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October 05, 2019

Clover Pass Sunset
Wednesday's sunset as viewed from Clover Pass,
approximately 14 miles north of Ketchikan.
Front Page Feature Photo By RACHELLE SPEIGHTS ©2018
Alaska: Tariffs on wild Alaska salmon lifted By MARY KAUFFMAN - Officials are encouraged by the United States Trade Representative’s removal of Alaska salmon from the list of goods subject to new tariffs between the U.S. and China. Salmon filets now join Alaskan cod and pollock in having potential tariffs lifted.
Alaska exports more than one million metric tons of seafood each year, adding more than three billion dollars of foreign money into the U.S. economy. Some of that exported seafood, including salmon, is initially processed domestically, then sent to China for secondary processing to maintain competitive pricing, before re-importation to the U.S. Subjecting wild Alaska salmon to foreign tariffs as it returns to the United States would create serious negative financial consequences for the seafood industry, Alaska’s largest private-sector employer. The Alaska seafood industry directly employs 57,000 people.
U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) and Governor Bill Walker both welcomed the recent decision by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) to remove proposed tariffs on Alaska salmon from a list of approximately $200 billion worth of additional tariffs on Chinese imports.
The change comes following months of engagement by Senator Sullivan and his staff to protect hardworking Alaskan fisherman and to educate the administration on the unintended impacts of this proposal. Sullivan is chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard.
“I commend Ambassador Lighthizer and the Trump administration for listening to our concerns, for taking thoughtful guidance and input, and for making this important change for Alaska’s seafood industry and the more than 60,000 jobs it contributes to our economy,” said Senator Sullivan. “While I am supportive of the administration’s broader efforts to address China’s unfair and non-reciprocal trading practices, targeting an American product, harvested by Alaskan fishermen on American flagged vessels runs completely counter to the administration’s strategy regarding China.
“The Alaska seafood industry is the lifeblood of our coastal communities, which is why my team and I engaged at every level to ensure these changes were made,” Sullivan said. “It’s a good first step, accounting for approximately $250 million worth of salmon imports caught primarily by Alaska fishermen. Without it, policies meant to counter China’s unfair trading practices would have actually harmed Alaskan workers and industries due to the fact that a portion of Alaskan seafood harvests go to China for limited reprocessing before being sold back to American companies and consumers, or elsewhere throughout the world.”
The USTR announcement came after advocacy from Governor Walker, industry partners, and Alaska’s Congressional delegation to protect access to some of the most important markets for Alaska’s fishermen.
“We are very happy to see our efforts produce a win for Alaska, our economy, and our fishermen,” Governor Walker said. “With tariffs lifted on Alaska pollock, cod, and now salmon, we will continue to advocate for other important commercial species, particularly flatfish, to be removed from the tariff list. We are proud that Alaska’s exports, from seafood to oil, natural gas, and other natural resources, are part of the solution for our trade deficit with China. We want to keep growing that business, not limit it.” - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Southeast Alaska: Commercial Fishers Sentenced to Jail Time For Willful Failure to Pay Taxes on Income; IRS Investigation Reveals Couple Prioritized Travel and Gambling over Taxpayer Obligations - A Southeast Alaskan couple were sentenced today in Juneau for willfully failing to pay their individual income taxes, and instead prioritized spending money on traveling and gambling. The announcement was made by U.S. Attorney Bryan Schroder.
Archie W. Demmert III, 58, and Roseann L. Demmert, 61, both of Klawock, Alaska, were sentenced today by Chief U.S. District Judge Timothy M. Burgess to each serve 12 months, plus one day, in federal prison on two counts of willful failure to pay income tax.
As part of their plea agreements, the Demmerts will pay restitution to the IRS for the calendar years charged covering 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Archie Demmert and Roseann Demmert both had commercial fishing permits for herring spawn on kelp, and Archie had an additional commercial fishing permit for a salmon purse seine. In May 2018, the Demmerts admitted in court that they earned income from commercial fishing for over a decade, from 2006 to 2014, but willfully chose not to pay over $300,000 in income taxes, excluding penalties and interest.
According to court documents, the Demmerts have a long history, dating back to at least 1994, of avoiding the majority of their taxpayer obligations. Even after the charges were filed in 2017, the Demmerts have not made any payments toward their taxes to the present day. Throughout the decades while the Demmerts have avoided collection of their taxes, they had the means to pay their taxes but they willfully chose not to do so. Instead, they spent their money on travel and gambling at casinos.
For example, in November 2012, Roseann Demmert cashed out over $20,000 from the Cache Creek Casino, but two days later told the IRS they could not make any tax payments. In 2012, the Demmerts took two trips to California wine country, spending thousands of dollars on their trips instead of paying their taxes.
In 2013, the Demmerts agreed to settle their tax liabilities by paying $80,000; but then, according to court documents, Archie Demmert withdrew $84,000 from their bank account and then told the IRS they had no ability to pay. Shortly after the cash withdrawals by Archie Demmert, the Demmerts were back gambling at casinos in Las Vegas and Washington, despite telling the IRS they had no way of paying their tax debt. - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Fish Factor: Crab Catches Dominate Fish News By LAINE WELCH - Crab catches dominate Alaska’s fish news in early October as boats gear up for mid-month openers in the Bering Sea.
As expected, crabbers will see increased catches for snow crab after the annual survey showed a 60 percent boost in market sized males and nearly the same for females (only male crabs can be retained for sale).
Managers announced this week a catch of 27.5 million pounds of snow crab, up 47 percent from last season. Even better, biologists documented one of the largest numbers of small snow crab poised to enter the fishery they’ve ever seen.
Also as expected, the news is bad for bairdi Tanners, the larger cousins of snow crab. A take of just 2.4 million pounds, down two percent, will be allowed from the western fishing district of the Bering Sea, with the eastern district closed for the season.
Crabbers breathed a sigh of relief to learn there will be a red king crab fishery at Bristol Bay with a catch of 4.3 million pounds, a 36 percent drop. Those stocks have been on a downward spiral for several years and talk on the docks was that there would likely not be a fishery this year.
“It helps sustain king crab markets that might be lost if the season were closed,” reacted Jake Jacobsen, director of the Inter-Cooperative Exchange which represents the majority of Bering Sea crabbers.
There again will be no king crab openers at the Pribilofs and St. Matthew Island due to low stock numbers. Similarly, a king crab fishery was canceled at Southeast Alaska where a small 120,000 pound red king crab fishery occurred last fall for the first time in six years. - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Alaska: Alaska General Voter Registration Deadline is Sunday, October 7, 2018 - In just over one month, eligible Alaska voters will head to their respective polling locations to make their choices for U.S. Representative, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senate, House, Judicial offices and one ballot measure.
The State of Alaska Division of Elections (DOE) reminds eligible Alaska voters to make sure they are registered to vote and their information is up to date in time for the upcoming November 6 General Election.
The deadline to register to vote or update registration is 11:59 p.m. Sunday, October 7. DOE regional offices will be open for voter registration on Saturday October 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Alaska: Congress Passes Measure to Dramatically Restrict Major Source of PFAS Contamination in Drinking Water - Congress passed legislation Wednesday that will give commercial airports the option to switch to firefighting foams that do not include the highly toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS.
The new provision was part of a larger legislative package to fund the Federal Aviation Administration and bolster disaster relief programs. Firefighting foams made with PFAS chemicals are a significant and widespread source of drinking water contamination throughout the country.
Under current law, airports are required to use firefighting foams that contain these chemicals, which have been linked to cancer, kidney disease and other health problems.
“Firefighting foam is a significant source of PFAS contamination in drinking water throughout the country,” said EWG Legislative Attorney Melanie Benesh. “This legislation is a critical first step to allow airports to switch to the less toxic alternatives, which are already being used safely and effectively in other countries. We applaud Congress, especially Senators Sullivan, Thune, Peters, and Nelson, and Representatives Upton, Shuster, DeFazio and Kildee, for taking this important action to protect public health.”
The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is taking action to regulate this class of fluorinated chemicals known as “PFAS,” which have been detected in drinking water in some communities in Alaska. DEC is proposing new cleanup levels for six PFAS in soil and groundwater, and is working with stakeholders on a statewide action plan for dealing with these chemicals and contamination from them.
Although the information on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is limited, a growing body of research indicates the compounds have various levels of toxicity to human health and the environment. Because of their chemical structure, PFAS chemicals can migrate to groundwater and do not break down easily. This means they can persist in the environment and the human body for years. - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
TOM PURCELL: Jokes Abound, But Political Divide No Laughing Matter - With all the vitriol in our politics - with all the disagreement that is tearing our country apart - we could all use some levity about now.
Here's one joke I think we can all agree with:
A man wearing a ski mask jumped into the path of a well-dressed man and stuck a gun against his ribs.
"Give me your money," said the mugger.
"You can't do this," said the well-dressed man. "I'm a U.S. congressman!"
"In that case," said the mugger, "give me MY money!"
Being a parent is more challenging than ever. We live in a time when parents must censor C-SPAN!
Which reminds me of the one about the father who used the never-ending shenanigans in Washington to teach his son an important lesson.
"Son, you should never steal, lie or cheat."
"Why, Dad?"
"Because the government hates competition!"
The U.S. Senate is agitating millions of Americans. The allegedly august body of distinguished minds is supposed to give thoughtful pause to our political process - but is giving us a Jerry Springer show instead.
That's why the words of legendary humorist Will Rogers are truer today than when he spoke them during the Great Depression:
"The Senate just sits and waits till they find out what the president wants, so they know how to vote against him." - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018

Political Cartoon: No Room For Civil Discourse
By Jeff Koterba ©2018, Omaha World Herald, NE
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
Vote Yes on Prop 1 By
Robert K. Rice
- In response to “Tracking the outside money by Larry Barsukoff. The facts on the money raised are as follows: Supporting Prop 1 $475,000; Opposing Prop 1 $8,670,000. Follow the money.
Over 20 times as much money spent to oppose this ballot measure. The money contributed to oppose Prop 1 is largely from oil companies Conoco Phillips and BP and the Canadian mining companies. Whose interest do you suppose that they are representing? - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Political Winds of Change By
Austin Otos - The 2018 Ketchikan Gateway Borough municipal election has come to a close. With 6 candidates running for office, our community had the opportunity to vote for a wide array of individuals. Thankfully, Ketchikan chose 2 candidates that represent the future of our community. Voters were clear that newer and younger voices take precedent over experience and past ideals.
Voters should look to candidates that are seen in the community, individuals that participate in local events and engage with everyday people. I hope that we reflect on this political pulse and elect similar candidates in the future that are focused on community outreach, growth, and most importantly, bring to the table a new perspective to local politics. - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Murkowski By
Rob Holston - Lisa Murkowski may be a fine woman but she’s just not the right Senator for Alaska right now. - End of letter...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Roadless Rule Public Comment Period By
Rep. Dan Ortiz - The US Forest Service is seeking public comment on exempting the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule. The comment period ends on October 15th. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 03, 2018
Tracking the Outside Money in Alaska Politics By
Larry Barsukoff - Since its inception, the Alaska Policy Forum has been guided by a vision of continuously growing prosperity in Alaska. Our work is to support policy and leadership that maximizes individual opportunity and empowers Alaskans to pursue that opportunity freely and with confidence. - More...
Friday PM - September 28, 2018
Rachel Mitchell failed to cross examine properly. By
Rob Holston - Dr Ford gave credible testimony in her allegations against Judge Kavanaugh and was seemingly made more credible by an almost non-existent cross examination by Rachel Mitchell. Mitchell had many failures but I’ll just mention a couple. Dr. Ford testified that her life was so disrupted after the alleged “attack” on her that she had a very difficult time with her first two years of college. Here is where Mitchell dropped the ball. She had no idea of where the ball was, how to pick it up or which direction to run with it.- More...
Friday PM - September 28, 2018
Trump Afraid of Mueller Investigation By
Donald Moskowitz - Why is President Trump afraid of the Mueller investigation? Is Trump guilty of obstruction of justice, or collusion with the Russians in the Presidential election, or guilty of some other crime that Mueller is investigating? - More...
Friday PM - September 28, 2018
Freight rates becoming an economy killer for Ketchikan By
Chris Herby
- I want to thank Mike Painter for his letter regarding our freight situation in Ketchikan. I also have wanted to get this discussion going for quite some time now. I think there must be an enormous amount of penned up frustration about this around the community. There is no doubt that we were all totally sold out by the State of Alaska and the Attorney General when they allowed one barge line to get a monopoly on our freight and hold us all hostage. - More...
Wednesday AM - September 26, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh By
David G Hanger - Flash: By his own confession Brett Kavanaugh has totally disqualified himself from consideration as either a serious individual (in any sense of the term) or as a nominee to the Supreme Court. By his own admission he is a sexually repressed Victorian prude whose lack of experience combined with his incredible sexual inexperience completely disqualifies him from making any evaluation or decision about the sexual behavior of any other human being. And this cherry boy is what the Federalist Society and the extreme right wing wants to decide how every woman in this country must behave. - More...
Wednesday AM - September 26, 2018
Thank you, Southeast Conference By
Rep. Dan Ortiz - Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the Southeast Conference Annual Meeting right here in Ketchikan. Ketchikan was an incredible host for hundreds of conference attendees; thank you to all the local volunteers. The conference even included a community reception and tours of the shipyard, the OceansAlaska hatchery, PeaceHealth, and the opening of the UAS-Ketchikan Maritime Center. - More...
Wednesday AM - September 26, 2018
Open Letter: John Kerry and friends By
A.M. Johnson - Senator Murkowski, is any of the following true? If so and you did nothing, you know now. If you knew and did nothing, which sort of says "Go along to get along", I would not be surprised. - More...
Wednesday AM - September 26, 2018
Roadless Rule: Phony Forest Service Process By
Norbert Chaudhary - The decision was already made before the “Roadless Rule Process” even started. - More...
Friday AM - September 21, 2018
Open Letter: Sen. Murkowski By
Laura Plenert - Please remember Senator Murkowski that you are the Senator for ALL Alaskans, NOT JUST the Alaska Federation of Natives. - More...
Monday PM - September 17, 2018
No to Kavanaugh By
Hallie Engel
- I want to ask your readers to call their senators, Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan, and ask them to vote against Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. - More...
Monday PM - September 17, 2018
Navy In Dire Straits By
Donald Moskowitz - As a former Navy enlisted and Naval officer who served on 13 ships, including destroyers, radar pickets, aircraft carriers and auxiliary ships, I am concerned with the lack of readiness of the Fleet. - More...
Monday PM - September 17, 2018
Salmon Hatcheries Support Alaskans, and Feed the World By
Casey Campbell & Mike Wells - When the Good Friday earthquake shook Alaska in 1964, the damage wasn’t confined to buildings and homes. In some coastal areas, the land and ocean floor were uplifted dramatically impacting the productivity of aquatic habitat for decades. - More...
Friday PM - September 07, 2018
RE: Establishing Basic Protections for Salmon By
Owen Graham - Earlier this week I read an Opinion piece in Sitnews about the need to increase habitat protections for Alaska’s salmon. The article alleged that cumulative impacts on salmon can be seen in the watersheds around Southeast and in the salmon returns and harvests. That is incorrect; although salmon populations fluctuate from year to year, both the salmon escapements and salmon harvests in Southeast are much higher now than in the 1950s when most logging and other development commenced in Southeast Alaska. - More...
Friday PM - September 07, 2018
Kavanaugh Bad for Alaska’s Tribes By Richard (Chalyee Éesh) Peterson - On Tuesday, September 4th, the Senate Judiciary Committee began confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the United States Supreme Court. His confirmation is being painted as inevitable, and it will be unless our Alaska Senators take action to stop it. - More...
Friday PM - September 07, 2018
Dumping AT&T cell phone service - going with Consumer Cellular. By
Rob Holston - For many years, as business owners, my wife and I used AT&T cell phone service for ourselves and a few key employees. We were very pleased until several months ago when I suddenly suspected that my iPhone had developed some sort of internal short! I was suffering from one dropped call after another....... come to find out my wife’s phone had the same problem and ANYONE I’ve talked to re AT&T cell service seems to have the same problem. “You can hear them and they can’t hear you” is the common theme. - More...
Friday PM - September 07, 2018
Establishing Basic Protections for Salmon By
Joe Mehrkens - Wild salmon stocks are under attack from all sides: ocean warming, habitat loss, over exploitation and pollution. While Alaska has enjoyed the benefit of good fisheries management, the cumulative impacts are taking its toll. Both professionals and non-professionals can see it in the watersheds around Southeast and in the salmon returns and harvests. One gillnetter moored across from me said he had only netted 7 Taku sockeyes this season. Simply stated, the risks of kicking the salmon can down the road makes a Yes on Ballot Measure 1 both critical and timely. - More...
Monday PM - September 03, 2018
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