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June 07, 2020

Humpback Whales Bubble-net Feeding
At the waters edge, these beautiful whales surfaced against the pier at the Coast Guard base in front of the photographer..
Front Page Feature Photo By JORDAN BIRD ©2020
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Alaska: UA Board of Regents approves changes to academic programs and major cuts to administration; Did not vote to merge UAS with another university or close any UA Southeast campuses, will study - Posted & Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN - The University of Alaska Board of Regents dedicated the second day of its two-day Zoom meeting last week to addressing budget challenges faced by the University of Alaska system and transformational change, including voting to reduce academic programs, approving administrative cuts, restructuring debt and funding scholarships from the Natural Resources Fund.
The university’s budget has been impacted by a number of factors, most notably state funding cuts since 2015, enrollment decline since 2011, and the fiscal impact of COVID-19. In response, the University of Alaska will not pay $6.5 million in planned pay raises, will institute pay cuts for 166 executives through mandatory furloughs, and cut millions in systemwide administrative costs.
Of the $33 million in FY21 budget reductions, more than $4 million is in academics program reductions and $29 million is in administration and other areas.
According to a news release, Regents recognized that significant reductions also have been made to university expenses since FY14. Between FY14 and FY20 general fund budgets have been reduced at UA Anchorage by 19.4 percent; UA Fairbanks by 18.3 percent; UA Southeast by 23.3 percent and Statewide by 29.8 percent. Those reductions have already resulted in an employee headcount reduction of more than 1,700 employees.
The UA Board of Regents was presented with a number of options to meet UA system financial challenges, including perhaps merging the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) with either UA Fairbanks or UA Anchorage. At this meeting, the Regents voted to study the option of merging with UAF. They did not vote to merge UAS with another university last week, or close any UA Southeast campuses.
The Board envisions a study that involves “a transparent and inclusive process ... to inquire and collect data, examine ideas and opportunities, explore potential efficiencies, study the pros and cons of a structural option involving a merger of the University of Alaska Southeast with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, all the while maintaining the unique identity and environment of each university." The motion calls for the study to be completed no later than October 15, 2020. The Board of Regents will meet in November 2020 for further discussion about the merger option, to be informed by the results of the study.
UAS Chancellor Emeritus Rick Caulfield remarked, “I was very heartened by the comments of students and community partners who provided public testimony and written communication to the Board of Regents about the quality of a UAS education. UAS faculty and staff work hard to serve the distinctive needs of Southeast Alaska for higher education and workforce development. While the administrative structure of the UA system is under review, the university presence in Southeast Alaska is here to stay. UAS will continue its robust, fully-accredited academic programs and continue to deliver classes and serve students for many years to come.”
During the meeting, the board honored and passed resolutions for three retiring executives - UAS Chancellor Emeritus Rick Caulfield, UA Foundation President Susan Foley and General Counsel Emeritus Michael Hostina - and celebrated three staff members for excellence in student support - a highlight of Friday’s meeting.
Each year the UA president recognizes the contributions university staff make to students’ success through the Staff Make Students Count Award. This year’s award recipients are:
- UAA - Caroline Venuti, the Learning Resource Center Coordinator and writing tutor on the Kachemak Bay Campus of KPC, as well as the advisor for the KBC Student Association.
- UAF - Carol Hoefler, the administrative assistant for the Art Department, where she assists both graduate and undergraduate art students.
- UAS - Louis Scott, the Title III Academic Advisor, who provides student advising and math tutoring on the Ketchikan campus.
Jim Johnsen, UA president, said each of these extraordinary staff members shared their passion and dedication to the University of Alaska in telling the story behind their service to students and the values that guide them. It was a positive start to an otherwise challenging day of tough discussions.
On academic programs, the board voted to reduce, discontinue, rename or merge 45 academic programs, and agreed to postpone action on two programs - the Masters of Science and Doctorate of Philosophy in Atmospheric Science at the University of Alaska Fairbanks - for consideration in January. The board also approved the establishment of two new academic programs; the Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts at University of Alaska Southeast and the Undergraduate Certificate in Local Knowledge Educator at University of Alaska Fairbanks.
The eliminated programs will impact almost 700 students, 30 faculty and staff, and save close to $4 million. To fulfill the university’s commitment to students and to meet accreditation requirements, the plan is each affected student will work with faculty and staff to design an individualized multi-year “teach-out” plan for completing their academic program. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Ketchikan: Formal negotiations underway between City of Ketchikan & PeaceHealth - The City of Ketchikan and PeaceHealth commenced formal negotiations for a new lease and operating agreement of the City-owned PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center (KMC) on June 2, 2020. The City and PeaceHealth have worked together to provide essential care at Ketchikan Medical Center for nearly 60 years, and PeaceHealth’s presence in Ketchikan can be traced to the 1920s with the arrival of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace.
In preparation for the current lease expiration on October 8, 2023, the City retained ECG Management Consultants to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current lease agreement and services delivered to the community.
The City of Ketchikan also has solicited valuable input from the community through interviews and public forums.
Quoting a news release from the City of Ketchikan, both PeaceHealth and the City are eager to expand and enhance their long-standing relationship and look forward to continuing to meet the primary and specialty care needs of the community, including emergency, long term care, out-patient and in-patient acute care services. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Ketchikan: One death in early morning home fire By LARRY JACKSON
- North Tongass Fire dept recieved a call of a house fire at the old HALS equipment location. The Enright house was fully engulfed upon arrival.
On June 3, 2020, at approximately 3:39 AM, the Alaska State Troopers were notified of a structure fire on N. Tongass Highway. Fire officials reported finding a body inside the residence. The deceased has been identified by family as Paul Enright, 90 of Ketchikan. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Ketchikan: LGBTQ rally at City Float
- An informal rally was organized to highlight the choice to deny service by Heavenly Creations for a same sex marriage planned later this summer.
Kathleen Verela was attempting to order floral arrangements and was told that the business wouldn't help them. Safeway in Ketchikan accommodated the wedding flower order for Kathleen Verela for her son Tommy Verela and his same-sex fiancé.
- More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Ketchikan: Seagrove Kelp begins it first seaweed harvest By LARRY JACKSON
- I talked with Mark Scheer about his new venture growing seaweed on a new farm site just south of Craig.
After many years of planning and raising funds the farm is up and running and harvesting its first crop. Congratulations to Mark, his crew and all of those that took part in this start up.
- More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Ketchikan: Memorial Day at Bayview Cemetery By LARRY JACKSON
- The kids and I visit Bayview Cemetery and find Ed Zastro cleaning headstones on Memorial Day.
I worked with Ed Zastro and Doug Vig while teaching students to make and paint the memorial day crosses. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Ketchikan: Beach advisories for 2 of 12 monitored Ketchikan Beaches issued
Posted & Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN - The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation released the results for water samples collected on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 for Ketchikan beaches.
Advisories were issued for 2 of the 12 monitored beaches in Ketchikan. The two beaches in Ketchikan that had Enterococci exceedances above recreational standards are South Point Higgins beach (160 MPN/100ml) and Rotary Park Pool (617 MPN/100ml).
The remaining 10 monitored beaches in Ketchikan are below enterococci state recreation standards. The next Ketchikan Beach sampling is planned for Tuesday, June 9th. Sample results are expected to be available late afternoon on Wednesday, June 10th.
The Alaska Beach program was initiated along the Ketchikan coastline to monitor fecal waste contamination during the 2017, 2018 and 2019 recreational seasons. The 2020 recreational season will be conducted May through September.
Marine water samples will be collected at 12 monitoring sites to evaluate potential health risks indicated by enterococci bacteria, and to notify the public when levels exceeded state standards.
Past years of bacteria monitoring have shown elevated levels of bacteria along the Ketchikan coastline from several potential sources, including private and public sewer treatment systems, individual septic tanks, wildlife, pet feces, ferries, and private and commercial vessels. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Fish Factor: Covid cuts into annual fish, crab surveys; get weekly salmon stats, sign up for fish! By LAINE WELCH - Surveys of Alaska’s fish, crab and halibut stocks in the Bering Sea have been called off or reduced due to constraints and dangers posed by the coronavirus.
In what they called an “unprecedented” move, NOAA Fisheries announced in late May that five Alaska surveys will be cancelled this summer “due to the uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the unique challenges those are creating for the agency.”
NOAA said in a statement that they found “no way to move forward with a survey plan that effectively minimizes risks to staff, crew, and the communities associated with the surveys.”
The annual surveys are the cornerstone of Alaska’s sustainable fisheries management and provide data on how fish stocks are trending, where they are and, ultimately, how much will be allowed for harvest each year.
The cancellations include bottom trawl surveys at the Aleutian Islands, the eastern Bering Sea and the northern Bering Sea, the Bering Sea pollock acoustics survey, and the fall ecosystem survey.
To reassure stakeholders, NOAA said “we are fortunate to be working in a robust management system with a long time series of fisheries and ecosystem data and stock assessment models which helps ensure there is limited conservation impact from the loss of survey data this year.”
The agency also plans to use three wind-powered Saildrones equipped with echosounders to survey Alaska pollock stocks, which over 60 days will cover nearly the same area done by research vessels. NOAA also will gather data from state and industry partners and from fisheries observers.
That’s small comfort to some, notably, fishing towns that count on cod. The Gulf of Alaska cod fishery was closed this year due to a collapse of the stocks from extremely warm water temperatures over several years that killed off two year classes.
“We are concerned that with no surveys, the stock assessment will remain status quo and the GOA Pacific cod federal fishery will again be closed for 2021,” Alvin Osterback, mayor of the Aleutians East Borough, wrote in a letter to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, which oversees the stocks from three to 200 miles offshore.
Likewise, Bering Sea crabbers are feeling uneasy.
While they “understand the constraints the agency is under given this pandemic,” crabbers worry the lack of surveys could result in more conservative catch levels.
“We're very disappointed and concerned given the status of many of our crab stocks,” said Jamie Goen, executive director of Alaska Bering Sea Crabbers, a trade group. “Our bairdi Tanner fishery was closed this past year and our red crab fishery is approaching thresholds of closing. We rely on having a survey every year.”
The complex process of setting crab harvest limits already includes a myriad of built-in protection buffers, Goen said, and the lack of one data point should not add more.
Goen credited NOAA’s “crab team” for working closely with the industry and said ABSC already is looking towards next year.
“How can we start planning now so that this doesn't happen again if we're still under the same restraints with a pandemic?” Goen asked. “Generally, the government only allocates survey money for one year. Can they guarantee that we'll have that money next year? What if there's constraints on government staff? One of the things we can do in advance is a lot more planning for next season.”
“We all need to be understanding that the whole world is adjusting to a different situation right now,” Goen added. “Our fishing industries in Alaska are suffering and it’s a lot more expensive and stressful just getting our operations out the door. We’ve all got to roll up our sleeves and help each other out and find solutions to make sure we can continue to put food on people’s tables.” - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Alaska: AMHS Crewmember Tests Positive for COVID-19 in Dutch Harbor; Alaska Seeing Big Increase in COVID-19 Cases Posted & Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN - Yesterday afternoon, a crewmember on the Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) M/V Tustumena was notified that a person they had been in close contact with tested positive for COVID-19. At the time, the crewmember on the Tustumena was displaying mild symptoms including a runny nose, cough and body aches, but they did not have a fever. The crewmember isolated on board, and a rapid test was conducted at about 5 p.m. That test came back positive at 6 p.m.
The Alaska Division of Public Health is currently working to identify contacts. The vessel had a crew of 35 and no more than 60 passengers at any time during the voyage south from Homer to Dutch Harbor. At this time, 16 close contacts have been identified, all of whom were other crewmembers. All crew stayed onboard in Dutch Harbor. No passengers have been identified as close contacts.
Northbound passengers who boarded the vessel Saturday afternoon did not have contact with the COVID-19 positive crewmember and were only on the ship briefly. These passengers were notified of the crewmember’s COVID-19 positive status and disembarked the vessel at 7 p.m., with instructions to self-monitor. Six passengers who originally boarded the vessel in Homer did not disembark the vessel in Dutch Harbor.
Medical personnel screened the AMHS crewmember and remaining six passengers prior to departure from Dutch Harbor. During transit, only essential crew will operate; the remaining crew and six passengers will self-quarantine. No additional stops will be made along the way. After arrival to their final destination, crewmembers and passengers will be tested for COVID-19, they will then quarantine and self-monitor.
The Tustumena returned to service June 2 and just completed the first run down the Aleutian Chain. The vessel started service in Homer, and visited Seldovia, Kodiak, Chignik, Sand Point, King Cove, Cold Bay, False Pass, Akutan and Dutch Harbor. The Tustumena arrived in Dutch Harbor this morning.....(more)
Alaska Seeing Big Increase in Cases
Over the last 11 days, Alaska is seeing its biggest increase in COVID19 cases since the start of the pandemic. On May 28, 2020, the Alaska case count was 425 with a total of 17 nonresident cases. By June 7th, the Alaska case count had grown from 425 to 544, an increase of 119 cases in 11 days. Over this 11 day period, the nonresident case count increased from 17 to 46, an increase of 29 cases. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020 |
Ketchikan: Ketchikan EOC Sets Up COVID-19 Testing Site for Arriving Out of State Travelers -
In response to the updates to Alaska Health Mandate 10, the Kethcikan Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has set up a COVID-19 testing site at the airport parking lot on the Ketchikan side to be able to test passengers arriving from out of state. The testing will be provided to travelers entering Alaska, whether by plane or boat.
Health Mandate 10.1 [interstate and international travel requirements] will be effective at 12:01 a.m. on June 6, 2020. All persons entering Alaska from another state or country must:
- Complete a Traveler Declaration Form,
AND One of the following options:
- Arrive with a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within the last 72 hours and present results upon arrival.
- Arrive with a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken within 5 days before departure to Alaska; obtain a second COVID-19 PCR test when you arrive in Alaska, and minimize interactions until the second test result is received and that test is also negative;
- Participate in a COVID-19 PCR test when you arrive in Alaska, and self-quarantine until negative results arrive; or
- Self-quarantine for 14 days at your expense or the duration of your trip whichever is shorter.
- If you are an essential worker: Follow the work plan that your employer filed with the State of Alaska.
- If you have previously had COVID-19 at least three weeks prior to travel to Alaska; are asymptomatic; and have a medical provider’s note of recovery, you do not have to be re-tested or self-quarantine.
- Alaska residents who travel out of state for five days or less are not required to be tested before leaving or prior to returning to Alaska and nay choose to follow Option 3 or 4 above.
Health Mandate 10.1 and additional information for travelers is available online, click here.
Why was the Ketchikan side of the airport ferry parking lot selected instead of the airport?
The mandate requires a quarantine or a negative COVID-19 test for all travelers entering Alaska, regardless of the mode of transportation. As such, the EOC will be providing testing to any passenger arriving from out of state, whether by plane or boat. While the Kethcikan Emergency Operations Center (EOC) understands that it may be more convenient for some travelers for testing to be provided at the airport itself, the EOC sought a location that would be accessible to the wide variety of ways that individuals arrive into Ketchikan. The EOC also took into consideration the space needed in order to safely set up a testing center. The airport terminal building and the surrounding area of the airport terminal have space limitations.
With the opening of Alaska, the Kethcikan Emergency Operations Center (EOC) anticipates that there will soon be additional private and commercial planes and vessels coming up from the lower 48. According to the AMHS website, the ferry from Bellingham is scheduled to resume trips to Ketchikan on June 29th. The Ketchikan side of the airport ferry parking lot is a location that is centrally located in Ketchikan, is accessible to all of these incoming passengers, and has the adequate space needed for a safe testing site. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Alaska: Delegation Will Continue to Fight for Life-Saving Road for King Cove - U.S. Sens. Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Rep. Don Young (all R-Alaska) released the following statements on Thursday after a federal judge ruled against a U.S. Department of the Interior land exchange agreement needed to facilitate a short, gravel, life-saving road that will connect King Cove, Alaska, to the all-weather airport in nearby Cold Bay.
“This decision is yet another bitter disappointment for the good people of King Cove,” Murkowski said. “I continue to believe the Department of the Interior has full authority under existing law to complete this land exchange, that the federal government has an obligation to protect local residents’ health and safety, and that a gravel, one-lane, life-saving road is the best way to meaningfully accomplish that. I refuse to give up on helping the people of King Cove.”
“The 11-mile King Cove road has been unfortunately caught up in the courts for years, risking the wellbeing and in some cases, the very lives of the residents of King Cove,” Sullivan said. “This decision was based on administrative process technicalities and upholds Obama-era arguments—which unconscionably prioritized wildlife over human lives. Instead, the Department of Interior’s policy change to approve the land exchange was reasonable and properly balanced refuge priorities with allowing a single-lane, life-saving gravel road. I remain confident that the Department of the Interior can and will authorize the road, and we in Congress and the people of King Cove will continue to fight for it.”
“I have long believed that the Department of the Interior has full authority to complete this land exchange on behalf of the people of King Cove,” Young said. “For these Alaskans, having access to a road can save their lives in the event of medical emergencies and natural disasters. Although this decision is deeply disappointing, I will continue working with the Alaska Delegation and the Administration to ensure that King Cove’s families can stay connected to the rest of our state, and enjoy the sense of safety and security they deserve.” - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020 |
DAVE KIFFER: A Few More Choice Words from the Branch Covidians -
Oh My Covid, Quarantine
In a panic, slipped my mask on,
Just to go outside to shine
in the sunny springtime weather
But I broke my quarantine
And the 'CoVid' cops came running
With their rules so Byzantine
And they caught me within six feet
of a maskless Philistine
Oh my Covid, oh my Covid
Oh my Covid Quarantine
We'll be masked it seems forever
Oh my Covid Quarantine
That Boys and Girls is what we call a Quarantune, and not a particularly good one (you try rhyming "Byzantine," it just plain does not scan).
But, as usual, I digress
We're back with another episode of "words you didn't know you needed until you found yourself in the End Quarantimes."
Speaking of which, the End Quarantimes are a subtopic in the last book of the Bible, the Book of RevoltingRelations. In which rather than be sent to the Kingsford Charcoal Fiery Pit of Doom (Beezlebub sold the naming rights years ago), we are instead damned for all eternity to be stuck inside four walls with those we care about the most and who seemingly can send us into fits of utmost rage simply by breathing too loud.
In the meantime, here are some more new covidimunications that you can banter about when you get tired of sighing too loudly.
Covid-lision Avoidance - When two shopping carts approaching each other in Aisle 5 suddenly veer off simultaneously.
Covidiot - Anyone who calls the pandemic "fake news" or reposts articles about miracle cures.
Pan-demic - The sudden explosion of Teflon in your sink when you just can't handle one more night of take out.
Quarateen - An adolescent who is even less pleasant than the regular one who has been living in your home for the last fifteen years. It's like being on an endless road trip to Yellowstone, only you never get to the Wyoming border or any border at all. (see loud sighing above) - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020

Political Cartoon: The Coronavirus never left
By Dave Whamond©2020 - Canada, PoliticalCartoons.com.
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
Post Pandemic Fiscal Realities By Rep. Dan Ortiz - The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated our lives, and it has been the focus of Alaska leaders in an effort to slow the spread. However, I also want to begin focusing on what we will face once the pandemic subsides. Alaska has challenges different and greater than other states, such as the following declines in: the financial markets tied to the Permanent Fund, demand for seafood, the visitor industry, the rural healthcare system, and the oil industry. The Alaska economy cannot be rebuilt unless we fully understand the unique impacts of these fiscal ‘earthquakes.
1. There has been a dramatic drop in the financial markets that produce the Permanent Fund earnings, which in turn funds our public services and the dividend. Because the Permanent Fund earnings provides more than 70% of the state’s revenue in the yearly budget, this drop will impact our state revenue, spending, and dividend. How big the short- and long- term impacts are will be determined by how the legislature decides to handle such pressing fiscal hardships.
2. Demand for seafood, caused by lack of foreign trade and restaurant shutdowns, has declined. Many Alaskan seafood products are experiencing significant reductions in market price. Although it is likely that fisheries prices will rebound faster than other industries whenever the global economy returns to “normal,” in the short-term, fishermen are struggling. Fishermen are self-employed and do not qualify for many traditional safety nets. Although the long-term outlook for our seafood industry is still strong, the Legislature and the Administration must remain committed to adequately funding the management of this critical renewable resource and the habitat that supports it.
3. The visitor industry is fueled primarily by cruise ship companies, and unfortunately, Alaska likely won’t see any large cruise ships this year. The international ownership structure of major cruise ship companies will make a bailout by a single nation nearly impossible. Currently, there is a pervasive fear of travel around the world. This virus may be a long-term pandemic, with increases in cases every few weeks or months. It may even become a yearly inhibitor to the industry, at least until we see a vaccine. Alaska will have to slowly rebuild its visitor industry over several years, and the revived tourism industry may look different. I will continue to advocate in the Legislature to support that effort by investing budget resources in the Alaska Tourism Industry Association. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
The DPS Takes a Stand Against Police Brutality By Commissioner Amanda Price, AST Colonel Bryan Barlow, AWT Colonel Doug Massie and Fire Marshal Rich Boothby - This past week, no matter where you were or what you were doing, we all became aware of the protesting around our nation that was sparked by the death of Mr. George Floyd, an American now known across the globe. A police officer involved is now charged with murder. The actions of the officers on the scene that day have rightfully put all law enforcement, and equitable treatment in the criminal justice system, in the spotlight.
Throughout Alaska, there were peaceful protests, and hundreds of Alaskans added their voices peacefully to the masses denouncing police brutality and racial injustices. The public is not alone in condemning police brutality. Alaska State Troopers condemn police brutality and the actions that led to the end of Mr. Floyd’s life. Alaska Wildlife Troopers condemn police brutality and the actions that led to the end of Mr. Floyd’s life. Alaska Fire Marshals condemn police brutality and the actions that led to the end of Mr. Floyd’s life. The Department of Public Safety stands alongside all American peaceful protestors in solidarity and in search for justice and equality.
Thanks to the work of Elizabeth Peratrovich, an American Civil Rights Activist and an Alaska Native, the first anti-discrimination law in the United States was passed in Alaska in 1945. Alaska had not yet realized Statehood when this occurred. While Alaska led the country in anti-discrimination legislation, Alaskans and Alaskan law enforcement continue to strive toward a balance of racial or cultural footing. Generally, Alaskans and law enforcement enjoy a strong partnership, and that partnership was reflected in the recent peaceful protests held in our great state. However, racial and cultural relationships require law enforcement to take a consistent, diligent, and conscious effort. Racial and cultural inequities will only be improved when we, as a people, focus on kindness and understanding.
The Department of Public Safety does its part by committing to the highest of standards for our employees and proactively working to foster trust with the public we serve. In these times of civic unrest, it is imperative the Alaska law enforcement community stay vigilant, aware of the concern about police tactics, and constantly work to earn trust. - More...
Sunday PM - June 07, 2020
Major oil producers thrive, while Southeast suffers By Robin O. Brena - Five years ago, Alaskans gave up roughly $1.5 billion per year for our oil under Senate Bill 21. In return, we were promised things would be better because there would be more capital investment, more oil jobs, more oil production and more state revenue. Not one promise was kept, and, instead, we got nothing. - More...
Monday AM - June 01, 2020
Those TV ads you are running for BIG OIL are gonna come back to bite you By Ray Metcalfe - Take Close Aim at your foot and pull the trigger Matt Tomter, owner of Matanuska Brewing. Those TV ads you are running for BIG OIL are gonna come back to bite you. - More...
Monday AM - June 01, 2020
Communist China Owes Pandemic Reparations By Donald Moskowitz - Communist China has a history of experimenting with contagious viruses. In 2013 scientists at the Harbin China Veterinary Research Institute produced a new virus by combining the HSN1 bird-flu with a 2009 H1N1 flu virus, and the resultant virus was highly contagious among humans. In 2019 the COVID-19 virus most likely came from the Chinese Virology Laboratory in Wuhan China which was experimenting with COVID-19 bats. U.S. scientists and intelligence officials said COVID-19 was not manmade or engineered in a laboratory, but they are investigating the COVID-19 source to be bats infecting workers at the Wuhan laboratory who then transmitted the virus to the public. - More...
Monday AM - June 01, 2020
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