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May 11, 2023

Refuge Cove
SitNews Front Page Photo By MOLLY MURDOCK ©2023
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Ketchikan Historical: Ketchikan Fire Boat Newell for sale; Community has had fireboats since the late 1920s By DAVE KIFFER -
If you have ever wanted to own a fireboat, now is your chance. The City of Ketchikan is taking sealed bids for its 36-year-old fireboat, the Harry Newell.
The Newell has been the city’s fire boat since 1986 but has been out of operation for several years because of repairs that need to be made to its hull and the fact that three of the four pumps on the ship are not operational. It is currently being stored at Air Marine Harbor, at Mile 8, North Tongass Highway. The bidding ends at 10 am on June 8.
The city is currently evaluating the need for a new boat, estimated to cost more than $1 million. A decision on a new fireboat will likely be made by the City Council this fall. If the council decides not to purchase or build a new fireboat, it will be the first time in nearly 100 years that the waterfront community of Ketchikan does not specifically have a fire apparatus specifically used for waterfront fires, which are uncommon today but once caused millions of dollars in damage to Ketchikan’s shoreside businesses and facilities.
The Harry Newell is the second fireboat named after the only Ketchikan Firefighter to die in the line of duty.
On April 7, 1955, Harry Newell, 56, the Captain of the Ketchikan Fire Department was helping fight a fire in the basement repair shop of the Smith Electric Company in downtown Ketchikan. Newell and several other responders were overcome by smoke and gas, even though some – like Newell – were wearing air packs.
Former Ketchikan Firefighter Bud Silsbee was on duty that day.
“I was there at that fire, it was in the basement of the building,” Silsbee wrote on Facebook recently. “We could hear Harry calling for help but the smoke was so intense that you couldn’t see from the outside…so no one could get to him.”
Eventually, Newell and the others were pulled from the building. The other three firefighters and police officers were revived, but Newell died. Besides being the Fire Captain, Newell had also been the past leader of both the local Moose and Elks lodges in Ketchikan. He had lived in Ketchikan for 32 years.
A year before Newell died, the city had purchased a fireboat and named it the City of Ketchikan. It was renamed the HV Newell after his death. When it was replaced three decades later, in 1986, the new boat was named the Harry Newell.
When the Harry Newell arrived in Ketchikan, it made news in the August 1986 issue of the Maritime Reporter.
“Ketchikan, Alaska, a city five miles long and two blocks wide has acquired a new 30-knot fireboat capable of covering that expanse,” the magazine reported. “The all-aluminum Newell culminates a more than three-year effort by Ketchikan to replace a well-used 65-foot wooden fireboat, which despite its 4,000 gallon per minute pumping capacity was deemed too slow to serve the city.”
The story noted Ketchikan was continuing to expand along Tongass Narrows in the 1980s and that a faster boat was needed.
“With an overall length of 45 feet and beam of 12 feet, the new fire/rescue boat has a pumping capacity of more than 5,000 gpms through four fire monitors,” the magazine noted. “Propulsion is provided by two Detroit Diesel 6-17 turbocharged and Intercooled engines, each developing 410 horsepower…at a top speed of 30 knots.”
The Harry Newell was built by Workboats Northwest in Seattle with help from United Fire Service of Issaquah, Dafoe Machine of Vancouver B.C., and the Prop Shop of Lynnwood.
The following is a history of all the local “fireboats,” going back to 1905. It is based on research done by the Tongass Historical Museum in 2007. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Southeast Alaska: Southeast Alaska’s Chinook troll fishery suspended; Alaska to Appeal Ruling on Southeast AK Chinook Fishery by Federal Court in WashingtonPosted & Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN
- On May 2nd, U.S. District Court Judge Jones submitted his decision to adopt U.S. Magistrate Judge Michelle Peterson’s recommended order to suspend Southeast Alaska’s Chinook troll fishery. The closure is driven by the Wild Fish Conservancy’s claim that Southeast’s troll fishery poses harm to Washington’s Southern Resident Killer Whale population.
A Seattle federal Court issued the landmark order halting the harvest of Chinook salmon in Southeast Alaska that plaintiff Wild Fish Conservancy said has persisted for decades, jeopardizing the survival of federally-protected Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW) and wild Chinook populations coastwide. According to the Wild Fish Conservancy, this decision will immediately allow the starving Southern Resident population far greater access to these Chinook which are the whale’s primary prey, marking a turning point for their recovery.
“This Court decision is the largest victory for Southern Resident killer whale recovery in decades and will be celebrated internationally. After years of inaction by our federal government to address the prey crisis facing the Southern Residents, Judge Jones’ decision will finally provide starving orcas immediate access to their primary prey,” says Emma Helverson, Executive Director of Wild Fish Conservancy. “What’s more, by allowing far more wild Chinook to return home to their spawning grounds, this action is also helping to recover and restore wild Chinook from rivers throughout Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, essential to rebuilding both populations in the long-term.”
On May 02, 2023, U.S. District Judge Richard A. Jones issued a final ruling in Wild Fish Conservancy’s lawsuit agreeing that halting the summer and winter seasons of the Southeast Alaska Chinook troll fishery is the most appropriate remedy. The Court subsequently remanded NOAA Fisheries’ inadequate biological opinion in order for the agency to address the serious underlying violations of environmental law previously found by the Court.
The State of Alaska plans to appeal a bitter ruling for the Alaska Southeast troll fishery today by a federal judge in Washington. The order by U.S. District Court Judge Richard Jones upheld a magistrate’s earlier opinion by adopting, in part, a report and recommendation that vacates the incidental take statement for the Southeast Alaska winter and summer commercial chinook troll fishery, which has the practical effect of closing the fishery until a new ITS is in place.
The Wild Fish Conservancy sued the National Marine Fisheries Service alleging several violations of the Endangered Species Act and National Environmental Policy Act. The plaintiff’s primary claim is that Southeast Alaska fisheries and the associated prey increase (hatchery) programs threaten both wild salmon and the listed Southern Resident Killer Whales that depend on this salmon for food off the coasts of Washington, Oregon, and Canada.
“Vacating the ITS and effectively closing the fishery is a radical step. We’ll continue to pursue every available avenue in defense of Alaska’s fisheries,” said Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor. “We understand the critical importance of this fishery to the affected fishermen and communities across Southeast. We will be filling a request to stay the order pending appeal and immediately notifying the Ninth Circuit that an appeal is forthcoming.”
“We have a responsibility to look out for our fisheries and the Southeast coastal communities and families that rely on them," said Alaska Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang. "The State of Alaska abides by the terms of the Pacific Salmon Treaty and the Biological Opinion that is tied to it, and it is troubling that this ruling singles out our fisheries.”
Alaska has argued in its filed pleadings that the Southeast commercial chinook troll fishery has little effect on the listed species, especially considering the gauntlet of predators between the fishery and the identified pod of whales. “Shutting down the Southeast Alaska salmon fisheries would have negligible, if any, impact on the Southern Resident Killer Whale, as any Chinook not caught in Southeast must travel some 700 miles past Canadian commercial and recreational fisheries, tribal fisheries, Northern Resident Killer Whale, and Steller sea lions, which are also predators of large Chinook, and Southern U.S. fisheries to reach the Southern Resident Killer Whale.”
“The court’s decision is disappointing, not only because it puts the future of Alaska’s small-boat fishing families in jeopardy, but it distracts from the larger, more urgent issues that are causing the continued decline of the Pacific Northwest’s Chinook and orca populations,” said Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association Director, Linda Behnken. “The science and data clearly shows that habitat loss, dams, climate change, water pollution, and urbanization are harming salmon and orcas in the Northwest - not our hook-and-line fishery that operates almost 1000 miles away and has done so sustainably for over 100 years.”
Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery directly employs 1,500 fishermen, with 85% of troll fishery permit holders living in Southeast Alaska, and is consistently one of Southeast Alaska’s top three most valuable fisheries, providing renewable income for fishing families living in the region’s rural, isolated communities. Prized around the world for its premium quality salmon, the troll fishery generates $148 million annually in economic outputs that include restaurant sales, consumer purchases, transportation jobs and other benefits accruing throughout the West Coast of the U.S. and beyond. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023

Ketchikan Reflections
SitNews Front Page Photo By PAUL HOVIK©2023
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Alaska: Alaska Senate Passes Increase to Public Education - Today, the Alaska State Senate passed Senate Bill 52 to increase education funding by $175 million for Alaska’s public schools and correspondence programs. This significant increase provides school districts with a $680 addition to the Base Student Allocation (BSA) calculation, which the Senate Education Committee determined is the simplest, fairest, and most effective way to increase education funding for students in every public school and correspondence program in Alaska.
“The Alaska Constitution requires that we, as a state, maintain a public education system so that every child has access to good schools staffed by skilled teachers. We’ve heard from parents, students, teachers, school officials, and concerned citizens who all say that Alaska’s public education system is struggling to meet the needs of our students,” said Senate Education Committee Chair Senator Löki Gale Tobin (D-Anchorage). “Without additional resources, we will see more school closures, continued teacher attrition, and increased class sizes. This increase in resources will breathe new life into schools and set Alaska kids up for success with a great public education.”
“Providing adequate funding for public education is the number one priority for the Alaska Senate Majority. This is a fiscally responsible investment in public education and represents a bold policy choice to help Alaska’s public schools address years of increasing costs,” said Senate President Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak) Vice-chair of the Senate Education Committee.
In addition to increasing the BSA, Senate Bill 52 includes additional support for pupil transportation and residential schools. The legislation also calls on the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development to collaborate with the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development to gather data on the progress of each high school graduating class in a school district. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Ketchikan: Ketchikan Medical Center Foundation Funds Bone Densitometer - Through the financial support of the Ketchikan Medical Center Foundation, PeaceHealth Ketchikan recently purchased a bone densitometer, offering a new service to the community.
Also known as a DEXA scan, a bone densitometer uses low dose X-rays to see how dense (or strong) bones are. Bone density scans are often used to diagnose or assess the risk of osteoporosis, a health condition that weakens bones and makes them more likely to break.
Approximately 50% of patients at risk of a fracture are potentially missed by bone densitometry alone. This new technology to Ketchikan provides the assessment of both bone density and bone structure in one exam without additional time or radiation exposure for patients. The test results derived from this technology improves fracture risk prediction, helps identify more patients at risk and fine-tunes therapy decisions. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Ketchikan: Ketchikan Medical Center Hospice Earns Accreditation -
PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center’s hospice program has recently been accredited by The Joint Commission, a global organization that comprehensively reviews hospitals and healthcare programs for quality and safety. This certification means that our program has met the strict Joint Commission standards allowing more patients to receive this important end-of-life care in their place of residence.
PeaceHealth Hospice provides a comfortable and dignified transition toward the end of life for patients with terminal illnesses. Hospice services include 24/7 nursing coverage, social work resource navigation, spiritual care, physician oversight and support from volunteers. Most insurances, including Medicare, offer a hospice benefit.
PeaceHealth Ketchikan Chief Administrative Officer Dori Stevens shared, “We are delighted to earn this accreditation for our hospice. Our team has been working for several years to elevate the end-of-life care to those on our island. We are grateful to the staff and volunteers that offer this exceptional, compassionate service to our community.” - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Alaska: Alaska Legislature Passes Legislation Allowing Sawmill Operators to Produce Dimensional Lumber for Residential Construction - The Alaska House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed Senate Bill 87, sponsored by Senator Jesse Bjorkman (R-Nikiski), with a vote of 38 to 1. The bill allows Alaska sawmill operators to become certified to grade and sell certain types of dimensional lumber they produce for residential construction.
“This local lumber grading program will provide Alaskans the option to purchase a local product for use in the construction of their homes,” said Senator Bjorkman. “It will provide substantial cost savings on dimensional lumber in some parts of the state. And it will create economic opportunities that will result in permanent, stable, family-wage jobs in rural communities and villages.”
The Department of Natural Resources will oversee the program and provide free training for sawmill operators, establish benchmarks for certification, and oversee the criteria used for grading the allowed Number 2 and better, Stud, and Number 3 grades of dimensional lumber. Under SB 87, the sawmill operator could sell the dimensional lumber directly to a homeowner or contractor for use in a residential structure with three or fewer units. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Alaska: State of Alaska Responds to Federal "Hypocrisy" of ANCSA Contaminated Lands Cleanup - The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Alaska Department of Law responded to a press release by the Biden Administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that appears hypocritical. The release indicates that federal agencies are leading the effort to accelerate cleanup of Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) contaminated lands. This same administration is using taxpayer dollars, through the Department of Justice, Department of Interior, and Bureau of Land Management to thwart the State’s efforts in court to hold the U.S. government accountable.
“While the State appreciates EPA’s efforts to begin addressing the five-decade-long travesty of contaminated lands given in the settlement of Alaska’s indigenous peoples’ land claims, its press release today is hypocrisy at its finest,” said DEC Commissioner Jason Brune. “It is beyond absurd for the United States, as the responsible party, to claim that it is taking the lead on cleaning up contamination when it vigorously denies its ability and authority to do just that in court.”
In its Motion to Dismiss, the United States argued that “[t]he only thing Congress ‘memorialized’ was Interior’s obligation to submit reports to Congress, which it did.” According to the Department of Justice, Congress has in “[no] way mandated the Department or the BLM take [cleanup] action.”
“The Federal Government’s two-faced representations, denying any responsibility in the courts and now saying they are leading the effort, certainly does not inspire confidence,” said Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor. “Regardless, the State will continue to act, both at the sites and in court, to clean up Alaska Native lands from federal contamination.” - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Southeast Alaska: Tlingit & Haida to Withdraw from the Alaska Federation of Natives - The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) has announced it will not be renewing its membership with the largest statewide Native organization in Alaska, the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN).
Tlingit & Haida’s Executive Council voted to end its membership with AFN during a meeting held on May 1, 2023.
Tlingit & Haida is the largest federally recognized tribe in Alaska with more than 35,000 tribal citizens and has been a long-standing member of AFN, which was formed in 1966 and holds a mission to enhance and promote the cultural, economic and political voice of the entire Alaska Native community.
Over the course of the past nine years, Tlingit & Haida President Richard Chalyee Éesh Peterson and the Executive Council have been working toward strengthening the Tribe’s sovereignty through economic development initiatives and building the infrastructure for advancing the Tribe’s priorities. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023 |

Long after run to glory, Balto lives on
Balto poses for a sculptor while in New York in July 1925. The resulting statue of Balto still stands in Central Park.
Photo courtesy of the Cleveland Public Library |
Alaska: Long after run to glory, Balto lives on By NED ROZELL - A dog that pulled his way into history has given scientists insight into what makes Alaska sled dogs and other working breeds unique.
Researchers have used a tiny patch of skin cut from a taxidermy mount of Balto to determine that the 1925 Serum Run hero had no wolf in his recent background. They also found that Balto, a black husky built like a tank, was full of mixed-breed vigor and was adapted to make the most of a diet that included starch.
On Feb. 2, 1925, musher Gunnar Kaasen drove Balto in lead position of a 13-dog team into Nome while carrying packages of diphtheria serum in his sled bag. Kaasen was the last of 20 mushers who relayed the antidote 674 miles from Nenana to Nome.
Alaska officials in 1925 chose dog teams to carry the liquid to disease-stricken Nome because aircraft were new and unproven within the territory. Alaska had a railway line from Seward to Nenana, to which the serum was shipped and picked up by the first dog musher.
In a golden era for newspapers — whose reporters were connected by telegraph to people in the far north — the successful delivery of the medicine to Nome from Nenana in less than six days was big news.
“Final Dash Brings Antitoxin to Nome, But It Is Frozen. Believe Serum Still Good,” was the headline in the New York Times on Feb. 3, 1925.
The feat of saving many sick people in Nome — and the fame that came with it — led to the recent discoveries regarding the genetic makeup of Balto, his rugged teammates and dogs that pull sleds today.
The modern story begins in Cleveland, 3,500 miles from Front Street in Nome. Balto now stands there in a bold pose, preserved at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.
How did Balto get there? Within days of Kaasen’s finish in Nome, he received offers of a movie deal and a tour of the states. Kaasen and his dog team soon left Alaska for Seattle on a steamship.
As part of a nine-month deal to tour the Lower 48, Kaasen sold the team to the tour’s promoter.
At the end of the contract, after Kaasen traveled to New York City to attend the unveiling of a Balto statue in Central Park, he returned to Alaska without the dogs.
The promoter then shipped the Serum Run dogs by train back to the West Coast. There, he housed them in a small room in Los Angeles, charging people 10 cents a ticket to see them. - More....
Thursday - May 11, 2023
DAVE KIFFER: A Town Where All Credit Cards Are Welcome! - For as long as I can remember, Ketchikan has dubbed itself “The First City.”
That’s because we are:
A) Alaskas oldest city,
B) the first place to become a city in Alaska,
C) the southernmost city in Alaska.
Actually none of the above.
Kodiak, Sitka, Wrangell and even Juneau are significantly older.
And several other Alaskan cities incorporated before Ketchikan.
And both Metlakatla and Adak are further south.
But Ketchikan was the first city in Alaska that boats docked in heading north after about 1890 or so, so I guess that "first" counts for something.
Lucky for us, for the most part, Alaskan cities are what they call themselves.
Fairbanks calls itself "Alaska's Golden Heart" because "Freezin' for No Reason" was already taken. Petersburg calls itself "Little Norway" even though it is roughly 25 times the size (in area) of Oslo. Anchorage, a while back, took to calling itself "Big Wild Life" even though that moniker really only has traditionally applied to Spenard. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
FINANCIAL FOCUS: Are you protected from disability risk? Provided By BEN EDWARDS, AAMS® - Like many people, you may try to stay healthy by exercising regularly, following a good diet and avoiding dangerous activities. But as we all know, life is unpredictable, and despite your best efforts, you may encounter an injury or illness that can leave you unable to work for several months - or longer. If this happened, would you have difficulty paying your bills? Or would you be forced to dip into investments meant to help you achieve long-term goals, such as a comfortable retirement?
To help prevent these outcomes, you may want to protect yourself against the possibility of a disability. One good move is to build an emergency fund containing up to six months’ worth of living expenses, with the money kept in a liquid account. Even if you never need this fund for a disability, it’s hardly a wasted effort, because you could use the funds for other unexpected costs, such as a major repair to your home or car.
But to feel truly prepared for a disability that could threaten your financial situation, you may also need to consider disability insurance. If you work for a mid-size or large company, your employer may offer group coverage as an employee benefit. This coverage can be valuable, but it may not be sufficient. For one thing, many employer-sponsored disability policies won’t fully replace your lost income. Also, some group policies may make you wait longer than you’d like before your benefits kick in. And these policies aren’t always “portable,” either - if you leave your job, you might also be leaving behind your disability plan. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023

Political Cartoon: How the debt limit talks end
by Kevin Siers, The Charlotte Observer, NC
Distributed to subscribers for publication by CagleCartoons.com

Political Cartoon: Robert F. Kennedy JR. Challenging Biden
by Dick Wright©2023 PoliticalCartoons.com
Distributed to subscribers for publication by CagleCartoons.com

Political Cartoon: Up Against the Debt Ceiling
by Jeff Koterba©2023, patreon.com/jeffreykoterba
Distributed to subscribers for publication by CagleCartoons.com

Political Cartoon: Magoo DOJ
by Rivers©2023, CagleCartoons.com
Distributed to subscribers for publication by CagleCartoons.com

Political Cartoon: Writer’s Strike
by Pat Bagley©©2023, The Salt Lake Tribune, UT
Distributed to subscribers for publication by CagleCartoons.com

Political Cartoon: New Poll Hits Biden Age
by Rick McKee, CagleCartoons.com
Distributed to subscribers for publication by CagleCartoons.com |
Schoenbar Spring Concert By Judith Green -
In a galaxcy far, far, away... was the spring concert and it was OUTSTANDING!
These students had such a fun night - the flow was easy and so well coordinated. There were even Star Wars characters in and out during the evening -and some of the student members were dressed to fit the theme.
Ms Jamie Karlson - THANK YOU! What a fun program! You did amazing with these middle school students! You too were dressed to fit the theme - and you even joined in with the chorus while the jazz band played "Counting Stars".
Cantina Band was arranged by one of our talented community members - Thank you to Austin Hays, it was just right for Schoenbar students!
There was a classical piece by Gustav Holst "Mars" a section from his larger work "The Planets". - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
RE: Southeast Ferry Survey by A.M. Johnson By Rep Dan Ortix - I can say without doing a survey that it’s well known that folks in our district want ferry service to Prince Rupert. Over the last two years, there has not been one topic that I have heard more about from my District 1 constituents, than the importance of the AMHS to restore regular reliable service to Prince Rupert.
I fully agree with the concerns you raise about affordability and convenience.
Over the last four years I have been working with the Department of Transportation and AMHS management to get this ferry service going again. The reason for lack of service this summer has to do with not being able to fully crew both the Columbia and the Kennicott. The Department has known about these crewing issues for some time and needless to say I’m disappointed this was not resolved in time for summer service. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Corrupt Process Makes for Bad Government By Veri di Suvero and Andrée McLeod - We appreciate the arduous task legislators are charged with to assemble a balanced budget in order for Alaskans to live, play, work, and study in this great state.
However, the Alaska Public Interest Research Group (AKPIRG) objects to the 67% legislators’ salary increase on the basis of the corrupt process by which these salary increase decisions have been handled.
First, the State Officer Compensation Commission (SOCC). They submitted a report on January 24, 2023 which recommended salary increases for the Governor, Lt. Governor, and executive department heads. The Commission specifically did not recommend salary increases for legislators in a statement:
“No recommendations are being submitted for the legislator as the commission believes further discussion is necessary.”
The Legislature unanimously rejected the SOCC’s recommendation.
On March 14, 2023, the governor removed and replaced all members of the State Officers Compensation Commission. The SOCC held a "public" meeting the next day, on March 15th, for which the public was given less than two days' notice and no agenda or attachments. The five new Commission members met in a short 15-minute meeting. They waived the 20-day public notice requirement, provided a couple of anecdotal statements about the cost of living in Juneau, and voted to amend the report to include the 67% legislative pay raises without any explanation or supporting documents for this significant expense whatsoever. - More...
Thursday - May 11, 2023
Ferry to Prince Rupert Needed By David Alderson - I agree with Mr. Johnson and Frank Murkowski in need of the ferry to Prince Rupert. Also, Mary Dahle’s information she shared on the - More...
Wednesday - April 26, 2023
Open Letter to Rep. Ortiz: Southeast Ferry Survey By A.M. Johnson - In receipt of the recent survey, you have asked input for.... well and good, may I suggest an additional survey, one that ask Southeast residents which southern terminal they prefer for the Alaska Ferry, Bellingham or Prince Rupert? - More...
Wednesday - April 26, 2023
Thank you Ketchikan By Michelle O’Brien - On behalf of First City Rotary, I would like to humbly thank our community for your overwhelming welcome of First City Rotary’s Polish Open World Delegation. This is the second time that Ketchikan was tapped as an Open World Program location, with a group of Russians visiting Ketchikan approximately seven years ago. From what I understand, it’s somewhat rare to be selected twice as a host community. Our Russian group had an environmental focus, and this year’s Polish group concentration was Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. - More...
Wednesday - April 26, 2023
GRIFTING AWAY ON THAT SLIPPERIEST OF SLOPES; OR LEAVE THE SENIORS ALONE By David G Hanger - What a pathetic waste this city council is!!! As described by a former elected official they are a dull bunch of “tax and spend” Trumpistas, an observation clearly reinforced by their asinine conduct as the worst of “tax and spend” liberals while purporting to be small government fascistas; in short a gaggle of ungrounded idiots. Please recall these people; we simply cannot afford this kind of ignorance. In a year when the March inflation report was 10.4% per annum this bunch of bird brains jacked up the sales tax to 8% thereby burdening even further the locals trying to make ends meet while buying in stores that are increasing their prices 10% weekly. - More...
Wednesday - April 26, 2023
Why small businesses should care about the debt ceiling By U.S. Senator Ben Cardin - Starting or running a small business can be a challenge in the best of times. It requires bravery and personal risk. The financial risk is very real: Almost 65% of entrepreneurs rely on personal and family savings for startup capital, and others rely on their personal credit cards. - More...
Wednesday - April 26, 2023
Earth Is In Trouble By Donald Moskowitz - On April 22,2023 we celebrated Earth Day, but unfortunately our earth is in serious trouble.- More...
Wednesday - April 26, 2023
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