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September 14, 2003


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View of Mt. McKinley - 1910
Forms part of: Frank and Frances Carpenter collection
Gift; Mrs. W. Chapin Huntington; 1951. Courtesy Library of Congress


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June Allen Column: Alaska's Magnificent Mt. McKinley and the president it's named for - Alaskans know their state is the most spectacular of all the fifty political entities we call the United States of America. Alaska is the largest state, twice as large as Texas and then some. On the mainland mass of Alaska is the highest mountain in North America; on Prince of Wales Island in the archipelago of Southeastern Alaska are the deepest caves in the nation. Alaska has the largest national forest, the most miles of coastline, the most glaciers, and the most active volcanoes of any state. The development of the state's vast reservoir of natural resources is the most hotly debated in the nation. Everything in Alaska is big and it's dramatic.

And most dramatic of all is Alaska's magnificent Mt. McKinley - a mountain that in good weather can be seen from Anchorage, from Fairbanks, from the Bering Sea shores and locations far to the north. The Russians saw it. Capt. George Vancouver saw it. This mountain is not a picturesque and graceful volcanic cone but a giant heap of great ice-covered rock rising 20,320 feet into the atmosphere. It is the coldest mountain in the world and there are mountaineers who also call it the single most impressive mountain the world, because: unlike the world record Himalayan and Andes peaks that rise from already enormously high mountain ranges, McKinley rises to all its impressive height almost alone, with only nearby Mt. Foraker and Mt. Hunter even close to its height. - Read the rest of this story...
Sunday - September 14, 2003 - 1:00 am

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Sgt. Zack Pilcher, USMC
Iraq 2003
photo courtesy Sgt. Pilcher

Ketchikan: Local Marine Homeward Bound; Soon to put foot on American soil again... by M.C. Kauffman - It's official! Sgt. Zack Pilcher and several hundred other Marines will soon have their feet on American soil once again. Pilcher and the First Battalion, 4th Marines Bravo Company will be arriving back in the United States on Monday morning - September 15th.

Eagerly awaiting his return and meeting him in California will be his wife Nikki Pilcher. The Pilchers are newly weds - married in June of 2002. With Sgt. Pilcher stationed in Iraq, their first wedding anniversary was spent apart.

Sgt. Pilcher is the son of Ketchikan residents Dan and Gigi Pilcher. His mother said, "I am so excited he is coming home - back to American soil! I sure wish I could be there to welcome him home." Sgt. Pilcher's mother said the days have been long and that although she was aware that her son was in harm's way, she tried not to worry. - Read more...
Sunday - September 14, 2003 - 1:00 am

Alaska: Alaska congressmen balk at Bush overtime changes - The Bush administration's effort to revamp overtime pay rules stumbled in the Senate last week on the votes of a few Republican defectors, including Sens. Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. - Read more...
Fairbanks Daily News Miner - Sunday - September 14, 2003

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Clara Fraizer & Tillie Hoff
photo by Gigi Pilcher

People of Ketchikan: Beading - Clara Fraizer was photographed while she was intently working on a "Spirit" necklace at the recent Ketchikan Indian Community's 3rd annual Women's Conference. Seated next to Clara is Tillie Hoff who was also busily beading her "Spirit" necklace. Both ladies created beautiful necklaces and enjoyed the time they spent visiting as they beaded. - View a larger photo...
Sunday - September 14, 2003 - 1:00 am



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Ketchikan, Alaska