishable population but with nature that’s not always possible. Crab are very cyclic in their population numbers.”
There’s been some tension between crabbers and managers in recent years over big differences in what crabbers are seeing on the fishing grounds and the numbers managers pull up in the summer trawl survey.
“Apparently, the crab go on vacation somewhere else in the summertime because they haven’t been showing up in the survey recently,” Jacobsen added with a laugh.
Last season the three Bering Sea crab fisheries were valued at $190 million for a fleet of about 85 boats. - More...
Saturday PM - May 11, 2019 |
TOM PURCELL: Why I Hope to Become Just Like My Ma - I hope to be just like my mother one day.
Now in her eighth decade, my ma has arrived at a coveted place: Her "filter" is pretty much gone, and she has no problem telling anyone what's on her mind.
"Ma, please don't tell us any more details," my five sisters and I beg her, when she shares "way too much personal information" about her 63 years of marriage to my father.
"Cowards," she says with a snort.
My ma's passion is to teach the youngest members of her large clan the most important things in life (family, charity, doing unto others as you would have them do unto you) and to waste as little time as possible on the least important things (money, selfishness, giving too much weight to what others think of you).
And she voices these opinions loud and strong.
"Ma, you can't post that on Facebook," we tell her, mortified, when she responds to a post she adamantly disagrees with.
"Then unfriend me!" she says with a defiant laugh.
"Ma, you can't pressure wash and paint the deck anymore and neither can Dad!" we plead with her.
"Worry about your own silly deck," she says, supremely confident she and my father will get the project done without help, as they've done dozens of times before. "And while you're up, get me another glass of wine!"
I can't blame her for thinking as stubbornly as she does. She's proved naysayers wrong for most of her adult life. - More...
Saturday PM - May 11, 2019
RICH MANIERI: Breaking News: Legitimate Political Discourse is Dead - "This just in," as we say in the news business.
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher recently called Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden to complain about President Donald Trump.
This is indeed big news, mainly because Thatcher has been dead for six years.
But, if the former vice president says he spoke to Thatcher, who am I to question?
Biden later corrected himself and said he was talking about current Prime Minister Theresa May, who is very much alive. Biden called the mistake a "Freudian slip," which is also kind of a strange thing to say.
Ironically enough, Biden make the Thatcher comment during a fundraiser in South Carolina during which he called Trump a "clown."
Trump supporters pounced on the Thatcher reference because they like to portray Biden as a sort of inappropriate, forgetful uncle who shows up every Thanksgiving and, after he leaves, you're thankful you don't have to see him for another year.
But, never to be outdone, President Trump returned the favor and gave the left, and the media, yet another reason to gesticulate.
I wrote a few weeks back about how Trump finds a way to insinuate himself into news events that have absolutely nothing to do with him.
He did it with the Notre Dame cathedral fire when he offered firefighters some unsolicited advice on how to extinguish the blaze. - More...
Saturday PM - May 11, 2019

Political Cartoon: China and US trade war
By Dave Granlund ©2019, PoliticalCartoons.com
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
A change in Alaska's crime law is needed now By
Gregg Olson, Angie Kemp, Gustaf Olson, John Earthman, Scot Leaders, Roman Kalytiak, and John Novak - Many of us are lifelong prosecutors who have spent years in the trenches trying to do the best we can to keep Alaskans safe and seek justice. We work side by side with law enforcement to try and get those offenders off the street who are likely to do more harm, get those offenders into treatment who need some help, and achieve the best outcome under the circumstances to protect the community. The current criminal laws tie our hands along with the hands of judges and keep us from achieving these important goals.
We thought it was important to speak out and make sure the perspective of an everyday prosecutor is represented. We may not be able to control all the factors surrounding crime—that is a constant struggle those in the criminal justice system face. But, through our laws, we can control the range of outcomes and incentives available to cut down on the number of individuals that are re-offending - sometimes within just days or weeks. Right now, the law is not working.
Drug offenses are a good example. The U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics followed approximately 400,000 prisoners over nine years throughout 30 different states. The study found that 77% of released drug offenders were rearrested for non-drug-related offenses within nine years. This just shows that drug use and drug addiction transcends committing drug offenses and can lead to other serious issues. We have to have the tools to deal with drug crimes comprehensively and nimbly, depending on the circumstances and risk factors. Right now, there is effectively zero jail time for drug possession, which means there is zero incentive for an addict to try and get clean. This has to change. - More...
Saturday PM - May 11, 2019
RE: Oil & Gas Tax Reform By
Rep. Dan Ortiz
- I want to thank Mary Lynn Dahl for her thoughtful letter that ran in the April 29 edition of Sitnews. Alaska’s oil and gas tax system is an important issue that needs to be considered as we work towards a long-term fiscal solution. Mary makes important points and raises issues that have not had much public discussion. I’d like to clarify a few things about our tax system as it stands now, how we’ve been able to fix parts of it in recent years, and the work that remains to be done. - More...
Tuesday PM - May 07, 2019
Global warming or global hoax By
Rex Barber - The Pleistocene epoch (ice age to us common folk) lasted from 2,588,00 – 11,700 years ago. With in this time period large mammals roamed the earth, saber tooth tigers, mammoths, mastodons, dire wolves ,short faced bears, giant ground sloths, giant beavers and many more astounding and fabulous criters. - More...
Tuesday PM - May 07, 2019
Alaska needs a thoughtful approach to a sustainable budget By
Ed Rasmuson - Last November, we were reminded of something that offers us great hope about the future of our state.
In the aftermath of the earthquake last November, we saw Alaskans at their best - neighbors helping neighbors; Alaskans supporting and comforting each other. We saw people rolling up their sleeves, ready to help, whatever the need might be.
For a few days, your political affiliation didn’t matter. Divisiveness was superseded by the shared experience we’d just gone through and our drive as Alaskans to overcome yet another challenge. - More...
Thursday AM - May 02, 2019
Oil & Gas Tax Reform By
Mary Lynne Dahl - I do not make a habit of offering my opinions publicly. I am neither Republican nor Democrat. I try my best to judge impartially, on a non-partisan basis. I have spent the last 35 years of my professional life giving financial advice as objectively as humanly possible. With these things in mind, I have decided that I must comment on one aspect of the debate over the fiscal situation Alaska finds herself in and the prospects for solutions to the problems. - More...
Monday PM - April 29, 2019
The Income Tax: A Way Out By
Ghert Abbott - We should all be very grateful to Representative Dan Ortiz for his efforts to compel a straight answer from the Governor during the April 8th public meeting. Representative Ortiz pointed out that the Governor was being “disingenuous” in claiming his administration’s budget had no taxes, when it essentially necessitated local tax increases due to cost shifting from the state to local governments. - More...
Monday PM - April 29, 2019
KCCB Collage II Concert By
Judith Green - Well, another great evening of music from our own talented community members. Last week end it was 3 in 1: Ketchikan Community Chorus (Director Steve Kinney) with Ketchikan Orchestra Project(Director Jeff Karlson and Deidra Nuss) and Ketchikan Community Band (Director Roy McPherson). - More...
Monday PM - April 29, 2019
Lisa Murkowski's Nuclear energy plan By
Robert Rice - My god, do we need our own mini Fukishima? She said "the only alternate energy source available in Alaska is Hydro power." No wind or sun available here? Also ended by saying how good this would be for oil and mining operations. (Could this be the reason for this idea?) - More...
Monday PM - April 29, 2019
Ode To Joy By
Judith Green - This past weekend, April 20, Ketchikan was invited to hear the beautiful musical sounds of Beethoven, Rutter, Chilcott and Marcello. Some of these composers may not be well known, but the sounds invoked were good to consider as we listened and learned. - More...
Monday PM - April 29,
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