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September 08, 2015

Little Goat Lake
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Alaska: Governor Asked to Investigate Alaska's High Gas Prices BY MARY KAUFFMAN - With gas prices remaining high despite plummeting oil prices, Rep. Scott Kawasaki (D-Fairbanks) is asking Alaska Governor Bill Walker to begin an investigation into the retail price of fuel in Alaska. In a letter sent to the Governor on Friday, Rep. Kawasaki asked the Governor to find out why price reductions in Alaska are trailing price reductions nationwide.
“Alaska’s high cost of living is only exasperated by the high cost of gasoline, diesel and heating fuel,” said Rep. Kawasaki. “Alaskans deserve a clear answer to why such an oil rich state has the highest gas prices in the country. The high cost of energy is putting a damper on our economy just when we need to give it some air.”
Rep. Kawasaki represents one of the most heating fuel dependent regions in Alaska and he’s a prime sponsor of House Bill 37, which seeks to deter price gouging for gasoline and heating fuel.
In Friday’s letter, Rep. Kawasaki notes that in 2007 when oil was priced at $78 dollars a barrel the price of gasoline was just $2.40 a gallon. However, today oil prices are hovering below $50 dollars a barrel but gasoline is still priced well over $3.30 a gallon.
“It curious that when oil prices go up the price for gas also goes up but when oil prices fall we don’t see that same decrease in gas prices,” said Rep. Kawasaki. “Gas prices that do not reflect the trends seen in the lower 48 states are intolerable for Alaskan consumers and deserves a thorough investigation.”
Rep. Kawasaki is asking the administration of Governor Walker to prepare a report and recommendations for the Alaska Legislature as soon as practicable on the gas price issue.
According to gasoline price website GasBuddy's daily survey of 398 gas outlets in Alaska, average retail gasoline prices in Alaska have fallen 5 cents per gallon in the past week, averaging $3.32 per gallon on September 8, 2015. This compares with the national average that has fallen 6.1 cents per gallon in the last week to $2.39 per gall, according to GasBuddy.com.
Including the change in gas prices statewide in Alaska during the past week, prices Sunday were 64.9 cents per gallon lower than the same day one year ago and are 13.9 cents per gallon lower than a month ago. The national average has decreased 20.2 cents per gallon during the last month and stands 103.7 cents per gallon lower than this day one year ago.
In the Ketchikan Borough, the average gas price according to GasBuddy is $3.50 per gallon. On Prince of Wales, the average gas price per gallon is reported to be $3.32 as of September 08, 2015. The price per gallon in the Ketchikan Borough and in the City of Ketchikan also includes a sales tax. - More....
Tuesday PM - September 08, 2015
Alaska: Alaska among states with highest job satisfaction rate at 54.3 percent - Buoyed by a rapidly tightening labor market, job satisfaction among American workers rose slightly for the fourth consecutive year in 2014, and now stands at the highest level since 2008, according to a report released today by The Conference Board. Nevertheless, satisfaction remains stubbornly low in historical terms, with the majority still not satisfied at work. At 54.3 percent, the Pacific states - Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington - had the highest job satisfaction rate in 2014.
Based on a Fall 2014 survey of 5,000 U.S. households conducted for The Conference Board by The Nielsen Company, Job Satisfaction: 2015 Edition found 48.3 percent of Americans satisfied with their jobs, up from 47.7 percent in 2013 and 42.6 percent in 2010 (an all-time low). As unemployment plummeted over recent years - from 9.1 percent in April 2011 to 5.1 percent in August 2015 - job satisfaction has risen in kind, reflecting heightened competition for talent and the perception of expanded opportunities for turnover and advancement. In fact, absent workers' sense of growing job availability, overall satisfaction would have actually fallen slightly since 2012. This negative underlying trend mirrors the long-term picture: While job satisfaction topped 60 percent in the late 1980s and stood at 58.6 percent in 1995, a majority of Americans haven't been satisfied at work since 2005. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 08, 2015 |
Southeast Alaska: Archaeologists piece together how crew survived 1813 shipwreck in Alaska - Working closely with the U.S. Forest Service and the Sitka Tribe of Alaska, an international team of researchers funded by the National Science Foundation has begun to piece together an archaeological and historical narrative of how the crew of the wrecked 19th century Russian-American Company sailing ship Neva survived the harsh subarctic winter.

Dave McMahan, Neva Project principal investigator, takes notes in a completed excavation block.
Credit: Gleb Mikhalev
Courtesy National Science Foundation
"The items left behind by survivors provide a unique snapshot-in-time for January 1813, and might help us to understand the adaptations that allowed them to await rescue in a frigid, unfamiliar environment for almost a month," said Dave McMahan of the Sitka Historical Society.
McMahan is the principal investigator for the NSF award, which was made by the Arctic Sciences Section in NSF's Division of Polar Programs.
The wreck of the frigate Neva, which occurred near the city of Sitka, has been surrounded by stories and legends for two centuries. Although survivors eventually were rescued and taken to Sitka, few accounts of their experience were collected or published. No official records relating to the wreck and its aftermath have been discovered.
The researchers are seeking to verify the wreck location and confirm the site of a survivor camp. They also hope that Tlingit oral history will add to the story and help to place the wreck in a broader context.
The NSF-funded work stems from a 2012 survey project by the U.S. Forest Service, the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology and the Sitka Historical Society. At that time, archaeologists discovered caches of Russian axes at a location they predicted to be the survivor camp.
The archaeological team - which includes members from Russia, the U.S. and Canada - believes articles they found over the past two years represent the everyday tools used by 26 shipwrecked members of the Neva's crew. Those crewmembers survived for almost a month in the winter of 1813 by foraging and gathering materials that washed ashore from the wreck.
In July, researchers discovered at the campsite a series of hearths with early 19th century artifacts such as gun flints, musket balls, pieces of modified sheet copper, iron and copper spikes, a Russian axe, and a fishhook fashioned from copper. Well-preserved food middens--or refuse heaps - will allow reconstruction of the foraging strategies the sailors used to survive. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 08, 2015
Arctic: Polar bears may survive ice melt, with or without seals - As climate change accelerates ice melt in the Arctic, polar bears may find caribou and snow geese replacing seals as an important food source, shows a recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE. The research, by Linda Gormezano and Robert Rockwell at the American Museum of Natural History, is based on new computations incorporating caloric energy from terrestrial food sources and indicates that the bears' extended stays on land may not be as grim as previously suggested.

A mother polar bear and her cub are near the coast of Western Hudson Bay.
Photo courtesy © AMNH/R. Rockwell
"Polar bears are opportunists and have been documented consuming various types and combinations of land-based food since the earliest natural history records," said Rockwell, a research associate in the Museum's Department of Ornithology who has been studying the Arctic ecology of the Western Hudson Bay for nearly 50 years. "Analysis of polar bear scats and first-hand observations have shown us that subadult polar bears, family groups, and even some adult males are already eating plants and animals during the ice-free period."
Previous studies have predicted mass polar bear starvation by 2068, when annual ice breakup is expected to separate the bears from their sea-ice hunting grounds for a consecutive 180 days each year--creating ice-free seasons that will last two months longer than those in the 1980s. But those estimates assumed no energetic input from land food sources.
Gormezano and Rockwell computed the energy required to offset any increased starvation and then determined the caloric value of snow geese, their eggs, and caribou that live near the coast of the Western Hudson Bay. They found that there likely are more than enough calories available on land to feed hungry polar bears during the lengthening ice-free seasons. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 09, 2015 |
Columns - Commentary
TOM PURCELL: To Revive America, Resuscitate the American Entrepreneur - Here's a sobering fact: American entrepreneurship is in decline for the first time since the U.S. government started measuring it.
And U.S. Census Bureau data show that the U.S. ranks "12th among developed nations in terms of business startup activity," according to Jim Clifton, chairman and CEO of Gallup.
Believe it or not, when measured in per-capita terms, socialist countries such as Denmark, Finland, New Zealand and Sweden now have more startups than we do.
So does Hungary, formerly part of the Soviet bloc, as well as Italy, which hasn't had many successes in the economic prosperity column since before the Roman Empire collapsed.
Israel, which is a hub of innovation, entrepreneurship and economic wealth production, is the only country ahead of us that makes any sense.
But it gets worse.
"You never see it mentioned in the media, nor hear from a politician that, for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births," writes Clifton.
According to the most recent numbers, 400,000 new employer businesses — those with one or more employees, which Clifton says are the real engines of economic growth — "are being born annually nationwide, while 470,000 per year are dying." Whereas in 2008, business startups outpaced shuttered businesses by 100,000.
If these sorry numbers don't worry you, they should.
Clifton says that "when small and medium-sized businesses are dying faster than they're being born, so is free enterprise. And when free enterprise dies, America dies with it." - More...
Tuesday PM - September 08, 2015

Political Cartoon: Marriage as God Intended
By Pat Bagley ©2015, Salt Lake Tribune
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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A DISTINCT & PREDICTABLE PATTERN By David G Hanger - The inefficiency, incompetence, and outright corruption that monopolies always bring is once again on display in Southeast Alaska with the now annual “GREAT ALASKA GASOLINE GARGANTUAN PRICE GOUGE & RIP-OFF” in full flood. I am sure we will hear that redundant chiming of excuses why all this has to be, but remember one simple thing: They are all a bunch of damned lies. Every year after the Fourth of July gasoline prices go down, the past two years incredibly dramatically, because of seasonal declines in demand, and generally stay down until after Thanksgiving, i.e. the onset of winter. Everywhere but Southeast Alaska where the rigged deal is in. All evidence indicates our politicians belong to Crowley [shipping], bought and paid for. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
Ketchikan's cigarette tax By Chris Elliott - I'm down to 2-3 cigarettes a day, so a tax on them isn't going to hurt me much, but I think our government leaders are missing out on a real cash cow... BOOZE! If they're just looking for an easy mark, booze is going to bring in a lot of extra cash if a hefty tax is levied on it. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
RE: Are You Ready for Back to School 2015? By Amanda Mitchell - Recently, Susan Johnson, wrote into the Sitnews about ‘tighter immunization laws’ in many states. As a clarification, in our State you are allowed religious and medical vaccination exemptions. Hopefully, one day in our State there will be personal exemptions as well. Yes, some states are moving to take your rights away to define what you can or cannot do with your bodies. Some would like States to have full control to define what is healthy and then force you to do what it defines as best. If you believe you have a right to force someone against their will to inject something into their body or alter it for your safety, well-being or desires, then you incorrectly put your responsibility onto somebody else. (So much for tolerance and acceptance of a way a person is or was born, huh? ) Also, if you believe you are responsible for what I or any other person does with our bodies, then you have deemed yourself to be our master and owned by you. Disturbing to say the least as slavery was abolished long ago, but also this paves a very dangerous path for genetic engineering and transhumanism to eventually lead to genocide for those that don’t quite measure up to the ‘health’ standards defined by man. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
THORNE BAY RESIDENTS BEWARE OF THE CITY COUNCIL By Guy Lane - I filed a complaint against the City of Thorne Bay and spoke against the City Council and Administrator, I am now being harassed by the City to an unprecedented level as they attempt to take my constitutional rights and means to protect my family away, this could happen to any resident who makes a complaint or grievance against the City, "there has been recent complaints from several residents of being intimidated and the City Council refused to hear their complaint during a council meeting and or just belittled them". - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
Terrorists? By Robert B. Hoston Jr. - Hillary Clinton is now comparing Republican presidential candidates to terrorists. Terrorist are known for barbaric acts of taking innocent lives, even beheadings and not caring for women. Clinton is comparing presidential candidates to terrorists as she touts women’s rights to healthcare, i.e. “the right to kill" their pre-born children by abortion. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
Open Letter to President Obama By Brett Veerhusen - The Seafood Harvesters of America (the Harvesters) represents 17 commercial fishing organizations from Alaska, to the Gulf of Mexico and New England. As its Executive Director, a life-long Alaskan fisherman, Bristol Bay fisherman, and the son of a man who has fished for 45 years in Alaskan waters, I [welcomed your recent] visit to this great state. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
Global warming By Duane Hill - Inuit verbal tradition includes stories about warmer years, so "global warming" is nothing new. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
Trump The Loose Cannon By Donald A. Moskowitz - Donald Trump should not be a candidate for President of the United States. He is a volatile "loose cannon" who is out of control, and I am not referring to the immigration issue, which has to be addressed by more logical minds. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
Rebirth of America and the World By Joe O'Hara - There is a multitude of 2016 presidential hopefuls - physicians, business people, politicians, liberals, a socialist, and many conservatives - all claiming to have the best interests of the American people at heart. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
Federal income taxes By Amerigo M Cimino - I am heartily in favor of the Fair Tax. Which I think is the only fair way to finance our Federal Government. The Fair Tax is Fair, because it treats every person as equals! There is no discrimination. as race; color; or creed! The Fair Tax is Blind, exactly as our figure of Justice! - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
RE: "Stop Feeding the Beast" By Stephen Eldridge - Mr. Brooks, the Alaska FairTax (FT) Director continues to spew FT propaganda that is false and misleading. He once again pounds on the evils of the current system which we all agree with, including those of us who favor a very flat income tax. He claims (falsely) that "The IRS would be terminated and collection of consumption taxes would become a state level responsibility." That is false on all levels. - More...
Wednesday PM - September 09, 2015
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October 6, 2015
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Borough Assembly
3 Year Term
2 Seats Open
Scott (Sheen) Davis |
Trevor Shaw |
Stephen Bradford |
Gabriel Duckworth |
Hodne |
Wong |
School Board
3 Year Term
3 Seats Open
Archibald |
Eisenhower |
Manabat Parker |
KTN City Council
3 Year Term
2 Seats Open
Spencer S.
Janalee L.
KTN City Council
1 Year Term
1 Seat Open
Charles F.
Slagle |
KTN City Mayor
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