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September 05, 2003


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'Mud Bight'
by Dick Kauffman

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Local Candidates Filed
As of Friday, Sept. 5th
Last day to file 09/09/03
Ketchikan: Front Page Photo - This photograph of Mud Bight was taken Tuesday. Mud Bight is approximately 8 miles north of Ketchikan ...
Friday - September 05, 2003 - 12:30 am

Alaska: Administration Begins Integration of Human Resources Management Functions - Governor Frank Murkowski has approved an effort, which began Thursday, to consolidate human resources management and other personnel functions into one cohesive unit within the Division of Personnel in the Department of Administration. Currently, human resources managers are scattered throughout the fourteen departments of the executive branch. - Read more...
Friday - September 05, 2003 - 12:30 am

Alaska: Army to spend $2.3 million in fines, environmental projects in Alaska - The Northwest office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Tuesday that the U.S. Army will spend a total of $2.3 million to settle a 1999 EPA complaint accusing the Army of years of major violations of the federal Clean Air Act at its Fort Wainwright installation in Alaska. The complaint was subsequently amended to include violations at Fort Richardson.- Read more...
Friday - September 05, 2003 - 12:30 am

Alaska: New Campaign Finance Initiative Restricts Soft Money - Representatives Harry Crawford, Eric Croft, and David Guttenberg re-filed their initiatives on Campaign Finance Reform and the Election of U.S. Senators Thursday, with changes including a new provision restricting soft money donations to political parties in the campaign finance reform initiative. - Read more...
Friday - September 05, 2003 - 12:30 am

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Photo by Chris Wilhelm

Ketchikan: The image of the cruise ship Vision of the Seas is reflected in the window as an unidentified worker at Royal Jewelers puts his wares in the display cabinet. - Click for larger photo...

Mike Reagan Columnist: Giving Credit Where Credit Isn't Due - Pvt. Jessica Lynch fought fiercely and shot several enemy soldiers after Iraqi forces ambushed the Army's 507th Ordnance Maintenance Company, firing her weapon until she ran out of ammunition," The Washington Post breathlessly reported. - Read more...
Friday - September 05, 2003 - 12:30 am

Alaska: Sitka aircrew receives national award for rescue heroism - A Coast Guard Air Station Sitka helicopter crew will receive a Coast Guard Foundation award for heroism during an October 2002, rescue case. .... Lt. Cmdr. Mark Reynolds, pilot; Cmdr. Scott Pollock, co-pilot; Aviation Mechanic Technician 3rd Class Edmond Cumplido, flight mechanic; Aviation Survival Technician Chief Schoenwether, rescue swimmer; and Cmdr. Russ Bowman, flight surgeon, will receive their award at the Coast Guard Foundation's annual "Salute to the Coast Guard" ceremony Oct. 16 at the Marriott Marquee in New York City.- Read more...
Friday - September 05, 2003 - 12:30 am

Ketchikan: Ketchikan borough's annexation push angers some - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough's push to annex thousands of acres of Southeast Alaska land has riled residents of two targeted communities. - Read more...
Fairbanks Daily News Miner - Friday - September 05, 2003

Alaska: Sitka will let Greenpeace ship dock - The Greenpeace ship Esperanza will be granted dock space when it arrives in Sitka on Saturday. City Administrator Hugh Bevan said the ship will be treated like any other transient vessel. - Read more...
Fairbanks Daily News Miner - Friday - September 05, 2003

June Allen Column

June Allen Column click here...

White Cliff Elementary
photo by Dick Kauffman

photosANOTHER SCHOOL YEAR IS HERE; Readin' and writin' and 'rithmetic again - Why is it that kids who whoop and holler with joy at the end of the school year in June are so eager to go back again in September? Maybe it's the brand new tablets and computer paper, new text books, the smell of freshly sharpened pencils (yet to show bite marks), and the boxes of pristine crayons. Or is it all those summer-acquired skills plus good intentions about study and behavior and tests; maybe it's just judging new faces and high-fiving old ones. It may also be the squeak of corduroy trousers, the brand new shirts and shoes, backpacks, jackets with the sleeves a little too long and the fresh haircuts even if they're a little too short? - Read the rest of this story...
Monday - September 01, 2003 - 12:30 am

arrow To read more stories by June Allen, click here...

June Allen's Column Is Made Possible In-Part By These Local Sponsors: Madison Lumber & Hardware, Inc. ~ Downtown Drugstore ~ Alaska Glass & SupplySourdough Bar Liquor Store ~ Sitnews...

download deis gravina...

Ketchikan:Gravina Access Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement Now Available Online - Click here to read or download the report...
Posted: Wednesday - August 06, 2003 - 2:10 pm

DEIS public comment period closes on October 06, 2003

arrow Gravina Access Project: Schedule of upcoming open houses & hearings


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Ketchikan, Alaska