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September 02, 2003


Front Page Photo...

'Rainy Day in Ketchikan'
Photo by Chris Wilhelm

Ketchikan: Front Page Photo - This rainy day photograph was taken by Chris Wilhelm on Monday, September 01, 2003. According to the FAA Ketchikan Flight Service Station, 3.17 inches of rain was recorded Monday....
Tuesday - September 02, 2003 - 12:40 am

Photo Description: Ketchikan, Alaska - between ca. 1900-1930. The hilltop Main School building built in 1904 is visible in this photograph. Forms part of: Frank and Frances Carpenter collection (Library of Congress). Gift; Mrs. W. Chapin Huntington; 1951. Courtesy Library of Congress

June Allen Column: ANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR IS HERE; Readin' and writin' and 'rithmetic again - Why is it that kids who whoop and holler with joy at the end of the school year in June are so eager to go back again in September? Maybe it's the brand new tablets and computer paper, new text books, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils (yet to show bite marks), and the boxes of pristine crayons. Or is it all those summer-acquired skills plus good intentions about study and behavior and tests; maybe it's just judging new faces and high-fiving old ones. It may also be the squeak of corduroy trousers, the brand new shirts and shoes, backpacks, jackets with the sleeves a little too long and the fresh haircuts even if they're a little too short? - Read the rest of this story...
Monday - September 01, 2003 - 12:30 am

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Ketchikan, Alaska