SUPPORT BALLOT MEASURE 1 By 58 Scientists & Managers - We the undersigned are retired state and federal agency scientists and managers with considerable experience in salmon biology, habitat and management in Alaska;
Alaska boasts world-class salmon resources, and these resources support vital subsistence, commercial, sport and personal use fisheries;
These fisheries feed countless Alaskans, create important jobs and revenues for our local villages and communities, support Alaska’s tourism industry, and feed people around the world;
Salmon occupy a critical role in the food chain and ecosystem where they support other species important for subsistence, personal use, tourism and guide industries;
The repeal of the Alaska Coastal Management Program in 2011, along with related efforts to accelerate state and federal permitting efforts, have dangerously eroded salmon habitat protection in recent years; - More...
Thursday PM - October 18, 2018
Support For Dan Ortiz By
Eric and Heather Muench - We support Dan Ortiz for reelection to the State House because he is independent and not the puppet of big-shot leaders of either party, That leaves him able to support legislation that is best for Ketchikan and for Alaska.
He had a long history of service to the community before entering politics, and has done a good job of supporting Governor Walker's efforts to get Alaska back to a strong financial position.
His opponent, on the other hand, seems to have no idea how to do that and has made statements parroting the most conservative Republican positions, does not support strong public schools, and thinks that a broad-based State revenue structure would simply (in his own words) "grow government". That apparently means he would leave vital State services like highway maintenance, State troopers and fish and game management understaffed. - More...
Thursday PM - October 18, 2018
Vote No on Ballot Measure 1 By
Andy Rauwolf - As a 50 year resident involved in commercial salmon harvests and conservation issues, I can attest to what former Governor Murkowski stated in his Oct. 13-14 point of view article.
Alaska does not have a problem with salmon habitat in its streams and rivers. As commercial fishermen, we pay 3 ½ % from every fish we catch that goes directly into fisheries enhancement.
However, there are big problems with the ocean food chain. By our own observations the enormous biomasses of herring that the governor referred to that we took for granted in the past have been reduced to small pockets here and there. - More...
Thursday PM - October 18, 2018
Salmon initiative isn’t the answer By
Frank Murkowski - If Ballot Measure 1 passes, our fisheries, oil, gas, timber, minerals and even tourism would be severely restricted. The state's annual Permanent Fund dividend would be significantly reduced over time. There would be no gas line, further oil development or new mines. Without the jobs and revenue from resources, state services would be severely curtailed. Specifically, where would the money come from for education, police protection, the environment and yes, even the quality of our Alaska lifestyle? The worst scenario would be a state in chaos facing bankruptcy. - More...
Tuesday PM - October 16, 2018
A No Vote for Ortiz By
Micheal McColley - Dear Dan Ortiz you seem to forget that you helped the governor take the Permanent Fund and split it in half between the people of Alaska. You seem to forget there is a new guy running for governor who wants to put the Permanent Fund back. - More...
Tuesday PM - October 16, 2018
Politics With Coffee By
Judith Green - Thank you, Dan Ortiz, for offering to meet constituents over coffee. And staging these coffee chats during the daytime on Saturdays. Much appreciated. - End of Letter...
Tuesday PM - October 16, 2018
Deeply Flawed Supreme Court Justice By
Donald Moskowitz - The Republican controlled Senate rammed through the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court out of fear of losing control of the Senate in the upcoming mid-term elections. The vote was along party lines, 49 Republicans and one Democrat for him, and 48 Democrats against him. - More...
Tuesday PM - October 16, 2018
Alaska's Independent Spirit By
Gavin Hudson - I have read many times over the years that Alaskans are notoriously difficult to poll and that we do not neatly fit into one category. I believe this stems from a fiercely independent spirit held by each and every Alaskan. We are a strange and interesting mix of urban and rural. Corporate and Tribal. Inland and Coastal. Progressive and Conservative. There are so many competing interests that ebb and flow throughout our state. But in our hearts, we are all hard working Americans who want good clean air to breathe and water to drink. We want a strong economy that provides good jobs. We all want good schools, roads, marine highways, and a functioning government that works as hard as we do to ensure we all get a fair shake. But still, we are difficult to categorize. - More...
Friday PM - October 12, 2018
Ballot Measure 1 Could Affect Your Home Too By Neil MacKinnon - There's a good chance you've heard of Ballot Measure 1, but if you're like most Alaskans, you're probably still wondering, "What does it do?" The ballot measure language itself is lengthy and extremely technical. Let me explain in simpler terms what it does, and why First Things First Alaska Foundation firmly believes you can stand for salmon and stand for Alaska without Ballot Measure 1. - More...
Friday PM - October 12, 2018
Yes on Ballot Measure 1 By
Tim Bristol - The Alaska Policy Forum is part of a nation-wide network of Koch brothers-funded extreme right-wingers advocating for the privatization of public education, “right-to-work” laws and elimination of most safeguards for our air, land and water, and its recent claims that those who are advocating for updates to Alaska’s existing salmon habitat permitting laws are “outsiders” is a classic deflection. The fact is, large-scale industrial development poses real risk to Alaska’s wild salmon runs, and now is the time to modernize salmon habitat laws. - More...
Friday PM - October 12, 2018
Dunleavy is the one who is untrustworthy By
Barbara McDaniel - In Mike Dunleavy’s recent column, “A Deficit of Trust,” the former, partial-term state senator blames others for his own failures as a legislator, a very common but deceitful defense tactic. - More...
Tuesday PM - October 09, 2018
False personal attacks on Mark Begich By Deborah Bonito - Given the current lack of public trust in our political system and the dangerous lack of honesty and accountability in the current national political discourse, it is important that our campaign set the record straight on the Lt. Governor’s disappointing decision to knowingly launch false personal attacks on Mark Begich - someone he has known personally for decades. - More...
Tuesday PM - October 09, 2018
Our Progessive Senator By
Rex Barber - Hence forth the name Lisa Murkowski will be synonymous with Obama. Clinton and traitor. She voted present on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court. This is the very act which defines a cowered. If she didn't want to vote for the man at least she should of had the [courage] to say NO!!! (I guess no dosn't mean no) - More...
Tuesday PM - October 09, 2018
Vote Yes on Prop 1 By
Robert K. Rice
- In response to “Tracking the outside money by Larry Barsukoff. The facts on the money raised are as follows: Supporting Prop 1 $475,000; Opposing Prop 1 $8,670,000. Follow the money. - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Political Winds of Change By
Austin Otos - The 2018 Ketchikan Gateway Borough municipal election has come to a close. With 6 candidates running for office, our community had the opportunity to vote for a wide array of individuals. Thankfully, Ketchikan chose 2 candidates that represent the future of our community. Voters were clear that newer and younger voices take precedent over experience and past ideals. - More...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Murkowski By
Rob Holston - Lisa Murkowski may be a fine woman but she’s just not the right Senator for Alaska right now. - End of letter...
Friday PM - October 05, 2018
Roadless Rule Public Comment Period By
Rep. Dan Ortiz - The US Forest Service is seeking public comment on exempting the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule. The comment period ends on October 15th. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 03, 2018