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SitNews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska
September 29, 2008

Front Page Photo By MARY KURTH

Fireboat Harry Newell
creating its own rainbow in Tongass Narrows recently.
Front Page Photo By MARY KURTH



Fish Factor: Fishermen work together to promote seafood harvests By LAINE WELCH - More Alaska fishermen are proving that it pays to work together to enhance and promote their own seafood harvests.

In 2005 the state legislature approved a unique concept that allows fishermen in 12 distinct areas to form Regional Seafood Development Associations, and vote to fund them through a self-tax on their catches. The money is collected as a deduction off the fish tickets during a fishery and goes to the Dept. of Revenue. It is then appropriated back to the RSDA's prior to the next fishing season. Fishermen can use the money for any projects they choose.

Salmon fishermen in two regions have embraced the concept so far ­ Bristol Bay and Copper River/Prince William Sound. Southeast and Aleutian Islands harvesters have organized an RSDA and are set to vote on a tax assessment over the winter.

Not surprisingly, Copper River/PWS fishermen were the first to form an RSDA as soon as the program was approved. A one percent tax paid by each of the region's 540 member drift gillnet fleet yields up to $350,000 each year. The group has used the money to expand markets beyond the region's summer fisheries, including west and east coast advertising promotions of fall coho salmon.

The RSDA hosted a media tour of the Copper River fishery and Cordova community this summer, said executive director Beth Poole. The group also has developed a 'best practices' quality and handling guide, and aims to get an ice barge to service more fishing regions.

"For a few years we've been working on getting an ice facility in Prince William Sound for some of the lesser known runs," Poole said.

The region's 33 set netters will vote this winter on a self-tax and joining the RSDA, she added.

Bristol Bay fishermen comprise the biggest RSDA with its 1,800 member drift gillnet fleet. The group has amassed nearly $2 million from its one percent tax on 2006 and 2007 catches, and projects to add an additional $1.4 million from the 2008 salmon season.

"The primary goal is to improve revenues for Bay fishermen," said RSDA director Bob Waldrop. "The fastest way to get to do that is through improved quality. We won't spend one penny on marketing efforts until we do that."

To boost quality, the RSDA put more than half of its cash into chilling projects throughout Bristol Bay. Waldrop said two million pounds of ice was put into boat holds this summer, enough to chill up to 8 million pounds of fish so far.

"Multiply that by 10 cents per pound as a chilling bonus and you've got a significant amount of money in the checkbooks of the fishermen, which normally wouldn't have been there," Waldrop said.

Waldrop said it is gratifying to see fishermen working together in such a well organized way. The Bristol Bay group is hoping that the region's set netters will also vote to join the RSDA, which would push its membership to 3,000 salmon permit holders.

"The biggest challenge is selecting amongst all the opportunities available to us. There's just so much to do and so many different ways to apply ourselves," Waldrop said. "It's not to say there aren't some disagreements about ideas, but there is a great deal of unanimity about the sense of self empowerment that this represents ­ that we can make a difference. And we are."

Fishermen in Southeast Alaska are trying again to launch a RSDA after narrowly voting down a self-tax in 2006. The initial effort was designed to include more than 60 fisheries; this time the attempt is being made on a smaller scale by the 486 member salmon driftnet fleet. - More...
Monday - September 29, 2008

Ketchikan: Wearing Denim for a Cause - October 3rd won't be any ordinary casual Friday at Ketchikan Indian Community (KIC) offices. The denim worn on this day will not only be worn for comfort, but it will also make a powerful statement for an important cause. As Lee National Denim Day moves into its thirteenth year, KIC is gearing up to participate in this grassroots program which has raised more than $70 million for breast cancer research.

Participants at KIC are being encouraged to wear denim in exchange for a $5 donation to the Women's Cancer Programs of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF). Funds raised support some of the most promising treatment and early detection research in the country, as well as the grassroots advocacy work of the National Breast Cancer Coalition according to information provided by Geri Kelly.

"We're always looking for interesting ways for our employees to get involved in fundraising activities," said Debbie Patton, General Manager. "Lee National Denim Day is easy and fun to do. Everyone gets to wear jeans to work in exchange for a $5 donation and the money helps fight breast cancer, a cause that is very important to many of our employees." - More...
Monday - September 29, 2009


Basic Rules

Update in Progress

letter Surf's Up at South Point Higgins Beach By Eric Muench - Borough voters will soon have to decide whether they should authorize the Borough to purchase a recreation beach that most long-time residents thought was theirs all along. Proposition 1 on the Ketchikan Gateway Borough's October 7 ballot will ask: "Shall Ordinance 1496 authorizing the acquisition of South Point Higgins Beach funded through the sale of Borough lands and authorizing issuance of notes or other debt instruments in connection with the acquisition in an amount not to exceed $1,170,000.00 be approved?" - -More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter Another Sucker Hole? By Ken Bylund - The hedonistic clouds parted for the day in Ketchikan's Daily News [9/22/ 08], the weekend edition article entitled, 'Timing is perfect for Stedman.' Thank you Mr. Stedman; your clear and honest disclosure is refreshing and should be alarming; quoting Bert Stedman - 'it appears Ketchikan's power needs will exceed the excess power available from the Tyee Lake power plan within five years' end quote... the Intertie won't be able to support us, get it? Won't be enough left to heat that big new swimming pool, or the city's shiny new library... and us poor folks out here huddled around our Chinese manufactured electric space heaters, when the lights dim, just remember... don't bring in the BBQ. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letterRoad to nowhere By Tom Ferry - It was interesting to see Ketchikan's Mayor Weinstein, whom I voted for, on CNN ragging on the so called "Road to Nowhere".from the bully pulpit. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter South Point Higgins Beach By Ardath Piston - We are fortunate to live in beautiful Southeast Alaska. Ketchikan is a wonderful place to live for many reasons. Maybe we don't all see eye to eye on some issues, but when necessary we pull together for a common cause. I am writing to encourage all of you to join me in a common cause that will lend to the health and happiness of our community. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter Respect and Tolerance for Native Americans By Carol Christoffel - Thank God for the beginning of the truth-telling by Mr. Hoff and Mr. Giago. There is a great myth laced with misunderatanding and racism, that underlines much modern day Christian theroy. Many will claim that they are "sharing" as in dialoge, but really it is a monologe, as they are completely unable to acknowledge the gifts of another culture while dwelling on it's shortcommings. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter That good old Bridge (again) By Charlotte Tanner - Ginny Eiseman appears to have forgotten a fourth category of people whose feeling about that Bridge to Nowhere, were that it was an egregious waste of money. I belong to that category, and not to the three she enumerated in her letter. I am sure I have company. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008


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letter Mayor Bob By Rob Glenn - Mayor Weinstein should be thanking Sarah Palin right now. Had it not been for Palin becoming the GOP VP candidate the Mayor would not be the celebraty he is today. No NYtimes, no CNN, he would just be the mayor of a Ketchikan, Alaska. Ketchikan known for its bridge to nowhere well before Sarah Palin was nominated. Ketchikan where many people are struggling through cancer. Ketchikan where just recently the water was declared ok to drink. "Ketchikan, a quaint little drinking villiage with a fishing problem." - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letterWrite in Carl Webb By Carl Webb - I have served with the School Board for the past three years. I was considering not running for this term. I think the Board needs to be balanced. I am an advocate for basic education and abstinence of drugs and alcohol. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter Highway To Nowhere! By Dan McQueen - I've heard there are 4 miles of empty road on Gravina now. It seems like it might be a great site for wind generated power. Easy access, the road is already in. Ketchikan has lots of wind. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter MAYOR TO NOWHERE!!! By Angelo Martin - It's been 8 years since I was forced to leave your community. I now live in Nehalem, Oregon and quite happy. I have followed K-town online the past 8 years. I did not know that the city of Ketchikan's Mayor position was a partisan elected position. Mayor Weinstein has led your community to nowhere .You now are owned by the cruise ship industry. You now have a forest industry, fishing industry, mining industry to nowhere under leadership of Mayor Weinstein!!! If your governess does not get elected as V.P. you are in big trouble, thanks to your Mayor. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter RE: "Bridge to nowhere" By Don Wesley - In response to Joan Beraldi's letter concerning the "Bridge to nowhere":- More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letterBail out By Robert K. Rice - If throwing about a trillion dollars out into the housing crisis, what if we give it to the people who were suckered into these unrealistic loans, then they can pay off the greedy immoral #&**##%^&*# leeches, and the leeches can get at the end of the line. - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter Palin By Jerilyn Lester - You are asking me to vote for the woman that can't even live in the Southeast even though she is supposed to take up residence in Juneau since that is the Capitol? She has charged this state with 365 days of Per Diem for living in the house she owns in Wasilla.- More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letter RE: McCain will increase taxes for the middle-class By Peg Travis - Joan Beraldi, you don't think Obama will raise taxes? I feel he will put many of us on Welfare before the end of next year!!! - More...
Thursday - September 25, 2008

letterNo Blank Check. Ensure Fiscal Responsibility. By Paul Merrill - I am very worried about the proposed bailout of the financial services industry that will cost US taxpayers nearly a TRILLION dollars. I've spent all morning writing my elected officials and the chairmen of the House and Senate Finance Committees and I encourage you to do the same. - More...
Monday - September 22, 2008

letter Know Knowles = No Knowles and Mayor Whines Too By Edward Brown - I wrote awhile ago that former Gov. Tony Knowles should really take all the credit along with former President Bill Clinton for shutting down the only pulp mill left there In the 1st city and State of AK. Then their liberal media friends stained Ketchikan's reputation and Uncle Ted too by calling out the Gravina island bridge. They are so darned ethical. Really? They really want the credit for shutting down that bridge. Sarah's trying to get all the credit now. Boo hoo. - More...
Monday - September 22, 2008

letter Anti Alaska Mythbusters By Herb Small - In response to Mayor Weinstein regarding a group he has formed called "Alaska Mythbusters", I'd like to question the following: Besides Weinstein, Tony Knowles and three other people who belong to this esteemed group - who else belongs and why were they so secretive in their meeting that they didn't even bother to notify our local press prior to conferring with the national news media -- who I might add didn't seem to just jump on their story and print it on the front page of the NY Times. - More...
Monday - September 22, 2008

letterMcCain will increase taxes for the middle-class By Joan Beraldi - I am concerned about the lack of attention the media has focused on Senator McCain's tax proposals. Senator McCain has already stated he will increase taxes by taxing workers on their employer provided health care. This means that your gross taxable income will be increased by the value of your health care insurance. You will pay higher taxes because your taxable income will increase. - More...
Monday - September 22, 2008

letterPro Edwardson for City Council By Ginny Eiseman - I completely echo Mr. Edwardson's letter regarding the Mayor and the bridge. - More...
Monday - September 22, 2008

letterPutting My Trust in McCain & Palin By Bill Hendricks - I see in the paper that "Mayor" Weinstein has gotten in bed with "Where's Tony" Knowles who got in bed with "Intern" Clinton and attacked Governor Palin. - More...
Thursday PM - September 18, 2008

letter Religion and Native Americans By Tim Giago - Like Don Hoff Jr., I was indoctrinated into Catholicism while held captive in an Indian mission boarding school for 11 years. - More...
Thursday PM - September 18, 2008

letterSharing of Faiths By Judy McCune - In response to Mr. Hoff's letter stating that the Natives need to get back to their own ways and not let other religions distract them from doing so -- I live in Western Washington and consort with many Natives of many tribes in a very beautiful way. I love the Native people with all of my heart. I am seeing that they are learning about their culture, enjoying their beliefs as well as afiliating with other religions. In fact, they invite me to join them in their Native Traditions. The sharing of our Faiths goes both ways. - More...
Thursday PM - September 18, 2008

letter Mayor Weinstein's Criticism of Gov. Palin By Mary Jansson - It is my opinion that Mayor Weinstein has done nothing positive for our City or for our State either. He sure was right there to condem our Alaska State Govenor, just to see his name in print I would suppose -- through the associated press. - More...
Thursday PM - September 18, 2008

letter Government money By Stephanie Sherva - Thanks Barb Lander for saying what I've felt for a long time now, but didn't how to say it. - More...
Thursday PM - September 18, 2008

letterPalin and the "Bridge to Nowhere" By Barb Lander - To the many Ketchikan residents who are loudly aghast at Governor Palin's remarks concerning the Gravina access project, please remember that she is a politician. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Byron Whitesides' Letter By Sen. Bert Stedman - On August 17th, Mr. Byron Whitesides of Ketchikan posted a copy of a recent letter he sent to me regarding the resource rebate passed last month. Here is a copy of the response I sent to Mr. Whitesides today [September 09, 2008]. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Gas prices By Carl Webb - Take it from the Oilman. The fuel prices at the pumps are being controlled in this small town by Carrs/Safeway. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter RE: Church and State By Preston Clark, Jr - I feel that we do need a little faith when it comes to running a christian based republic. I do not believe that one person should force his/her own personnal beliefs on another when they can't have their own way. Ben Franklin, along with many of the founding fathers, once wrote to the Congress of the United States that they believe that the Bible should be taught in schools and urged Congress to make a wise judgement on deciding this idea during the early years of the US. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Re: Church and State By David Korkowski - Thank you Mr. Hanger for once again showing us the open-mindedness and tolerance of liberals and Democrats. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Demise of Tlingit Natives is Religion By Don Hoff Jr. - If only Alaskan Native Tlingits in Southeast Alaska spent only half the time learning Tlingit culture, our traditions and our history, instead of wasting our time learning about Non-Native Gods and churches. We would know what Clan, Tribe and house we belong to. We would be better off in today's society. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Ketchikan swimming pool By Shauna Lee - I completely agree with Zig regarding the Ketchikan swimming pool. My entire family has enjoyed the facility at one time or another and swimming is a fantastic all around past time on many levels. I fully support the improvement of a city pool. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Need for pools By Morgan Doubleday - Many thanks to my friend Zig Ziegler for the great pool comments for Ketchikan. I write this because we have a pool here in Sitka at the Hames Center, on Sheldon Jackson campus which has closed its doors. The property likely will be parceled out and the gym and pool facility are very important for Sitka and I'm not sure they see its true value. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Slamming social work and social workers? By Ralph Mirsky - While watching the Republican National Convention, I asked myself; why would the Republicans spend a whole night of their convention attacking ordinary people? - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Mayor shooting his mouth off By Charles Edwardson - First of all I am running for City Council. I am a general contractor past commercial fisherman, Pulp mill worker and heavy equipment operator and many other jobs in between. I have served on Ketchikan Indian Community Tribal council for four years, past vice president of the Ketchikan Home Builders Association,(SEABIA) current president of (SEABIA) Southeast Alaska Building Industry Association. I teach construction technology at UAS Ketchikan and helped establish the Ketchikan Construction Academy. I was recently chairman of the Citizens for a Positive Economy (now inactive) and am involved in various other organizations in Ketchikan. In my spare time I coach Dribblers League and have watched every single game of two, going on three, girls' play basketball from Dribblers through Schoenbar ,ultimately KAYHI. They all have done very well. My ten year old is following in her three sisters footsteps and is tearing up every sport she participates in (proud father obviously). - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Palin supports the Knik Arm Bridge to Nowhere By Joan Beraldi - Doesn't anyone remember that the Knik Arm Bridge was also the "Bridge to Nowhere?" The impression I got today while watching CNN was that Governor Palin forgets that the Knik Arm Bridge which links Anchorage to Wasilla via Pt. Mckenzie, was part of the congressional earmarks labeled with the imfamous saying. The photo on CNN showed Governor Palin holding up a t-shirt with "Nowhere Alaska 99901" imprinted on it. She definately wants to distance herself from the Knik Arm Bridge because the bridge will benefit Wasilla, and she is holding herself out to be against earmark funding to benefit local constituents. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Sarah Palin is a Politician By Lisa Noland - Sarah Palin is a politician that has a transparent desire to rise to the top at whatever cost. This means that if she needs to twist the facts in order to appeal to the majority of the voters, she is going to do it. She is beautiful to look at, and clearly a polished public speaker. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letterGutter Ads Get Us Nowhere By Christina Zettner - John McCain's "maverick" and "reform" image is proving to be nothing more than that: an image. The John McCain of 2000 denounced attack-and-run politics that smeared candidates and distorted facts. But now, his campaign is relying on those same tactics and has crossed the line with the latest television ad rolled out in battleground states. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Governor Palin By Marty West - Ketchikan will be the butt of jokes for years to come and a synonym for wasteful spending. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Remarks hurt Ketchikan By Michael McColley - Ketchikan Mayor Weinstein that will lose his next term as mayor because of his remarks about our Alaska governor. I didn't like any of the Mayor's remarks toward Gov. Palin, and I am sure those remarks will hurt Ketchikan's projects in the future.- More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Holding Palin's Feet to the Fire! By Jay Jones - Hurrah for Guv Tony and Mayor Bob for holding Sarahcudda's feet to the fire for flip-flopping, or at least changing her mind (don't cut her any slack because she's a woman!). - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter GO PALIN GO By Mike Isaac - I hope that when John McCain takes the helm on 1-20-09 that he pushes for things that are both good for the 300 Million people and not his old friends with their 8 figure incomes that pay their help $8 hr or just steps down after 24 hrs. McCain had no chance till he picked Sara Palin for VP. Some of the polls have Obama ahead by only 5% in NY, 7% in WA, 8% in CA and OR, MN is now tied. Those are states where he should be ahead by over 10%. OH and PA are also tied and MT and FL are looking red and all of this is thanks to Sara Palin. She has taken the lead away from the Messiah. Sara leads the Messiah 227 to 207 with most of the 104 toss ups turning red. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter RE: Racism, whatever the language is wrong! By Donita O'Dell - I agree completely with Ms. Cadle, and thought that I had written as much in my original letter. In the first two sentences I explained that I had a difficult time understanding what point Mr. Garcia was trying to make much of the time. (Like Ms. Cadle, I have experience interacting with ESL speakers/writers, but the letter was undecipherable in many parts.) The rest of my letter was nothing more and nothing less than a statement of the disgust I felt that such ethnically-based smears were printed, in clear violation of the editor's "rules." Since that apparently was not clear enough the first time around, I will say it again, hopefully more clearly: - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Obama; Too cruel to the handicapped to be President? By Mark Neckameyer - It is just so ironic. The Democrats who present themselves as being so "Feminist", belittle a woman, Governor Palin, for working while having children at home. Next while they claim to be the "protector of handicapped Americans", they run a ad to mock John McCain's war injuries that prevent him from using a computer keyboard. That's right, McCain can't comb his own hair or tie shoelaces. He lost some of the capabilities most people have while defending all of us in Viet Nam where the Viet Cong smashed his arms and hands trying to torture him into becoming a "turncoat" as his father was a top admiral. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter What to do? By Robert McRoberts - I am sure we all get caught up in our lives where we are to busy too care. I should have gotten in on the ballot to be the next mayor, but I am too busy to get involved. I would just like to give suggestions, just as we all should, unless you're just crying that someone did something. Just what does the Mayor get for pay? You cry about buying the guy a few meals. Why should a go-getter want to get involved? - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

letter Go Palin! By Thomas Thrush - Mr Glenn, I am with you on the bridge, I agree 100 percent on the bridge. - More...
Tuesday - September 16, 2008

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