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September 12, 2016

Let's Ride
This bicycle is just the right size for what appears to be Wrangell's first bike riding Kingfisher.
Front Page Feature Photo By CARRIE MCCORMACK ©2016
October 04, 2016
Ketchikan Borough Election
This is the 14th year, Sitnews has provided FREE web exposure to all local Ketchikan candidates to provide information for consideration by their constituents.
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KTN Borough Mayor
3 Year Term
1 Seat Open |
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3 Year Term
2 Seats Open |
Conan Matthew Steele |
Trevor Shaw |
Kim Hodne |
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Southeast Alaska: U.S. State Department Again Urged to Focus on Transboundary Issues - Alaska's Congressional Delegation joined together to again urge U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to address the downstream risks that mining in British Columbia may pose to Alaska and Alaskans.

Southeast Alaska Transboundary Watersheds with Large-Scale Mining Activities
Map courtesy Salmon Without Borders
Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young wrote a letter September 08, 2016 to Secretary Kerry, seeking his State Department’s engagement in their efforts to ensure that British Columbia institutes appropriate safeguards to prevent potential negative impacts to transboundary waterways and fisheries. Additionally, the Delegation formally requested a meeting with Secretary Kerry to discuss these issues.
The Congressional Delegation expressed their frustration over seeing little action from the State Department on the issue over the past year.
“Alaska is a resource state and we believe, as Canadians do, in smart, thoughtful extraction of energy and minerals. Mining is central to our economy, provides well-paying jobs, helps generate revenues for our treasuries, and serves as the foundation of our manufacturing sector. But we are very concerned about the absence of leadership at the Department of State to constructively and candidly address the transboundary issue and work collaboratively with Canada to find the best mechanism to proactively resolve concerns.”
As mining activity continues to expand in British Columbia, the Delegation urged swift engagement from the State Department.
“Treating transboundary mining issues with urgency and focus today would prevent discord and disaster tomorrow. We need the federal government to partner with Alaska to press Canada on policy answers.”
In the letter to Secretary Kerry, Alaska Senators Murkowski and Sullivan and Representative Young state: “When you visited Alaska last year, we were encouraged by your comment that ‘downstream impacts should not be taken lightly by any country, anywhere.’ But we remain troubled that nearly a year later, we have seen little action from the State on such an important issue to so many. […] We need the federal government to partner with Alaska to press Canada on policy answers.”
The letter includes a meeting request with Secretary Kerry, and outlines specific requests. These requests include the appointment of a Special Representative for U.S.-Canada Transboundary issues, and the creation of an Interagency Working Group to address the concerns of Alaskans and to act on viable next steps and solutions embraced by Alaskans such as a referral of the international situation to the International Joint Commission.
"We are encouraged and grateful for the Alaska Congressional Delegation's persistence in pursuing State Department action to protect the region from downstream impacts related to mining in transboundary watersheds," said Dale Kelley of Alaska Trollers Association. "Fishermen now call on Secretary Kerry to stand up for clean water, healthy fish and wildlife, and American jobs, by securing agreements with Canada to protect our waters and indemnify from loss those who could be harmed as a result of mining activity along the border."
This is the fourth letter sent by Alaska’s Congressional Delegation to the State Department regarding this issue in the last two and a half years. Responses from the State Department, according to yesterday’s letter, have failed to adequately address original questions outlined in previous letters from the Delegation. Moreover, the most recent State Department response referred to the Statement of Cooperation between the State of Alaska and British Columbia, which the Delegation today argued, “is only one step in a process which must include federal leadership.”
"We thank our Alaskan Delegation for following up on their previous letter to Secretary Kerry," said Frederick Olsen Jr., Chairman of the United Tribal Transboundary Mining Work Group. "Please, we need direct federal actions in this international issue. We don't need more research on whether the International Joint Commission is relevant to our area. It's been relevant since 1909. When someone possesses a tool tailor-made for a job, they should use it."
More than ten large-scale open-pit hard rock mines in various stages of development in British Columbia threaten the transboundary Taku, Stikine and Unuk Rivers, which originate in B.C. and flow into Southeast Alaska. These rivers collectively support Southeast Alaska’s traditional way of life and multi-billion-dollar fishing and tourism industries.
“There must be more direct consultation with Alaska Tribes and the federal governments. Our Alaska Delegation recognizes this and we are determined to work with them in moving this forward with them,” said Rob Sanderson Jr., 1st Vice President of Central Council Indian Tribes of Alaska, and Treasurer for the United Tribal Transboundary Mining Work Group that represents 15 federally recognized Tribes in Southeast Alaska. - More...
Monday PM - September 12, 2016
Southeast Alaska: Wrangell Garnet Ledge History Published - After almost 40 years of research, the history of the Wrangell Garnet Ledge was recently released by author, Patricia A. Neal. The famous garnet ledge is located north of Wrangell in Southeast Alaska near the mouth of the Stikine River on the mainland. It is well-known for the children of Wrangell who have sold garnets to visitors to the community for many years. Wrangell is located in the SE Panhandle of the state.

“Wrangell Garnet Ledge History and the History of the Alaska Garnet Mining & Manufacturing Co.” By Patricia A. Neal
Wrangell businessman Fred G. Hanford donated the property to the local boy scouts in the 1960s with the provision that children of Wrangell had free access to the property to dig garnets which they sold to tourists. If it ceased to be used for scouting purposes it could not be sold. It was to be turned over to the First Presbyterian Church in Wrangell. Hanford wanted to make sure the property remained in Wrangell. The regional scout council turned the property over to the church several years ago.
The property was once mined by a group of fifteen women from Minnesota beginning in 1906. All that had been known of the corporation were the names of the women. It has taken Neal 37 years to track down the women to find out who they were. She was able to find some of their descendants who contributed to the book. In her research she found another dozen women who also invested in the first all-woman corporation in the United States which added to the research required.
The women ran the mining operation without men involved in the company. They did hire men to work in the mine. They just weren’t going to allow any men in the corporation because they didn’t want a man telling them what to do!
Anna E. Durkee was the majority shareholder who oversaw the corporation. She went on to become a well-known mining woman in her own right. She parlayed the garnet mine profits into purchasing mining property in Arizona.
Neal includes mining claims that were filed on the property from the early 1800s although the majority of the claims were short-lived. A group of insurance brokers from Chicago were the first to attempt to make a profit from the ledge in 1905. That only lasted a year. They exhibited garnets at the 1904 Lewis and Clark Exposition in Portland, Oregon.
It was the group of women who showed everyone how it was done. They participated in the 1909 Alaska-Pacific-Yukon Exposition held in Seattle and the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition held in San Francisco. The women received great press in the newspapers across the country. - More...
Monday PM - September 12, 2016
Southeast Alaska: Search Suspended for Woman Missing in Lynn Canal - The U.S. Coast Guard and the Alaska State Troopers suspended the search for a missing 25-year-old woman who went into the water while aboard the cruise ship Norwegian Pearl at 4:28 p.m. Friday.

Lynn Canal, Haines area of Southeast Alaska
Photo by Commander John Bortniak, NOAA Corps
Wikipedia Commons wikipedia.org
The crew of the Norwegian Pearl reported the woman, a crewmember aboard the vessel, had gone overboard Thursday morning while the Norwegian Pearl was transiting Lynn Canal.
The search was initiated Thursday morning, at approximately 7:00 AM, by the United States Coast Guard after learning Natalia Molina, age 25, of Colombia fell overboard from the cruise ship Norwegian Pearl near Funter Bay.
"We searched extensively with the Alaska State Troopers with multiple aircraft and surface resources for more than 42 hours," said Petty Officer 1st Class Blake Fleming, command duty officer, Coast Guard Sector Juneau. "After saturating a search area of 340 square-miles in Lynn Canal with 13 different search patterns, we made the difficult decision to suspend the search after our combined efforts were not able to locate her."
The 17th Coast Guard District command center coordinated the search which included Coast Guard Air Station Sitka helicopter crews, Coast Guard Station Ketchikan response boat crews, the crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Liberty and Alaska State Trooper fixed-wing aircraft and response boat crews. - More...
Monday PM - September 12, 2016
Alaska: Governor Announces Trip to Singapore and Korea to Market Alaska LNG - Governor Bill Walker announced Friday his plans to attend the CWC 8th World LNG and Gas Series – Asia Pacific Summit in Singapore later this month. While traveling abroad, the Governor will also participate in the Korea Ministry of Foreign Affair’s State Government Key Personnel Invitation Program, which invites select United States Governors to Korea for one-on-one meetings with government officials and private sector companies to advance issues important to that state.
“As Alaska takes the lead in developing its North Slope natural gas, it is absolutely critical that we go to the global market and meet with prospective buyers,” said Governor Walker. “The Alaska LNG project would bring billions of dollars in new revenue to our state, provide affordable energy to Alaskans, and ensure a long-term supply of natural gas to Asian buyers. I am looking forward to the significant networking opportunities this trip will bring, and the chance to promote Alaska’s rich supply of natural gas to the world market.”
While in Korea, Governor Walker and his team will meet with representatives from KOGAS, the largest single buyer of liquefied natural gas in the world. The group will also meet with officials from POSCO, GS Energy, the Korea Energy Economics Institute, the Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the United States Ambassador to Korea, and others in an effort to promote the sale of Alaska’s North Slope natural gas. - More...
Monday PM - September 12, 2016
Alaska: llegally Dumped Game Scraps Invite Bear Problems, Fines - Hunting seasons are in full swing and many Alaskans are returning from days afield with moose, caribou, Dall sheep and other game ready for processing and storage in the freezer. Along the way, one problem successful hunters must consider is how to properly dispose of meat scraps, bones and hides.
Proper disposal isn't difficult, said Assistant Anchorage Area wildlife Biologist Cory Stantorf. What's hard is dealing with brown bears defending leftovers found illegally dumped in public greenbelts or residential areas.
"People don't always realize how quickly a pile of moose bones and meat scraps can go from an unsightly nuisance to a public safety concern," said Stantorf.
Stantorf has responded to reports recently of moose and caribou bones, hides and meat trimmings discarded in Anchorage. In one case game waste was left to rot - or draw bears and dogs - in a neighborhood backyard.
And Anchorage is not alone. Residential areas in other parts of Alaska also face problems each fall with haphazard game-waste dumping. - More...
Monday PM - September 12, 2016
Columns - Commentary
TOM PURCELL:Pondering the Regrettable History of Taxation - Ah, the campaign season.
That's when the Republican presidential candidate promises to lower taxes and the Democrat candidate promises to increase them ---- which makes me ponder the history of taxation in America.
The income tax began in Britain way back in 1842. By 1861, it came to America. Americans paid it to help finance the Civil War, but come 1871 ---- six years after the war ---- the tax was finally repealed.
Some politicians, however, took a liking to it. They tried for the next 20 years to have it reinstated. But the Supreme Court shot down the income tax as unconstitutional.
In 1913, income tax supporters had their way. The 16th amendment was passed and the income tax was signed into law.
Here's how it worked: Only those who earned more than $3,000 ---- a lot of money in those days (In 2016 dollars = $72,923.33) ---- had to pay. And they only had to pay about 1 percent. (The highest bracket was only 7 percent at that time for those who earned $500,000. [In 2016 dollars = $12,153,888.89]) As you well know, these low tax rates didn't last. - More...
onday PM - September 12, 2016
ARTHUR MARTIN: A Frank Discussion: It's Time to Boycott the NFL - Unless you live under a rock, the NFL has unfortunately become prey to politics. If you were trying to enjoy a little football this year you would have noticed that San Francisco quarterback Kaepernick "took a knee" during the National Anthem. When asked why he did it, his non-answer involved "something, something black oppression." Then during practice he donned socks that had pigs as cops.
I'm sure the socks were to show solidarity with terrorist agitators BLM, whom famously chanted, "Pigs in a Blanket, Fry 'em like Bacon" which coincided with a marked increase of American Cop Assassinations in this last year. Now, on Sunday during the Dolphins vs Seahawks game, the politicization of "sports" continued with several Dolphin players taking a knee and the entire Seahawks team locking arms in "solidarity with BLM. - More...
Monday PM - September
12, 2016 |

Editorial Cartoon: Hillary diagnosis
By Dave Granlund ©2016, Politicalcartoons.com
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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Working Together By Evelyn Erbele, Susan Peters, Jerri Taylor-Elkins, Agnes Moran, Jay Hochberg, Tasha-Marie Olinger & Charlotte White - Comments were made from the podium at the City Council meeting of September 1, 2016 that implied that the various organizations that address hunger and homelessness in our community are siloed and do not interact with one another. In actuality, we believe these organizations do work well together. What to an outside observer may appear, as siloing is actually the groups being very conscientious of the limited resources available in our community. Consequently, these groups work hard to complement one another and to not duplicate services. - More...
Monday PM - September 12, 2016
2016 PFD: Exactly How Much Taken from Alaskans? By Andrée McLeod - Exactly how much has Bill Walker snatched from the pockets of every man, woman and child in Alaska this year? How much would the permanent fund dividend checks have been had the governor not vetoed the full amount already appropriated by our representative and senators in the legislature this past session? - More...
Monday PM - September 12, 2016
So Now You Know By David G. Hanger - So now you know, too, that “Oil Company” Walker is not merely a follower of this messianic insanity northerners call “The Beginnning,” he is a leader of this insipid lunacy. He suddenly has a constitutional mandate to build a liquid natural gas pipeline for the benefit of all Alaskans that will spew forth its joy sometime between 2025 and 2040. Indeed, a constitutional mandate to blow Alaska’s whole cash wad for the next several decades because what he wants you to support is your poverty and hardship while he monumentalizes himself with a project that costs somewhere between $50 billion and $100 billion before the first dollar is earned. Why does he not have a similar ‘constitutional mandate’ to collect reasonable royalties and taxes from the jerks who are stealing Alaska’s oil for nothing in return to the State or to its people? - More...
Monday PM - September 12,2015
CAVE People By A. M. Johnson - It is suggested that reality encourages the gathering of souls in a uproar for the purpose of Deer Mountain logging, in a positive step. Form a Committee. Forming a committee assures the participants the satisfaction of making the effort. The goal if success is not achieved, is to be viewed as having made that effort and feel good about it. A committee requires a proper title to clearly give the listening public guidance to the committee's intent. - More...
Thursday PM - September 08, 2016
Open Letter to Mental Health Trust By David G Hanger - Take your Mental Health Trust chairmanship, Board of Directors, et. al, and go to hell by the shortest route. The Trust has got to be the number one bad guy in all of Alaska. Deer Mountain is Ketchikan, Alaska, and you folks propose to destroy it so you can make a few bucks. Why don’t we put the Anchorage sewage processing plant in your front yard, a rendering plant in your back yard, and obstruct any view you might have with an 80 foot concrete wall. - More...
Thursday PM - September 08, 2016
An historic opportunity for Alaska’s future By Governor Bill Walker - In the final stages of the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, many quit their jobs prior to the completion of TAPS because they wanted to be first in line to work on the gasline. Alaska expected construction to begin that quickly. But that was nearly 40 years ago. Efforts to monetize the billions of dollars of stranded North Slope gas, such as the projects advanced by the Yukon Pacific Corporation and the Alaska Gasline Port Authority did not materialize, primarily due to lack of access to gas. For the first time, Alaska now has assurances by the North Slope leaseholders that the gasline project will have access to North Slope gas. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Naay I’waans (The Great House) Re-dedication Ceremony By Rep. Dan Ortiz - On Saturday, September 3rd I, along with approximately 800 other visitors, had the privilege of attending the Naay I’waans (The Great House) Re-dedication Ceremony in Kasaan. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Deer Mountain By Norbert Chaudhary - It's a bit of a stretch to use the popularity of the Lumberjack Show as justification to continue outdated practices of the past and to log Deer Mountain - as was recently written in a letter supporting Mental Health's ultimatum. Using that same logic, Dolly's House is quite popular so why not bring back prostitution? After all, along with clear cut logging, Ketchikan's Red Light District provided jobs and was once a major contributor to our local economy. But of course we have moved on in our growth as a community and as a state. Or have we? - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
The Deer Mountain Threat By Michael Spence - In response to Mr Graham's letter defending the ultimatum of logging Deer Mountain by the Mental Health Land Trust if its demands are not met by Congress: To most people who live here, use of the term Trust is a little disingenuous as to who is the real beneficiary of this scheme. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
In Praise of Public Servants By Michael Spence - Since the 1980's there has been a gradual erosion of respect and appreciation for the true public servants of our country. Indeed some politicans have promoted an ideology that public service is somehow inferior to private enterprise. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Ketchikan City Council Elected to Serve the People By Shawn D. Kimberley - Like many other residents of Ketchikan, I have been watching closely as our elected City Council addresses the Marijuana bill passed by Alaska voters. What I, and many other have witnessed, is nothing short of a disorganized, squabbling, unproductive attempt at addressing the bill. Our city council was VOTED in to REPRESENT the people and to SERVE the community. However when it comes to this all important measure, they have performed very poorly as a group. - More... Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Open Letter to Sen. Sullivan: What I want By A. M. Johnson - I don't go to public meetings any longer particularly with politicians. Not meant as a slap, rather, same o, same o. In reading Senator Sullivan's comments being in Ketchikan, particular the Deer Mountain logging issue, one of the many reasons for the civil war was the South recognizing that the North with all of its industrial power and resources would one day by the shear force of numbers, eliminate 'State Rights' as it was recognized during the day. (Slave ownership being but one subject) - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Thoughts on Labor Day By Rep. Dan Ortiz - The history of America's economic success, and our high gross domestic product compared to the rest of the world has much to do with our country being blessed by an abundant and varied supply of natural resources. From our flowing rivers, to our vast farm lands, to our rich supply of energy resources, across the U.S., America has the the comparative advantage in terms of natural resources. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Being Prepared Is Not Just for Scouts By By Susan Johnson - No matter where you live, a natural disaster can strike at any time. Here in the Northwest, we’re told to expect the next big earthquake at any time. Many of our majestic mountains are dormant volcanos. The natural beauty of our forests can turn into horrible forest fires from a carelessly thrown cigarette butt. Extreme winter storms are a serious risk. Floods are common throughout our region and we also get the occasional tornado. While disasters are sometimes instantly fatal, survival often depends on whether you are prepared. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Dangerous Donald Trump By Donald Moskowitz - Dangerous Donald Trump might be a threat to our viability. He could try to assume dictatorial powers and abolish the Constitution, Congress, and the Supreme Court. Some of his supporters are far right extremists. His candidacy is reminiscent of the Fascists in Germany, Italy, and Japan during the 1930s and 1940s. - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Logging Deer Mountain By Rosa Gaona - I am from Ketchikan and currently living in Juneau, Alaska and I feel very strongly that logging Deer Mountain is a quick fix but a very bad idea. Whoever is in charge of this idea for quick monies needs to consider the impacts involved! - More...
Tuesday PM - September 06, 2016
Proposed Logging on Deer Mountain By Owen Graham - There have been a number of articles, letters and op-eds about the Mental Health Trust plans to harvest timber from portions of its Deer Mountain and Petersburg properties if our Congressional Delegation is unable to enact legislation to exchange these parcels for timberlands elsewhere. Rhetoric from the usual anti-development critics about saving Deer Mountain and destructive logging is disingenuous. The past harvests in the region have not harmed fish or wildlife habitat and the extensive road system that the logging established has greatly benefited the local communities and has provided enhanced recreation and tourism opportunities. The Great Alaska Logging show near the docks in Ketchikan is a major tourist attraction and a helicopter partial cut on the slopes south of town will not harm our tourism industry. - More...
Friday PM - September 02, 2016
Communities that value nearby Trust land have had years to secure community interest in it By Russ Webb - The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority recently took the first step to authorize sale of timber on land near Ketchikan and Petersburg. This action has generated some strong emotions reflected in statements of support, objection, and even some accusations and threats. Here are the facts. - More...
Thursday PM - September 01, 2016
Thinking Outside the Box: A Better Solution for the Mental Health Lands Debacle By Rebecca Knight - The Greater Southeast Alaska Conservation Community believes there are better solutions than a land exchange to solve the highly controversial Alaska Mental Health Trust debacle. The exchange is detailed in Senator Murkowski’s Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Exchange Act of 2016 (S.3006). [1] Specifically, what should be pursued instead is either a federal buy-out or a land transfer with the State, not Feds, from existing State forestlands. Clearly, AMHT’s threats that Murkowski’s bill be passed— or else—have angered many. Further, moving the impacts of large-scale, destructive logging out of the local public’s eye to Prince of Wales Island and elsewhere on Revilla Island only caves-in to the Trust’s threats and simply shifts the destruction to old growth forests already highly- fragmented by decades of logging. - More...
Monday PM - August 29, 2016
Save Deer Mountain By Norbert Chaudhary - How can we save Deer Mountain? Why not a petition to Governor Walker to fire the entire Mental Health board? If they want to threaten the people of Ketchikan then why not return the favor? - More...
Monday PM - August 29, 2016
Deer Mountain By Doug Barry - Deer Mountain is not just a landmark; it is an iconic trademark. It adorns many a piece of beautiful art, it's what I picture whenever I think of Ketchikan. It was a view I enjoyed from the windows of my boyhood home, a sight I will always hold in my heart. - More...
Monday PM - August 29, 2016
AMHS Reform Post Summit By Rep. Dan Ortiz - During my 1½ years as southern Southeast Alaska's state legislature representative, I've been door to door many times throughout our district seeking the peoples' opinion. One concern many constituents share is the efficiency, safety and reliability of our ferry system. I have heard from many southern Southeast locals - from Wrangell to Metlakatla - about their expectations of our ferry system. Most of the thoughtful suggestions can be boiled down to this: our ferry system must become more responsive to the needs of Alaskan residents who live and do business in coastal communities. The AMHS needs to become more insulated from political regime change and be provided reliable financial planning with long-term funding. - More...
Monday PM - August 29, 2016
Recall Walker/Mallot By Sandra Browne - Kudos to Mr. Hangar on your letter for recall of Mr. Walker and Malott. I fully agree, its high time to oust them out of office, now before he really does damage to our state funding? I shudder to think what's next on his list of what to steal from next. - More...
Monday PM - August 29, 2016
“ObamaCare” By Rob Holston - A Rube Goldberg machine is a contraption, invention, device, or apparatus that is deliberately over-engineered to perform a simple task in a complicated fashion, generally including a chain reaction. The expression is named after American cartoonist and inventor Rube Goldberg (1883–1970). - More...
Monday PM - August 29, 2016
Americans must get solidly behind Trump By Joe O'Hara - Americans unquestionably cannot allow the scandal-ridden, divisive, Hillary Clinton to become leader of our beloved Country. - More...
Monday PM - August 29, 2016
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