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October 04, 2016

Ready for Hibernation
To get ready for hibernation, black bears will eat more than usual during the summer and early fall to store up body fat. This local Black Bear is fattened up and well prepared for its winter's snooze. Not all bears hibernate, but in Alaska, most black bears do, including the males. If food is present a black bear does not have to hibernate, unless it is pregnant or winter conditions are severe enough. Hibernating bears aren’t sleeping the whole time according to the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. Bears in the warmer, coastal regions of Alaska hibernate for 2-5 months with the longer hibernation time for black bears raising newborn cubs. It's possible to come across a bedded down
but wide awake black bear.
Front Page Feature Photo By CINDY BALZER ©2016
October 04, 2016
Ketchikan Borough Election
10/04/16 Unofficial
Election Results PDF
Voter Turnout: 27%
10,288 Registered Voters:
2,304 Voter Turnout at Polls;
229 questioned ballots; 271 absentee ballots; and 4 special needs ballots.
The Canvas Board meets on October 05, 2016 to count questioned, absentee & special needs ballots.
KGB PROP 1 - Tobacco Excise Tax
KGB PROP 2 - Extension of School CIP Sales Tax of 1/2%
Ketchikan: Voters To Decide Two Propositions Tuesday; Raise Cigarette and Tobacco Excise Tax and Extension of the General Sales Tax by 1/2% - On Tuesday, October 4, 2016, Ketchikan Borough voters will not only have the opportunity to vote on candidates for Borough Mayor, two Assembly Members, and two School Board Members, there are also two ballot propositions to be decided: A Cigarette and Tobacco Product Excise Tax and a Five-Year Extension of the School Capital Projects Sales Tax.
PROPOSITION 1 asks the voters: "Shall the provisions of Ordinance 1789-A, which establishes an excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products, be ratified?" If the voters say YES, this will levy an excise tax of 100 mills ($2 per pack of 20 cigarettes) on each cigarette brought into the Ketchikan Gateway Borough beginning January 1, 2017.
Proposition 1, the Cigarette and Tobacco Product Excise Tax is on Tuesday's ballot because on April 4, 2016, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly adopted Ordinance 1789-Amended, which established an excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products. The excise tax is conditioned upon voter ratification.
Net proceeds of the tax, including penalties, interest, and costs recovered, would be distributed as follows:
- 15 percent may only be appropriated by the Assembly for purposes of smoking and other tobacco cessation programs, tobacco cessation education, and/or tobacco-related healthcare purposes.
- 85 percent shall be deposited in the Schools Reserve Fund.
The effects on Borough taxpayers and citizens if Proposition 1 passes,
the Borough would levy an excise tax of 100 mills ($2 per pack of 20 cigarettes) on each cigarette brought into the Ketchikan Gateway Borough beginning January 1, 2017. An excise tax of 50 percent of the wholesale price would also be levied on tobacco products other than cigarettes that are brought into the Ketchikan Gateway Borough. The excise tax on cigarettes and tobacco products would be levied at the wholesale level, not at the point of sale. This excise tax is separate from the Borough sales tax of 2.5 percent paid by consumers on non-exempt retail sales of cigarettes and tobacco.
It’s estimated by the Borough the tax would generate approximately $800,000 in net revenue annually. Of that, $680,000 (85 percent) would be deposited in the Schools Reserve Fund and $120,000 (15 percent) would be restricted to appropriations for smoking or other tobacco cessation programs, tobacco cessation education, and/or tobacco- related healthcare purposes.
The Schools Reserve Fund is used to make Borough cash contributions to Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District operations. In the current year, those cash contributions will total $8,196,550.
It should be noted, the $8,196,550 would be acash contribution to be used at the discretion of the Ketchikan School Board. The figure does not include additional Borough appropriations of $3,666,414 for school-related debt service, $400,000 for major maintenance of schools, and $225,156 in Borough General Fund appropriations for contractual services to the District.
Should Proposition 1 fail to be passed by the voters on October 4th, the Ketchikan Borough would not collect an excise tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products. These products would continue to be subject to the current Borough sales tax rate of 2.5 percent.
If Proposition 1 fails, the Ketchikan's Schools Reserve Fund would also forgo an estimated annual revenue stream of $680,000.
Additionally, there would be no tobacco excise tax proceeds (estimated at $120,000 if the tax is implemented) for smoking or other tobacco cessation programs, tobacco cessation education, and/or tobacco-related healthcare purposes.
PROPOSITION 2 asks the voters "Shall the general sales tax of one half of one percent (1/2%), dedicated to bondable school capital projects and insurance on school buildings and facilities, which was approved by the Assembly by Ordinance 1303 on March 22, 2004, ratified by the voters June 8, 2004, and which expires January 1, 2022, be extended until January 1, 2027?"
Proposition 2, a Five-Year Extension of School Capital Projects Sales Tax is on the ballot because on July 5, 2016, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly adopted Ordinance 1803, extending the 1⁄2 percent sales tax for educational facilities capital projects for five additional years to January 1, 2027, and placing the question on the ballot for the October 4, 2016 Regular Election.
The 1⁄2 percent sales tax for school capital projects was enacted upon voter ratification of Ordinance 1303 through a special election on June 8, 2004. Ordinance 1303 stipulates that the tax expires on January 1, 2022.
The 1⁄2 percent sales tax is being used to pay off $23,178,000 in school bonds, to fund major maintenance of school facilities, and to pay for insurance on school buildings.
The Borough owns 498,676 square feet of school-related buildings and facilities. The Borough and School District are charged with maintaining the facilities, and the Borough is charged with funding the major maintenance needs.
The School District’s FY 2018 Six-Year CIP Plan has identified an additional $13,125,636 in major maintenance needs between FY 2018 and FY 2023. Previously, the State paid the majority of the debt service costs for school bond debt. The Alaska Legislature has suspended the State’s debt participation program for newly issued school facility debt until FY 2021. If the Borough issues debt before 2021, the entire debt burden must be paid from local sources. If debt is issued after the reinstatement of the program, it may be reimbursed at reduced rates.
Additionally, on June 29, 2016, Governor Walker’s vetoes included reduced school debt reimbursement to municipalities by 25 percent, which resulted in a loss of $672,862 in the Borough’s School Bond CIP Fund in FY 2017. If the 25 percent reduction in bond debt reimbursement continues in future years, the payments required from the School CIP fund to meet bond payment obligations will reduce the funds available to make bond payments and implement the District’s FY 2018 Six-Year CIP Plan. Should the dedicated 1⁄2% sales tax not be extended, the School Bond CIP Fund is estimated to run out of funds prior to retiring existing school bond debt. Borough voters have pledged the full faith and credit of the Borough to pay the school bonds. Thus, if the School Bond CIP Fund runs out of money, the Borough must generate funds from other sources to pay the principal and interest on the bonds. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
Fish Factor: National Roll Out of Alaskan Cod Crunchies By LAINE WELCH - Alaskan Cod Crunchies begin a national roll out this week with a debut at Costco’s two stores in Anchorage. The dog treats are one of the newest products stemming from Alaskan Leader Seafood’s commitment to complete “head to tail” usage of their catches.

National Roll Out of Alaskan Cod Crunchies
“It’s pure, 100 percent human grade trimmings coming right off the cod fillets,” said Keith Singleton, president of the company’s value added division.
Alaskan Leader’s four freezer/longline vessels are owned in partnership with the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation (BBEDC) and fish primarily for cod in the Bering Sea. Besides the frozen at sea fillets, Alaskan Leader also has developed markets for (and thereby monetized) all of the cod heads, livers and skins.
The Crunchies, which have been under development for about a year, are dried and shaped into crispy, domino sized wafers. Taste tests with numerous dogs proved the product was a winner.
“Boy, they get going on that crunch and it’s like that potato chip commercial that says ‘you can’t just eat one.’ They keep coming back for more,” Singleton said.
Dillingham dogs agreed, according to Robin Samuelson, president of Ocean Beauty Seafoods and chairman of BBEDC.
“When I came home to Dillingham I had two sacks with me and there was a 12-week old black lab. I opened them up and said let’s put it to the test, and that little dog loved the cod treats,” Samuelson said with a laugh.
“What’s most exciting is Costco chose Alaska to debut the product. We feel really blessed about that,” Singleton added.
The buzz surrounding the new Cod Crunchies is exciting, echoed Samuelson, but to him, the bigger story is the full use of the fish that comes over the rails.
“It’s a new product that we think will do good throughout the U.S.,” he said. “And it’s the full utilization of the species and we’re just tickled pink."
Celebrate seafood!
October is National Seafood Month – a distinction proclaimed by Congress more than 30 years ago to recognize one of our nation’s oldest industries. Government figures show that nationwide, the seafood industry contributes $60 billion to the U.S. economy each year.
Alaska deserves special merit during Seafood Month, as it produces about 65 percent of our nation’s wild-caught seafood, more than all the other states combined.
The seafood industry also is Alaska’s number one private employer – it puts more people to work than oil and gas, mining, timber and tourism industries combined.
Americans eat about 16 pounds of seafood per person each year. which pales in comparison to other parts of the world. The Japanese, for example, eat 146 pounds of seafood per person annually. Figures from the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization show that people in Greenland eat 186 pounds per capita, and in Iceland more than 200 pounds of seafood are eaten annually.
The country with the lowest seafood consumption is Afghanistan at zero. And where in the world is the most seafood eaten? The South Pacific island of Tokelau where each person eats more than 440 pounds of seafood every year. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02. 2016 |
Ketchikan: GCI's Ketchikan customers to enjoy faster speeds and improved coverage - One year after bringing 4G LTE coverage to Ketchikan, GCI is expanding its coverage area by adding three new cell towers to the Ward Cove, Saw Mill and Cranberry Road areas, which now completes a 10-site cellular coverage area. The additional towers are expected to bring increased wireless speeds and faster download speeds to GCI customers in Alaska’s most southeastern city.
“At GCI, we’re dedicated to providing Alaskans with the best and fastest communication services available, and that’s why we continue to invest in network upgrades in Ketchikan and across the state,” said Paul Landes, GCI’s senior vice president general manager, consumer services. “With the 4G LTE expansion, our Ketchikan customers will experience faster wireless speeds for downloading, streaming multimedia and enjoying other online activities whether they are fishing off of Clover Pass or hiking around Ward Lake.” - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
Alaska: Governor Walker Meets with Obama Administration to Discuss Offshore Drilling in Alaska - Governor Bill Walker, Lt. Governor Byron Mallott and Alaska Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Andy Mack met last week with members of the Obama administration to request that Alaska remain in the five-year outer-continental shelf plan. Governor Walker and Commissioner Mack also met with the Ambassadors of Japan and Qatar to discuss the gasline project.
“With oil prices and production down, Alaska must be focused on the long game,” Governor Walker said. “The trans-Alaska oil pipeline is three-quarters empty. When Alaska became a state, we were told to live off of our resources. We just need access to them.”
Governor Walker, Lt. Governor Mallott and Commissioner Mack met with U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Abigail Ross Hopper, Bureau of Land Management Director Neil Kornze and other members of the Interior Department. They also met at the White House with President Barack Obama’s Senior Advisor Brian Deese and other White House staffers to request that Alaska’s interests be prioritized as the Administration transitions out. Governor Walker and Commissioner Mack, who flew into Washington, D.C., directly after their gasline meetings in Singapore and Korea, also briefed the federal officials on what they had heard from the Asia-Pacific market - which comprises 70 percent of the world’s liquefied natural gas consumer base. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
Alaska: Mixing new technology and people power for an accurate count of endangered Steller sea lions By KATIE DOPTIS - Fall at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center means researchers are sifting through all the data they collected over the summer months in the field. For the Steller sea lion team that means reviewing hundreds of thousands of photos.

Seeing a permanently marked Steller sea lion (center) is invaluable for estimating important information about the population, like survival and birth rates.
Photo: NOAA Fisheries
Every summer AFSC’s Marine Mammal Lab scientists conduct Steller sea lion surveys along the Aleutian Island chain, an area of concern for the endangered Steller sea lion. Sea lions in the central and western Aleutian Islands have continued to decline.
During the surveys, scientists take expansive photographs from the air and ground, capturing rugged coastlines filled with thousands of sea lions. They also look for permanently marked animals to learn how certain individuals are faring over the course of their lives.
Advanced technology like hexacopter drones offer easier access to hard to reach locations where Steller sea lions live. Sophisticated maps and data visualizations clearly showcase detailed information and effectively demonstrate patterns and trends, especially to the general public. All of this leads to better insights and more accurate assessments about the health of the endangered population.
But they are just tools. There’s still nothing better than an informed researcher who knows what she’s looking for. Because to determine Steller sea lion population numbers scientists must pore over each image—and count.
“It’s pretty meditative [work],” said Marine Mammal Lab biologist Katie Sweeney. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016 |
Columns - Commentary
DANNY TYREE: National Newspaper Week: This Time It's Personal - "So, are you still writing for the paper?"
Whenever a friend or acquaintance poses that innocent-sounding question, it rubs me the wrong way.
Yes, besides being nationally syndicated since 2010, I've submitted a column to my hometown paper every single week for the past 15 years. Maybe I'm thin-skinned, but I invariably infer that the underlying message is, "I am somewhat interested in your musings, but I can't be bothered to buy the paper, borrow the paper OR read it at the library."
Okay, maybe they DO read part of the paper but have an irrational fear of certain pages because of an urban legend. ("And in the morning light, there was Dear Abby's hook on the car door handle!")
October 2-8 is National Newspaper Week, and I'd like to address an open letter to the people least likely to READ it.
I've lost count of people grousing, " There ain't ever anything in the paper."That may be true -- if youhave an unhealthily NARROW view of your community. Just because not every issue is focused on YOUR kids, YOUR street or YOUR church, it doesn't make the paper an irrelevant waste of ink.
It can be educational, entertaining and inspirational to learn about OTHER people's struggles, achievements, hobbies and pet peeves. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
CHRISTINE FLOWERS: As Election Issues Go, Fat Shaming is a Lightweight - Growing up, I developed a special vocabulary to describe my body shape. Since I was very feminine and cute enough to make grandmothers and elderly nuns smile, I liked to call myself "plump," "pudgy," "roundish," "chubby" or the adverb-turned-adjective "dieting."
It never occurred to me to think that I was growing up in a toxic society that judged me by the way I looked. Sure, there were the unkind comments overheard at the occasional mixer, and, yes, my father did express his concern that I was developing more chins than a Peking phone book. But no one ever tied my worth to my girth. No one.
That might be why I'm having a huge, yuuuge problem treating Donald Trump as a sadistic beast intent on destroying all the fragile young women in society. There is no question he is boorish and arrogant, and his view of women seems to have been captured in the amber of the Jurassic Period.
That's not to say I am excusing the bullying, mean-spirited attacks on the women Trump has targeted during this campaign. The way a man treats the women in his life is a measure of his character, and, by that measure, Trump is several floods behind Noah. When he went after Carly Fiorina's looks during the primaries, I was one of the first to criticize him. His rather sophomoric ravings about Megyn Kelly were also a sign he wasn't ready for prime time, and his later attacks on Hillary Clinton were unsurprisingly lame. He is not a gentleman. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016

Editorial Cartoon: Things That are Rigged
By John Cole ©2016, The Scranton Times-Tribune
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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Do our votes matter? By Ken Holmes - So as we vote today on local elections in Ketchikan, do they really matter? The propositions put on the ballets, we vote them down the they find away to do it anyway. Berth 4, ( built it anyway, we pay rent on it now)sales tax that was to be sunset tax for public safety (never went away), fix up the old library (built new one we can't afford). Now they are spending money on the museum ( the old library ). - More...
Tuesday - October 04, 2016
Vote for the fiscally responsible; No tax increases By Hannah Ramiskey - There should be a concern that a former Ketchikan school board member on the Ketchikan Borough Assembly, and one attempting to be on the Assembly, have an agenda that involves funneling more funds to the school district regardless of perilous financial times. - More...
Monday PM - October 03, 2016
DEER MOUNTAIN ALTERNATIVES and COMPROMISES By Rob Holston - Deer Mountain, dear to our hearts and our pocketbooks is now in threat of being logged? I don’t mean to sound like Bill Clinton but what do you mean by logged? Every year I tell thousands of tourists here about our timber industry or lack there-of as we cruise through Ward Cove and past Mud Bight. “Democrats like to save trees and Republicans like to cut them down and we can’t seem to find a sustainable compromise.” is what I tell them in a nut shell. May I suggest that for the purpose of “saving” Deer Mountain that we set aside our differences politically and focus on alternatives and compromises that are available. - More...
Monday PM - October 03, 2016
Activities Funding By Agnes Moran - In FY 2013 the Borough gave the Ketchikan School District a supplemental grant for $200,000 dedicated for Activities. The Borough gave the money as a grant because they wanted to ensure the funds were spent for Activities and did not disappear into the labyrinth known as the District's budget. The School District took umbrage at the grant because it was dedicated to Avtivities, but ultimately accepted it. The funds made their way into the Activities budget and under the watchful eyes of the Assembly were distributed equitably across the programs. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
Vote, October 4th! By Amy T. Thompson - Wake up people! Do you want higher sales taxes and property taxes as high as 18% in the city? If our local taxes continue to rise people will leave, which will eventually result in a reduction of tax revenue. Consider the people living on a fixed or low income, barely able to pay their property tax bill now. Foreclosure will be their only option. For some, any increase in sales tax can result in less food on the table and it will certainly cause people to spend less in general. Increased taxes also produce the adverse effect of less money going into the donation coffers. Many of the social programs that certain candidates champion should be getting their funding from donations, not off the backs of the very people they are purporting to help. There is also the mantra being sung to the rooftops to buy local. Increased sales tax will just push more people to shop online. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
Vote Keith Smith for Assembly By Deborah Hayden - We have a fine slate of candidates for Borough Assembly in this coming Tuesday's election. Keith Smith is one I recommend highly for your vote. Keith will bring to the Assembly his amazingly broad and deep experience in many aspects of our community. He has been Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce. He has been a teacher, a counselor and a radio broadcaster. He has first-hand experience in Ketchikan's natural resource economy from having worked as a commercial fisherman, as a fisheries researcher and as a forestry contractor. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
Write-In Candidate Kevin Johnson Can Vote on Budgetary Items By Kevin Johnson - There was some incorrect information printed in 9/30/16 edition of the Ketchikan Daily News about my ability to vote on budgetary issues if elected to the school board. I have contacted the Ketchikan Daily News and provided them with the same information found in the KGBSD School Board By-laws under the section of "Conflict of Interest". I am only not able to vote on matters that pertain to my wife and her individual teaching contract. I also may not vote on financial matters in which I would directly profit. - More...
Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
You Get the Government You Don’t Vote For By Amy T. Thompson - When you consider that a measly 20% registered voter turnout is on the high end these days you really have to wonder if people even want to have any control over their lives. Folks constantly complain about the things that government is doing to their lives yet they sit at home on election day or say they don’t have time to vote. There are no real valid excuses for not voting! If you don’t have transportation then call a friend, ask a neighbor or take the FREE bus ride that the Borough offers. You can vote on your way to or from work or on your lunch break. If you don’t like lines or are leaving town you can cast your vote at the Borough Clerks office or even vote online. - More... Sunday PM - October 02, 2016
Evolving mariculture industry By Rep. Dan Ortiz - I recently attended Southeast Conference, where Julie Decker of Wrangell gave an insightful presentation on the Alaska Mariculture Task Force, and our evolving mariculture industry. This task force, funded by a NOAA grant, envisions a booming billion dollar mariculture industry in Southeast Alaska. - More...
Thursday PM - September 29, 2016
Stop Clinton and Trump By Donald Moskowitz - Recently, the New Hampshire Union Leader ran a front page editorial endorsing the Libertarian ticket of Johnson/Weld. Thank you for the foresight and intelligence to realize this is the only way a Fiscal Conservative can be elected President. - More...
Thursday PM - September 29, 2016
Have you read the amendments? By A. M. Johnson - You will recall recently a letter to Joe Miller was published in your good online news. In it it was alluded to that a follow up letter to Senator Murkowski would be sent to Mr. Miller via your services. - More...
Thursday PM - September 29, 2016
PFD Cuts Hurt But Changes Will Avoid Economic Disaster By Gov. Bill Walker - Alaskans will soon receive our annual dividend checks. This year's $1,022 check for every qualified resident will help Alaska families with things like winter fuel, food and clothes, holiday gifts and saving for college. These checks will boost local businesses and increase local tax revenues. - More...
Monday PM - September 26, 2016
Open Letter to Governor Walker: Transboundary mining concerns By Chris Chris Zimmer - The Statement of Cooperation (SOC) between the State of Alaska and Province of British Columbia is clearly not a comprehensive solution to transboundary mining concerns, nor was it intended to be. It must go hand in hand with federal engagement that can bring in the authority of the Boundary Waters Treaty, funds and expertise. The SOC is narrowly focused on notification and information sharing, is non-binding and unfunded, and therefore insufficient to address the issue comprehensively. - More...
Monday PM - September 26, 2016
Rodney Dial for Borough Assembly By Robert Luse - I have known Rodney Dial for several years. You couldn't ask for a more honest and caring person. - More...
Monday PM - September 26, 2016
Permanent Fund By Lance Clark - The Governor is keeping a little more than half our permanent fund! It's quite telling that he decided that he could spend our money better than we can, after all, we're merely servants and should be thankful for anything we get. - More...
Monday PM - September 26, 2016
Things are not “fine” as some would have you believe By Rodney Dial - So I thought I would give an update on how my attempt to become your next borough assembly member is going. - More...
Friday AM - September 23, 2016
Why I believe in Sheila Finkenbinder By Paula Spreter - After working for four governors and two legislators with the State of Alaska, I was privileged to retire and enjoy the life of travel in a truck and 5th wheel trailer. - More...
Friday AM - September 23, 2016
Rodney Dial for Assembly By Michelle Sanchez - I've lived in Ketchikan over 25 years. I've seen the bad and the good in our community, but I have to say the increasing costs of water, sewage, city taxes, and property taxes are UNACCEPTABLE. - More...
Friday AM - September 23, 2016
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