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June 05, 2018

Black Bear Cub & Mama Bear
Momma bear is very attentive and protective of her new little cub at Herring Cove. According to Alaska Department of Fish & Game, "Bears tend to be solitary animals except for females with cubs. Bear cubs are born mid-winter, tiny and blind, and nurse through the winter sharing their mother’s fat reserves through her rich milk. A female will typically have two or three cubs, and they will stay with her until heading out on their own as two-year-olds. Mother bears are fiercely protective of their cubs."
(Living with Bears, Safety in Bear Country - ADF&G)
Front Page Feature Photo By CINDY BALZER ©2018
Ketchikan: Ken C. Eichner Healing Garden Ribbon Cutting Wednesday - Ken Eichner was an aviation pioneer who was instrumental in navigating the direction of Ketchikan in the twentieth century. The co-founder of both the Ketchikan Volunteer Rescue Squad and TEMSCO Helicopters, he died at the age of 88 in 2007.

Ken C. Eichner
Photo courtesy PKMC
His legacy will continue with the opening of the Ken C. Eichner Healing Garden at PeaceHealth Ketchikan Wednesday. The garden is an outgrowth of the Eichner family’s generosity. The gift they made in his memory in 2014 is the largest private donation made to the Ketchikan Medical Center Foundation.
Everyone is invited to the grand opening celebration Wednesday, June 06, at 12:30 for the ribbon cutting ceremony followed by lunch with the Eichner family.
Elements of Eichner’s career are included in the garden. Helicopter blades and parts are incorporated into the design along with native plants and flowers and seating which will include benches and chairs and tables.
A handcrafted iron gate by artist Rhonda Green, depicts a helicopter pulling the American Flag, a tradition for Ken to kick-off the fourth of July parade. - More...
Tuesday PM - June 05, 2018
Ketchikan: RACE TO ALASKA ORGANIZERS SHIFT GEARS - Race to Alaska, now in its 4th year, just closed it’s registration and 47 teams will be at the start line. “This is when we start looking at our field on racers for who we think might win and who is going to make a really good story.” says Race Boss Daniel Evans. It’s his belief that it will be a slower paced year then in the past. “We don’t have the concentration of larger multi-hulls we’ve had in prior years. They’ll be some fast boats, but the average boat size has gone down.”
In the burgeoning tradition of the race there are those teams that are pushing the boundaries. For the first time ever there is a prone paddler attempting the race. Team Extreme Sobriety will attempt to complete the race laying on his stomach and paddling the board with his hands all the way to Ketchikan. “Yeah, and he intends to ride a bicycle from Ketchikan back home on Bainbridge Island.”
Daniel added, “We also have a 40’ international offshore racing boat from the 80’s (Superfriends), a team trying to be the first to complete the race by pedal power alone (Take me to the Volcano), 2 teams returning (PT Watercraft and Trak Kayaks) are trying to beat the world records they set for fastest solo and fastest kayak with no sail and another Stand up Paddler (Torrent) who is using the race to fuel a documentary to raise awareness about Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD in veterans.
There is no end to the stories this year. And the tracker is a good place to start.The tracker is a free to view map that allows online viewers to follow each team and even connects viewers to team social media pages.
Daniel and the media film crew will follow the race on a variety of power boats recording and interviewing the teams as they find their own way to make it to Ketchikan.
“We kind of make it up as we go,” said Zach Carver, the creative mind behind most of R2AKs videos. “We go where we have to to get the shots and stay up editing and cutting while the boat moves to the next location. It’s a kind of 24 hours a day operation. And it’s during that time that we start to see the stories of the race grow and become tangible.” All of the video clips and well as daily updates and the tracker can be found online for free. - More...
Tuesday PM - June 05, 2018
Alaska: Scientists find pre-earthquake activity in central Alaska By FRITZ FREUDENBERGER - Earth scientists consistently look for a reliable way to forecast earthquakes. New research from University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute professor Carl Tape may help in that endeavor, due to a unique set of circumstances.
“Our observations have recorded an unequivocally interesting sequence of events,” Tape said.
Tape and his colleagues found evidence for accelerating activity before a 2016 earthquake in a laterally moving fault zone in central Alaska. The activity included a phenomenon known as very low-frequency earthquakes, referring to the type of energy waves associated with it.
Typical earthquakes have two associated energy waves, called the P and S waves. Very low-frequency earthquakes do not have such signals. Instead, their waves occur on much lower frequencies.
“Most earthquakes start abruptly, but not always,” said Luciana Astiz, a program director in the National Science Foundation’s Division of Earth Sciences, which supported the research. “A fault zone in central Alaska monitored by new scientific instruments offers a look at a more complex process. This study reports the first observations of a slow process that transitions into an earthquake — something previously observed only in laboratory experiments. These new observations contribute toward understanding the physics of earthquakes.”
In 2015, Tape installed 13 seismic stations in the Minto Flats of central Alaska to capture the area’s fault activity. Nine days later, the instruments recorded a long-duration, very low-frequency process, normally only seen in deep subduction zones. This event showed a small amount of activity gathering, or nucleating, in a central area below the surface. It did not lead to an earthquake.
A second, similar event in 2016 led to a key observation. At Minto Flats, a magnitude 3.7 quake occurred at a depth of about 10.5 miles, not an unusual event in itself. However, the event was preceded by a 12-hour accelerating sequence of earthquakes and 22 seconds of distinct high- and low-frequency waves in a concentrated area.
Tape said that this kind of slow event transitioning into a rupture had previously only been seen in laboratory experiments. - More...
Tuesday PM - June 06, 2018
MONEY MATTERS: FINANCE 101 FOR WIDOWS By MARY LYNNE DAHL, CFP® - Financial problems are common at all ages, for both sexes and across all income groups of people. Widowhood is difficult for everybody, but for some women, it creates a major stumbling block over making necessary financial decisions she may not be qualified to make. This does not have to be that way, however.
Widowhood brings a new perspective on money to many women. While men have concerns, too, they have demonstrated less stress over the financial aspects of widowhood as compared to women, statistically. For whatever reasons, more women than men report being fearful and apprehensive of making the necessary and sometimes new financial decisions they face as a result of being widowed.
The big issue for most women, especially those who have stayed at home, raised their children and remained out of the workforce, are having a reliable and adequate source of income.
The easiest and least expensive solution to this problem is life insurance on the wage earner, oftentimes through an inexpensive policy purchased through the employer. It is generally accepted that the amount should be enough to produce income to support the family at least until all the children are grown and educated, but I have observed that employer policies may not offer enough to meet this need. If that is the case, an inexpensive term life policy can be purchased to provide the additional amount needed. Many women report, however, that they do not know if their deceased husband did, in fact, have any life insurance, either through his employer or additionally through a privately purchased policy.
Sometimes they do know, but are unaware of the cost, the death benefit or how to access this much needed insurance. I recall speaking with a woman one time who had been widowed about 7 months earlier and was still paying the premiums on her deceased husband’s life insurance policy. When I showed surprise at this and asked her why she was paying the premiums, her reply was that it was “a bill, and I pay all the bills as soon as they come in.” I gently informed her, of course, that she should notify the company of her husband’s death, stop paying premiums and collect the death benefit was now hers, tax-free. She was a little embarrassed but got on with making even more financial decisions after that.
Along with lack of knowledge about the income needed to run their households, women report a lack of knowledge about prioritizing the expenses for the household and family, particularly for expenses related to home maintenance, vehicles, insurance, credit cards, taxes and contributions to retirement plans. This lack of knowledge usually stems directly from not participating in the financial aspects of marriage and family life, not from any specific inability to manage money, however. It is the result of an arrangement in the marriage that delegates all financial matters to the husband and all family/child matters to the wife. This arrangement may work well while both husband and wife are alive, but it falls apart when the husband dies. The result of not understanding the household expenses is sometimes chronic overspending and the accumulation of credit card debt for a newly widowed woman. - More...
Tuesday PM - June 05, 2018

Norwegian Bliss
Norwegian Bliss is one of the largest ships to sail in Alaskan waters making her debue in Ketchikan Monday - June 4th. Norwegian Bliss has 20 decks, 2,038 staterooms and capacity for 4,000 passengers.
Front Page Feature Photo by STEPHEN SPEIGHTS ©2018 |
DAVE KIFFER: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's megaship!! - OMG, a cruise ship blocked out the sun this week!
Yeah, yeah, I get that everything blocks out the sun in Our Fair Salmon City.
Especially the endless clouds.
Which reminds me that once upon a time, one of my smarty pants cousins from Seattle said that Ketchikan must be on Venus because it is always covered in clouds.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
At least our atmosphere is not full of sulfuric acid and other modern pollutants like Seattle, I responded, showing off my impeccable grasp of Venusian meteorology.
Of course, that was before the atmosphere of Seattle became 97.8 percent cannabis smoke.
Oh, did I just say that?
But, I digress.
Anyway, a cruise ship blocked the sun in Ketchikan this week.
It was an amazing astronomical event.
One in which hundreds of Ketchikan residents immediately went outside their abodes and raised their cell phones to the sky to snap pictures of said nautical/celestial event.
At least that is impression that I got from Facebook, where posting after posting after posting appeared of photos the "Great Blissful Norwegian Eclipse of 2018." - More...
Tuesday PM - June 05, 2018

Political Cartoon: Bill Clinton's MeToo Mistake
By Kevin Siers ©2018, The Charlotte Observer, NC
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
For all we have, we owe thanks By Rep. Dan Ortiz - Last week I had the honor and privilege of attending the Kayhi Scholarship Awards assembly at the Ketchikan High School Auditorium. More than 6 million dollars in scholarships were offered to the Kayhi graduating class of 2018 and more than 3 million dollars were accepted. This is evidence of the hard work put forth by the students who were able to qualify for these scholarships and educational opportunities. It is also evidence of the ready support of their families, teachers, counselors, coaches, and the entire community of Ketchikan.
What struck me even more however, was that last Wednesday night’s scholarship assembly was just another of the countless examples that are before us each day, reminding us of how blessed we are to live in the community, state and country we call home. I’m guilty of taking for granted the amazing freedoms that we enjoy in this country - from the freedom of religion, to the freedom of speech and all the other freedoms that come with living in the United States of America. And, as the saying goes, it’s important to remember that, “freedom isn’t free.” - More...
Tuesday PM - May 29, 2018
Let’s make Alaska home of the next big idea By Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Energy Secretary Rick Perry - Over the next few days, the University of Alaska will host a unique event that brings dozens of the world’s best and brightest scientists to Fairbanks. Known as National Lab Day, this forum will provide an incredible opportunity for Alaskans to form new partnerships with the individuals who run our nation’s premier research institutions.
If national parks were America’s best idea, National Labs were our smartest. From their founding more than 70 years ago, the laboratories now affiliated with the U.S. Department of Energy have been engines of remarkable scientific achievement. Breakthroughs in renewable energy, the worldwide web, satellite technologies and safe drinking water are just a few of the many innovations to emerge from the likes of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Oak Ridge and Sandia over the years. - More...
Tuesday PM - May 29, 2018
The Stand for Salmon Deception By Curtis Thayer - The Alaska Chamber has long been an outspoken voice for pro-business policies that grow our economy and create economic opportunities for Alaskans. For several years, especially during the recent economic slump, we’ve advocated for a state fiscal plan that limits government spending and supports private sector growth.
Our annual public opinion survey found that 60 percent of Alaskans rate the state’s economy as poor. It’s a shocking number, and an indicator of how pessimistic Alaskans are about their ability to work and make a living here.
Alaska already has the unwanted distinction of having the highest unemployment rate in the country. Getting our economy and our state back on track requires some hard decisions and a vision for the future, but, in the short term, we have some serious obstacles right before us. - More...
Tuesday PM - May 29, 2018
Ketchikan Taxpayers & Assembly/School Board – or – The Ant and Grasshopper By Dan Bockhorst - In Delphi, Greece around 582 BC, Aesop narrated a fable of a grasshopper that spent the summer frolicking while an ant gathered food for the coming winter. When winter arrived, the grasshopper didn’t have enough to eat and begged the ant for food. The ant reminded the grasshopper of its failure to prepare for lean times and told it to frolic elsewhere.
2,600 years later and 5,775 miles away, the ant and grasshopper fable is playing out here in Ketchikan. The School Board asked the Borough Assembly to provide 12% more local discretionary funding for schools next year compared to this year. Unsatisfied with the requested 12% increase, four members of the Borough Assembly gave the School Board a 22% increase for next year, nearly double the Board’s request. - More...
Friday PM - May 25, 2018
More for less. By A. M. Johnson - Regarding the recent action of the Ketchikan assembly in funding actions, with the bent of the community fastly approaching the social levels of San Francisco, Seattle, and Portland, it is not surprising that fiscal responsibility has arrived at the point common sense has left the circus and the clowns now run the show. - More...
Friday PM - May 25, 2018
Open Letter RE Community Grants: KGB Mayor Landis By Glen Thompson - Dear Mayor Landis, At the Regular Assembly Meeting of May 7, 2018, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly (“Assembly”) introduced Ordinance 1859, adopting the FY2019 Borough Budget, and set that ordinance for public hearing at the Regular Assembly Meeting of May 21, 2018.
Draft Ordinance 1859, as presented to the Assembly for introduction, included $139,740 in community grant appropriations out of the General Fund to eleven non-profit entities that can be classified as Social Service agencies. Merriam-Webster defines Social Service as: - More...
Friday PM - May 18, 2018
2020 GO TO HELL, DOT By David G Hanger - While Juneau gets pristine roads without a pothole anywhere, Ketchikan gets a damned dog and pony show put on by DOT that includes toy trucks and hard hats for the kids. Plus the announcement that no improvements will be made to that hole in the road between the Coast Guard base and Saxman for at least three years. How much of this is racist????!!! Saxman is, of course, an Indian community.
In the meantime there are two sets of memorial wreaths, etc. set out to honor those who have been killed on that stretch of road in the past two or three years, which definitely makes this the most dangerous stretch of road on this rock. - More...
Friday AM - May 18, 2018
The Mysterious Jim Duncan By Tom Crosier - I worked with Jim Duncan's son, Rick on the F/V Margaret Ann, catching Dungeness crab in the areas around Bell Island. We sent 1500 pounds of live crab a week to Seattle by Alaska Airline. - More...
Friday AM - May 18, 2018
HB 312 strips away your rights By Andree McLeod - Lawmakers have again willfully and intentionally stripped away constitutionally protected rights of due process. House Bill 312 is, in part, an Act relating to arrest without a warrant for assault in the fourth degree at a health care facility. It impacts everyone, especially people who live with brain illness and cognitive impairments, such as autism, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, and mental illness, among other brain illness.
In their attempt to deal with an increased crime rate, lawmakers found the courage to strip away the rights of individuals who are at their most vulnerable, when they're brought to medical facilities experiencing confusion and severe bouts of psychosis, mania, disorientation, and other symptoms of brain and cognitive impairments unrelated to substance abuse. - More...
Friday PM - May 11, 2018
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