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October 01, 2004

Front Page Photo by Bill Hollywood

'Into the Fog'
Front Page Photo by Bill Hollywood



letter THE DEBATE STORY by Dr. G. Terry Madonna and Michael L. Young - 10/01/04
letter AMHS Fuel Surcharge by Hunter Davis - 10/01/04
letter Re: Why is it like this? by Leila Kheiry - 10/01/04
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Ketchikan Regular Election
Tuesday - Oct. 5th

updated gifAssembly, School Board, City Council Candidates

updated gifSaxman City Council Candidates


arrowKIC Totem Pole Potlatch Information (pdf) On October 2nd there will be a traditional unveiling of 3 totem poles in front of the KIC Health Clinic at 8:00 am which will be followed by a Potlatch. The KIC Health Clinic is located at 2960 Tongass Avenue.

September 2004
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Alaska: Alaska Democrats urge steps to lessen high cost of prescription drugs - Alaska Democratic legislators called on Governor Murkowski Thursday to take urgent steps to alleviate the high cost of prescription drugs for Alaskans and Alaska's businesses.

With prescription drug costs continuing to consume a larger and larger portion of annual medical spending every year, action to reverse this trend is imperative.

"Individual Alaskans and Alaskan businesses struggle with the high cost of health insurance, while the State budget balloons with the pressure of State employee health coverage," said Representative Eric Croft (D-Anchorage), "It is past time for the Governor to show leadership on this vital issue."

"Alaska has a great tradition of standing up to the Federal government when it comes to putting Alaska first," said Senator Bettye Davis (D-Anchorage),  "Prescription drug coverage should be no different." - More...
Friday - October 01, 2004


jpg Dick MorrisDick Morris: One Winner On Substance, Another On Style - President Bush's positions on the issues aired in the debate last night are so sound and John Kerry's so contradictory that the Republican could not help but win the debate. But, despite the contradictions of his positions, Kerry showed Americans that he looks and acts like a commander-in-chief and someone we could trust with power.

Of course the United States needs to have China at the table to pressure Kim Jong Il. How else are we going to get the North Koreans to give away their nuclear weapons and stop building more?

Obviously a president can't ask our troops to suffer and die for a war he calls a mistake and "the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Clearly our allies will be roiled by a president who calls them a coalition of the "bribed and the coerced" and belittles their contributions even as their soldiers risk their lives.

Certainly a free Iraq would send a signal to Iran - which is the only way we can get the mullahs to abstain from nuclear-weapon development. - More...
Friday pm - October 01, 2004

June Allen Column Sponsors

The June Allen Column
is made possible in part by these sponsors. Cick on each name to visit each web site.

June Allen Column

photosJohn Koel, Baker to Banker; An eccentric philanthropist John Koel was a well-known figure in Ketchikan from the day he arrived in 1901 to the day he died in 1946. The eldest son of German immigrants who settled in the Midwest, Koel was a 38-year-old confirmed bachelor, a slight man with high cheekbones, a small mustache and a tidy bankroll he had saved to finance his adventure in Alaska. A baker by trade and already a canny businessman when he alighted on the steamship dock, he quickly toured the new city of Ketchikan and almost immediately opened the OK Bakery on Dock Street, near the intersection with Main Street. - Read the rest of this story by June Allen...
Tuesday - September 07, 2004

arrow Harold Gillam: A Tragic Final Flight; Ketchikan remembers the search

arrow Ketchikan's 'Fish House Tessie'; She was proud of the nickname

arrow Fairbanks: Golden Heart City; A story of its founding

arrow Remembering 'Swede' Risland (1915-1991);The town's most memorable logger

arrow Alaska's Deepwater Highway; A part of Alaska history

arrow Ketchikan's American Legionnaires; Here's to 'the boys' of Post #3 -

arrow Ketchikan's Cruise Ship Industry; A light-hearted look at its origins

arrow Ketchikan's First City Players; Did you hear that applause?

arrow A biography of Alaska's herring: A little fish of huge importance...

arrow Read more stories by June Allen...

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Lighthouse Services - Ketchikan, AlaskaFirst City Medicine LLC Ketchikan, Alaska

David Landis for State Senate
Paid for by David Landis
for State Senate Campaign
1920 Tongass Avenue, Lower
Ketchikan, Alaska 99901

Hometown Furnishings Ketchikan, Alaska

Joann Flora, Acupressure... Ketchikan, Alaska


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Ketchikan Charter Commission
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new gifDownload the Draft Charter Petition & Budgets - Updated 09/15/04 (247 pages, 944KB)
