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October 30, 2019

The Forte
The heavy lift/load vessel Forte, pictured recently in the Tongass Narrows, was built in 2012 in China. She is currently sailing under the flag of Malta. It's gross tonnage is 36,653 tons.
Front Page Feature Photo By RACHELLE SPEIGHTS ©2019
Southeast Alaska: Coast Guard assists Troopers to locate two overdue hunters near Klawock – A Coast Guard Air Station Sitka MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew rescued two overdue hunters near Wadleigh Island, in vicinity of Klawock in Southeast Alaska Wednesday.
Both men were safely hoisted and then transported to Klawock emergency medical services personnel for further evaluation. Both were reported to have been in good condition upon transfer.
"We located a vessel matching the description of the overdue vessel in a small cove, at anchor," said Lt. Michael Klakring, the co-pilot on the case."Upon circling back to take another look, a flashing light was seen through night vision goggles. One hunter had attempted to hike across the island unsuccessfully overnight. Both were located by flashing their lighters when the helicopter flew over. Thankfully, the Sector Juneau search plan covered this area and they had lighters. The importance of a float plan, signaling device, and personal locator beacon or GPS device cannot be overstated in the Alaskan environment, no matter how close or familiar an outing might be."
At approximately 2:08 a.m., Coast Guard Sector Juneau watchstanders received a report from Alaska State Troopers of a 17-foot skiff with two people aboard that were overdue from a hunting trip. The hunters reportedly departed at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday with plans to proceed to Salt Lake Bay for a hunting trip, with the expectation of returning to Klawock by 4:00 p.m. The hunting location was roughly 20 miles northwest of Klawock. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019
Southeast Alaska: Wolf harvest season announced for GMU 2, new process explained – Biologists with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), announce that the state and federal hunting and trapping seasons for wolf in Game Management Unit (GMU) 2 (Prince of Wales Island) will close by emergency order at 11:59 pm on Jan. 15, 2020. The goal of the new GMU 2 wolf harvest management strategy is to maintain the fall wolf population within the range of 150-200 wolves.
Management of wolf harvest on Prince of Wales and associated islands, collectively known as GMU 2, was based on a harvest quota and in-season harvest monitoring prior to 2019. When harvest approached the quota, ADF&G and the USFS would close the season by emergency order. This strategy resulted in unpredictable and often short trapping seasons. Trappers noted this strategy limited their flexibility to plan, and at times, has forced them to go out in unfavorable weather conditions to close their traplines in compliance with emergency orders.
ADF&G worked with the USFS, Fish and Game Advisory Committees, the Alaska Board of Game, the Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Council, and trappers to develop a new strategy that would provide the flexibility and responsibility the trappers desired while sustainably managing harvest of this high-profile, wolf population.
The new strategy manages harvest of GMU 2 wolves by adjusting trapping season length based on ADF&G’s most recent wolf population estimate and its relation to the established population objective. At their January 2019 meeting in Petersburg, the Alaska Board of Game altered harvest regulations to implement this strategy by establishing a GMU 2 wolf population objective of 150-200 wolves, endorsing ADF&G’s harvest management plan, and aligning the opening dates for the state and federal trapping seasons to November 15, 2019.
In August of this year, the Federal Subsistence Board (FSB) approved a temporary special action request by the Southeast Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council to remove regulatory language referencing “a combined Federal-State harvest quota” for wolves in Unit 2 for the 2019-2020 regulatory year. The board also changed the wolf sealing period, the ADF&G monitoring process of placing a tag or seal on harvested animals, in Unit 2 to within 30 days of the end of the season. These FSB actions will promote coordinated management of wolves between ADF&G, and hunters and trappers using the new harvest strategy. - More....
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019
Alaska: The Pebble Mine Project Hearing: Process and Potential Impacts Published & Edited By MARY KAUFFMAN - Six witnesses opposing the Pebble Mine Project and Pebble Partnership CEO Tom Collier appeared before the US Congressional Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure's Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment to discuss recent advances by the Pebble Project through the federal Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS") permitting process. The hearing was held October 23, 2019.
Collier said the Democrat-controlled committee invited six Pebble critics to appear as witnesses at the hearing, including paid activists and consultants, as well as himself. The CEO of Northern Dynasty's 100%-owned US subsidiary said it is clear that sworn opponents of the project are alarmed at the steady progress Pebble continues to make toward a Final EIS and Record of Decision from the US Army Corps of Engineers.
"With the publication of an overwhelmingly positive Draft EIS in February, the formal withdrawal of the Obama Administration's unprecedented 404(c) Proposed Determination in July, and our inexorable progress toward a Final EIS and ROD in the first half of 2020, people are starting to understand that Pebble is a project of merit," Collier said. "We've known for some time that our project will meet and surpass the rigorous environmental standards enforced in the United States and Alaska, and believe that it will secure its operating permits. Our critics are starting to understand that as well," he said.
According to Collier, members of the subcommittee split along partisan lines, with Republicans objecting to Congress interfering with the administration of regulatory due process for the Pebble Project.
"We are wading into a project and an issue that is currently in the middle of a comprehensive review under the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA")," said Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-ARK), Ranking Member of the subcommittee.
Westerman said, "I…believe in proper regulatory due process through a fair and objective federal environmental permitting process. I believe in giving an applicant the opportunity to have the Corps of Engineers and the State of Alaska, along with a suite of other federal agencies, review this project objectively on the merits of this permit application."
Given the pendency of the Corps' EIS permitting process for Pebble, Westerman argued the subcommittee's time is better spent on other issues, rather than "a partisan priority currently under review at the federal agency level."
In testimony, Alannah Hurley, Executive Director, United Tribes of Bristol Bay concluded, "One thing is clear, the proposed Pebble mine will have significant and permanent adverse impacts on the extraordinary natural resources of Bristol Bay and our traditional ways of life that are so closely tied to those resources. With so much at stake, the people of Bristol Bay, and all Alaskans, deserve a fair, thorough, and transparent review of the proposed Pebble mine. In contrast, the Corps’ opaque process is moving toward a permit decision at an unprecedented pace, ignoring substantial criticism and concern from Bristol Bay Tribes, other federal agencies, and the public. Under the Corps’ current timeline, it is planning to issue a final EIS in early 2020 and make a permit decision in mid-2020.39 The Corps has made clear that it will not listen to our voices, so we ask this Committee to act now and help us protect Bristol Bay." - More...
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019
Southeast Alaska: Autism Service Dog Delivered to Family in Valdez - Nathan, a 9-year-old boy from Valdez, Alaska, received a very special delivery Saturday of his very own Service Dog from SDWR. Eathan's service dog, Gwen, will be able to accompany him everywhere thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Eathan's parents are looking forward to having additional help with their son’s anxiety, behavioral issues, and sleep. With his Autism Service Dog, Gwen, by his side, Eathan's family is hopeful that having Gwen will help him lessen his anxiety and outbursts as well as assist him with his daily struggles of autism.
SDWR will continue to work with Eathan, his parents and Gwen in their home environment, to train for specific needs he may have. What makes SDWR so unique from other nonprofit service dog organizations is this highly customized and tailored training program. SDWR trainers will continue to return for training sessions with Eathan, his family, and Gwen every 3-4 months during the next 18 months to make a successful team and gain public access certification.
As an honored graduate of the SDWR Fallen Officer Puppy Program (FOPP), the service dog is named after fallen hero Patrolman Gwendolyn Ann Downs of the Louisville Police Department, Louisville, KY. FOPP is an initiative by SDWR to pay respect to the legacy of service by fallen American police who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty. Autism Service Dog Gwen's work with Eathan will carry on in memoriam of Patrolman Gwendolyn Down's life of service before self. - More....
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019

Dozens of Dinosaur Footprints Reveal Ancient Ecosystem of Alaskan Peninsula
Hadrosaur double prints ©Fiorillo et al, 2019
CC-BY: Redistribution permitted with credit |
Alaska: Alaska: Dozens of Dinosaur Footprints Reveal Ancient Ecosystem of Alaskan Peninsula - Dinosaur fossils are well-known from Alaska, most famously from areas like Denali National Park and the North Slope, but there are very few records of dinosaurs from the Alaskan Peninsula in the southwest part of the state. In this newly released study, Arctic dinosaur expert Anthony R. Fiorillo, Ph.D. and colleagues document abundant dinosaur trackways from Aniakchak National Monument, around 450 miles southwest of Anchorage.
Fiorillo has done extensive research in Alaska during the past two decades, he will never forget his first visit to Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, one of the least-visited places in the National Park System (NPS). Located in the region around the Aniakchak volcano on the Aleutian Range, this 601,294-acre monument is one of the least-visited places in the National Park System due to its remote location and difficult weather.
Now, 18 years later, research conducted by the veteran paleontologist has been published in one of the world’s most prestigious science journals, PLOS ONE. The paper documents Fiorillo’s findings of a diverse assemblage of fossils – including birds, plants and many dinosaurs – representing life some 70 million years ago in Aniakchak.
Fiorillo’s studies show that southern Alaska was home to a variety of creatures, and among those were herds of hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinosaurs) that cared for their young. The hadrosaurs – that he fondly dubs as “the caribou of the Cretaceous” – were found often in the ancient environments believed to be humid and coastal.
“Our study shows that despite how remote Aniakchak National Monument is today for visitors, it was home to an abundance of dinosaurs – a virtual paleontological candy store for dinosaur studies,” said Fiorillo. “Also, we found many fossil tracks along the ancient bay and river deposits preserved in these rocks, demonstrating that even dinosaurs enjoyed a day at the beach.”
One of the co-authors on this new study, Dr. Yoshitsugu Kobayashi (Hokkaido University Museum, Sapporo, Japan) adds, “This study provides us a better understanding of the high-latitude dinosaur ecosystems of Alaska. Such an understanding will help us address important questions such as did dinosaurs survive the winters there and, if so, how did they survive? Similarly, how did the dinosaurs migrate between North America and Asia during the Cretaceous?”
Fiorillo’s journey began in 2001 when he partnered with the National Park Service, Alaska Region, in search of dinosaur remains on the Alaska Peninsula. The locale was remote and difficult to reach, requiring the service of a float plane and a whitewater raft to circumvent the Aniakchak River.
After days of unfruitful exploration, a sense of melancholy took over as they neared the end of the river. Time was nearing to break down the rafts and head back to King Salmon. - More....
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019
Alaska: International climate report holds special value for Alaska By FRITZ FREUDENBERGER - Authors of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, delivered a stunning alarm bell for our planet’s oceans and frozen landscapes, one that may ring uncomfortably loud in Alaskans’ ears. Hundreds of government delegates from 195 member countries approved the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate in September 2019.
The report details the most up-to-date understanding of climate change, how critical the oceans and frozen parts of the Earth are to our well-being, the rapid changes they are undergoing and what we can do to help build a sustainable future. It includes a plain-language summary for policymakers.
Regine Hock, a professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, is a coordinating lead author for a chapter on high-mountain areas. Gary Kofinas, from the UAF Institute of Arctic Biology, was an author on a chapter on polar regions.
“The results of this report are very relevant for Alaska,” Hock said. “It essentially affects every single person in Alaska, one way or another.”
The Earth has, on average, warmed more than 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since pre-industrial times, largely due to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The report shows overwhelming evidence that the consequences are profound.
The ocean, a critical regulator of Earth’s temperature, has absorbed a large percentage of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and more than 90 percent of the excess heat in the climate system. These adjustments help regulate global temperatures, but the ocean can’t keep up.
Oceans are now warmer, more acidic and less productive. As temperatures rise, melting glaciers and ice sheets cause sea-level rise. Extreme coastal events are becoming more frequent.
The report includes extensive work from social scientists who focused on how changes to these systems will affect humans. Oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth’s surface and contain about 97 percent of the Earth’s water. Ten percent of Earth’s land area is covered by glaciers or ice sheets. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019 |
TOM PURCELL: Halloween Costumes: Free Expression VS. Offense - Everything is offensive now — even Halloween.
In Sandy Springs, Ga., a fellow’s humorous display featured a pumpkin man mooning the street.
“His pants are halfway down, showing his backside which is made up of pumpkins,” reports CBS12.com.
Neighbors complained to their homeowner’s association that the display was offensive, so the fellow altered it.
Which is regrettable.
Halloween is — or used to be, anyhow — a time for stressed-out adults to blow off a little steam and have a little fun.
Long a staple of childhood, Halloween in the past few decades increasingly has been celebrated by adults — for good reason.
Eleven years ago, when Halloween’s popularity among adults was rapidly growing, Robert Thompson, Newhouse Director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University, explained why. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019
DANNY TYREE: Do You Have A Favorite Halloween Ghost Story? - I’m not proud of it, but I haven’t visited the now-disheveled cemetery on the hillside behind my late father’s childhood home in more than 40 years.
Willie Nelson was right when he mused, “Ain’t it funny how time slips away?”
When it comes to missed opportunities, I guess I’m a victim of my innate politeness. (“Hello, Mr. Nap. Stay a while. I promise to make you feel welcome.”)
As a lad, I was a budding history buff, but that country cemetery creeped me out. I didn’t realize the stone cairns atop the ground were an old Scots-Irish tradition. I always feared I was one clumsy stumble away from seeing EXPOSED SKELETONS. Times (and hormones) change. A few years later, I convinced myself that I was one clumsy stumble away from seeing exposed – well, never mind. This is a family newspaper.
But it’s hard to experience the annual pageantry of haunted houses, grinning jack-o’-lanterns and squealing trick-or-treaters without thinking of the eerie adventure my father experienced at that burial place as a boy. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 30, 2019

Political Cartoon: Trump Bags Baghdadi
By Gary McCoy ©2019, Shiloh, IL
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc. |
Domestic Violence Awareness Month: A Call to Action By Col. Barry Wilson - We are near the end of October, and as each day passes, I see the snow progressing down the mountains. As I watch the leaves change from green to vibrant yellow, I also know that October represents something other than the changing of the seasons. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Alaska has many secrets and scars and many wounded women, men, and children. Alaskans are being deprived of beauty in their lives and are being harmed. Our children are growing up in homes where violence is a daily occurrence.
Alaska’s rates of domestic violence and sexual assault are unacceptable. As a 30-year veteran of the Alaska State Troopers, I bore witness to countless acts of domestic violence and sexual assault and have seen the long-lasting impacts of the physical and psychological trauma inflicted on victims.
Recently, the Alaska Department of Public Safety updated policies relating to domestic violence regarding our response and investigation. Significant advancements in training have occurred over the past five years to improve how domestic violence cases are investigated and how children exposed to violence are interviewed. DPS will partner with a school district in a pilot project called Handle with Care – an effort to support the continued academic success of children who have experienced or witnessed violence.
As a law enforcement officer, it is easy for me to focus on solutions that are solely within the criminal justice system. Law enforcement’s role in domestic violence cases is to respond, investigate, and arrest to stop the immediate and ongoing acts of violence. However, as a husband, father, and grandfather, I know that many of the solutions to this crisis lie outside of the criminal justice system. I know that I must be a role model in and out of uniform - especially to children and young men. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 23, 2019
RESPECT ALASKA TRIBES' RIGHTS ON THE TONGASS QUESTION By Richard Chalyee Éesh Peterson - The Central Council Tlingit and Haida Constitution declares as our peoples’ inherent right that our tribal government, “Protect, preserve and enhance Tlingit ‘Haa Aani’ and Haida ‘Íitl' tlagáay’, our way of life, its ecosystems and resources, including the right to clean water and access to native foods and traditional practices through our inherent rights to traditional and customary hunting, fishing and gathering.”
Tlingit & Haida works constructively with all elected officials of any political party without partisanship. We aim to be collaborative partners, working together in the best interest of Alaska- our homelands. Yet today we are challenged by our disagreement with Alaska elected officials that support the proposed full exemption of the Tongass National Forest from the Roadless Rule. Any elected official in Alaska who supports a full exemption, is disregarding their constituents, undermining the public process, and ignoring the sovereign Tribal governments – who’s people have lived and depended on these lands and waters since time immemorial. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 16, 2019
AMHS: WHY SUCH A BIG COST HIKE? By Norma Lankerd - I’m writing because I have a friend and her husband pay for a same day ticket from Ketchikan To Annette Bay, a 45 min. ride on the Lituya which supposedly made specifically to run between Annette Bay and Ketchikan. (Her cost went up from $206.00 to 286.00) because the ticket was bought the same day. Then my friend looked online and a ticket one way from Ketchikan To Wrangell is $102.00 and 102.00 back.
SO WHY SUCH A BIG COST HIKE (traveling from Ketchikan To ANB)?
My only beef with AMHS is that the ferry was supposed to run about 6 times a day and 7 days a week just so the people from Metlakatla could have people go to Ktn. To work and go back to Metlakatla on the last ferry. But the ferry only runs Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon. (making a run in the morning leaving Met. At 900a.m., and leave Ktn., at 10:45a.m arriving at Annette Bay at 11:30. Then heading back to Ketchikan, at 245a.m. arriving in Ketchikan at 3:30p.m.
Our little ferry Lituya was where the driver went free (then) that dropped and our price went to 1/2 price for the driver, then that was dropped and now charged full price for car and driver. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 16, 2019
Ketchikan's Cruise Ship Project By Janalee Gage - For full disclosure, I’m serving my second term on the Ketchikan City Council. These are my views and information I’ve gathered working on the cruise ship project, speaking only for myself as a resident, and not for the council.
The question I’ve heard a lot lately is, why solicit a port expansion Request for Proposals when most residents don't want more tourists? This RFP wouldn’t be looking at expansion; it’s about reconfigurating the port to accommodate ships already visiting Ketchikan.
The question should be: Why haven’t we investigated every opportunity that benefits our community with an RFP? - More....
Saturday PM - October 12, 2019
Domestic Violence Will Never Be Tolerated By Amanda Price - He is the monster under my bed, saboteur of my dreams. His résumé includes schoolteacher, felon and, more recently, retired country “gentleman.” He is a specter of my past, a stalker who lurks within waiting to spring into view and set my heart pounding. He is the Devil at my doorstep, progenitor of my greatest fears. Most poignantly, though, his blood is my own. He is my father.
Only last week I was startled awake after 3 a.m. by a house-rattling “bang!” It was him. He was in the hallway outside my closed bedroom door, beating my mother. My mother screamed and, smothered by darkness and too terrified to move I cowered beneath my blankets, trembling as I had so many times more than 45 years before. - More...
Saturday PM - October 12, 2019
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